Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Six-15: Scattered in the Sand

Thin, with Subaru fingers on his white neck.

Tightened to the full force, making a critical noise and feeling his cervical bones clasp in his palms, Subaru had the impression that he was out of place - thin, a girl's neck.

"... ahhh"

Being horseback ridden, groans leak from the lips of a ram that can be strangled with full force.

A righteous face distorted into agony, and a covetousness was seen coming from the edge of his peachy lips. In his mouth, a red tongue dances with tyrosis in search of freedom, and he resists desperately with his hands and feet slammed.


If you are resisted by a serious ram, you can't really beat it in Subaru.

In "Sanctuary," she unilaterally beats down Garfiel for just a few hours, and even if she doesn't, she's supposed to be convincing if she's to the extent of a protective technique. Naturally, you should have tactics on every street, such as what to do if a man takes you up like this.

It's just that any of that, at least if any of your hands and feet are free.

"- Invisible Providence"

"... eh"

Svalbard is releasing the black emotions in his chest as he tightens his neck critically.

The invisible dark starch gained an entity and was now contributing to holding Ram's hands and feet firmly in place. The limbs are held down, and the ram cannot be lifted effectively either. If you keep putting your strength into the arm that strangles you like this, you won't be distant and your breath will break.

If you hold your breath that way, Ram should also regret his ramblings earlier.

I can make my life pay for Subaru's insensitivity to break Subaru's heart with that misguided rambling of self-serving, baseless paranoia that Subaru despises about Rem, that he doesn't care, etc.

"You're the one, sorry. You, you, you!

I hate rum. I hate rum. I hate rum.

Trivial things pile up and overflow through big cuts.

Hate was put into his fingertips strangling him, and his nails ate into his white skin and blood dripped.


Taste the sensation of hot blood at the tip of your nails, and Ram turns his hateful eyes to Subaru, who roughs his breath.

What is the robustness of the thin red eyes that stare at the subaru in front of you while the lights of life are on the verge of running out? It's like saying you can't just die from taking your life, that's what I'm looking at.

I'll strangle you and kill you, and then I'll choke your eyes out. That's what I decided.

"I'll tear you apart, bitch.... when you think you were looking at me with the same face as Rem, you throw up."


"Oh? Oh, my God, I can't hear you. If you have something to say, it's clear..."

"... et al."

The end of Subaru's words, the ram shrugged about something as small as it was worn there.

It's the moment I narrow my eyes to the sound of that sound.

Under the eyes of Subaru, who pushes down the ram, the earth of sand bursts and the bodies of the two are blown away.



Sanded by a sudden blast, Subaru, tainted by his eyes and mouth, flipped backwards to the taste of pain and sand. The same is true of Ram, who was caught in the explosion, and her little body is more powerful than Subaru and rolls.

He suffered a laceration in the explosion that occurred and a little spilled blood of lamb dripped over the sand.

But Ram escaped Subaru's confinement. That's the truth.

"Ram! I'm sorry, magically...!

"Plundered...... time to breathe. As long as it's there... chanting can be done..."

I poked my knee and woke up my body, and my breath was constant, and Ram said that to Subaru.

Strangled, Ram barely chanted 'Hula', the magic of the wind. I can't take my aim off, I can't put it on exactly, and the point of occurrence is directly beneath me.

As a result, I caught Subaru in a blast for each of me and escaped the difficulties -.

"Chi -!"


Faster than I can think of that fact, Subaru turns his hand behind his back and takes the whip. At the same time, Ram pulled a small wand out of his own pocket and made him feel wary in preparation for the battle.

With the power of a single blow, the Wizard's Ram has minutes, but with the speed of the attack, Subaru hasn't lost either. The quickness of the whip also applies to the powerful at the outward level of this world. All you have to do is slap him in the face with a whip and make him look like he can't see a second.

"Cry and apologize, but it's too late!

"That's our dialogue. It's not worth letting Lem see a thin loving colored demon like Balth. Cut them into rings, and wither on the sand."

"Say it!

Subaru's readiness to respond to the ram, which quietly burns up the intent to kill, has hardened.

Relying on the lights of Cantera falling between each other, the two continue to stare at each other as they try to make a mockery and make an intermission.

As it were, in just a few seconds, the lid of the kill would be cut off - just before that.

"- Yes, that's it!


A loud clapping sound of hands and Subaru and Ram's face bouncing on dry applause. And Anastasia, the disturber who had done it, was looking down at the two from above the dragon.

Just one, sitting unchanged on Patrash's back, she replaces two people who were now just about to make a serious killing,

"That's it, ya. You can hang out with each other with that scary face. Whatever it takes, it's got limits."

"Limits? Oh, there are limits. Though it would be this guy who stepped over that limit and said what he shouldn't have said! So I'll make you pay for it!

"I don't like it. Wow, it makes sense. What about Mr. Lamb?

Anastasia has a frightened face when she sticks her finger in the ram and spits Subaru. As it was, she pointed the water of the story at the ram, but the response of the peach-haired girl was not significantly different from that of Subaru either.

She turned the tip of her cane toward Subaru without alarm and remained in a combat position.

"It's a stupid question. Balth's attitude is overwhelming... please, it's the limit of patience. If it's all about you, don't let it just be one person's darkness the way you want it to be"

"You can't even tell me what's wrong with you. Screw you."

"This way, too, huh? Oh, my God, already. Too much loads for us to win..."

There is no sign that Subaru's indignation will disappear, either, in Ram's attitude, which does not loosen his hatred.

Anastasia shrugs her shoulders with tricks such as her hands on two people who exchange stabbing intentions to kill. With that sidelined, Subaru began to get annoyed with Anastasia as well.

In the first place, why does Anastasia look like an outsider only to herself?

Where do you think it happened and who made the first cut to take you to the Augurian dunes and go for the Sage's watchtower? You are undoubtedly the party, one of the strongest motives for the surveillance tower, and what are you going to leave everything to others?

I'm still alone at the end of the sentence, riding down on Subaru's Patrash -,

"Hey, you. What, he's preaching with his eyes from above. Get off."

"... Aha, did you?

"Before you slap your great mouth, first put yourself in the same sight. I'll listen to you then. If you can't do that, you don't sound great to me!

I wave down the whip in my hand, and the sound of the wind cutting and the sand taking a blow rises.

If it hits, the skin will explode, creating an unbroken wound. Whether the contents of Anastasia are collar donna, it is not serious enough to harm the host's flesh.

In fact, following Subaru's point, Anastasia slowly descends from the top of Patrash. Stunning landing on the sand, she said, "So?," he tilted his neck.

"This is how we got down... what do you want to do with Natsuki-kun?

"You've made up your mind. I'll let that fool retract what he just said. If you're not willing to withdraw, there's only one thing left to do."

If Ram is serious about apologizing sincerely and withdrawing all of his previous statements and replacing his mind, Svalbard doesn't have to think about the extenuating circumstance.

But Ram's reaction to hearing it is easy to understand.

"Well, Natsuki-kun says, what do you think of Mr. Lamb?

"While I'm at it, I don't see anything to withdraw. It's too perfect to talk about. I'm going to have a hard time understanding what the hell you're talking about."

That's what Ram said out of a snort, heartfelt, behaving like a little fool.

That's her answer. Therefore, the opportunity to forgive is now forever lost.

"You heard me. Stay back. I'll leave you with only one face in this world, just like Rem."


"Oh, oi? Can't you say anything?

"This is solitary, but talking to an idiot is contagious. So I won't talk."

A blue muscle floats on his forehead, and Subaru's indulgence bag finally reaches its limit.

As it were, Subaru thrust straight into the ram and moved to tear it apart. Both hands spread across the front of that Subaru and Anastasia popped out.

"Well, well, well! Look, calm down! It's too early to conclude."

"Out of my way! Shall I smash you to death first!?

"I'll take care of this place. Huh? Look, Mr. Lamb, hey..."

Stop Subaru trying to step out and Anastasia forcefully heads toward the ram. The silent ram stared at Subaru and had no choice but to go beside Anastasia.

I just don't really think she'll turn her opinion around with that. In fact, Ram didn't mean to do that either, and he just walked over to Anastasia to fulfill his brother-in-law.

"Oh, no, Mr. Lamb. Sure, the air is bad, and I know how it feels to stand..."

"I don't care about that story now. More than that, that fool..."

"- Right. I don't care. Yeah, already."

Irritably, Ram also tries to break the conversation with Anastasia. The first time that face came off Subaru, I saw Anastasia directly from the front.

The hang-up is a shock. Ram's body, the impact pierced in its left chest - it was due to a thick knife of height held in Anastasia's hand.

"Ah, ku...?

"Which is more useful, judging the results of comparisons or. Did you give him a break?

Twist, it's a vibrant M.O. with a knife pulled out of the wound.

Ram looks down at the fatal wound he was born on his left chest and spills blood from the edge of his mouth. Then he looked up at Anastasia, saw a girl smiling with her hands gently raised, and fell.

The ram collapses powerlessly on the sand, and the blood spilling out into the dry sand is sucked in.


Subaru had seen it without the art of exchange.

The hands of the whip tremble and the back teeth crunch in anger.

"You, why...!

"If Natsuki-kun did it right, Mr. Lamb's vigilance would have broken and killed each other." So I don't want them to get hurt or both die. One of us can't get out of a place like this, can we?

To the Subaru of angry shapes, Anastasia tilts her neck with a not-so-malicious face.

The word is true, but what can you do about this passion of Subaru that is crushed by the truth? The impulse that was supposed to hit the ram remains spared, and the anger has not been able to dissipate.

"Or are you willing to relieve that frustration... in our house?


"How ridiculous would it be to be trapped in such an immediate rage and lose sight of purpose? It's not enough this time to cut back on your people because it's boring."

Anastasia's words cool her passion so that she can slowly bathe in the water.

Sure, she's right, it seems silly to come this far and diminish your thinking head. And Anastasia-Collar Donna is in a position to lead us to the Preades Tower of Surveillance. It's already a suspicious step if that knowledge helps, but it's a shame to throw it away.

I'm not like a lamb that just says annoying things and doesn't do anything to make it profitable. If you lose it, you lose it, you lose it.

"... okay, now I'm gonna get you in your mouthpiece"

"Yeah, so yeah. No, good. Wow. Horrible."

Caressing her chest deliberately, Anastasia grins full face. Then he stepped on the sand in jeopardy, and came to Subaru, and offered his hand.

Shake hands, are you going to?

"Make up and shake hands."


Looking down at the hand offered with his innocent face, Subaru often contemplated.

The heart of Anastasia - the status quo will mean the heart of collar Donna, but I really don't know what I'm up to. I'm not comfortable with Subaru or optimistic enough to think that the words you utter, all of them, are true.

In the first place, Anastasia murdered Ram with the knife she had in her possession, with the same smile as now. Yes, with the knife I had hidden.

The thick knife in her hand is a likely substitute for turning it down to the bone depending on how it is handled.

It was put together with cantellas in an emergency carry-out bag, and it is highly practical for just one dish assuming survival. But Anastasia hid it all the time and used it to defend herself on the occasion that it was here. - No, it may not even be self-defense.



"Can't you take my hand?

The right hand offered is empty, but the knife remains gripped on the left hand. The distance at which a handshake can be made is also the range at which the knife reaches.

If you hold hands, at least one hand will be sealed. Knife or whip at this distance, I don't even have to think about which is in my favor. Take a hand, isn't that a trap in itself?

- Shouldn't you kill him before he kills you?


"No, it's nothing."

Subaru laughs thinly, then reaches out to Anastasia's right hand.

The moment you grip each other and you're completely caught off guard is what you're after.

- Invisible Providence.

The "Invisible Hand" once again activates quietly and the black demon hands slowly set their aim on Anastasia's thin neck.

I don't offend a lapse like I did when I was a lamb. Next time, relentlessly, let the black palms crush your throat.

I'll show you something in the eye to a woman bracketing high that she's secured an advantage with a knife.

I don't see this applause even if I want to show it...


And Subaru slowly held her offering hand with her black demon fingertips on Anastasia's neck. The feel of thin fingers, Anastasia's grin deepens.

At the same time, there was a gloomy grin in Subaru's mouth.


Right here, I'm sure.

Anastasia says something and activates the power of the demon hand before shaking up the knife. A thin neck is entangled in a black fingertip, and in an instant its cervical bone is snapped -.

- Shortly before that, the blade of the wind released double-crossed Anastasia's torso from behind.

The wind blew, that was right after the illusion.

A red splash erupted in front of me and I said, "Huh?" leaks a dumb voice, and Anastasian flesh is amputated up and down in the middle.

Large amounts of blood are smashed over the white sand, hot guts and fecal hot air mix in the cold air, and a different odor can get into the cavity.

Peachy small intestines, colons, and a number of still slightly active inner organs rolled over the sand, yet there it was transformed into an exposition of the gut, utilizing the material of one girl.


Seeing the sight, Subaru drops his eyes at his disposal.

There is Anastasian flesh hanging just in the upper body with Subaru and his right hand firmly held together. She opened both her eyes and glanced up at Subaru with a glimpse.

Behind it had already fallen his lower body, which had been turned down by his hips, his puppet-like legs cramped with fright, and his incontinence drooling with muscle relaxation.

"Oh, oh -!?"

Subaru's throat screams like a spectacular anastasia.

I try to shake an arm that gets grabbed, but the grip of a hand that gets grabbed is unusual. I can't even solve it, Subaru just wields an anastasia that weighs half as much. The bleeding becomes more and more intense in its abusive movements, and the intestines that still connect the upper and lower body are shaken, and body fluids are scattered around and there is a strange odor.

"Ha, let go! Let go!"

"No! We, we are not dead......!

"He's already dead! There's no way it's gonna help!?

There is a raw cry clearer than you can imagine, and Subaru says it back with a scream.

The upper and lower parts of the body were divided, and this was all the blood and guts overflowing. It is wrong not to die instantly. It's also wrong to keep your hand on it. Everything, it's crazy.

Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go.

"No, no! Put it down, put it down..."

"Let's just say now...... Grr!?

Anastasia, just her upper body, clung to her arm and a severe pain ran on Subaru's shoulder trying to throw her away. If you look, Anastasia is trying to stick a knife that remains grabbed in her left hand, sticking it up to Subaru's body and not letting him get away with it.

The sharp blade gently breaks through Subaru's left shoulder and cracks into the clavicle beneath it, causing burning pain and bleeding to cause Subaru to scream.

"Huh -!? This, stupid, shit, you're gonna die!!

"Yes, hey......"

Grabbing Anastasia's face abusively, Subaru pulls off her body forcefully. Subaru finally turned away the girl screaming something in tears and threw it away.

Originally, the small Anastasian body was halved and there was also massive bleeding and it was light as if empty. Play on the sand and roll straight into the blood buildup you made.

"Ha, ha, ha...!

Without even looking at it, Subaru puts his hand on the stabbed right shoulder wound. Vision blinks in the pain, accelerating as the heart is about to explode into the amount of bleeding, but not a life-threatening wound.

Subaru reaches a thought that is too late while being attacked by tension that is likely to throw up as it is.

The first blow that killed Anastasia...

"- Balus."


Butt cake on the spot, shadowing loosely in front of Subaru, who was gasping for pain.

A cantera buried in sand, floating in its slightest light, is a skinny girl dyed that half of her body with blood - lamb.

She was choked in the chest with an anastasian knife and thought to be dead, she still had breath. And with that obsession, he magically murdered Anastasia.

"... this, you idiot. If you're going to die, die alone."

Looking up at the fluttering ram, Subaru abominably says so.

The appearance of a standing up ram is not about being full of creativity. Anastasia's blow must have been fatal. The bleeding of the chest wound has not stopped and the blood is still dripping extensively from the hem of the skirt. Not far away, it will result in blood loss and death.

But before we do, we can take Subaru on the road.

"Damn, damn..."

Subaru looks around and looks for the whip that is his gain. But where I found it, the right arm handling the whip is injured from the shoulder. I can't handle it the same way with my left hand.

Then this is the only way.

"Invisible Providen......!?

Trump card I've already relied on many times in this short time.

Again, at the moment when he couldn't release the power of his invisible black palms, Subaru's brain developed a burning pain, bursting with pain being worn through his skull with a cone.

"but!? Oh!? Oh!?

The intermittent intense pain spills diarrhea from the edge of Subaru's mouth.

Consciousness is torn apart by the price of attempting to use trump cards beyond their limits or by the feast of hell that originally rolled up in the skull with the cranial nerves. There is no comparison, such as pain in the right shoulder.

Scrape off your skull and brain, and a sense of loss that will stifle your soul seals Subaru's consciousness.

Instead of the awkward whip resistance, the on-the-spot hitting subaru is a prey to outfits.

The dying lamb just moves its flesh on fuel only that hatred and slowly shakes up its bloody wand toward Subaru.


"Ahhh! Ha! Ooh, ooh!?

Subaru rolling in Anastasian blood buildup with his head in his arms.

Looking down at that Subaru, Lamb's lips follow and move, and the chant begins.

And it's...



The chant is complete and the resulting blade of wind chops Subaru.

Shortly before that happened, a cold sand cavity sounded like something stiff being chewed up.

The deafening sound is continuous, mixed with the sound of water and meat being chewed.


Die, be chopped up, I was sure of that.

But 'death', which is supposed to come, never comes. Eventually, the headache and sense of loss gradually fade from Subaru's head, which was absurd in his breath and kept rolling.

"Ah, ha, ah?

Covering his face with his left hand, he violently rocked his sweaty head. I still have blunt pain, but the pain like a sharp blade was far away. Breathe again and again and wake your body up with the power of the Spirit.

Subaru wipes his wet cheeks as he spends time fooling around just waking up his torso.

My palms stain bright red, and I realize that the cause is my own eyes - apparently, I shed blood tears.

There is also a terrible drop of blood from the nose and the lower half of the face is probably terrible. Directly to the brain, the pain of piercing a cone must be at the price of an 'invisible hand'.

It's a common story. Feedback using special powers, that came.


Brutally wiping his face with his sleeves, Subaru looks around.

The hell, I don't know how much time I've been in pain and boredom. I just don't even think I had the time to be that way.

Something happened, and I...



A pitch-black earth dragon was leaning beside Subaru, who was sitting flashly.

The ground dragon crouching into the sand notices Subaru's call, shakes its long tail and shows his survival.

"Are you all right? Uh..."

As soon as possible, last minute events come back to life.

The sight of Anastasia being amputated and the ram that remitted it looking down at Subaru.

Yes, Subaru was in Ram's hands as it was, and it should have been torn apart.

"Yet why... what about the ram?

I fell as hard as I could, did I?

Too convenient a development, but he was mortally wounded with a ram. It's not strange that it is.

"Luck or bad..."

I don't want to say I'm luckier than I'm dying. but I still can't even say I'm unlucky considering that if I were bad, I would have died.

Either way, not if you're saying that now. If the disturbers are gone, we must flee the scene immediately and head to the surveillance tower.

"Patrash...... bad, give me a ride"



Calling, touching its back, but the ground dragon does not follow Subaru's instructions.

On the contrary, Patrash, who crouched on the spot, still does not once try to show his face to Subaru. I'm just gently sitting my giant body on the sand, breathing slightly rough by Subaru repeatedly.

"Hey, Patrash. Are you listening to me? Hey."

Gradually, frustration begins to develop.

That's the spiral of negative emotion that I felt against Ram and Anastasia, close to it and descending at an unusually unlikely rate.

I want to tell the dragon who doesn't answer the call where he stands.

"Hey, Patrash, you, over here! Hey!"


"Son of a bitch, listen to me from the start..."

Patrash brought his neck to Subaru, who slapped his back abusively and roughed his voice. I snort roughly at the trick, poking my face and trying to hit the words, I realize.

Patrash's mouth, looking back, is dyed red off the regular track.


The red is a color that I'm no longer used to seeing in this short time.

It adheres all over Subaru's body, and it still flows from his right shoulder. The strange smell that drifts around you is intense in fecal urine and its color, and you can't possibly see it wrong.

But I didn't want to, and I shouldn't have.


Patrash's mouth pointing this way, 'Peachy Hair' is innumerably tangled in its fangs.


On the other side of the crouched Patrash's gigantic body, a lost ram had fallen.

Her body falling, but I can't tell if she's lying down or lying on her back. It's easy to understand if you look at your head, but that's why you don't know.

The top is chewed up from the neck, and we're losing the original shape, so we can't judge.

The cranium is crushed by vicious fangs, spilled brains and the ram is dead. She punched her intestines and died. As with Anastasia, she punched the contents of her head.

And Patrash, who exchanged it, is now staring at Subaru.

The yellow eyes, similar to those of the reptiles, are terribly sharp and madly stained.

- Stop.

Kuwa, that jaw opens right in front of you is the last sight.

Until just before his consciousness was interrupted as it was, Natsuki Subaru had heard the sound of his body being chewed up. Long after my head was smashed and my ears died.

I almost laughed wondering where I was hearing the sound, but I don't have a laughing mouth, I don't have a life to laugh at, I don't have anything to laugh at.

My partner bit me to death.

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