Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 120: The big brother of the chainsaw

Chapter 120 The Big Brother of the Chainsaw

  The whole evening of October 28th.

 There were no sneak attacks or counter-surprise attacks between the Chinese and Japanese armies, only silence.

On the contrary, the Chinese people in the concession were still immersed in happiness, which made the originally peaceful autumn night a little noisy, and it did not become quiet until late at night.

 The Suzhou River flows as usual, bringing new supplies.

 With the experience of the first day, the ‘convoy’ that sneaked in in the early morning this time was more daring.

The water entered the water from the pier of the Suzhou River Bridge dozens of meters away, blocking the searchlight beams that the Japanese army occasionally swept over.

This time, more food, medicine and ordnance were delivered. They were two weird machine guns wrapped tightly in oil paper.

The thick barrel composed of numerous ventilation holes, and the belt-type ammunition feeding design was definitely not similar to that of all machine guns of this era. Even Tang Dao was still wondering what this thing was, but Lei Xiong was already confused. Simply tell me the model number of this machine gun - MG34!

This thing is the originator of the world's first general-purpose machine gun! Tang Dao finally dug out this supposedly famous German-made fine firearm from his mind.

It can't be blamed that Tang Dao was not impressed by the originator of the general-purpose machine gun. In fact, the future younger brother of this machine gun is so awesome that in this war that is about to sweep the world, it has completely overshadowed all the machine guns of this era.

 The famous MG42 is the future younger brother of the MG34 in front of us.

No one has carefully calculated how many Allied dead souls were under the muzzle of the German second-generation general-purpose machine gun known as the 'Hitler Chainsaw', but in the **** battle of the Normandy landing, a German soldier leaned on an MG42 With a machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition, more than 2,000 American cowboys were killed. This is documented.

As the big brother of the future famous "Hitler's Chainsaw" and the main machine gun of the German army throughout the 1930s, the MG34 is certainly not bad. With a rate of fire of up to 900 rounds per minute, it can kill all machine guns of the same era in an instant.

 What is a machine gun? It is the most important fire support equipment for battalion, company and platoon-level armies. Its most important criterion is instantaneous firepower output.

 In this regard, the Germans, who suffered a huge loss in firepower output in World War I, have always been at the forefront of the world.

 The Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun with a rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute and the MG34 will never cry when they fire against each other.

 Because, after one wave of shooting, it’s all over and you’re still crying!

 High rate of fire is only one of its advantages.

 The reason why MG34 is called the originator of general-purpose machine guns is because MG34 can be used as a light and heavy machine gun. When used as a light machine gun, the bipod is fixed on the front hoop of the machine gun barrel sleeve;

 When used as a heavy machine gun, the machine gun is installed on a light anti-aircraft tripod or an anti-aircraft double bracket gun mount and a folding anti-aircraft prop.

It can be said that this thing has almost no shortcomings except that the manufacturing cost is too high and the production cycle is too long, if enough ammunition and barrels are replaced.

As for the mysterious boss who was so powerful that he could even get this thing, he naturally took these details into consideration. Not only did he prepare an anti-aircraft tripod, but he also thoughtfully provided five additional replacement barrels for each machine gun.

Without him saying anything, Tang Dao knew what he meant: the Japanese must be killed.

As for bullets, MG34 uses 7.92-caliber ammunition, which is not difficult for the Chinese army whose firearms are basically imported or imitated from Germany.

 In fact, this kind of machine gun is not unequipped in the Chinese army, otherwise Lei Xiong would not recognize it at a glance.

Just because of its high price and large ammunition consumption, even the Royal Forest Army was not allowed to equip it, and only a small amount existed in the teaching corps and tax police corps.

With the addition of these two extremely powerful machine guns, the continuous fire power of the Four Lines Warehouse has been increased by at least 10%. It is even more like a death scythe to deal with large-scale Japanese charges.

 However, the visitor also brought bad news, and this may also be the last supply.

The foreigners in the concession have refused to accept bribes for some reason. Even this time, the boss invited several big shots who could speak in the concession to come forward, and the Westerners reluctantly agreed.

 Tonight, the concession will completely seal off the Sihang Warehouse, making it impossible for anything to enter.

 That means that after tonight, Sihang Warehouse will become a real isolated island, a completely isolated army, and even the remains of the war dead can no longer be transported out.

However, the brief loss did not defeat a group of officers in the warehouse.

  After all, they had already prepared themselves mentally for this, and it was an unexpected surprise to receive assistance twice.

 Only the lieutenant colonel's brows furrowed, and he got a hint of ominous information from it.

 It seems that the Japanese have begun to extend their hands to the concession and are exerting pressure on the Westerners in the concession. Tang Dao, however, was completely sure that it was not just pressure, but that the Japanese had begun to implement their conspiracy in time and space.

  . . . . . . .

 In a heavily guarded official residence in Jinling.

The middle-aged man in a navy blue robe kept rubbing his scalp and pacing back and forth indoors.

 The scalp is almost bald from being scratched.

 The war in the north is urgent! Emergency in the Southeast!

 Both fronts are losing ground. Ordinary Chinese people who are worried about their homeland cannot sleep at night, let alone those who are in charge.

Finally, the 88th Division's desperate resistance at Sihang Warehouse gave the arrogant Japanese army a head-on blow. It was one of the few bright spots in the corrupt Songhu battle.

This even triggered an unprecedented anti-Japanese wave. Not only wealthy businessmen from Jiangsu and Zhejiang actively donated money and materials, and subscribed for national debt, but even overseas Chinese living abroad also donated generously. Overseas Chinese in Honolulu once again saved money and donated money in an organized way. Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia also Donate.

Yesterday, the scene of tens of thousands of Chinese people chanting slogans in the concession was spread all over the country by newspapers and radio stations. Inspired by this, school students in major cities across the country reappeared in a wave of strikes to join the army!

These are all an inspiration to this political figure.

Even though he knew very well, no matter how beautifully the 524th Regiment fought at Sihang Warehouse, it would not be able to change the decline of the entire Songhu battlefield.

 However, even this rare joy, some people want to take it away.

In the evening, the staff of the consulates of Western countries in Jinling have officially submitted a statement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the Chinese side does not stop the resistance at the Sihang Warehouse located on the edge of the concession, all the consequences will be borne by the Chinese government!

The so-called consequences naturally refer to the fact that after the Japanese army was unable to break through the Sihang Warehouse for two days, its dispatched military headquarters directly sent a telegram to the concession authorities threatening to bombard the Sihang Warehouse with heavy artillery.

These foreign devils, who usually drag 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan, feel that they are a master in the East, but if they don't expect to be verbally threatened by the Japanese, they will be cowarded.

What's even more infuriating is that you are cowardly. The ungrateful Japanese bombed the concessions that you foreigners took from China on Chinese soil, but China has to bear the losses. This What is the logic of Niang Xipi?

 This nonsense logic is also the logic of the strong treating the weak.

 After a short period of anger, it’s time to scratch your head, scratch your bald head!

Knowing that Westerners are a bunch of bastards, this man is still counting on Western countries to speak for China at the League of Nations conference and impose sanctions on the Japanese to end what he considers to be a losing battle.

So, now that the political significance of the final resistance at Sihang Warehouse has been achieved, it seems that there is no need to hold on any longer.

As for what will happen to this force after it retreats to the Western Concession?

 China is lacking everything now, except for people. No matter how elite the army is, it is just a regiment or a battalion. For the big shots, naturally they don't care much.

This is cruel, but it is true.

From the perspective of ordinary people, an elite army or a capable general is just a number to the big shots.

 One general will make all bones dry up. Except for themselves, all bones can be ignored.

The seemingly meaningless pacing stopped, and the telegraph order was sent out. The radio wave was transmitted to the Songhu Theater Command, which was retreating 200 kilometers away.

Ordered the Sihang Warehouse defenders to withdraw from their positions and go to the concession. At the same time, the concession party was required to ensure the safety of the defenders and send the unit and all equipment to the Chinese-controlled area at the appropriate time.

It's not that this person is worried about the life and death of these officers and soldiers, but that the warehouse defenders have become a banner of China's war of resistance.

 As long as it is a flag, it cannot fall down easily. Otherwise, no matter how big a name it is, it cannot explain itself to the excited people.

  No matter how ugly politics is, it must be whitewashed on the surface in order to hide the disgusting inside.

It can be said that the big shots are very skilled in playing the game on the chessboard.

 However, although the little people are just pawns on the chessboard, they also have their own will.

 Especially after a little butterfly from another time and space accidentally broke in.

 Therefore, those who think they can calculate everything are mistaken.

 (End of this chapter)

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