Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1458: Let the bullets fly for a while (Part 1)

Chapter 1458 Let the bullets fly for a while (Part 1)

"Can I understand that if I want to pursue this heinous internal attack in the military, will your Fourth Corps also want to kill me and Director Dai as well? Do you, the Four Corps, really It’s a toad yawning—very loudly.”

Zhao Lijun obviously did not expect Leng Feng to be so stubborn. After a moment of silence, a sinister smile appeared on his face again.

For this senior military official who took pleasure in killing people all year round, he felt an inexplicable excitement when he thought of the humble appearance of a famous anti-Japanese hero leader kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

"Commissioner Zhao, please listen clearly. The people I am referring to are the evil people and their accomplices who want to do such evil things. If Commissioner Zhao is clear and still says this, then can I understand that people who do such evil things can't be understood." It's the dead boss of the grain store and the major general commander of the 33rd Independent Brigade of the 70th Army, and Commissioner Zhao, do you want to help them?" Leng Feng replied **** for tat.

"If this is really the case, then Commissioner Zhao's understanding just now is correct."

As soon as Leng Feng said this, the major generals who had just been trying to persuade Leng Feng to calm down suddenly fell silent.

Especially Major General Zhu, looking at Leng Feng's dark but heroic face, his eyes were full of regret.

No matter whether this incident is ultimately found to have been carried out by the Four Elements Group, Leng Feng, who said this, will no longer be able to stay in the military.

Director Dai is now the most considerate hawk, and his subordinates control the largest intelligence agency in China's modern history. Even the powerful military generals are as afraid of these hawks hiding in the dark as snakes and scorpions. What pigtails were caught by them.

Leng Feng actually admitted in front of so many people that if this matter was related to him, then he would be killed as well. In that person's opinion, could he also be killed?

Regardless of whether he really does this, as long as he has this intention, no superior can tolerate him, no matter how hard he can fight and kill the Japanese.

such a pity! The reputations of Lei Xiong and Leng Feng, the two most powerful generals under Tang Dao, are not much worse than Tang Dao himself.

The major general of the 70th Army looked at Leng Feng as if he was dead, with a mocking look on his face.

For the Army lieutenant colonel who had just insulted him, it might not be possible to say that he was filled with hatred, but his face was greatly lost. But now that Leng Feng was almost dead, the Army major general of the 70th Army was relieved.

However, several generals of the 67th Army frowned and lowered their heads, with bitterness flashing in their eyes while thinking in their minds.

Whether the 67th Army keeps a distance from the Four Lines Regiment, which has made a big mistake, or advances and retreats together, is also related to their lives and fortunes. It cannot be determined by simply being in the same trench and living and dying together.

The ancestors did not invent the term "be wise and protect yourself".

Facing these generals with different expressions, Leng Feng, who made disrespectful remarks, was extremely calm: "

To the high-ranking big shots, this incident was just the loss of 13 small soldiers. The commander of our regiment managed to save his life. The enemy was strong and we were weak, so we had to endure the consequences. This was the most correct choice.

But it's a pity that we are soldiers. The Japanese invaders have strong soldiers and horses, which are far better than the Chinese. Why don't we Chinese soldiers march forward bravely?

For us soldiers, they are soldiers, brothers, and siblings. If someone cuts off my siblings, we will tolerate it. In the future, the enemy will not be able to bully my home, humiliate my wife and daughter, and take my life?

Commissioner Zhao, do you think this is true? "

"Okay! Okay! This metaphor of Chief of Staff Leng is really appropriate. It reminds me that Chief of Staff Leng seemed to have gotten married the year before last. I heard that Mrs. Leng is beautiful and virtuous. I have always wanted to meet her!" Zhao Lijun's eyes were filled with violence. The energy has already condensed into substance.

In the past, when he was in the First War Zone, others would fall silent as soon as they heard his name. Not to mention a small army lieutenant colonel, even a major general-level administrative specialist would have to nod and bow politely when seeing him. As a result, Leng Feng was not afraid at all today. , actually said that he wanted to kill him, how could Zhao Lijun endure this?

He must make Leng Feng regret it, even threatening the other party's family members without hesitation when surrounded by so many generals.

This was too arrogant, and nine out of ten generals on the field instantly became extremely ugly!

Comparing their feelings, if they were threatened with their family members in person that day, what would they do?

Leng Feng was much calmer than they thought. Hearing this, he just smiled slightly: "Commissioner Zhao will never have the chance to see my wife, because I will never let anyone who threatens me, my wife and my children live."

"What? Just because those people outside your building have more than a dozen guns?" Zhao Lijun had seen the world and didn't take Leng Feng's threat seriously.

"Commissioner Zhao is an intelligence expert, so you must know that our Four Lines Regiment has deployed 15 security guards on the periphery, 3 at each of the two alleys, a total of 21 people, so we must have brought enough people with us this time. It should be no less than an infantry battalion!" Leng Feng was as calm as ever.

"Yes! Since I'm here to arrest you, the third person in the Four Lines Regiment, I dare not take it lightly. Before coming, I had already dispatched a guard battalion directly under the 70th Army Headquarters to follow you, just 200 meters away.

In addition, I have known for a long time that you, Chief of Staff Leng, brought hundreds of elite protection personnel with you when you came, so an elite infantry regiment from the 70th Army located in Zijin Mountain has already rushed here. Why do you think Chief Li, who was originally going to attend the reception banquet, was feeling unwell? That was the secret message he received from above before he came. To avoid suspicion, Chief Li could not participate in the matter.

The above has entrusted me with full authority to handle this matter!

I want to ask Chief of Staff Leng, how do you want to kill me? "Zhao Lijun suddenly laughed.

The faces of the generals in the room were filled with shock. No wonder Chief Li didn't come suddenly. It turned out that there was such an inside story. Chief Li had to give in, and perhaps no one else could do it except that one.

No wonder Zhao Lijun is so arrogant and domineering. He really comes with Shang Fang's sword. Whoever dares to resist may have his name as a rebel.

Moreover, Zhao Lijun had even expected that Leng Feng would not be restrained, and specially mobilized the 70th Army, which was less than a few dozen miles away from Hekou County. Under siege with more than 10 times the force, who could resist?

It's a pity that the thousands of elite soldiers of the famous Four Lines Regiment were finished like this.

Resist or not, the outcome is already determined!

"Commissioner Zhao, you know my military strength, but do you know the equipment of our department? With your several years of experience in the military command, I think you have also investigated carefully. You must know that the guards outside the building carry 4 MG42 Machine guns and two 60mm mortars, and there are two 12.7mm heavy machine guns on the jeep. These firepower can block an infantry company, but it is absolutely impossible to block an infantry battalion. "

Leng Feng was also unhurried.

"What a pity! Commissioner Zhao's biggest mistake when he came this time was to underestimate the alert level of our Four Elements Team!

What if, I mean if, those 200 gangsters who attacked the dead major general of the 33rd Independent Brigade did not escape at all and wanted to come here to cause trouble for your accomplice, Commissioner Zhao, or there are more than 20 such gangsters?

70th Army, even if he plans to use all the strength of the army to come, what can he do? "

Leng Feng's words were like a bomb, causing everyone in the room to change their expressions, including Zhao Lijun, who had always been confident.

"Your Fourth Army Group has been prepared to become rebels for a long time!" The major general of the 70th Army pointed at Leng Feng, his trembling hands shaking like an epilepsy.

The previous hatred towards Leng Feng disappeared in an instant, because it was unnecessary, he was just a lunatic.

No, this is one of a lunatic's infantry.

There are only a few thousand people, how can they cause chaos surrounded by more than 250,000 troops? What is this if not crazy?

"Brigadier Wu, please pay attention to your words. What I said is if, and I am referring to the gangsters. All the officers here are witnesses. If you blame me like this, I can sue you. You made false accusations and slander." Leng Feng said.

"I don't care if it's true or not, if you resist the order and don't go with me to investigate today, hundreds of subordinates in your Four Lines Regiment will be covered in blood today." Zhao Lijun is also a ruthless person, and he quickly regained his composure. With a wave of his hand, the six people standing outside the hall took out their guns.

"If it weren't me who was here, but the commander of my regiment, Commissioner Zhao, you would be a dead man now." Leng Feng said coldly.

"However, I am gentler than my regimental commander. I only kill those who dare to point a gun at me."

"咻~~~~" Then, Leng Feng sucked his tongue and let out a clear whistle! No one has reacted yet.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Several gunshots were heard.

The six plainclothes men were like six logs, falling to the ground one after another.

All the generals looked at each other and saw that the six plainclothes men were all shot in the head, and the backs of their heads basically exploded, like six **** roses suddenly blooming on the ground.

It's just that the color of the flower is a bit mottled, with red, white and gray.

Although most of the people at the banquet were front-line generals in the army and had seen many battlefields more tragic than this, but they were just laughing and drinking glasses and suddenly became bloody, and they didn't even have any psychological preparation. This was the first time I was given this, and the strong smell of blood suddenly reached my nose. How could I still hold back the old wine I drank not long ago?

"Ugh~~~~!" The major general of the 70th Army lowered his head and vomited.

Until this moment, everyone was really sure that Chief of Staff Leng really dared to kill people, and what he said about "killing them all" was not just talk.

"So that Commissioner Zhao knows that in order to protect my safety, the regimental commander has transferred four snipers from our regiment. Each of them has a record of killing 50 Japanese pirates at a distance of 300 meters. And Commissioner Zhao, your men are far away The muzzle of their guns is only less than 120 meters away. Killing them is like killing a chicken!" Leng Feng's lips curled up with ridicule.

"Also, Commissioner Zhao, you'd better not move your hands, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether flowers will suddenly grow on your head like your subordinates."

Zhao Lijun, who was confident just now, had a stiff face and the same body. He didn't dare to move!

After several years in the army, Zhao Lijun had not felt the breath of death. He had killed countless people, and those who wanted to kill him were like crucian carp crossing the river. He was assassinated by his enemies several times, but he escaped because of his tight protection. sky.

But this time, death is so close, so close. As long as he moves his hand again, he will become like his closest subordinates, with their heads blooming!

He had seen that kind of death before, where the prisoner was asked to kneel down and open his mouth wide, then a rifle was put into his mouth and fired, and a **** hole the size of a bowl would appear on the back of his head.

The gray brain, red blood, and black hair make it look like a gorgeous flower from hell.

The visual effect was simply shocking, and many hard-line elements who refused to be tortured no matter how hard they tried, succumbed after seeing this scene.

No one wants to end up like this.

But Commissioner Zhao never thought that one day he would be able to experience his favorite ‘visual feast’ in person.

He doesn't want to, not at all!

It's just that he still can't figure it out at the moment. Leng Feng explained that he was talking about 4 people, but why all 6 of his subordinates were shot to death in less than 2 seconds.

"By the way, I forgot to remind Commissioner Zhao that although the remaining ten people are not so-called snipers, their marksmanship is extremely outstanding, so they can do it by improvising. Also, guess why after hearing the gunfire, you transferred Why didn't the infantry battalion attack immediately?" Leng Feng stared at Zhao Lijun, who was completely surrounded by murder.

Zhao Lijun's eyes, which were already full of bitterness, flashed with fear.

He had given the order before entering the restaurant. If Leng Feng dared to resist, the guard battalion would immediately attack with the sound of gunshots and kill the members of the Four Lines Regiment posted outside the restaurant.

But why is there no movement now?

He didn't trust the other troops in the Fifth War Zone, and Director Dai didn't believe it either. He specifically issued a military order from the Military Commission to the 70th Army, asking them to cooperate with the military commander to complete the arrest. The 70th Army is that direct descendant!

Is it possible that something unexpected could happen here?

If Commissioner Zhao could see through obstacles and look into a small alley 250 meters away, he would definitely see such a scene.

A pistol was pressed against the back of the head of the major guard battalion commander.

Although there were 50 guns around, pointing at the man in black who was stuck to his battalion commander like a Siamese twin, the man in black remained calm and composed.

"I will not stop you from executing military orders, but I need you and your men to stay here for another 5 minutes. I will leave after 5 minutes and you will continue to be your battalion commander. Think about it carefully and exchange your life for These five minutes are not worth it." This was the first thing Mingxin, dressed in black, jumped out of the darkness and restrained the hapless major with lightning speed. .

Except for Mingxin, there will never be more than three people in the fifth theater who can hide themselves quietly here and restrain a major battalion commander with thunderous force under the protection of more than a dozen guards.

The major battalion commander was a smart man. If he died, he might not even have a chance to be punished by military law. As long as he was still alive, everything would still have a chance, so he wisely chose to believe in the young voice behind him.

If you don’t believe it, what can you do? Let your soldiers shoot this man and yourself together? Normal people would make the same choice as him if they weren't forced into a desperate situation.

Therefore, even if gunfire rang out from the direction of the restaurant, he remained unmoved.

"Look, I was nice and kind, but Commissioner Zhao tried his best to slap me on the head. As a result, people died. Commissioner Zhao was honest. To be honest, you have a reputation as a 'chasing Tai Sui'. It’s really nothing.” Leng Feng walked up to Zhao Lijun and took out a loaded Browning pistol from his waist.

He teased while unloading the bullet skillfully.

"Leng Feng, don't be complacent. Even if you really kill me, I guarantee that after tonight, your Four Elements Group will be wiped out. Together with your family members in the Taihang Mountains, they will be accused of being rebel family members." Zhao Lijun's facial expression It's so ferocious that it's almost twisted.

"Your threat is very effective, but don't use it next time." Leng Feng shook his head lightly. "If you don't believe it, just wait. Maybe your Director Dai will send you a message to tell you that this matter has nothing to do with our Four Elements Group and ask you to go back home."

"Leng Feng, do you think it's possible to just criticize your remarks today and the rebel behavior of your Four Lines Group?" Zhao Lijun held his head high, as if I have already risked my life, and I will drag your Four Lines Group down even if I die. Even now, he is still standing still.

"Really, you may not believe me, but you have to trust your immediate superior, he will make the most correct choice. However, it will take a little time, for example, he needs to collect information and then make a judgment, and then I need to send you another telegram. Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while. You will see a different world." Leng Feng took out a pocket watch from his pocket and looked at it carefully. time.

"Since there is still some time, in order not to make everyone feel embarrassed, I will continue to say a few more words.

As long as the military's huge intelligence network is not a display, the urgent message from your immediate superior should have arrived by now.

In addition, we made such a big noise downstairs, why did the superiors upstairs turn a deaf ear to it? Don’t you want to think about why? If you really become the commander of the theater, Commander Li, you will be manipulated by your little military commander. You really take yourself too seriously.

If our Four Elements Regiment really wants to kill you, why do we need a large army? One person is enough! After returning home alive, think carefully about what happened today. You will definitely gain more than you lose. "

It wasn't until Leng Feng mentioned it that the generals in the room remembered this. Their guns were used, and the several lieutenant generals upstairs seemed to be collectively deafened, not even coughing.

Thinking back to what Leng Feng said just now, the generals' faces looked strange. If there was a theater commander behind this, then the protagonists of today's drama might not be in this restaurant at all. Leng Feng and Zhao Lijun were at most It's a supporting role, and they are just a supporting role.

"Commissioner, the director personally sent a secret beacon telegram, ordering you to read and receive it immediately!" An urgent cry came from downstairs.

The beacon-fire secret telex is the highest-level urgent telex within the military system. The correspondent must convey it to the recipient as quickly as possible. Anyone who delays will die! Those who don’t implement it will die!

There was silence in the restaurant, and everyone looked at Leng Feng in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Leng Feng was right!

Could it be said that there will really be an incredible reversal?

I'm afraid only Zhao Lijun, who was waved by Leng Feng and told him to check the secret message, could know this.

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