The truth is that Beichen was right.

As it turned out, Beichen's idea was right.

Not long after he left the slime cave, he felt a frightening energy coming from above the passage.

The intensity was comparable to that of a peak level 8 transcendent.

Not only that, this energy was still growing, with signs of breaking through to the early stage of level 9.

Frowning, Beichen was a little confused.

In the original work, the last boss, the demon overlord, or the demon lord, was just a level 60 upper demon.

If we refer to the monsters he has encountered in the maze, this boss is at most level 7, how come he suddenly jumped to level 9?

"Strengthened by the rules of the world?"

Beichen guessed, but then denied his idea.

"No, the self-preservation rules of this world are to suppress visitors from other worlds, how can it be strengthened?"

"Since it is not affected by the rules, what kind of change will cause such a big change in the plot?"

After thinking for a while, Beichen came to a more reasonable conclusion, that is, the change in the number of sacrifices.

"As the saying goes, quantitative change leads to qualitative change!"

"If my guess is correct, it should be the existence of those 'Jin Ke La' that makes the boss advance and the difficulty of the maze increase!"

In the original book, there are not many people involved in the maze, only one or two hundred people, and half of them survived in the end.

Today's maze has swallowed more than 10,000 people, including many extraordinary people.

It is common for fantasy races like demons to increase their strength by absorbing the negative emotions and souls and bodies of living beings.

However, there are always two sides to things.

In Beichen's view, the boss being strengthened is not all a bad thing.

As we all know, the rarer the boss, the better the loot it drops.

Of course, the premise is that you are not the chief.

Even so, he is still a little unhappy.

After all, this is a forced strength, no one can be happy.

"I really have to cause trouble to others even if I die!"

After kicking the stone pillar beside him, Beichen did not stop, concealed his breath, and quickened his pace.

At this point, he can only go to the boss room to see the situation before making the next decision.


Not only Beichen.

The two level 7 extraordinary people from the Shinomiya family were also very unhappy.

Under the instruction of Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka dispatched two level 7 and several level 4 and 5 extraordinary people from the main family to form an exploration team to enter the maze from the ground on the ground, on the grounds of "exploring monster nests and searching for cultivation resources before other families".

Since there were no wild monsters refreshed in the passage leading directly to the ground, they did not encounter any danger.

Things didn’t start to change until they pushed open the 20-meter-high giant door and entered a hall as wide as two football stadiums.

As if they were targeted by the maze, a skeleton army suddenly appeared in the hall that originally had few monsters and surrounded them.

Not only that, the creator of this maze incident, Big Eyes, also appeared and gave them a "confuse" right away.

The level 7 superhumans were fine, just a little uncomfortable, but the other mid-level superhumans couldn't stand it.

They all fell into Big Eyes' mental confusion and started to kill each other.

Fortunately, because Big Eyes looked too sanity-depleting, Hayasaka Ai had the foresight to dispatch two level 7 superhumans with light abilities.

Moreover, these two were brothers, the elder brother Yamano Ichiro, 39 years old, had light abilities, and the younger brother Yamano Jiro, 37 years old, was proficient in light magic.

With the close cooperation of the two, it was not a problem to withstand the attack of the 8th level extraordinary.

What's more, Big Eyes was only level 5, and it was still attribute restraint.

Therefore, after a little confusion, a group of intermediate extraordinary people were awakened by the two people's light sticks and began to clean up the monsters in the hall in an orderly manner.

Seeing that the situation on the field was not good, Big Eyes did not hesitate at all, and sacrificed himself to summon the Demon Overlord.

This "can't afford to play" behavior made the two brothers hate it.

Facing the Demon Overlord who was as high as level 8, they could only fight and retreat, preparing to retreat to the ground and call for external assistance.

Since Big Eyes can call for external assistance, why can't they?

Unfortunately, ideals are beautiful, and reality is very skinny.

At some point, the door that was originally open was tightly closed at this time, and they couldn't push it even if they tried their best!

There was no other way. Since the retreat was blocked, they had to continue going down.

Anyway, they were sent down to explore, and it was only a matter of time before they went deeper into the maze.

As a result, before they could rush out of the hall, the entrance to the passage was blocked by a bunch of level 6 and 7 monsters.

It turned out to be the boss's skill "Create Companions".

Helplessly, they could only defend against the boss's attacks while moving along the wall to the entrance of the passage.

Due to the attributes of the two, the initial situation was still stable.

But as more and more team members were injured, the intensity of their healing magic gradually increased.

This was going to cost them their lives!

Being in the dark monster maze, the light energy in the air was extremely scarce.

In the case of only going out but not going in, even with their abilities, it was somewhat overwhelmed.

So the situation began to deteriorate.

When a team member failed to defend properly and was killed in one blow, their coordination began to have problems.

Watching the team members fall one by one, the two brothers were very annoyed.

It's not that they feel sorry for these team members. As guests of honor of the Shinomiya family, they don't take these mid-level extraordinary people seriously at all.

What annoyed them was that since this group of people began to die, the breath of the boss began to boil violently like water in a frying pan, evolving to a higher level.

They wanted to interrupt its progress, but the boss was smarter.

He retreated to the metal gate far away from them, set up a protective barrier and summoned more monsters to consume them.

Put them in a dilemma.

"Nissan! We can't waste any more time, use them as bait!"

The younger brother Yamano Jiro whispered in his brother's ear.

In his opinion, using healing magic on this group of mid-level extraordinary people is a waste of magic power.

Since the boss's advancement is a foregone conclusion, the best way to deal with it at this time is to save strength as much as possible, then go deep into the maze, find a place to recuperate, and wait for more combat power from the ground.

As for these Level 4 and 5 superhumans, they would die anyway if they were to waste time, so wouldn't it be more valuable to help the two brothers attract attention before they die?

"No! We have to wait until that entourage dies before we can take action."

Although Yamano Ichiro agreed with his brother's idea, he was more cautious.

He had to see with his own eyes that the superhuman planted by Hayasaka died before taking action. Now was the beginning of the internal strife in the Shinomiya family, and he couldn't let anyone catch him.

"Okay! Nissan!"

Hearing his brother's words, Jiro nodded in agreement, and then pretended that nothing had happened and continued to treat the injured team members.

However, the healing light on the injured was much dimmer than before, and the effect of wound recovery also began to gradually deteriorate.

The injured were not fools, so they naturally found clues.

He wanted to ask, but after seeing the cold light in Yamano Jiro's eyes, he dared not say much.

After hastily bandaging it with a bandage, he stood up again and joined the battle.


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