Although she may not be able to cause any harm to the man, since there is a monster, she has hope of escaping.

Even if she cannot escape, dying in the hands of the monster is ten thousand times worse than being humiliated by the man!

Looking at the slime that leads to the outside of the store, and the bright light that flickers under the light because it has not dried yet.

Kitagawa no longer hesitated, raised his hand and began to beat the wooden board at the head of the bed, and kept making strange "ah ah ah" sounds from his mouth.

There was no shouting of "help", the monster she wanted to attract was not a human.

The girl's behavior made the man who was resting a little confused.

To be honest, he had bullied several women here before.

But after being brought here by him, they either cried for help or begged for mercy, or ran away.

Although it was useless, it was at least a normal reaction.

He had never seen someone like Kitagawa who didn't make any noise at first, just curled up at the head of the bed, and waited for a long time before starting to make any movement.

Is this a slow reflex arc?

That's not right, shouldn't she be asking for help? Why is she knocking on the wooden board?

And he hasn't even entered yet, why is she screaming?

The man was puzzled, but because he had roughly scanned the area before and didn't find any monsters, he didn't take Kitagawa's behavior seriously, just thinking she was scared silly.

The previous caution had long disappeared under the constant fighting and the drive of the lower body.

He naturally wouldn't observe the surrounding situation carefully in order to survive like Kitagawa.

This also caused him to completely fail to notice that the female corpses that he had previously piled up in the corner and covered with white cloth had disappeared, and there were obvious signs of monster activity on the ground.

At this time, he just wanted to vent.

Although knocking the girl unconscious could also vent, what he wanted was for the other party to struggle and beg for mercy, and to reach his peak in the other party's desperate and dead eyes.

What he wanted was this kind of hysterical venting.

Thinking of this, the man's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Regardless of the problem that the soreness of his muscles from running all the way had not yet completely subsided, he tore off his coat and rushed towards Kitagawa.

The sudden attack caught Kitagawa off guard, and she was also very confused as to why this man did not play by the rules.

In previous film and television dramas, when encountering such a scene, shouldn't the man say some trash talk?

For example, "You shout, the more you shout, the more excited I am", and "No one will come to save you even if you shout your throat out".

Why did he rush over without even taking off his clothes?

Fortunately, she reacted in time. Taking advantage of the gap when the man was in mid-air and unable to turn, she pushed hard on her toes, leaned forward, and rolled down the bed in an un-elegant posture.

As an otaku, it was easy for her to control the position of rolling down from the bed to the bottom of the bed.

As early as when she was curled up at the head of the bed, she had secretly adjusted the distance and posture.

After her feet landed firmly on the ground, Kitagawa quickly adjusted her posture and ran in the direction of the slime left by the monster.

Although he missed, the man was not angry, but excited.

"Yes! That's right!"

"That's it!"

"That's it!"

"That's it!"


Due to extreme excitement, the blood vessels in the man's neck bulged and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

Seeing Kitagawa about to leave the store, the man tensed his body and shifted his center of gravity backward, like a hyena ready to go.

When the girl's figure completely disappeared, he jumped up suddenly and landed at the corner in an instant.

"Mi~~ci~~ge~~da~~ (I found you)" the man shouted in a strange tone.

On all fours, like Sadako in the movie, he twisted his neck at an abnormal angle, tilted his head and grinned, and cast his eyes towards the place where the girl disappeared.

However, to his surprise.

The girl who should have fled with her back to him and looked back from time to time was gone at this moment.

She was replaced by a dozen slugs the size of calves. These monsters had dark brown skin and were faintly integrated with the maze.

When the man saw them, their cheeks bulged, and it was obvious that they were ready to spray out some liquid.

The man's mentality collapsed instantly, and the original cat-and-mouse game suddenly changed. He was the one being fooled.

"Damn stinky Biaozi!"

With a curse, the man didn't have time to carefully search for Kitagawa's figure, and his palms and soles were

At the same time, she tried to dodge and retreat back into the house. As a result, she staggered due to muscle soreness.

Although she adjusted in time, she was still a step too late, and the acid with green smoke instantly covered her.

"Ah!!!" The man's scream resounded throughout the cave.

The sound was so shrill that even Kitagawa, who was hiding under the slug's abdomen, shuddered.

After waiting for a long time, until the slugs crawled away from her and chased the man, the girl raised her head and breathed a sigh of relief.

When she ran to the corner just now, she was also frightened by the sudden appearance of the slug.

Fortunately, the instinct for survival suppressed the fear of monsters, and these slugs blocked the passage, so it was definitely too late to turn around.

So Kitagawa took advantage of the gap when their skills were swinging forward and slid directly, trying to use the mucus on the ground to slide through the group of monsters.


The slide was successful, but the direction was difficult to control.

She slid smoothly under the slugs' ventral feet.

Fortunately, the slugs only looked big, but they were not too heavy, not to mention that only part of their ventral feet pressed on Kitagawa's body.

The only flaw was that the slugs had too much mucus.

On the one hand, it covered her face, making it difficult for her to breathe.

On the other hand, the slugs' mucus was slightly corrosive and toxic.

Kitagawa could feel a slight burning sensation coming from the part where the skin was in direct contact with the mucus.

Knowing that this was not a solution, the girl raised her hand to wipe off the mucus from her nostrils to make her breathing smoother, and then struggled to get up.

As a result, she found that the mucus became more and more viscous as she struggled.

She didn't dare to continue struggling, so she had to crawl towards a clean place little by little.

At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps came from the front, which scared her.

Just as she was about to force herself to get up and hide in the corner, she heard a faint voice:

"Don't be afraid, classmate. I'm here to save you."

The voice was muffled, and the person who spoke seemed to be wearing a mask.

However, Kitagawa could still tell that it was a woman, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but then she became nervous again and lowered her voice and said:

"Go quickly, don't worry about me, there's a pervert here!"

However, the figure ignored her words and still walked towards her.

When the figure approached, Kitagawa could see the appearance of the person clearly with the faint light on the ground.

It turned out to be a tigress.

Oh, no, it was a woman wearing a tiger-style doll costume!

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