The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

In a passage in the lower level of the maze.

A dozen combat-type extraordinary people finished fighting, sat together, bandaged their wounds, and took a short rest.

And a group of ordinary people were busy on the side, concentrating on cleaning up the passage full of broken bodies.

In this dim and disgusting environment, the presence of a blonde girl was particularly eye-catching.

The girl was trying hard to suppress her nausea, turning over the clothes of the dead, and collecting usable supplies.

A few strands of coral-colored highlighted hair flashed a faint luster in the dimness. Even if her hair was messy and she was covered in blood, it was still difficult to hide the girl's youthful beauty.

The girl's name was Kitagawa Umi, 16 years old.

Although she is dressed like a hot girl, she is actually very clean and still a virgin.

If nothing goes wrong, she will go to Beichen's school to attend the first year of high school in a few days.

Meet new friendships and even love in this leading academy in Dongdu.

But obviously, something unexpected has happened now.

Just when she had just finished shopping in the clothing store and bought the materials for making cosplay clothes, a magic circle with black light appeared under her feet.

Because she had been in the mall, Kitagawa didn't know what happened in the square.

Therefore, before she fainted, she thought she had encountered a plot in the novel - summons from another world.

It can't be blamed on her lack of vigilance.

Mainly because as an ordinary person, her daily life is relatively stable.

Monsters rarely appear in the city, and ordinary people are not very attracted to weirdness. As long as they don't commit suicide, they usually won't encounter weirdness.

Of course, if they do, it's no problem, after all, the people are gone.

Moreover, affected by the invasion of the other world, this theme of being summoned to the other world as a hero is quite popular.

As a senior otaku, how could Kitagawa not think in this way?

So, even when she opened her eyes with expectation and found that she was not lying between the thrones or at a ceremony, but in a dark cave;

When the people surrounding her were not court magicians in strange costumes, but a group of people in coma, she still did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Just think that there is a gap between reality and game novels, anyway, as long as it is a different world!

She soon stopped worrying about the surrounding environment, but raised her head impatiently and shouted at the air-

"Personal panel!!!"

The crisp and pleasant voice echoed in the dark cave.

Kitagawa's eyes were firm, as if he saw through the heavy black curtain that he would rely on the rich experience of otaku games to kill people in the other world and rescue people from the quagmire of war in the future, and then hug the princess, elves, beast-eared girls, succubus and other female companions, and stand on the high platform to accept the pursuit of everyone.

She thought she must have been very handsome at that time!

Unfortunately, the expected blue light screen did not appear in front of her eyes or in her mind.

Kitagawa, who was unwilling to give up, changed several passwords in succession, but got nothing. Instead, he woke up the people who were originally in a coma.

After realizing that her behavior was very much like a middle school disease, Kitagawa couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her blushing cheeks, fearing that others would see her.

Obviously, she was overthinking.

Not everyone is as heartless as her.

After everyone woke up, they began to check their own situation.

After finding that they were in an unknown situation and their mobile phones had no signal, the crowd began to get restless.

Fortunately, this uneasiness did not last long and was interrupted by fear.

The maze began to spawn monsters!

Along with the death announcement of Big Eyes, a bulge appeared on the wall.

The bulge gradually grew larger, from an inconspicuous hemisphere to a huge cricket, which fell down.

At first, although everyone was terrified, as ordinary people, they did not dare to move.

They were afraid of irritating this giant creature.

It was not until the cricket woke up from its initial chaos and began to charge and bite them that they screamed and ran towards the exits on both sides of the cave in panic.

They were not the only ones, and the same situation happened in various parts of the maze.

Tens of thousands of ordinary people were killed or injured the moment the monster appeared.

Soon, after the initial cleansing, the maze fell silent, as if the Shura hell just now was just a dream.

Only the chewing sounds coming from the dark corners and the fishy smell in the air reminded them of the survivors.

Everything is real.

The maze is devouring their kind and digesting their fear.

Ordinary people who survived the massacre by chance can only hide in a corner and linger, hoping that the island country's top leaders can send people to rescue them.

Unfortunately, they forgot the island country's puzzling disaster relief efficiency and that the maze is still constantly generating monsters.

When more and more monsters landed and those leftovers could not satisfy their appetite, their living space began to gradually shrink.

This feeling of death getting closer and closer to oneself, but being powerless, is enough to drive a mentally normal adult crazy.

Some people collapsed directly because they couldn't stand the hellish scene in front of them, and chopped their butcher knives at their companions.

Some people felt that they had no way to survive, and began to be lawless, venting their inner fears on vulnerable groups.

Insults, beatings, and forced hugs are endless.

These vulnerable groups escaped the slaughter of foreign races, but ultimately could not escape the clutches of their own race.

The ugliness of human nature was fully displayed at this moment.

Kitagawa, who was also an ordinary person, survived by chance.

At the beginning of the chaos, she was swept by the crowd and fled to the cave entrance.

Then she met more than a dozen patrol team members who were fighting in the passage.

Compared with others, they were undoubtedly lucky.

After all, among the more than 10,000 people involved in the underground maze, there were only about 100 extraordinary people.

This was because there was a rally in the commercial street today and the security force was strengthened. Otherwise, there would be less than 20 to 30 people at most.

There was nothing we could do about the scarcity of extraordinary people.

Since the invasion of the alien world in 2000, only 24 years have passed in this world, and it is still in the early stage of spiritual recovery.

The number of extraordinary people only accounts for about one thousandth of the total population, and ordinary people still account for the majority.

Even if all countries choose to inform the masses of some popular cultivation methods, it is impossible for all people to practice.

Let’s not talk about whether or not one has talent, just talk about various cultivation resources, which all cost money to buy.

Poor in literature but rich in martial arts, cultivating immortals is a waste of money.

Cultivation costs money.

No money?

What’s the point of cultivating without money?

What’s more, in a country like the island country where classes are clearly defined and chaebols are in power. Even if you have money, you may not necessarily have connections. How many cultivators can ordinary civilians have?

Unless you awaken your superpowers, if you want to cultivate an ordinary person with average talent to the level of 0-level toilet-blasting, the resources required are calculated in tens of millions of BaGa coins.

From this, it can be seen that it is a lucky thing for Kitagawa and others to meet more than a dozen extraordinary people at once in the maze.

Even if the level of these extraordinary people is not high.

The highest is only level 2...

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