Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1457: Full of murderous intent

Chapter 1457: Strong murderous intention

Although Chief Li did not come due to physical discomfort, as the third most powerful person in the war zone, Chief Li's confidant and Lieutenant General Chief of Staff personally came to accompany him, which also gave great face to the generals participating in the war.

The atmosphere at the banquet could not be said to be extremely lively, but it was a mixture of drinking and laughing. Even the major generals and brigade commanders of the 67th Army clinked glasses with the major generals of the 70th Army who they despised, and smiled at each other.

Even the major general of the 70th Army, who had previously been indifferent to Leng Feng, stood up with a smile and toasted a glass of wine to the little transparent Chief of Staff Leng Feng.

When a general proposes a toast to a school official, he is not out of etiquette, but giving enough face.

However, this face was not given to Leng Feng and the Four Elements Regiment, but to several officers in the war zone.

Although they are all soldiers and most of them are straight-forward, those who can be promoted to the position of major general are absolutely indispensable, not to mention that they are all arrogant.

The reason why Chief Li held such a reception banquet at such a sensitive time was not just as simple as forcing back a 40th Division.

There must be factors that ease the mood of the Fourth Army Regiment and the 67th Army. Since the scale of the Fourth Army Regiment's alert exceeded everyone's imagination, everyone present was actually moved in their hearts. When the Lieutenant General Chief of Staff arrived, although according to his title, Leng Feng Platoon He was the last person to be greeted by everyone, but he was the only person greeted by the Lieutenant General and Chief of Staff with a two-hand shake.

This is a big deal. There are 4 lieutenant generals and division commanders in the restaurant, and 10 major generals. Some lieutenant generals and chiefs of staff hold hands with each other, and most of them raise their hands to return the favor. Don't look at everyone. There is not much difference in military rank between the guys, but he is the chief of staff at the theater level, and his position is so inferior that it is impossible to make excuses, so he naturally has this qualification.

As a result, good guy, the lieutenant colonel Leng Feng, a young lieutenant colonel, was warmly held by the lieutenant general and the chief of staff. He asked with concern about his regiment leader Tang Dao's current condition. I heard that Tang Dao could already simple I ate some liquid food and was very pleased.

By this time, not to mention these generals who all have eight hundred scheming minds, even the unscrupulous people probably know that this reception banquet is, to put it bluntly, for Tang, who is injured and cannot come. Organized by the group.

It's just Chief Li telling Tang Dao in disguise that it's my fault that I haven't given you a reasonable explanation yet, so I'll treat you to a bar!

This is the best that a theater-level commander can achieve. He can't call Tang Dao and say: There must be something evil here, but my ability is limited, so I can't handle it!

After doing this for a long time, everyone is just accompanying the guests. You said, if the 70th Army Major General who wants to understand the internal reasons still treats Leng Feng with the same attitude as before, then he is completely screwed up!

Although the 70th Army is the Central Army, they are currently in the fifth theater. They have offended Mr. Li, who is leading all this today. On the surface, they will not do anything to you, but this is a dangerous battlefield. You don’t know when. As soon as the military order was issued, the 70th Army stood on the most dangerous edge.

It was under this strange background that the originally transparent Lieutenant Colonel Leng Feng became the focus of a group of major generals.

"Come! Come! I propose that we all toast to Chief of Staff Leng. I wish Commander Tang of the Four Troops a speedy recovery and lead the Four Troops to make new achievements under Chief Li's command." The brigade commander, Major General of the 70th Army, raised his glass.

"This blessing is very popular with me!" A major general from the staff agreed and also raised his glass.

"Yes!" Major General Zhu also agreed concisely and comprehensively.

Seeing this posture, the other major generals seemed to have no choice but to follow suit, so they also raised their glasses.

"Sirs, I drank this glass of wine for our regimental commander." Leng Feng stood up, poured 10 glasses of wine into a bowl according to the number of people, and then simmered it.

"Okay! Chief of Staff Leng is a good drinker!" The major generals clapped their hands one after another.

Hekou County is located in the west of Hubei. The cups in the restaurant are not the small cups in Jiangnan that cost 3 yuan. They cost 8 yuan at least. These 10 glasses of wine are nearly a kilogram. Adding the previous drinks, Leng Feng drank a small two at least. catty.

His originally dark face turned red!

"The wine is so strong! This sip is like burning directly to the tip of my heart." Leng Feng, who was blushing, suddenly unbuttoned his military uniform and let out a strong breath of alcohol.

"However, no matter how strong the wine is, it is not as hot as the blood shed by the 13 brothers in my guard squad. My 13 brothers did not die on the battlefield against the Japanese pirates, but fell on the land protected by hundreds of thousands of troops in my war zone. Sirs, do you think this is ironic?"

Leng Feng looked at a group of major generals with slightly red eyes, so hot that people dared not look closely.

The originally warm atmosphere in the banquet room suddenly condensed.

After a while, Major General Zhu finally spoke out to persuade: "Lieutenant Colonel Leng, the theater headquarters is still investigating with the military police. I believe that the person behind the scenes will be found out soon, and the brothers of the Si Xing Tuan and the Tang Tuan who died in the battle will be punished." A long one to explain.”

"Sir Zhu, you are a person that Captain Tang respects very much. Before coming here, he specifically mentioned you and said that you are a patriotic general. But can you tell me, can the person behind this be really found?" Leng Feng exhaled again. He asked directly with a strong smell of alcohol.

Major General Zhu was silent.

He knew very well that Chief Li had tried his best, but the military commanders had also intervened, and the military commanders had been removed from their posts at an extremely fast pace and all key personnel had been transferred. The military police department could only watch these things perhaps. Intelligence officers who may have had clues left, and many clues were completely discontinued.

Obviously, some people may know the truth, but they are not willing for the truth to come to light. The senior Japanese spy lurking inside the war zone is the answer they gave.

Now, although Leng Feng is asking some rude questions, he may be asking the truth. Can the real person behind the scenes be found? There is a ninety percent chance that it cannot be found.

"So, sirs, do you think this is satire? Is it funny?" Leng Feng's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Lieutenant Colonel Leng, watch your words. This is the theater headquarters. There are many senior officers here, and you are not allowed to be presumptuous." The brigade commander of the 70th Army Major General saw that Leng Feng was getting more and more excessive due to the drunkenness, and his expression changed. Chilleng scolded.

The major generals of the 67th Army frowned and looked at this man with stern eyes.

They are such shrewd people. Leng Feng's words were inappropriate, but after all, he was under the influence of alcohol and in a small area. As long as he could be comforted with gentle words, the matter could be treated as if it had never happened. But this guy suddenly jumped out and rebuked him. , wouldn’t it just provoke Leng Feng to say some inappropriate words again! This shows a clear tendency to aggravate and complicate the situation.

"The 70th Army is so majestic. You old guy has been looking at me since I walked in. You thought I couldn't feel it! Now you jump out to make excuses with me and call you sir. That's you. You have taken advantage of other officers, otherwise you look so wretched and come close to me, and I don't slap you because I have too much self-control." Leng Feng looked coldly at the guy who jumped out to flirt.

Leng Feng never talks much. He has always been an action man. He just does whatever he has to do. Even close comrades rarely hear him say so many words today, let alone hear him speak so venomously.

But just because I haven’t heard of it, doesn’t mean Chief of Staff Leng doesn’t know it.

The main messenger behind the scenes was originally targeting the 70th Army or even the people behind it. How could Leng Feng be even remotely polite to him?

He didn't serve directly with his fists, which was really the result of Chief of Staff Leng's restraint and restraint.

Everyone was shocked!

The Major General of the 70th Army was scolded until blood spurted from his head, and his face was completely distorted.

He never expected that the young army lieutenant colonel in front of him would not follow the rules of the army at all, and would scold him like a shrew. Why, does Leng Feng not want to stay in the army? In other words, the Sixth Army is going to break up with the 70th Army?

No matter how heroic you are, Tang Dao, you are just a small army colonel with only a few thousand people under your command. How can you compare with the 70th Army, which has two infantry divisions and three reserve regiments with more than 30,000 troops?

Even the major generals who were close to the Fourth Army were dumbfounded. They did not expect that the taciturn chief of staff of the regiment would be so strong-willed. He scolded a major general and brigade commander until his head spewed blood.

They were also unhappy with the brigade commander, a major general who liked yin and yang, and they all felt very happy when they saw him being scolded like this. But he was happy verbally, but the charge of insulting his superior officers cannot be escaped. With the strictness of Chief Li's management of the army, I am afraid that his removal from his post and his rank will be inevitable. Tang Dao, who is still recovering from his injuries, may also be blamed for his lax command. It is unwise to be reprimanded!

"You, be brave." Major General of the 70th Army slammed the table.

"Brother Haoran, please calm down. Chief of Staff Leng must be drunk. He is talking drunken words." Seeing that the banquet was about to turn into a battlefield, the major general of the 11th Army quickly grabbed the already blushing major general of the 70th Army.

If they really wanted to fight with fists and kicks, even a drunk Leng Feng would still stand as straight as a javelin. With his body, it would be strange to beat this 70th Army Major General with a bulging belly into a dog.

This person was probably not afraid that his colleagues at the same level would suffer, but that the lieutenant general, chief of staff and several division commanders were still in the box upstairs. If they saw this scene, everyone present would probably be upset. For his own sake, he had to settle the dispute between these two people.

"That's right! Chief of Staff Leng, you should give our military a face and don't be like some people. If you really want to fight, don't do it at the wine table. You are a soldier! It's either a training ground or a battlefield. Let's compete." 67th Army The two major generals and brigade commanders also stood up to pull Leng Feng away.

It looks like a fight, but it's made clear in his words that we are on the same team. I suggest you beat this guy into a pig's head on the training ground.

Yes, the 67th Army is really resolute in standing in line. They always stand on the side of the Four Lines Regiment. Several army major generals in the theater headquarters felt that their skulls hurt and their claws were a little numb for a while.

At this moment, a man in casual clothes suddenly opened the private room door.

"Who are you, get out!" The Major General of the 70th Army was so embarrassed and angry that he directly directed his anger at the intruder.

The people present were all active-duty soldiers. The one with the smallest position was Leng Feng, the chief of staff of the regiment. The rest were generals who could command thousands of people at least. Where could a guy in casual clothes come?

He ignored the sudden change in the face of Major General Zhu next to him.

There are only a few guards inside this restaurant, but the outside is heavily guarded. Not to mention the Four Lines Regiment, which has heavy machine guns and mortars, even the theater headquarters security regiment has sent a guard company to guard the area around the restaurant. Complete lockdown, where can an ordinary person in plain clothes come in?

More importantly, he had seen this man in civilian clothes at the headquarters.

That was the person in charge of the fifth war zone who had just been sent by the military commander.

If he suddenly appears here now, it must be up to no good.

"The last person who pointed at his nose and told me to get lost has long since become the food for carp in the Yellow River. Brigadier Wu, right? I will come to you when I finish my business." The man said sadly He glanced at the still blushing Major General of the 70th Army. "By the way! My name is Zhao Lijun, and I am the Jingxiang Administrative Inspectorate. Next time you come to see Brigadier Wu, please remember to tell me to get lost again."

70 Jun Army Major General's face quickly turned from red to white!

Maybe he wouldn't be afraid if a lieutenant general threatened him like this, but he was really afraid of this inspector and administrative commissioner who took the initiative to give his name.

Major General Dai has four capable cadres, who are very valued by Dai Li, and the good guys call them the Four King Kongs of Military Command.

One of them, Colonel Shen, served as the captain of the detective team in Shancheng and got along well with Tang Dao. The man in front of him was one of the other three people. He was known as "Chasing Life Tai Sui". Just from his nickname, you can tell that he is vicious and vicious. .

But this guy named Zhao Lijun is actually scarier than his nickname. He just enjoys killing people.

Before the war, under his auspices, a large number of progressive people were massacred; after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he was appointed as the Major General Training Commissioner of the First Theater Zone and the Administrative Supervision Commissioner of the Luoyang District, responsible for controlling the Yellow River ferry from Luoyang to Shanxi. Zhao Lijun took advantage of his power to extort money and misbehave at the ferry. When the people resisted a little, they would be beaten severely or pushed directly into the Yellow River.

Even the Central Unification agents of the Zhao Lijun Alliance did not let go of the latent mission, which made the conflict between the Central Unification and the Military Unification very intense for a time.

Because the inspector held the "Sword of Shang Fang" of supervision, even the commander of the first theater had no choice but to prevent him from catching his pigtails.

In order to suppress this unexpected incident in the fifth theater, Major General Dai directly sent this guy who had just returned to the mountain city to the fifth theater.

Seeing that the situation was calm, Zhao Lijun looked around, but turned his attention to Leng Feng, with a faint smile on his face: "This must be Brother Leng Feng of the Four Elements Group!"

"I'm Leng Feng, but we're not familiar with each other, so don't use the word brother!" Leng Feng looked coldly at the man who looked at him condescendingly.

"Haha, Chief of Staff Leng is indeed a powerful general under Tang Dao. He has seen many big scenes and even killed several Japanese lieutenant generals and major generals. Of course you won't take me, the military commander, seriously." Zhao Lijun chuckle.

"However, when you go to my place, maybe you will change your attitude."

"Why are you?" Leng Feng said coldly.

"Why? Don't you dare to admit what you, the Four Elements Group, have done?" Zhao Lijun's eyes suddenly turned sinister.

"Last night the owner of the largest grain store in Miaotan Town went out for a night of drinking and did not return. When his family found him today, he was already a corpse and all the accompanying guards were killed."

"What, Commissioner Zhao is going to investigate a murder case? I remember that this doesn't seem to be your responsibility, Commissioner Zhao!" Leng Feng's lips curved with a hint of sarcasm.

"A grain store boss will die if he dies, but Zhao has to admire the courage of your four-line group!" Zhao Lijun's face became very ferocious at that moment.

"The major general commander of the 70th Army's 33rd Independent Brigade received the news of a vicious murder in the area and personally led the security company to the scene. When he returned at about 5 p.m., he passed through Baihu Mountain and was ambushed, including the major general commander. Everyone inside died in battle."

As soon as these words came out, a pin drop could be heard in the entire private room. Everyone involuntarily opened their mouths and looked at Leng Feng like an idiot.

If this was really done by the Four Elements Group, then I’m afraid he’s not crazy!

"The nature of this case is more serious than the last time our regimental commander, Commissioner Zhao, needs to investigate it carefully. You are suffering." Leng Feng said calmly. "But if you want to save trouble and put the blame directly on our Four Elements Group, then our Four Elements Group will definitely not admit it."

"It never took more than 20 minutes from the time of the attack to the time when the troops of the Independent 33rd Brigade went for reinforcements. In 20 minutes, a well-equipped guard company was completely defeated. Which army in the entire fifth theater has such combat effectiveness? Except for You four groups."

"Everyone in the Four Lines Group is proud to receive such praise from Commissioner Zhao, but we can't just rely on our strength in combat! Is this considered the crime of an innocent man harboring a treasure? Is it possible? The commander of the Independent 33rd Brigade offended a certain bandit and was besieged by the vicious bandits and lost his life? "

"It doesn't matter if you, Chief of Staff Leng, want to admit it or not, but Tian Lian can see that a squad leader of the 33rd Brigade Guard Company was seriously injured under the attack of these gangsters but managed to survive. According to him, although the people who besieged them were all wearing civilian clothes, But he is holding a powerful semi-automatic rifle and using small-caliber mortars and rifle grenades. Apart from your four regiments, who in the entire fifth theater is qualified to equip such weapons? "

"I'm afraid Commissioner Zhao has some misunderstandings about our Four Rows Regiment. Although our Four Rows Regiment has these weapons that Commissioner Zhao said, I want to make it clear that since the establishment of our Four Rows Regiment, we have relied on all the officers and soldiers of the regiment to protect our country. Only with determination can you fight the Japanese pirates to the death, and it is by no means just relying on the so-called sophisticated equipment.

In addition, in the attack on members of our Fourth Army Regiment 10 days ago, the Japanese used Garand semi-automatic rifles and MP28 submachine guns. Do I have reason to suspect that it was troops equipped with these firearms? Such evil things, like the 70th Army? "

Leng Feng turned his gaze to the Major General of the 70th Army who was still stunned, his eyes full of murderous intent!

The major general of the 70th Army felt goosebumps on his arms. At that moment, he truly felt that Leng Feng was really going to kill him. He was so frightened that he waved his hands quickly: "Our 107th Division is not qualified to equip such weapons. There are less than 30 shots in the entire division!”

"I agree with this explanation!" Leng Feng nodded and then looked at Zhao Lijun. "Commissioner Zhao, look, the misunderstanding has been resolved like this! Our Four Elements Group will never wrongly accuse a good person based on some superficial evidence."

Before Zhao Lijun could answer, Leng Feng's faint voice sounded in the private room again: "Of course, if we are really allowed to find the real evidence, the lives of the 13 brothers in my Four Elements Group can only be paid with blood. I, the King of Heaven, Even if he comes, he can't be saved.

Anyone who wants to help him will have to be killed. "

A chill rose from the hearts of all the major generals present.

The murderous intent in the army lieutenant colonel in front of him was so strong that it was almost ready to burst out.

What he said just now was almost a disguised admission that what happened to the 33rd Independent Brigade was done by the Four Elements Regiment. They used attack and kill to attack and kill, which can be said to be the extreme play of "repaying others with their own way".

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