Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 108: Homemade reactive armor

Chapter 108 Homemade Reactive Armor

The Japanese army's determination this time was not limited to the fact that they dispatched five tanks modified by locals at once.

 The artillery fire has not stopped yet.

 After the tanks and infantry were dispatched, they were still firing guns with all their strength.

It seems that the inventory of the third division will be emptied.

In fact, after the war, statistics showed that on the morning of the 28th alone, the 36th Infantry Regiment fired 1,500 rounds of various artillery shells at the Sihang Warehouse, far exceeding the artillery shell reserve that an infantry regiment should have.

 The Third Division had to deploy 600 rounds of artillery shells from the division's artillery wing and send them to the front line of Sihang Warehouse.

  Such intensity of artillery fire, in the Battle of Songhu, aside from the assistance of heavy artillery and naval guns, was definitely an unprecedented first for a regiment-level battlefield.

In particular, the 200-meter-wide ruins in front of the Sihang Warehouse were almost blown into rubble. There are no more ruins or houses that have not completely collapsed. It is like the demolition team hired by real estate developers came ninety years later. Same.

The light and heavy machine guns in the warehouse were unable to fire at all. Not only did the infantry artillery fire stubbornly towards them, forcing them to temporarily avoid it, but the thick smoke made it impossible for them to see the Japanese army's position. How to fight?

 Shooting by feel does nothing but waste ammunition.

 Until the Japanese army arrived 200 meters in front of the warehouse, the Japanese artillery completely stopped firing, and instead used grenades to throw grenades and smoke grenades to continue suppressing the attack.

The lookout post on the top of the building could barely see the movements of the Japanese troops.

About four infantry squads of Japanese infantry, each guided by two 89 medium tanks, divided into two groups and slowly approached the Sihang Warehouse.

In the middle road, a tank with thicker sandbags and dozens of Japanese infantry stopped 250 meters away, and three 94 light tanks also approached in a snake-like maneuver among the ruins.

This is obviously to use the 57mm tank gun and 7.7mm heavy machine gun as mobile firepower points to suppress the firepower point behind the sandbag fortification on the front of the warehouse.

It seems that the number of troops invested is not as good as yesterday's last battle, but perhaps only soldiers like an army lieutenant colonel will know that the Japanese have put a lot of thought and money into it, and the battlefield situation is more dangerous than yesterday.

The current formation of the Japanese army seems to be a feint attack and containment from the front, with the two wings as the key breakthrough direction. However, as the battlefield changes, it may become the main attack on all three sides at any time.

 Because the Japanese army has made new investments in civil engineering operations.

The Japanese engineers were like industrious little ants. Taking advantage of the non-stop shelling, they actually dug a 300-meter-long trench 100 meters before the previous field trench, only 400 meters away from the warehouse, and even already Within rifle range.

Needless to say, there must be at least one infantry squadron of Japanese troops hidden inside, ready to enter an attack state at any time.

Come to think of it, this is partly due to the fact that they were stabbed severely by Chinese soldiers before dawn. They continued to build trenches with massive construction projects, which pressed the front line step by step. At the same time, it also greatly reduced the space for Chinese activities at night to avoid similar incidents from happening again. .

 The trenches dug closer and closer together were like ropes around the necks of the Chinese defenders, gradually suffocating them.

 However, the Japanese army is fully prepared, and the Chinese side has already made corresponding adjustments.

Four Type 89 tanks were more than 200 meters away from the building. The 57mm tank cannons were firing hard, and the walls, which were already mottled and exposed by mountain cannons, infantry cannons, and grenade launchers, made the reinforced concrete walls even more pitted. , the mortar on the roof began to speak.

But this time, there are not only four doors as before, but six doors.

And this time, they did not pick up the weak ones and attack the Japanese infantry, but they attacked the Japanese tanks.

 One round of shelling fired six shells, and 15 seconds was enough time for the six guns to fire at least twenty dozen shells. The sudden and intensive artillery fire shrouded the two Type 89 tanks on the left wing in a sea of ​​flames.

But obviously, as long as the mortar does not hit the top cover of the 89 tank, the damage caused by the explosion around the tank, whether it is shock wave or shrapnel, will be completely ineffective against the 12-ton steel behemoth. Even if the frontal armor is hit by artillery shells, the Type 89 tank will only sway its body at most, and still move forward firmly despite the flames and smoke.

Perhaps the only function is to keep the infantry following the tank at a slightly further distance.

“Sure enough, the Chinese have hidden firepower!” A cold light burst out from Wakibajiro’s eyes.

"There are two more mortars. Isn't it too late to take them out now?" Yin Tengzhonger showed disdain for this. "Order the front grenade team to use all your strength to suppress the Chinese on the roof of the warehouse."

The Japanese army reacted with more than 12 grenade groups and tried their best to hit the grenades above the roof of the building. The grenades could be seen with the naked eye flying to the roof of the building in pieces. Six mortars that fired several rapid rounds were forced to move from each fortification. Click to evacuate into the building.

The original order they received was to fire four rounds rapidly per gun. Each artillery team was prohibited from doing so and would withdraw after firing. The 82 mortar body, gun frame and chassis totaled 70 kilograms. Two strong soldiers carried it. You can run away.

 Even so, three artillerymen were still hit by flying shrapnel, two were slightly injured and one was seriously injured.

Seeing that the Chinese mortars had misfired, not to mention the tanks, the engines roared and continued to move forward. The Japanese infantry also emerged from their hiding places, intending to follow the tanks and continue the attack.

Then, the Japanese troops on the left saw that two shooting holes about two feet square in length and width suddenly appeared on the wall of the Sihang Warehouse facing them.

Such a large shooting hole is naturally not prepared for machine guns, but it is obviously reserved for the terrifying Sulotong machine gun.

 At the same time that the infantrymen's **** suddenly retracted, a muffled "dong-dong-dong-dong" sound emitted from the two shooting ports that also made the Japanese tank crews' hair stand on end.

However, the tank crews still bit the bullet and did not drive the tank to dodge, but continued to move forward in the face of the machine gun shells.

It's not that you are getting bolder, but the two layers of sandbags covering the front armor of the tank have been tested after shooting. They can reduce the kinetic energy of heavy machine gun bullets by 90%. No matter how powerful the machine gun shells are, they can reduce the kinetic energy by 30%. Can.

The Japanese tank crews obviously forgot that they had just rushed out of the shelling area where six mortars concentrated fire.

The mortar's shock wave isn't powerful enough to tear through the armor, but it shouldn't be difficult to blow up some sandbags.

 Soon, a tough 89 tank became really tough.

The two machine guns fired nearly 20 shells. Most of them missed, and a few landed on the front of the tank. Some of the shells that hit were blocked by sandbags that had not been completely scattered, and then left terrible marks on the steel plate. Dents, ultimately no real holes.

Regrettably, one of them hit the exposed frontal armor unfortunately.

 Then, pierce through with one blow.

 The tank engine is still roaring to drive the tank forward, but the direction is already biased.

 Running towards the river.

  It continuously crashed into several low walls and a badly damaged house, and it has not stopped its crazy pace.

 Finally, under the fearful eyes of the Japanese infantry, they plunged into the Suzhou River.

 Another tank, a large number of dead souls.

 (End of this chapter)

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