The more they went, the more they found themselves.

Since they didn't know the structure of the maze, the extraordinary people decided to move forward after a long discussion.

As time passed, they encountered more and more maze creatures.

Fortunately, as the team progressed, more and more survivors joined in.

The team grew from the initial 20 to 30 people to more than 80.

In addition to ordinary people like Kitagawa who were lucky, most of those who were able to survive the initial massacre were capable.

And because they had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, everyone would choose to work together to overcome difficulties in order to survive.

But the good times didn't last long. After safely passing more than a dozen checkpoints, everyone began to relax.

On the one hand, the long-term action gradually overdrew people's physical strength.

On the other hand, the temporary escape from the crisis also made some people distracted and began to work without effort.

But they all seemed to have forgotten that this was a maze, a flesh and blood winch built by the insidious and cunning demons.

After clearing the monsters on the ground again, everyone began to repair on the spot as usual.

Since nothing had happened before, even the people in charge of vigilance began to be absent-minded.

It was at this time that the maze took action.

It was like an experienced hunter, finding the right time and choosing to make a fatal blow when the prey was most relaxed.

A large number of level 1~2 worms fell from the dark ceiling, like dumplings, catching everyone off guard.

These worms are huge in size, and once they hit the target, they will cause serious damage or even death.

The extraordinary people waved their weapons in their hands, trying to drive away these worms, but often just as they drove away one, another one fell from the sky.

The formation was successfully disrupted.

The screams and roars of the crowd echoed in the passage, covering the voice of the commander, and the extraordinary people fell into a situation of fighting on their own.

If the extraordinary people were like this, ordinary people would be no exception.

At the moment when the worms fell from their heads, they were frightened and fled in all directions.

The smart ones walked back the way they came. Since they had just been cleaned up, the monsters had not had time to refresh, so they could still avoid them a little.

And those who were panicking fled to an unknown place, and then screams came.

Kitagawa considered himself a smart person, otherwise he would not be able to capture so many heroines.

Therefore, she did not run away.

Instead, she ran against the crowd and ran towards the place where the extraordinary people gathered.

As an ordinary person, she knew very well that there was no safer place than staying with the extraordinary people at this time.

Unfortunately, her idea was good, but she forgot that there is strength in numbers.

Soon, she was swept away by the crowd before she took a few steps forward.

In the crowd's shove, she gradually lost her way and was getting farther and farther away from the extraordinary.

In this chaos, Kitagawa felt a rough hand tightly grasping her arm, and then before she could react, she was pulled out of the crowd by a huge force.

Before she could see who was doing it, Kitagawa found that she had been carried on someone's shoulders.


Hearing this malicious laughter, even if Kitagawa was a big man, she could understand.

This unknown man did not want to save her out of kindness, but wanted to take her away in the chaos and do something bad to her.

After understanding it, Kitagawa began to struggle hard to break free from the man's restraints.

But soon she found that the man's hand around her leg was extremely strong, and no matter how hard she tried, her calf did not move at all.

And in the process of running, the man jumped up and down, making her stomach feel uncomfortable like a churning river, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Kitagawa began to beat the man's back frantically and shouted for help.

However, the punches on the man's back were like punching on a steel plate, and because the scene was too chaotic, her cry for help could not cause any waves.

She could only watch the crowd getting farther and farther away from her, and the surrounding scene kept changing until there was no one.

Kitagawa's heart sank.

She wanted to learn how to bite her tongue to commit suicide in movies and TV shows, but every time she bit it, the pain nerves made her retract her tongue unconsciously.

She swayed her body, trying to hit her head against the wall by swinging her body.

But the man may have guessed her intention, and after Kitagawa hit his head once, he stopped walking against the wall.

Perhaps it was because of the many things she had experienced before.

Kitagawa grew up.

After she found that there was no hope of dying, she calmed down.

She began to close her eyes and rest, saving her energy, hoping to have the strength to escape from the man's control at the critical moment.

I don't know how long it took.

Kitagawa felt her body suddenly lighten, then flew into the air and landed heavily on a soft mat.

"I was stunned!" Even with the cushion cushioning, the back of her head landed first, still making her scream in pain.

"Hey, we're here."

Turning on the battery-powered emergency light next to him, the man's face was full of obscene smiles, and his eyes were obscenely staring at Kitagawa on the bed.

Since joining the team midway, he has been coveting Kitagawa's beauty and wanted to get close to her.

But after several contacts, he found that although this girl was dressed like a hot girl, she was extremely repulsive to people who approached casually.

In order not to alert others, he had to suppress this heat.

Now, seeing that the team was in chaos and there was no possibility of reviving, he left the others and forcibly abducted Kitagawa.

Took him to the place where he released his sins several times before.

Hearing the man's voice, Kitagawa was frightened and quickly turned over and sat up, curling up at the head of the bed.

She did not run away immediately, nor did she make any move to shout.

She knew very well that in a place like a maze, since the other party chose to bring her here, it at least meant that there would be no other people nearby.

Struggling blindly would not have any results except wasting physical strength, but would arouse the other party's ferocity.

She forced herself to calm down, then curled up as much as possible, tried to observe the surrounding environment, and planned an escape route.

"This is a store selling bedding products!"

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly and realizing that she was in a modern building, Kitagawa did not show any signs of surprise.

Because she knew that this was just a building caught in a maze, and she had seen it before.

Some of the buildings that were swept in were intact, while others seemed to have been cut from top to bottom.

This store was obviously the latter.

Moreover, the store was in a mess, bloodstained, and had obvious signs of fighting.

What puzzled her was why there were no corpses or body parts here.

But after seeing the severely corroded bed in the corner and the crawling marks on the ground, she understood.

"There are monsters here!" Kitagawa thought to herself.

She had seen such marks before. It was a kind of soft-bodied monster similar to a slug, and the mucus left after crawling.

Kitagawa had heard from those extraordinary people before that although the slug was a level 1 monster, its IQ was very low, and it moved slowly and had a single means of attack.

It could only spit acid and lick or bite prey that it could not move.

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