Ring Of Chaos
186 khaled
I'm sitting right now in the restaurant where I always eat
I was hungry after I stole some gold from a rich lady
Her screaming was really annoying 'Thief. Thief'
Yeah, I'm a thief, you bitch
You have to be proud to be roped by me
You must tell everyone the thief Khaled honored me by robbing me
The restaurant door opened and a beautiful armored girl came in
She looked at me and approached me
Then hit the table I was sitting on
Then she raised her hand to my head then she hit me harder than she hit the table
I felt so much pain, but I didn't talk
She said after she sat and looked at me
"I told you once before to stop stealing, I'm about to enter the Army if you're ever caught I'm gonna get eliminated and Everything we want will be gone"
She's my big sister's hind
Since I was a kid, I didn't know a mother or a father
I only saw my sister hind as she went and stealing food for me
I don't ask her where my father and Mother went
Because when I talk about it, she gets Sad
And I don't like to making her sad
She used to be always sad, but she was strong and resilient for me
So she can protect me from everyone
So I also trained to be able to protecther too
I trained and trained
Until I got close to her power
Every time She saw how much stronger I got she smiles
And that always makes me happy
I never loved anyone like I love my sister
I had no friends or relatives
And i always been trying to be the funny guy
We were so happy
We ate a little after we talked and I promised I wouldn't do it again
We've become stronger than we used to be
We stole together and fooled people together we used to do anything to survive
But now my sister is about to join the military
Our lives were about to get better
And we would get to another stage of happiness
But that goddamn demon king attacked the humans race
My sister and I were somehow able to escape and survived this attack
But He destroyed my favorite restaurant everything I know and love is now destroyed
one night we were walking togethe
Hind said as she looked at the beautiful moon
I said that while I jumping in front of her
"What would you do if you lose me"
I Turned around
And give her my back
Then I moved with slow steps forward
And I said
"Don't be depressing , sister. I'm not going to lose you."
I don't like to make her see me sad
I'm the funny one here
And this clown can't be sad
Everyone should be happy around him
But at that moment, And after I heard these words
I felt like the funny guy act was over
I went to her
And I took her in my arms
Then I told her
"I'm not gonna make you kill yourself no matter what."
She raised her hand
And she gave me a kiss on my forehead
she said after she hit me in the head
"You have growing up, little Khaled"
I said I was jokingly
"But I'm not older than you."
I swa the anger on her face
So i ran away
We're heading to the Star Institute
The institute that has nothing to do with the war
It has nothing to do with anything
With our strength, we will be able to reach the sky
But the people we saw on the road there were not friendly
Among them are those who were as strong as us and some were even stronger
So we had to practice more
And more
And more
My sister and I have been practicing every day
Until we're can't anymore
One time a groupvof fuckers attacked us
I quickly killed them all
I don't care who I kill as long as I'm protecting my sister
She is my dear jewel that
I won't let anyone hurt
"Khaled, try to make some friends"
She told me that before we went to the Institute
But I didn't expect that it would actually happen
Her and me got in A little weird team
Because of the test laws of the Institute
I didn't trust anyone to become the leader of the team, all of them are weird
A hybrid covering her head
A powerful little boy that can handle himself
A man with a giant body and a big sword
Finally a demon
I don't like demons
They destroyed our dreams
And they killed everyone I know in the city
So I hated every demon
I don't want the demon to be our leader
Why don't we let Hind be the leader
But she didn't volunteer
Time was running
There are seconds left
The big guy I knew was called a Shard
Said Why don't we let the Joker be the leader
And he referred to the little boy
Without hesitation, I said yes
Because of the time running out
Everyone was saying it at once
I know it's a stupid choice, but what can we do?
I didn't expect this Joker to be
The fiercest and strongest of monsters
He was killing hundreds in front of my eyes and smilingand while doing it
He was doing what needed to be done with a smile on his face
He joked around with me, so I liked him
And I considered him with all my heart as my leader
Because of his power I respected him
Even his intelligence that surprised me
I liked How he controlled cities and killed kings
How good he was at acting and pretending
And Chard too
He have become like a big brother
He felt responsible for us
He always would protect us with his bode
my sister was so happy so was i
For the first time in a long time, I've seen her beautiful laugh
And there's also the beautiful hybrid but
I don't know why every time I see her, I feel something in my heart
I wanted to get her attention
But she was always looking at the Joker
So I knew without anyone telling me that she loved him
Also Zed , even though I hate demons
But I really don't hate him
With time I got used to him
And fighting With him
When I got to know him, I knew that he was loyal
I was happy with this team
But I didn't expect to lose my sister
After we got to the other planet
We were about to die
At that moment I saw the real power of the Joker
A power I never could imagine reaching
A magician
A warrior
A Tamer
I don't know what to call him
But when a large group of people gather around us, trying to kill us
I still saw a smile on his face
And that also made me laugh despite everything
When I said, "It's the end."
I wasn't afraid, but I was accepting that I was going die here
But the Joker responded to me laughing like all that was happening doesn't have anything to do with him
"the end doesn't come before its time."
This fucking kid is not a kid
We're the kids
This guy
What I saw with him makes me realize that the sky is still way out of my reach
It Makes me realize
That I still haven't seen anything yet
Makes me realize that the world is unfair
He had everything
But unfortunately he didn't have the luck
Three strong people showed up
From a union called Shadows
They were looking at us like bugs
But I felt their power was far from us
Someone stood behind me with a long sword
I was shocked by what was happening
I didn't believe what happened
I'm really about to die
I saw the Joker summoning his soldiers
And Yama, the powerful witch
To take down the person who caught me
But the other guy took aut a weird ball that released a lot of strange monsters
They took out the Joker Army and Yama disappeared
I was glad my team was trying to save me
But I was sad that I was a burden on them
Shard tried his best
But he passed out
So when I found out it was the end
I said out loud
"I think I'm getting bored now if you want to kill me, do it already."
I looked at my sister who i felt like she was doing something
the man who was holding me
Raised his sword And was about to tear my chest apart
That when I heard my sister say
" Body switch
I know that skill. I found it In an old book that I stole
But Hind wouldn't tell me what that spill can do
Suddenly everything around me stopped
There's no movement at all
I don't hear anyone talking or moving
It's like time has stopped
I found Hind standing up
And was heading for
I felt like something was wrong
I felt that she would die if she got closer
"Don't" I screamed as loud as I could
But it's like she didn't hear me
She kept coming closer
"Please don't do this, I can't lose you"
I said it with everything I had, but nothing Changed
I felt a lot of pain in my chest
Because I felt like I was going to lose my sister tonight
I won't be able to sit with her
I won't be able to talk to her
She won't hit me on the head when I do Something stupid
She stood right in front of me
And before I could touch her
She got close to my ear and said
"remember when I asked you what would you do if you lose me."
I couldn't answer
But she's continued saying
"You must live, Khaled, you must stay with this team and avenge me, you must become stronger and follow the Joker no matter what, you see how he tried to get you back and fight for you with everyone else, sharad, Lena, Zed do not lose any of them, and keep your sweet smile don't hide your pain, brother remember I will always be here for you."
"I can't live if you are dead, but you must live or my death would have been for nothing. I love you ."
She said as she smiled happily then she disappeared
And I appeared in her place
I started raining down when I opened my eyes
But Hind was hit instead of me
She was looking at me
That motherfucker Threw her body away from me
So I jumped and caught her
I didn't care about anything else
And I didn't know why at that moment I remembered everything
Every moment we were together she was always there for me since I knew what life meant
She fed me
She treated my injuries
She's not my sister. She's my everything
She's everything to me
My chest is hurting so much
But I don't know why I laughed so loud
I couldn't stop laughing
Or stop my tears from coming down
I looked at them all
And I said in an angry voice that was full of hatred
"I'll kill you! I'll make you regret killing my sister! I'll rip your heads off! I'll hunt you even in your dreams!"
Everybody heard me
But the witch who attacked before
Fired an attack on me
I tried to protect my sister's body
But I passed out
I'm sitting right now in the restaurant where I always eat
I was hungry after I stole some gold from a rich lady
Her screaming was really annoying 'Thief. Thief'
Yeah, I'm a thief, you bitch
You have to be proud to be roped by me
You must tell everyone the thief Khaled honored me by robbing me
The restaurant door opened and a beautiful armored girl came in
She looked at me and approached me
Then hit the table I was sitting on
Then she raised her hand to my head then she hit me harder than she hit the table
I felt so much pain, but I didn't talk
She said after she sat and looked at me
"I told you once before to stop stealing, I'm about to enter the Army if you're ever caught I'm gonna get eliminated and Everything we want will be gone"
She's my big sister's hind
Since I was a kid, I didn't know a mother or a father
I only saw my sister hind as she went and stealing food for me
I don't ask her where my father and Mother went
Because when I talk about it, she gets Sad
And I don't like to making her sad
She used to be always sad, but she was strong and resilient for me
So she can protect me from everyone
So I also trained to be able to protecther too
I trained and trained
Until I got close to her power
Every time She saw how much stronger I got she smiles
And that always makes me happy
I never loved anyone like I love my sister
I had no friends or relatives
And i always been trying to be the funny guy
We were so happy
We ate a little after we talked and I promised I wouldn't do it again
We've become stronger than we used to be
We stole together and fooled people together we used to do anything to survive
But now my sister is about to join the military
Our lives were about to get better
And we would get to another stage of happiness
But that goddamn demon king attacked the humans race
My sister and I were somehow able to escape and survived this attack
But He destroyed my favorite restaurant everything I know and love is now destroyed
one night we were walking togethe
Hind said as she looked at the beautiful moon
I said that while I jumping in front of her
"What would you do if you lose me"
I Turned around
And give her my back
Then I moved with slow steps forward
And I said
"Don't be depressing , sister. I'm not going to lose you."
I don't like to make her see me sad
I'm the funny one here
And this clown can't be sad
Everyone should be happy around him
But at that moment, And after I heard these words
I felt like the funny guy act was over
I went to her
And I took her in my arms
Then I told her
"I'm not gonna make you kill yourself no matter what."
She raised her hand
And she gave me a kiss on my forehead
she said after she hit me in the head
"You have growing up, little Khaled"
I said I was jokingly
"But I'm not older than you."
I swa the anger on her face
So i ran away
We're heading to the Star Institute
The institute that has nothing to do with the war
It has nothing to do with anything
With our strength, we will be able to reach the sky
But the people we saw on the road there were not friendly
Among them are those who were as strong as us and some were even stronger
So we had to practice more
And more
And more
My sister and I have been practicing every day
Until we're can't anymore
One time a groupvof fuckers attacked us
I quickly killed them all
I don't care who I kill as long as I'm protecting my sister
She is my dear jewel that
I won't let anyone hurt
"Khaled, try to make some friends"
She told me that before we went to the Institute
But I didn't expect that it would actually happen
Her and me got in A little weird team
Because of the test laws of the Institute
I didn't trust anyone to become the leader of the team, all of them are weird
A hybrid covering her head
A powerful little boy that can handle himself
A man with a giant body and a big sword
Finally a demon
I don't like demons
They destroyed our dreams
And they killed everyone I know in the city
So I hated every demon
I don't want the demon to be our leader
Why don't we let Hind be the leader
But she didn't volunteer
Time was running
There are seconds left
The big guy I knew was called a Shard
Said Why don't we let the Joker be the leader
And he referred to the little boy
Without hesitation, I said yes
Because of the time running out
Everyone was saying it at once
I know it's a stupid choice, but what can we do?
I didn't expect this Joker to be
The fiercest and strongest of monsters
He was killing hundreds in front of my eyes and smilingand while doing it
He was doing what needed to be done with a smile on his face
He joked around with me, so I liked him
And I considered him with all my heart as my leader
Because of his power I respected him
Even his intelligence that surprised me
I liked How he controlled cities and killed kings
How good he was at acting and pretending
And Chard too
He have become like a big brother
He felt responsible for us
He always would protect us with his bode
my sister was so happy so was i
For the first time in a long time, I've seen her beautiful laugh
And there's also the beautiful hybrid but
I don't know why every time I see her, I feel something in my heart
I wanted to get her attention
But she was always looking at the Joker
So I knew without anyone telling me that she loved him
Also Zed , even though I hate demons
But I really don't hate him
With time I got used to him
And fighting With him
When I got to know him, I knew that he was loyal
I was happy with this team
But I didn't expect to lose my sister
After we got to the other planet
We were about to die
At that moment I saw the real power of the Joker
A power I never could imagine reaching
A magician
A warrior
A Tamer
I don't know what to call him
But when a large group of people gather around us, trying to kill us
I still saw a smile on his face
And that also made me laugh despite everything
When I said, "It's the end."
I wasn't afraid, but I was accepting that I was going die here
But the Joker responded to me laughing like all that was happening doesn't have anything to do with him
"the end doesn't come before its time."
This fucking kid is not a kid
We're the kids
This guy
What I saw with him makes me realize that the sky is still way out of my reach
It Makes me realize
That I still haven't seen anything yet
Makes me realize that the world is unfair
He had everything
But unfortunately he didn't have the luck
Three strong people showed up
From a union called Shadows
They were looking at us like bugs
But I felt their power was far from us
Someone stood behind me with a long sword
I was shocked by what was happening
I didn't believe what happened
I'm really about to die
I saw the Joker summoning his soldiers
And Yama, the powerful witch
To take down the person who caught me
But the other guy took aut a weird ball that released a lot of strange monsters
They took out the Joker Army and Yama disappeared
I was glad my team was trying to save me
But I was sad that I was a burden on them
Shard tried his best
But he passed out
So when I found out it was the end
I said out loud
"I think I'm getting bored now if you want to kill me, do it already."
I looked at my sister who i felt like she was doing something
the man who was holding me
Raised his sword And was about to tear my chest apart
That when I heard my sister say
" Body switch
I know that skill. I found it In an old book that I stole
But Hind wouldn't tell me what that spill can do
Suddenly everything around me stopped
There's no movement at all
I don't hear anyone talking or moving
It's like time has stopped
I found Hind standing up
And was heading for
I felt like something was wrong
I felt that she would die if she got closer
"Don't" I screamed as loud as I could
But it's like she didn't hear me
She kept coming closer
"Please don't do this, I can't lose you"
I said it with everything I had, but nothing Changed
I felt a lot of pain in my chest
Because I felt like I was going to lose my sister tonight
I won't be able to sit with her
I won't be able to talk to her
She won't hit me on the head when I do Something stupid
She stood right in front of me
And before I could touch her
She got close to my ear and said
"remember when I asked you what would you do if you lose me."
I couldn't answer
But she's continued saying
"You must live, Khaled, you must stay with this team and avenge me, you must become stronger and follow the Joker no matter what, you see how he tried to get you back and fight for you with everyone else, sharad, Lena, Zed do not lose any of them, and keep your sweet smile don't hide your pain, brother remember I will always be here for you."
"I can't live if you are dead, but you must live or my death would have been for nothing. I love you ."
She said as she smiled happily then she disappeared
And I appeared in her place
I started raining down when I opened my eyes
But Hind was hit instead of me
She was looking at me
That motherfucker Threw her body away from me
So I jumped and caught her
I didn't care about anything else
And I didn't know why at that moment I remembered everything
Every moment we were together she was always there for me since I knew what life meant
She fed me
She treated my injuries
She's not my sister. She's my everything
She's everything to me
My chest is hurting so much
But I don't know why I laughed so loud
I couldn't stop laughing
Or stop my tears from coming down
I looked at them all
And I said in an angry voice that was full of hatred
"I'll kill you! I'll make you regret killing my sister! I'll rip your heads off! I'll hunt you even in your dreams!"
Everybody heard me
But the witch who attacked before
Fired an attack on me
I tried to protect my sister's body
But I passed out
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