- A different sword dance was developed on the stage with five layers of blowout.


A man with an eyelid who makes long red hair leap and lets his elusive flesh freely manipulate endlessly vertically and seamlessly creates and unfolds an incredible sight using a short, brittle bar slice in his hand.

"- Huh!!

Killing redheads is Centaur, a warcraft united with a human horse who cries like a newborn baby.

Warcraft wields the upper body of a human without a head, the sword of flame held by both of its arms, pounding in extrajudicial firepower that carbides the human body just by plundering it.

But the man, that he might do it, was easily flushed with a wooden stick that had no philosophy whatsoever, and dressed himself to dance in the scorching heat.

There will be no flames burning in the sticks of trees that will accomplish it. Does not ignite. Why?

- Perhaps, it's just, you're waving a stick of wood faster than it burns.

Wooden bars are not burned by fire because they are swinging wooden bars faster than they are burned.

You can receive the Blaze Sword Strike because it shifts the sword flash by giving you the least amount of force you need in a sword wind.

The intention to kill is burning and seems to have fun in the surrounding space because the man is out of his mind.

Reid resumed his' exam ', enjoying the madness of the situation all spring and all in the world.

"Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps! What's up, Omei! Of the amusement, omee! It's not the same situation the other day, we're after it, Omei! Take advantage of your friends and reward me! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Barking furiously, Reid spits in the flames with one bar slit in each hand. Its blue eyes stare at Julius, who is sighted by the sight of the flames in the same way.

Julius dealing with the surrounding warcraft with a knight sword in one hand, his expression has a double urgency and perplexity, and he has not been accepted into the words and deeds of the over-singing Reid.

With that look on his face, Julius screamed.

"What the hell are you thinking!? All this warcraft gushed out of the basement! Now it's a matter of the whole tower, a situation that we should join forces against!

"Ha! A well-behaved swordsman is well-behaved until he thinks. Omei, are you enjoying your life? In my experience, the guy who does what he does is stronger and more fun than the guy who endures what he does, Omei."


"Mostly disgusting. No, there's a burning horse running around. What's the problem? It's not the same as it rained. The rain stinks worse. It's my habit."

From a commonsense point of view, Julius laughs off a commonsense honest argument with a lunatic rambling argument by Reid from a lunatic point of view.

It is proof that Reid's sensibilities are dying around being able to metaphor the hordes of fiery warcraft that strike him with a clear intent to kill into the same dimension as rain grains. It is not possible at all with decent reasoning and means nothing but filling the mind of what you hear with incomprehension and confusion.


In fact, Julius, who heard of it, was disturbed in his thoughts by reason he had never thought of, and consequently delayed in dealing with Centaur's attack by creating a stray sword flash.

"Come on!"

The blazing sword that drew the arc, Julius did not receive it with the sword, but baffled behind. Shortly afterwards, another individual comes to crush his head with a hoof, avoiding it by flying forward with the recoil of the landing intact, stabbing a spike in the torso of the warcraft that waved the flaming sword just before, causing him to raise an ear barrier scream, to the warcraft behind him -,

"- Huh!!

The moment I tried to look back, a blow of hooves captures Julius' left shoulder.

There was a blunt sound, and the pain ran on Julius' neat side. but he used the power of his hooves to turn himself around, amputating the legs of a stretched warcraft with a knight's sword, stroking his leaning torso, and beating his bleeding left shoulder hard with a pattern of his knight's sword.

Vivid, meat and bone sounds. More rough healing than Reid subaru, bone fits.

"Heh! That's it, that. Not bad, man, that side of omee."

As the burning giant body and rough hooves transformed the five layers into a scorching hell, there was a brutal grin that Reid would gain my will at the appearance of Julius, who, as only one person, would resist despair.

The Warcraft without judgment material regard Julius and Reid as equally harmful enemies. but its nasty would be more obvious than seeing fire if it had intelligence.

Bleeding and undermining the constant elegance, Julius' sword sweeps away the onslaught of the Warcraft and steadily shreds enemies with one and the other. Meanwhile, Reid was mowing the life of the Warcraft like a Reaper through physical moves equal to or greater than Julius, without breaking his cool face.

And in between -,

"- Gu."

"But you're away under my feet. Well, from what I can tell, I'm leaving everything behind."

Reid's long leg, whispering his ear in boredom, hits Julius' torso directly when he shows his back. How powerful that kick is, the body of Julius receiving it blows up lightly like a stone-wrapped cloth, causing it to clash against the walls of the tower.

The impact penetrates the entire tower, and the armored roar of the Warcraft welcomes the predicament of prey. Falling down on the floor, a herd of warcraft arrives ahead of us to Julius, who spits blood.


With that onslaught of death, Julius slips his torso on the ground and upside down, jumping up with his long legs swinging and kicking off his hooves. With that momentum, Julius scaffolded the torso of the arriving warcraft and broke through the siege net, pointing his left hand at the warcraft showing clumped gaps.


Nothing happens. Holding his protruding left hand, Julius gives a look of hatred. The Warcraft looked back and tried to approach Julius, who missed the gap -,

- I'm not serious about this period, Omei.

I broke in between that Julius and the Warcraft, and Reid waved a bar cut in a sigh.

Two with both hands, a sword breeze caused by a swayed stick of wood raises a dozen Centaur giants into space, creating a gap in the consciousness of the Warcraft in the sense that the hooves shake the floor in the sky.

"Get out of the way, you barbarians."

There, Reid, who kicks the floor gently and jumps in, carefully, one by one, ensures that the warcraft in the air is torn, wears a heart, snaps the upper body of the human body, kicks and crushes the whole of the warcraft, and is desperate by different means of killing, killing them all.

It's only a couple of seconds before it rises to the universe and becomes a corpse on the ground and scatters.

A warcraft with an incredible degree of danger is killed and wiped out without the art of exchange.

Thus, it was thought that the five layers of Centaur would be swept away, creating a beating respite for the turbulent situation -

"Shit, I don't have a cut. From next to next, from the nest."

Tongue-beating Reid, like affirming his gaze and words, the cries of the baby and the sound of his hooves looming from the stairs leading to the six floors downstairs to the fifth floor again.

As it is, it is only a matter of time before the Warcraft comes up with a momentum that doubles over the pile of bodies. Assuming the outside, vast desert is the residence of the Warcraft, I can't imagine that stock running out.

Is there a similar idea in Reid, while he roughly arms,

"When people come down in the mood to go out and just try to clean up the leftovers, there's just something in the way. Shit, shit, shit. No, it's them. Hey, Oi."

"Wait, you said you were going out? Is that what you say in this situation that you are going to get out of this tower!?

"I'm back to the conclusion. I told you. Can anyone bear to hang out when it rains? He's the only one in the tower who's bored. One of my playmates is a hot mab... and Omei and the others can't play me right now."


Moulding his back teeth, Julius is passionate about Reid's attitude, but hesitates to reveal it.

If we break out here, the negotiations with Reid will be ruined. In that case, the situation will once again enter into two-sided manipulation with Warcraft and Reid. Yes, Julius' reason must have thought about it.

distress I know as I take it, seeing Julius temporarily hesitate like that,

"I don't know, that kind of thing"

Bottom of his heart, Laid's grunt like a disappointment stiffens Julius's cheek.

How much was the heartache born there, Julius' eyes, his expression, the complicated vortex of emotions that passed was like a child hidden in a cloud at the summit of the mountain he aspired to.

The pain that its inner heart has suffered can never be seen by anyone else but him.

- However, the situation immediately afterwards, when the industrial flames spraying from downstairs were about to be unleashed on the barbed Julius, looked good to the 'ordinary man' overlooking the battlefield from directly above.


Natsuki Subaru, who was looking down from the top at the battle of the five layers, realized that he had been so distracted downstairs that he forgot to breathe.


Under his eyes, Reid and Julius, the chaos with the addition of warcraft there, was even in a daunting dimension to contemplate that Subaru, a mediocre mass, would interrupt.

Amazement, awe of the non-standard Reid is only now. Let's discount that emotion.

But Julius, the first person to see the battle, his swordsmanship and his work, were at a level where no fine dust existed, such as the gap that Subaru penetrated.

Assuming he is challenged to fight, he will be dropped limbs between blinks such as Subaru, exposing him to an unmatched defeat. Not serious, but supposing you were present with a wooden sword, I'm sure you'd be given a rare defeat of beating without even being able to break that cool face.

Emilia, Julius, even Ram.

Or Beatrice, Echidna, and Shaura, not to mention, is not everyone in this tower the owner of a power that cannot be overpowered by the power of a tiny Natsuki Subaru?

I watched the inhabitants of the fantasy world sweetly at them, being different worlds.

Young or weak, I have only a proven track record of killing Mary. Even that is the act of 'Natsuki Subaru', which is tantamount to not involving Subaru.

You can't kill something you can't kill.

Natsuki Subaru realized it, without any power to implement the 'Book of the Dead' plan.


The awareness gave rise to a patrol in Natsuki Subaru.

Stunned and lost his expression, Julius is slow to notice the warcraft behind him. Reid is aware of the existence of the Warcraft, but there was no sign of advising him.

If it stays this way, Julius will be burned by the flames of the Warcraft and mortally wounded. - The possibility of plundering the back of your brain earlier, that achievement. In the library, Julius' Book of the Dead is added.

In Subaru's hands, the situation cannot be created.

Only by using accidental, fluid circumstances to drive him to 'death' -.

"- Behind you, Julius!!


Hearing a scream, Julius' body unraveled the stiffness reflexively. Without hesitation, he plunders the skinny side of the universe to the right, and the industryflame emitted from behind burns down five floors with great firepower.

Explosive fires dye the space red because the Warcraft individual who fired that flame is more than once larger than the individual he was dealing with before.

I don't know if there is such a distinction between physical differences, adults and toddlers, which are also as good as adults and children - but Subaru felt it was the difference in that level.

"- Huh!!

Five layers are once again occupied by the herd, with multiple adult centaurs wrapped in flames and loud ringing noises, and larval centaurs around them.

The situation reverts to a clogged scene, where Julius receives the aftermath of an industrial flame, and when he takes off his cape, which is burned by flames from his hem, he becomes a light-hearted figure and turns straight to the Warcraft - not.

His gaze overhead turned to Subaru, where he remained consolidated in a position that informed him of his predicament.



Moments, long and high distances, intersect the gaze of Subaru and Julius.

Far away, clearly in such a position that they could not even see each other's faces, Subaru saw the complex emotions in which those yellow eyes dwelt and leaked a groan in the back of his throat.

Doubt, bewilderment, hesitation, concern, and various negative shades of emotion swirl behind his eyes. It pierces Natsuki Subaru's, unspeakable guilt, and -,

And now, to Subaru, who wants to escape from it, Julius,

"- I asked for Echidna, Master Anastasia!!


Julius directed the knight's sword to Subaru - no, behind Subaru, perhaps to show the whole four layers, and shouted so.

What was in there was cracked and scratched trust, a plea for it.

Or at this moment, I'm not even at all lost in Julius himself as to whether shouting so is the right thing to do. It was a shouted word in there.

There was suspicion, confusion, hesitation, concern, and yet he did not stop, and made a decision.



As bounced, Subaru ran with his heavy legs moving to stick to the floor. I relaxed, almost snuggled, and ran in an uncomfortable way.

Turning his back on the blow-out spiral staircase, he ran out.

I don't know where I'm going. I don't even know if I'm going to run away or not.

I don't know my emotions on my own and still can't stop my legs.

Leaving Julius downstairs in a place with herds of warcraft and Reid, Subaru runs like a shepherd.

"- Ha n. Really, thank you, dude, for that."

Far away, I heard Reid squeal watching the exchange.

It was almost a whine of the same content as the previous one.

Whether that was just a few, hosting different emotions, or not, without knowing.

- Why, I screamed. Why didn't you just let me die?

"Ha, ha... Huh!

Running out of breath, Subaru's head repeated such a question to himself.

Why did you scream? Why didn't you just let me die?

"If you're a killer, you can't feel it, unlike killing yourself, can you?

Leaning behind a running Subaru, the girl's phantom spills a grisly sweet complaint.

It's a phantom that never came out since Reid showed up. The girl's voice blames Subaru as if she cursed, 'My neck is strangled by you'.

In fact, yes.

Subaru's actions are contradictory. Thoughts and actions, wishes and purposes, are not aligned.

The "Book of the Dead" plan is always in the corner of my head, and my thirst peeps into the tiger's sight and its opportunities.

The phantom of the girl who killed him sees such Subaru's grid and calls me to push his hesitant back, why did Subaru disguise the opportunity?


I gave Julius a cut to escape the flames.

But in the end, he's left downstairs. Aren't you left with the threat of Reid and Warcraft on that spot, and now you just don't want to be involved in passive sight kills, decisive occasions?

You think you don't want to see someone else die in front of you because such impulsive fear clings to the depths of your heart that you strangled Mary with this hand?

So this is how you've been so desperate to escape?

Julius called me, entrusted me, the words, whatever -,

"- Subaru!"

Subaru's legs, running selflessly obsessed, were forcefully stopped by the call of the fuzz. If you pause while you relax, what you heard was a sidewalk in the aisle that you crossed unaware of.

From beyond that broken corner, a shadow rushes towards Subaru.


"I searched for you! I don't know if it's a good idea to go that way now!

"Beatrice...!? And..."

It is Beatrice who lifts the hem of the dress and rushes over in a diligent shape. Following Julius, Subaru gains relief and surprise at the same time that her safety has been confirmed.

But that's not all the surprise I get. Behind her back, she was accompanied by

"Echidna!? You guys, why are you together..."

"... rather than running into you here, Natsuki-kun"

The girl following Beatrice - Echidna squeaks - slightly disturbed her breath.

There is a surprise at the unexpected combination, but what tightened Subaru's heart more than that was the emotion of Echidna's shallow-colored eyes toward Subaru.


That indelible suspicion makes Subaru aware of his position even if it responds.

Reid naturally knows nothing. Julius and Beatrice's attitude didn't make it clear either. But I can clearly see that in Echidna's attitude.

- Echidna knows.

What kind of scene did Subaru, trapped in an ice cage, make of Emilia and Ram in a room where Mary's remains were hidden?

And perhaps it's not just about her.

Julius', the last complex emotion I showed is reminiscent.

Everyone should be sharing what happened to Subaru. Then the echidna reaction is natural, rather -,

"Beatrice, you..."

"-! Not if we're talking about it now! I don't know, come here!

But in a hesitant subaru and back, Beatrice took that hand unilaterally. Svalbard, who is smeared with trembling voices and caught in small hands, is punctuated by his actions.

As a matter of fact, if the Rams have informed us of the situation in Subaru, it is immeasurable how decisive that action will require. Are you insane, and aren't you acting so far-fetched that Subaru wants to ask you more questions?

"Beatrice, are you serious?!? He's out of the cage! In this situation!

But it was Echidna who changed her complexion and shouted at Beatrice's behavior in an attempt to pull Subaru's hand that way. She asks about Beatrice's actions and turns her hand on them to Subaru. I poke my finger at it, there was more pressure than it seemed in the trick.

It can be inferred that the restraint and thought posture is equivalent to being pointed at the gunpoint, which is not funny or anything to Subaru.

But Subaru takes the risk of his life for granted.

From Echidna's point of view, it is natural to be wary of Subaru. Beatrice is more insane. - Even now, in front of Subaru, confront Echidna.

"Out of the way, Beatrice! I can't make a dangerous choice to be accompanied so far by suspicious behavior! He's not Natsuki Subaru, as Ram claims!

"That's not true! If you hold hands...... this is how Betty understands you touching her! Subaru's contract with Betty remains connected. I'm sure you'll see that you're in the same position as Betty!

"... but I can't trust you! We're out of the cage in this situation! How the hell can I trust him? You won't be able to explain it convincingly!

The look on Echidna's face screaming like that was filled with strong emotions I had never shown before.

I was so strongly anxious to see if she could ever be emotional to this point - cornered, she's desperate to get rid of the threat in front of her. Desperately, it is.


A large number of warcraft gush downstairs, endangering the whole tower situation.

Her outburst of emotion that I can't do under such circumstances, watching it, I think.

"Enough, enough."


Beatrice, who is holding my hand for me, opened her eyes when she heard Subaru whisper. That, loosen Beatrice's small, soft hand.

On the lid, I made a noise and the one I had stuck up until then was broken. It's dead.

"... what are you going to do?

Pushing Beatrice's shoulder back, Echidna frowns at Subaru, who came forward. Confusion, vigilance that is more than that. Nor does it move Subaru's mind.

"As you can see, it's surrender.... I hope you guys like it already"

I felt my emotions could only move so that I could no longer be.

He commits a sin he does not remember, he calls out the suspicions around him desperate to hide it, and if he just tries to spend his time in peace, he is targeted for his life and continues to be frightened by the shadow of 'Natsuki Subaru'.

"Do you think showing a special attitude will soften this one? If so, that's a big mistake. I will not forgive you."

"Fine. Free me, including that. - I can't do this tower anymore."

It's out of Subaru's hands.

Beyond capacity, too many things are happening that can't be helped. That was meant to be a weak sound to the blockage of the situation.

But that apparently sounded like a different meaning to Echidna.

"Is this tower already...? Does that mean you've already served your purpose?

"… purpose?

"Don't be silly! Your purpose would be the 'witch' of the temple!? Because it came true, this is how it manifested itself.... I should have followed Anna's instincts. I shouldn't have brought anyone else to this place."

Echidna spilled in bitterness, self-reproach and remorse overflowing in her voice. It's as if Subaru doesn't know who it is.

She sees something that Svalbard doesn't see. And I doubt Subaru's involvement with something. - I don't care. No longer in this, ending world.

"Subaru, Subaru! What's the matter with you! I don't know if that sounds like Subaru! There's no way we're stopping here!

"Me, apparently?

The disappearing Subaru of expression, staring at it from the side, Beatrice pulls her sleeve and complains.

Such a trembling ear at her crying voice, Subaru stared at Beatrice.

"It's like me, what is it? You guys are watching, like me, where?"

"... I lost my memory. Are you going to continue acting badly? You still perform such a cruel act knowing that your sister's memory has vanished, or Julius, who has forgotten herself, and a lot of people have been erased from the memory of their loved ones!

"Acting!? Acting!? Don't be ridiculous! If you're acting, you've decided to put yourself in a better position to play!? Who... who likes and wants to be 'Natsuki Subaru'! Can you be such a disgusting guy!!

With his head about to get messed up, Subaru smears with anger that surpasses angry echidna.

If you have the freedom to choose, if you have a respite for your choices, who would think to be 'Natsuki Subaru', etc. Who, for example, is so distorted and intolerable?

- Who wants to be "Natsuki Subaru" and so on?

"I wanted you guys to say, I don't know! Who the hell are you! I lost everything! I'm going home to the convenience store! I just remember talking to the clerk all day today! That's suddenly the other world? Sand tower? Corpse! 'Exam'! Fake!" Natsuki Subaru "! You're kidding me! You're kidding me, hey!


"That's right! It's my fault anyway! I wanted to go somewhere not here! I didn't want to go home! I was scared I was sticking my fake face up and bothering my father and mother! So I was excited at first, only at first!

Beatrice has Echidna's eyes wide open to the exploding Subaru emotions.

You don't know what that means. They have no idea what Subaru's misery means.

Sometimes it was revealed that this was a different world.

But they didn't really understand the 'Isekai' that Subaru conveyed. - There was an unburied quarantine there.

Subaru is not the 'Natsuki Subaru' they are looking for.

Neither can they be the salvation Subaru is looking for.

"Why do you think you're suddenly pretty right now? I don't even know! But now all of a sudden, there's a limit! I don't know what I'm like. 'Cause a bump cut something! I can't do anything you wanted! I can't! So!"


"So... already, forgive me. Forgive me. Send me home... If God tried to punish me, I know... I'm sorry."

Only when his throat was swallowed, there was pain in the back of his nose, and Subaru was squatting.

Rub your head against the floor of the aisle and beg for forgiveness. I prayed to God because I don't know who to ask. In the name of all God I know, I prayed.

If this is the punishment brought upon you by your own, lazy self, please forgive me.

Reflections and regrets, because I must have done so much to change my life.

So, please, I want you to forgive me.

I don't want anyone getting involved anymore in the heavenly punishment of the foolish Natsuki Subaru.

I don't want to get hurt, I don't want to get hurt.


Squat, tearfully pleading Subaru, Echidna, Beatrice shuts up.

Beatrice's palm gently strokes Subaru's back as he leans next to Subaru, who has crouched in.

The feeling of an unpunished palm, how it continues to be beside Subaru.

It was too horrible for Subaru to hear that answer.

"... I don't believe you"


Beatrice calls her in a plundered voice to the squeezing echidna conclusion.

To the call, Echidna shook her neck to the side loosely.

"My answer is the same, more than I can wipe through a shard of suspicion in an attempt to be cried down. I... I have a responsibility to borrow Anna's body. I don't care who hates me or resents me if I want her back safely."


"... but I also don't want to be unable to face back Anna"

That said, I slowly lowered my finger that Echidna was pointing at Subaru's forehead.

As soon as I could see that the pressure that was stuck in the aisle was lost and the fingertips that I wanted to put on Subaru's life were untied.

But that has nothing to do with the salvation that Subaru seeks.

"Beatrice, you just have to go with him. I'm going to Julius. Join him and see you upstairs if there's nothing."

"... do you understand? Look, Subaru, you're going to stand now. If you can't stand up, Betty can take care of it."

I can see Echidna turning her back and Beatrice respecting her thoughts. As it was, Beatrice, trying to lend Subaru a small shoulder, sidelined in that struggle, Subaru stared at Echidna's back trying to keep away.

- I asked for Echidona, Master Anastasia!!

"- What are you going to do with this?

Echidna, who only looks back at her neck, grabs her left hand - its sleeve - and puts a stern eye on Subaru, who is trying to pull it off.

To that echidna inquiry, Subaru, who defiled his face with tears and runny nose, made his cheeks strong.

He asked me what I was going to do, and I didn't get an answer.

Subaru and I can't stand the look of Echidna's bullet fight. Still, it was Echidna's decision to hear Subaru's unparalleled appeal and not to lay down his hands.

judgment similar to that concession, which now ruins Subaru's fingertips.

"I'm going to give up. How did that happen?

"... Julius asked me"

"To him? Stupid. I know he might make such a decision..."

For a moment, Echidna, who gave birth to a crusade to Subaru's tears, she went on to say, "Before that,"

"You met him by the time you got here? He should have gone to see how the five layers were. And yet, suppose I was seeing you... no, I didn't expect you to ask more than that? He is now..."

He is hit with a question early in the arrow succession, and Subaru is barely pressured by that sword screen.

In the first place, I don't even have a crack in my heart. Why, this body moves for the world that tried to throw it out, trying to let everything go, out of hand without anything to do.

Until I remembered Julius', not even a promise, why...

"Oh, that's not clear. Anyway, the last place I saw Julius..."


Echidna drives the hurry and somehow tries to pick a word and continue the conversation.

Seeing that effort of hers, Subaru held his breath.

I'm not sure what to do, not from.

More than Echidna in front of us, more than this helpless situation, there was an emergency.


Echidna staring at Subaru, behind her - across the aisle, a red light dot floats.

Subaru was deprived of consciousness of what it was.

Red light point, floating in the dark. That moves slowly, capturing Subaru's black eyes.

Subaru intuitively understood that it was' eye to eye '.

At the same time, I can see its presence, its panorama, in blur and dim darkness, where my eyes meet.

Black body assimilating into darkness, red shining light points, an unusually developed pair of sharp twigs and, above all, a fiercely trembling tail needle characteristic -,


- An unimaginably huge sasori is pointing a tail needle this way.


The moment that tail shook, I heard Beatrice screaming next door.

- The light sweeps down the aisle and the shockwave hits and crushes the four layers of stone.

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