Ring Of Chaos

185 let's all welcome death

The Dark Mountains

When I walked in there, I felt like I was entering another world

Everything was different. Even

The energy of the place

Everyone felt the same way as me

Khaled is still trying to get closer to Hind

She's still looking at him with strange looks , with eyes that don't know

Who is this guy?

What does he want?

whenever that happened

Khaled would joke around

Say some stupid stuff to her

You were great when we were younger

You've always punished me

You always protected me

The only response he gets was Hind speeding up and walking away

Then his face changes to to the usual sad face

He doesn't know what to do to make his sister regain her memory

But this time I got close to him

Because I felt he needed some motivation

I put my hand on his shoulder

And whispered in his ear

"Don't be sad, my friend. She's here with you better than being away from you."

" is she even the same person?"

He said wiping his tears

When he said that, I got confused but I still said

"I think it's the same person."

He Smiled after i said that

Then he started jumping right and left

"I'll do the impossible to get her memories back. She's my sister after all."

I used to wish to get a brother Or a sister, to take care of them

But now I have a lot of wonderful brothers and sisters to protect

Khaled said that and quickly moved forward

But I felt something strange

"Khaled, stop right there."

"Don't give me orders now, Commander. I'm excited."

"Khalid, listen to me, stop right there and don't move."

He Stopped and looked at me

"What's up?"

"Don't move from your place."

I said that because I was sensing a big energy that coming from the ground

A giant plant came out from under his ffee

And it was about to swallow Khaled

I didn't expect that this was the thing that moving under us

"shadow steps."

I put my hand on Khaled's body

"energy monster."

He was inside the mana that i made around us

But the plant was already about to trap me completely

So I covered my body with all the energy I had

Then I imagined the shape of a dragon With my skill of transformation

\u003cA new skill has been invented\u003e

"Energy Dragon."

I looked like a dragon

With four wings

And a long tail

There was a strange fluid that was coming out of the plant

This liquid was able to tear down my mana

What would it do to us if it got to us?

Really the Dark Mountains was welcome us

I should welcome it, too

"lightning Assault."

Only one level remains and I would get to the next stage

I don't know how is this skill gonna get any stronger

A giant lightning came from the sky and hacked the ground

The plant was trying to get the parts that was torn back together

But I acted fast

And escaped from inside of the pplan

The new skill was draining a lot of energy

But still I stood in front of the plant that I discovered had eyes

came out of my mouth Blue fire

It was burning the plant

Suddenly I Formed a big hammer made of mana then hit and destroyed the plant

When you i looked behind me

I found it Hind holding Khaled

I smiled when I felt that Khaled was safe

\u003c you acquired a new skill For killing a powerful monster\u003e

\u003ccell regeneration\u003e

cell regeneration: every five days you can re gain and regenerate severed or lost organs in your body

After I saw the explanation oo this skill, I was surprised

But I was more glad that Khaled was okay

Khaled is a fun friend

The kind of friend Who hides his pain to say something that makes you smile

He's a wonderful guy

As I was thinking about this I layed on the ground to rest

But I still wanted to try this skill now that everyone is safe

Everyone came to me

Khalid still doesn't understand what just happened

From shock so he didn't move

They all looked Worried so I said "I'm fine."

Then I took out the sword of Athens and cut my hand off

Shard was surprised by what I did

"What are you doing?"

Everyone said

But I didn't stop and I completely cut my hand off To test my new skill

It was painful

But I'm not a child

I won't cry or scream

"cell regeneration."

A big white light appeared on my hand

Then it's started to turn back

Another arm appeared in place of the old one And it felt better than the old one

Everyone was shocked by what they saw

As Khaled was still standing away, still doesn't understand anything

"I'll be fine after I get my energy back, so don't be afraid."

a sign came up in front of me

\u003cYou've exhausted all your energy.\u003e

I felt like I wasn't able Even to move my fingers

"Don't ever do this again"

Zed said looking at me

"I was trying my new power."

"You are really strange"

Shard said looking at my hand and lifting it up to see if it's okay

"Don't be afraid. I'm fine."

But suddenly I heard strange noise

It Sounded like things crashing

Looks like it's because of my energy depletion. I can't feel what was going on

But suddenly I saw a Big giant standing in front of Khalid

Everyone looked back

The giant was wearing a warrior armor

I couldn't tell how tall this giant was

Khalid and everyone was in shock

Khalid looked up to find

A giant foot coming down on him he couldn't do anything except stand there

The foot landed on his head

And she smashed it

I heard the Bones in his body being smashed

He couldn't even scream

And I didn't have the power to save him

Everyone was in shock by what was happening

As was i

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