The first time I saw a man was when he was about to die.

"I'm a spy."

"Although my public identity is the relative of the current head of the Shioliu family, Shioliu Wei, who lives abroad."

"But in fact, my name is Fiona Frost, a senior spy from the Daiying Empire, codenamed Night Wei."

"Due to my daily work, I mainly collect intelligence or deal with some traitors."

"Therefore, even if I encounter a battle, it is only a small encounter or ambush."

"This is the first time I've experienced a large-scale frontal offensive and defensive battle like this."

"What a fresh experience."

A tall, handsome, white-haired woman in the crowd thought so.

After casually killing a monster that wanted to approach, Xi Liuwei, or Fiona, did not stop, turned the gun again, and pulled the trigger at a distance.

With the sound of the bullet coming out of the gun, a special bullet with a silver-white light and high-speed rotation pierced the head of a monster that was biting a team member in the blink of an eye, and the huge body fell down.

"Thank... Thank you!" The rescued team member just broke free from the shadow of death and hurriedly thanked Fiona.


In response, Fiona just nodded coldly.


Seeing her look of keeping strangers away, the man smiled awkwardly, stood up and continued to fight.

Ignoring the man, Fiona looked at the MP5 in her hand, a little annoyed.

"If I had known it would turn into an offensive and defensive battle, I should have brought a heavy machine gun. The firepower of the submachine gun is a little small after all."

"Wasn't it a simple search mission at the beginning?"

"Why did it suddenly turn into a monster attack?"

Fiona complained in her heart expressionlessly.

Due to her outstanding business ability in recent years, Fiona has become the ace spy of the island country branch.

Therefore, she was specially commissioned by the branch director Spencer to perform an extremely difficult task - to obtain more information about the other world of Dongdu.

This is not a simple task.

The other world of Dongdu is currently controlled by Eagle Sauce, Bear and Rabbit. The information is highly blocked. Only the top leaders of the island country can get some sporadic information.

The intelligence obtained by colleagues in the past was relatively ordinary, usually about the political system and culture of the other world.

This made the authorities very dissatisfied. They did not care about the civilization form of the other world.

What they care about is the situation of various resources.

Therefore, in order to obtain this information, Spencer pushed out her branch ace.

Fiona was naturally fearless.

After receiving the task, she immediately took action.

After many investigations, she believed that the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, that is, Shinomiya Kaguya, was the best contact object.

Because Kaguya was the youngest, strongest, and most informed among the many qualified people.

The youngest - just about to enter the second year of high school, a yellow-haired girl, although there is no intention to belittle, but being young to a certain extent means lack of experience;

The strongest - a level 4 supernatural person with wind power, whose destructive power is only slightly worse than the standard level 6 in the early stage. And according to rumors, the girl is about to break through to level 5;

Knowing the most information - With amazing talent and the support of the Akatsuki organization, Kaguya has won over a large number of middle and lower-level supernatural people, and has considerable power in the Shinomiya family.

Even because she is a supernatural person with extremely strong talent, Kaguya can get access to more information.

In addition to the above reasons, the most important thing is that Kaguya is recruiting extraordinary people on a large scale.

Now is the best opportunity to get close to her.

She contacted the other party through the Shioli family as "Shioliu Wei", and the other party should not have too many defenses.

The facts are indeed as she expected.

Kaguya Shinomiya was very pleased with her arrival and immediately arranged her into the direct team.

And the reason why she followed the exploration team of the main family into the maze was because of the task assigned by Kaguya.

Mission goal-bring Xiao Beichen out of the maze.

If the other party has been killed, go to his house and take the cat back.

Mission props-a space transmission scroll.

Abandon the team directly when necessary, use the scroll to teleport Xiao Beichen to Kaguya's house.

If she uses it alone, it depends on the subsequent situation of Xiao Beichen to determine whether the task is completed.

Mission reward-initial integration into Kaguya Group.

Ms. Kaguya's satisfaction +1, team status +1.

Originally she was full of confidence,

Promise Hayasaka that he will complete the mission successfully.

As a result, it seems that this mission is likely to fail.

"Really! Is my first independent mission in Shinomiya going to end in failure?"

"That damn eyeball monster, if you can't beat it, just run away! What's the point of calling your parents?"

"A child?"

"And that damn kid, why did he go out to date when he had nothing to do during the holidays?"

"It's okay to date, why don't you just go around Kita-ku and go to Toshima-ku?"

"Now you see it! You've been sucked into the underground maze!"

At this time, Fiona's heart was full of resentment.

In her opinion, the rescue mission was just a side job, and exploring the mystery was her main task.

What she cared about was whether she could complete the mission and gain the appreciation of the eldest lady, not Xiao Beichen's life or death.

What if the failure of this mission left a bad impression on Kaguya and the others, how could she make further progress in the future?

Whenever she thought of this, Fiona felt a headache.

Of course, the current situation did not give her much time to feel bad.

Due to the two brothers' passive sabotage, the situation that was already somewhat collapsed was completely hopeless.

As several main front-line fighters fell, the monsters instantly broke through the first line of defense and rushed towards the second line of defense where Fiona was.

After quickly firing the remaining bullets, Fiona pulled out the magazine and threw it at the monsters rushing over.

While the opponent's attention was attracted by the magazine, Fiona jumped up and stepped accurately on the magazine in mid-air, and then stepped hard on the monster's head with the magazine.

Taking advantage of the monster's impact, she kicked hard, and her body suddenly shot into the sky like an arrow from a string, heading towards the last line of defense where the twins were.

The silver-white hair fluttered in the wind, like a bright meteor piercing the dark sky.

Extremely elegant!

Without the time to rate her gymnastics moves, Fiona completed the replacement of the magazine the moment she flipped and landed.

Then she pulled the trigger and killed several monsters that rushed towards her.

After the monsters fell, she was able to relax and take a breath.

Just at this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

"Break the bucket. Who repaired it?!"

(Senjutsu. Water escape. Water rush wave)

As soon as the voice fell, Fiona saw a tornado-like water flow suddenly rising at the entrance of the cave.

After the water flow rose to more than 30 meters and hit the top of the hall, it rushed towards their direction like a tsunami.

In front of this torrent like a natural disaster, the monsters had no power to resist and were swept into it one after another, drifting with the tide.

Seeing this scene, Fiona had only one thought, that is -

"Oh! Sent..."

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