The two of them were very busy, and the two were very busy.

April 1, 2024, around 3 pm, in a dark cave.

Rem led Nanami Aoyama and Umi Kitagawa, who had just finished washing up, outside.

As soon as they left the lingerie store, Nanami approached Umi Kitagawa and whispered:

"Umi Kitagawa, is there anything strange about me now? Is my hair messy? Is it a bit rude to wear this dress?"

She was a little nervous.

Logically speaking, Beichen was her savior, and she shouldn't be nervous.

But Beichen's reputation among students was too great!

Especially his experience.

A "country bumpkin" from another place actually beat Kaguya Shinomiya in the first joint exam after the start of school and topped the list of Dongdu students.

And he has maintained a record of no defeat for four years.

For most students who come to Dongdu to study, Beichen is like a spiritual leader.

Nanami Aoyama is one of them.

Kitagawa naturally didn't know what she was thinking. Although she thought Xiao Beichen was quite powerful, she didn't worship him.

Before he saved her, she was just "Ah~ Squawy", and then nothing happened.

She likes two-dimensional beautiful girls and has no feelings for real celebrities.

She wasn't nervous before, and she is even less nervous now.

After all, Beichen saved them.

This made her have a great liking for Beichen, of course, it was limited to gratitude for the savior.

Although it may sound a bit rude to say this, Kitagawa is more grateful to Nanami, a good sister who has lived and died together, than to Beichen, her lifesaver.

On the other hand, even if it was just a few words, Kitagawa felt that Beichen was still easy to get along with.

"Don't worry, Nanami-chan is so cute, the senior will definitely not mind. Besides, he seems to know you~"

"Hey! Xiao Beichen knows me?"

Nanami Aoyama was praised for her cuteness, and she was stunned by Kitagawa's next words before she had time to be shy.

"Yes!" Kitagawa nodded affirmatively.

Just now, she recalled it again and was sure that Beichen changed his words and said that Nanami could be saved after knowing her real name.

Therefore, she was sure that Beichen knew Nanami and had a good impression of her, otherwise he would not use precious medicine to save Nanami.

That was a medicine that could bring people back to life!

Even though she was not in the circle, she still had common sense.

She knew clearly that this drug must be in short supply.

If it appeared on the market, it would cause a bloody storm.

It can be seen from this that Beichen must know Qihai and think highly of her, but he didn't know why he didn't recognize her at first.

However, when he thought of the embarrassment of the two at that time, Kitagawa felt that even his father might not recognize her.

Compared with Kitagawa's ease, Qihai became more nervous and even a little at a loss.

"Ah~ What should I do? Xiaojun actually knows me. Does that mean that my embarrassment just now has been remembered by him?"

"What should I do? I really want to die again..."

In her opinion, if Beichen didn't recognize her, it would be a bit embarrassing at most.

But now that she found out that her idol actually knew her, it was not just embarrassment.

It was social death!

Fortunately, her confusion did not last long, and she was shocked by the monster corpses that gradually came into her sight and was speechless.

Because Beichen had set up a soundproof array when he left the lingerie store, the three people in the store did not hear the wailing of the man outside and the roar of the monsters.

Therefore, they did not know that during the time they were resting and washing, Beichen had already dealt with hundreds of monsters.

The bodies of these monsters were scattered all over the ground like wheat fields blown by the autumn wind.

The horrifying scene made the two women shudder, and they all took each other's hands and followed Rem closely.

As they continued to move forward, more and more monster bodies appeared in front of them.

Many bodies were piled up into a small mountain, exuding a heart-pounding breath of death.

Some of these monsters they had seen, some had not seen, but without exception, they were all headshot.

Seeing this, Nanami and Kitagawa looked at each other, and both saw deep shock in each other's pupils.

It's not that they haven't seen monster bodies before, but most of them were scarred and beaten to death.

How could they be as quick and decisive as Beichen, killing him with one strike?

It can be seen that Beichen is very strong, and he is not at the same level as those people.

With a

With awe and admiration, the two looked at the gradually clearer tall figure.

Under the fill light, the handsome boy was sitting on the ground fiddling with something, and opposite him were two black panther-shaped monsters.

They were huge, with a red horn as gorgeous as a ruby ​​on their foreheads, and the tip of their tails was also covered with red bone, like a blood-stained awl, emitting a cold and cold light.

This was a monster they had never seen before.

But just by the visible energy ripples they emitted, the two women knew that they were stronger than the monsters on the periphery!

But they were not panicked, because the situation on the field was clear at a glance.

These two monsters had been subdued by Beichen.

Otherwise, they would not squat on the ground like dogs, sticking out their tongues and wagging their tails at Beichen.

Just as they sped up and were about to greet Beichen with expectation, the boy's movements suddenly stopped and put the cup in his hand on the ground.

Then he raised his head and said to the two monsters with a smile:

"Come on, friends! Let's just eat a sheep's head."

As he said that, the boy took out a jar from his side and opened the lid.

"Hiss~~ Pour in the old Ma family's fragrant pepper salt."

Shaking the powder in the jar into the cup on the ground, the boy put away the jar and took out a small iron pot from his side.

"Pour in the hot rapeseed youa~"


As the liquid in the pot reacted with the materials in the cup, a 'zizi' sound was heard, and an indescribable smell filled the air.

It was very pungent and had a garlic aroma.

Because Beichen spoke in Chinese, Kitagawa and Nanami didn't hear it all, but at least they could understand 'salt' and 'oil'.

Putting aside the powder just now, they were absolutely sure that the oil in Beichen's pot was not oil.

How can normal oil have a purple-green luster?

Beichen naturally didn't care about their arrival and continued to do his own thing.

He put away the iron pot, took out a bottle, and poured some unknown liquid into the cup.

"More cua~"

The moment the liquid was poured into the cup, a violent reaction occurred, and bubbles kept coming out.

Then, Beichen quickly put down the bottle, picked up the cup on the ground, stirred it with chopsticks, leaned forward, and raised the cup above his chest.

Following Beichen's movements, the girls realized that the wretched man was lying dying between Beichen and the monster.

Just as they were wondering what Beichen was going to do, Beichen's voice rang in their ears again-

"Soul juice~~Gui~~geiya~~~~~"

Accompanied by the devilish whisper, the man's shrill screams resounded throughout the cave...

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