The man was so drunk that he was lying on the ground.

The thick liquid of unknown color emitted bursts of green smoke the moment it touched the man's side face.

Along with the rising green smoke, the man's skin tissue gradually disappeared and his screams were shrill.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, or maybe a few minutes.

The man's voice began to gradually decrease, until he couldn't make any sound with his mouth open, and only his body was twitching constantly, proving that he was still alive.

Only Aoyama Nanami and Kitagawa Kaimeng had experienced too many things today, their psychological qualities had been strengthened, and the ones who were abused were their enemies.

Otherwise, they would definitely be scared to pee on the spot.

What kind of cult scene is this!

Is this something that they, who are under 18 years old, can watch?

Rem didn't feel anything. After the man stopped screaming, she walked to Beichen and stood behind him.

"Beichen, are you done?"

"Yes, it's over."

After enjoying the man's one-man show, Beichen stood up, patted his butt, and responded with a smile.

The conversation between the two woke Nanami and Kitagawa from their daze.

They looked at each other hurriedly, and then walked forward quickly.

Since Kitagawa had seen Xiao Beichen before, and didn't have that many complicated feelings for him, she waved at Beichen very familiarly.

"Senior, what do you think of our staff uniforms?"

After saying that, Kitagawa twisted his graceful body and pulled Nanami out who was pretending to be an ostrich.

"Yes, not bad, you two are good-looking, and you look good in anything."

Hearing this, Beichen looked up and down, then nodded affirmatively and praised the two.

He didn't lie. Even though they were not wearing makeup at this time, they only looked worse, and their looks were still online.

"Hehe, thank you, senior!" Kitagawa happily accepted Beichen's praise, and then pushed Nanami to him, "Senior, Nanami has something to tell you."

"Hey! Not like, I... I..."

In front of her idol, looking at the tall and handsome Beichen in front of her, Nanami was so nervous that she stuttered a little, and even her Kansai accent came out.

"Xiao... Xiao Beichen... classmate, hello, I am Qinghai Qishan, thank... thank you for saving me." After saying that, she bent down suddenly and bowed to Beichen to thank him.

"Nanami-chan, you said the wrong name."

Kitagawa reminded him in a low voice.

"Ah! Sorry, my name is Nanami Qingshan, eh, no, it's Qishan, eh..."

Seeing that Nanami was so embarrassed that she couldn't even speak properly, Kitagawa hurried forward to speak for her.

Beichen, who was watching the fun, raised his hand to interrupt.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, I know you, Qingshan Nanami."

"When I first came to Dongdu to study in the first year of high school, I surpassed Baiyin and became the new generation of working emperor in the Dongdu student circle. Baiyin told me about you before, haha."

"No way~ Don't say that, it's too embarrassing."

When Nanami heard her "glorious deeds" being said by her idol, she was immediately embarrassed, but Beichen's carefreeness also eliminated her nervousness invisibly.

"Well~ Self-reliance, what's shameful about that. Fight for your dreams, Qingshan classmate, please raise your head, you are much better than most people."

In Beichen's view, regardless of whether the method is appropriate, Qingshan Nanami's character and behavior are worthy of praise.

In his previous life, he thought this girl was miserable and hipster.

When others were enjoying their youth, she could only work hard to make money, and finally got the nickname "Seven Negatives to Me", which was really miserable.

"Xuexue, Xiao Beichen, wow... wow..."

Even though her dream of becoming a voice actor faded a lot because of this experience, Nanami was still very excited to be recognized by her idol. A warm current flowed from her heart to her whole body, and then choked in her throat.

Seeing that Nanami couldn't speak clearly again, Beichen quickly raised his hand to signal her to calm down.

After her emotions calmed down a little, he spoke:

"Don't be so restrained. From what Haimeng said, will you come to Donggao to study in the future?"

"Yes, Xiao. Because of my superpowers, I will go to Donggao to study after school starts, and I will be in the same grade as Xiao."

"Oh, that voice simulation superpower?"


Nanami nodded in response. She was not surprised that Beichen knew her superpowers. Since Beichen knew her, it was not strange for him to know her superpowers.

However, thinking about how she was able to clear the first round before, she was very surprised.

She survived the wash with this seemingly useless ability. She pondered for a moment and said carefully:

"Xiao, can I ask you a question?"

"You say, don't be so restrained. We will be classmates in the future, and may be in the same class. Just call me casually."

"Then... can I call you Xiaojun?"

"All right, I don't care about these."

"Xiao... Xiaojun."

"Well, you say."

Seeing Nanami take a deep breath and call out her last name, Beichen responded with a smile.

His appearance made Nanami, who was already a little shy, even more ruddy. It took a while for her to regain her usual calmness and tell how she deceived the monsters with her ability and her experience along the way.

After listening to Nanami's narration, Beichen had a rough guess about the effect of the girl's ability.

In order to verify his idea, he not only let Rem and the two dead beasts cooperate to test it, but also went to find a few monsters of the same type as Nanami encountered at the beginning to test it again.

Finally, under the girl's nervous gaze, he said his conclusion:

"Your ability is bewitching."


"Yes, this word may be more negative, but the actual effect is that intelligent species will be affected by your ability and involuntarily obey your ideas, of course there are certain limits."

"If the mental power is higher than yours, it will be immune to your ability to a certain extent. The upper limit needs to be tested after going out. At least your ability has no effect on level 4 Rem."

"Eh! Is that so? I thought my ability could automatically translate my thoughts into their language and convey them to them, making them mistakenly think that I am the same kind."

Hearing this, Nanami scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly.

"No, with all due respect, they don't understand the sounds you simulated at all."

"You know, even if they are just wild beasts, they have their own way of communicating. Different tones, roars of varying lengths, or body movements all represent different meanings."

"Sound simulation is just an extension of superpowers. What really works is the mental power you stimulate when you use superpowers."

"In addition, if I guess correctly, the reason why you were able to survive the first massacre in this way is because your mental power broke through to level 0."

"Didn't you just say that when the crisis came, your brain suddenly felt a pain and then a chill. I guess you were promoted at that time."

"At the same time, it was also because of the promotion that your superpowers began to play a real role, otherwise you would have been discovered by the people in the superpower detection department."


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