Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 109: Almost doubting life

Chapter 109 Almost doubting life

 The home-made ‘reactive armor’ was still lacking in firepower after all.

 Obviously, the 89 tank lost its direction and plunged into the Suzhou River. I am afraid that not only the tank driver was killed, but the other two members also died from the splash of shrapnel inside the tank.

 Those who don’t run are idiots.

The other tank was reversing crazily while turning the rudder, trying desperately to escape to the rear and sides. There were dilapidated buildings there, which could provide some cover.

The main battle tanks were frightened like fertilized rabbits and began to search for burrows, which was very bad for the infantry who were hiding behind them to attack.

 Get down on the ground! Of course, it can escape the terrifying machine gun and heavy machine gun fire, but there is undoubtedly a high possibility of becoming a victim of the tank tracks.

You can't see your own tanks that are turning their huge bodies to dodge, not to mention those lying on the ground, or those with their waists bent. Do you think they have 360-degree cameras?

 Or, even if there is, you may turn a blind eye!

Notwithstanding the fact that "a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist" is popular all over the world, the noble armored knights of the Imperial Japanese Army do not actually classify the rustic infantrymen as the same level as themselves.

At least five or six Japanese infantrymen did not fall to the machine gun bullets fired from the warehouse. Instead, they were caught off guard and knocked down by the wildly maneuvering tanks and brought under the tracks.

 There was a muffled sound of "Bang!", which was the sound of a human head being crushed by a 12-ton tank.

Fresh brain tissue splashed out for more than ten meters, showing the charm of huge pressure.

A Japanese infantryman could no longer care about the rain of bullets coming from the opposite side, but jumped up crazily and fled backwards.

It was actually because an eyeball of a comrade whose head was crushed together with his helmet shot out more than ten meters and landed on his face. When he reached out and touched it, in the round eyeball that was still sticky with flesh and blood, there seemed to be a flash of the comrade being killed by the track. The final despair of less than five seconds as his legs were crushed to his abdomen and then to his head.

The Japanese infantryman, whose cruel death inspired all his will to survive, was lucky. His strength like a deer in the forest allowed him to avoid the rain of bullets from behind and ran at least a hundred meters toward his own position.

But still, after a burst of fierce gunshots, the deer broke its legs and fell to the ground.

He fell not to the machine guns of the warehouse defenders, but to the guns of the Japanese Third Infantry Brigade Supervisory Team deployed 400 meters away from the warehouse.

 Four light machine guns were lined up in a row, aiming not at the warehouse but at their own infantry.

 Those who retreat without receiving the order to retreat shall die!

 This is the military order Wakibajiro issued to the two infantry brigades before the attack.

Perhaps only Makino Shun knew what the army commander was thinking. His purpose in launching this battle was just to cover up tunnel excavation and consume the opponent's ammunition. The number of infantry casualties was no longer within his scope of consideration.

The already crazy Japanese colonel does not need anything else now, he only needs victory, even if he invests the entire 36th Regiment. Just like Nogi Nogi, who madly invested tens of thousands of people to launch a charge, trying to cover up all the ugliness with victory.

The Japanese commander went crazy, and the Japanese infantry also fell into madness.

Even if our most important cover, the 89 tank, was beaten by the Chinese machine guns and fled in panic, and could only dare to hide in the ruins and poke its head out to shoot at the Chinese with its poor 57mm tank gun, they were divided into multiple The tactical team launched an attack on Sihang Warehouse.

 Attack from three sides of Sihang Warehouse.

The two machine guns in the warehouse are also a bit concerned about one thing and the other. No matter how awesome Lei Xiong's machine gun control is, there is no guarantee that a single bullet can hit a tank that is using all its strength to maneuver.

The roof of the building has been completely blocked by the Japanese grenade team who did not care about casualties and even dared to be exposed to rifle fire. The biggest casualty in the entire building is not the infantry company, but Lei Xiong's machine gun company.

Even though there were complete fortifications on the roof, more than ten artillerymen were still injured by shrapnel. One mortar was even blown away by the air wave of a grenade that exploded two meters away, causing the gun mount to deform.

The lieutenant colonel of the army also had to order to abandon the rooftop position and the entire army retreated into the building. The mortars could only have sufficient deterrence on the frontal battlefield, and on the two wings, they could only rely on two machine guns and tanks to fire at each other. However, It's just barely enough.

On the Japanese side, after several trials, they basically judged the intensity of the heavy firepower of the Chinese defenders at this time. They did not continue to invest in armor, but increased the investment in infantry. At least there were more than 400 Japanese infantrymen, divided into more than 30 squads, marching through the ruins towards the warehouse building.

Jiro Wakiba actually devoted nearly a quarter of the remaining infantry strength of the 36th Infantry Regiment at once.

From the observation post on the fourth floor, it looks like a swarm of ants rushing towards the delicious cake of Sihang Warehouse.

Even if this big cake is poisonous, its sting can reach hundreds of meters away.

 Five mortars were fired at maximum elevation angle, and the last three heavy machine guns and six light machine guns that had been hidden all joined the battle.

 A total of six heavy machine guns and 27 light machine guns spit out a torrent of steel and suppressed the Japanese army more than 200 meters away from the warehouse.

 The sudden intensification of the bullet rain made Wakibajiro's eyelids twitch wildly, and Makino's handsome face turned ashen.

 The Chinese actually have hidden firepower.

This is really extremely discouraging.

  It's like betting. When you think you've defeated your opponent every time, but your opponent once again reveals a trump card that makes you vomit blood, once, twice or even three times, you will naturally have immense self-doubt.

God knows if the Chinese have any trump cards.

 But even so, the Japanese army still refused to retreat and advanced towards the warehouse under the leadership of the squadron leader and squad leader with sun belts wrapped around their heads.

They soon learned that this was an extremely foolish behavior.

 Tang Dao and Niu Er, as well as fifteen precision shooters selected by Tang Dao from the first company, also began to participate in the battle.

The Japanese soldiers, whose heads were wrapped with a sunband indicating their determination to serve His Majesty the Emperor, became their most conspicuous targets.

Although the distance is more than 300 meters, and although the shooting range of the shooting hole is limited, Tang Dao, who is on the fourth floor, once again demonstrated the terrifying power of a super sniper.

In just five minutes, Tang Dao fired eight shots in a row. Except for one of the shots, Naoo Matsumoto, the lucky guy who was personally appointed as the captain of the "cannon fodder" team by Jiro Wakiitajiro, slipped and fell when he stepped on a pothole. The dog ate **** and hit the wall beside him, allowing him to escape by chance and go to Amaterasu's place to drink tea. The other seven shots hit him.

 There are two squad leaders at the second lieutenant level and five sergeants.

The bullet that Tang Dao spent an hour carefully modifying can still form a teacup-sized hole in the body even if it misses the vital point. If there is a hospital nearby, he may still be able to survive, but on the battlefield, he can only rely on a small first aid kit. But if that terrible wound cannot be blocked, it will bleed to death.

"Chinese cold gunmen are terrible!" spread quickly throughout the battlefield. Japanese commanders, large and small, changed their clothes one after another, took off their command knives, took off their white gloves, threw away the southern pistols that showed their identity, and chose to pick up the 380 rifles like the scumbag infantry. rifle.

They all wear dirty military uniforms and big leather shoes. Apart from these features, their appearance is almost the same as that of the big-headed soldiers.

The heroic officers of the Imperial Japanese Army are not afraid to serve His Majesty, but they do not want to die in vain in the long-range sniper killings of Chinese cold gunmen.

To put it bluntly, it’s just: I don’t want to die!

Officers can do this, but sergeants cannot. The sun flag hung at the muzzle of the gun is both a status symbol and a command flag. How about commanding fifteen people on a battlefield under heavy artillery fire and unable to use voice to issue various orders? For team use.

 So, the targets of all the precision shooters hiding behind the shooting holes can only be those guys who don't want to die but can only stand firm.

 (End of this chapter)

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