Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1503: The hot man is here again!

Chapter 1503 The hot man is here again!

 In the first hour of the artillery battle, both China and Japan relied on a living pilot, so both the caliber and size of the artillery shells were still strictly controlled.

The Chinese side used a total of 9 60-guns and 4 82-guns, all with a red line of about 280 meters away from the damaged emergency landing aircraft. The main purpose was to prevent the Japanese army from increasing its infantry investment in the future.

The Japanese army used 10 70mm infantry guns and 90mm mortars in order to block the Chinese reinforcements.

At least during this period, for the infantrymen from both sides who entered the battlefield to compete for Chinese pilots, all their chances of survival were still in their own hands.

7 Chinese infantrymen fought against 36 Japanese infantrymen. In terms of total strength, the Japanese army had an absolute advantage.

But these seven Chinese infantrymen are all elites carefully selected from the North China battlefield. The lowest military rank must be an army corporal, which means that they must have served in the army for more than 3 years or have made military exploits on the battlefield.

More than 50% of the soldiers in the 116th Division were recruited from China, and recruit training was reduced from the previous 10 months to 3 months. This was the first time for many of them to participate in such a **** battlefield. Regardless of their psychological quality or In the eyes of the seven Chinese soldiers, they were all rookies in terms of their technical and tactical skills.

Of course, at that time, the Chinese and Japanese infantry collectively ignored the plane parked in the middle of the field and the Chinese pilot who dared to break into the artillery formation alone.

How could a passionate young man who was courageous enough to brave gunfire to save his comrades, and a Chinese soldier who was smart enough to escape being chased by nearly 20 anti-aircraft guns, how could he just sit there and become the prey of his opponent?

While the infantrymen of both sides were fighting fiercely in the farmland around them, no one noticed that the engine of the almost falling apart fighter jet started again and began to move forward.

"Holy shit, is this guy crazy? Hurry up and tell him that we are here to save him. This **** can still fly now!" The young army man lying under the field ridge was shooting at a distance of more than 300 meters. The corporal was stunned.

‘The Chinese are going to escape? ’ This was the same thought of the Japanese Army second lieutenant who led the team on the other side.

It's just that at that time, no Chinese and Japanese soldiers thought that this fighter plane could still fly. Not only was it basically covered by artillery fire from both sides hundreds of meters away, nor was it impossible for the plane to accelerate due to the ditches and bumps in this farmland, but Look at the miserable appearance of the fighter plane. The entire tail of the plane was originally half broken by artillery shells. During the forced landing, the huge destructive power caused by the plane's non-stop "jumping" in the field completely broke the other half, and the wings were even broken. Because it broke off after colliding with the ground.

If a intact fighter plane is like a prince or princess, then this current fighter plane is worse than a beggar and a homeless person. If a fighter plane with this appearance can still fly, it will completely subvert the awe of these infantrymen towards the sky.

Maybe make them a pair of wings so that they can run faster and take off!

What they thought was correct. This fighter plane could indeed not fly, but Lin Heng did not want to take off at all. His purpose was just to make his plane move.

However, it was not Guo Tianwang's kind of 'moving every time'. During the emergency landing, the plane jumped more than 3 meters on the ground and the violent bumps almost killed him.

The steering column hit his chin hard, breaking his jaw and shattering two teeth. Now his mouth was full of blood, and he was no longer as heroic as before.

But Lin Heng, stimulated by the severe pain, was extremely clear-headed. He had long seen through the portholes the fierce exchanges of soldiers from both sides in the fields on both sides. He understood that his infantry wanted to save him, and the reason why the Japanese army did not shoot at the plane was I want to capture myself.

Lin Heng, who was sober, even observed the asymmetry in the strength of the Chinese and Japanese troops. Although the Chinese side's firepower was not weak, there were only less than 10 people in total, while the Japanese army was in one piece, with at least dozens of people.

After a brief thought, Lin Heng decided to save himself.

The slogan "China has no captured air force" has become popular since the pilot named Yan Changhai parachuted to the ground in the Battle of Songhu, faced the surrounding Japanese troops, killed several Japanese invaders with his weapon and kept the last bullet for himself. The motto of the entire Chinese Air Force!

Lin Heng's gun contained 7 bullets, but his machine's mechanical card meter still showed the number 487, which meant that there were still 487 rounds of ammunition in the single compartment of his machine.

Death is not that terrible! Lin Heng glanced at the photo stained with his own blood. His parents' smiles were still kind and kind, and his eldest sister's smile was bright and gentle, and he resolutely started the fighter engine again.

The fighter plane does not need to move forward at high speed, as long as it can turn the nose and point the heavy machine gun under the wing in the direction of the Japanese army.

Therefore, under the surprised gazes of the Chinese and Japanese infantrymen, they saw the tattered but still tenacious Chinese fighter plane numbered 4305 slowly turning its nose, and then, a brilliant burst of fire suddenly burst out from under the wing.

"Bang bang bang!" Six crazy bullet streams started the strafing mode.

That is a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Its huge kinetic energy and thick warhead can penetrate even a tree as thick as an adult's waist. It can even blow up two layers of sandbag fortifications. How can a natural field ridge stop it?

As long as they are not swept down, if someone is unfortunate enough to be on the trajectory composed of these six metal torrents, they will basically be in a **** state.

The Japanese Army second lieutenant who was still clamoring for his subordinates to advance quickly to prevent the Chinese pilots from escaping was unfortunately hit by one of the ballistics.

Even though he was already lying under a field ridge, the crazy bullet stream resolutely penetrated the soil and hit him, half of his body was shattered.

"This air force brother is really good. Shanzi is responsible for holding down the formation, Huzi covers, and the rest, rush with me!" Tantai Mingjing waved his hand and led four soldiers to bend down and approach the fighter jet at high speed.

In fact, the moment the fighter plane slowly turned around, Tantai Mingjing had already realized what the Chinese Air Force pilot wanted to do. Therefore, when the onboard machine gun fired wildly, he immediately led four elite soldiers towards the plane at high speed.

He could not waste the gap in Japanese firepower created by this air force pilot for him.

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield for almost 4 years, Tantai Mirror knows very well that once the winner is determined on the battlefield between the artillery fires of both sides, no matter which side, they will use artillery fire to attack this area that seems not to be covered by artillery fire. The area is covered by artillery fire.

It is absolutely impossible for China to see its pilots captured by the enemy, and it is even less likely for the Japanese to watch China rescue people under their noses. This is related to the morale of both warring parties.

In the face of morale, which can determine victory or defeat, everyone can only be a string of numbers, even battalion commanders, regiment commanders and even brigade commanders.

Tantai Mingjing undoubtedly knew about the war. Tang Dao, who was on Yanhui Peak, received a report from Tu Yunsheng. He knew that it was his wife's brother Tantai Mingjing who went deep into the battlefield to save people. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly but he still ordered coldly: "Four lines of orders Tuanshan Artillery Battalion, the 10th Army Artillery Battalion, the artillery coordinates are adjusted to 400 meters from the front of Zhangjiashan 221 Highland. If the infantry fails to rescue the pilot, our infantry in front will be notified to immediately evacuate the battlefield. 2 minutes after the notification is sent, artillery fire coverage will be implemented in the coordinate area. , and extends 1,000 meters. The bombardment is not allowed to stop without the order of the combat department. If you want to fight, then I will hurt the Japanese. "

"Tell Tantai Mingjing to help me rescue this person as soon as possible, no matter the cost!" Tu Yunsheng's voice was so anxious for the first time that his tone changed.

He has been dealing with the Japanese army for so many years, and he knows very well how the Japanese army will react after being shelled. They will definitely retaliate with overwhelming artillery fire. That is a distance of 400 meters. Even if he runs at full speed for 2 minutes, he may not be able to return to the position. His How could the seven soldiers avoid the overwhelming cannonballs coming at them?

Fortunately, Tantai Mingjing's decisiveness saved Lin Heng and himself.

The snipers who stayed behind accurately killed several Japanese soldiers who were ready to move. The MG42 also completely suppressed the two Japanese light machine guns. The four Chinese soldiers approached the fighter jet in less than a minute and a half.

The 'Er Niu', who had been following Lin Heng, leaped high and jumped on the wing, shouting at the top of his lungs to wake up Lin Heng, who fell into a brief coma after pressing the machine gun button.

After knowing that Lin Heng's canopy was damaged and could not be opened, Tantai Mirror almost roughly made Lin Heng huddle in the cockpit, directly fired at the upper edge of the canopy with an assault rifle, directly broke the canopy, and shot the man with a **** face. Lin Heng was rescued from the plane.

The whole process takes no more than 30 seconds!

The remaining Japanese infantry could only watch as several Chinese soldiers covered the Chinese pilot and ran backwards. The walkie-talkies equipped by the infantry squad of the Fourth Army Regiment finally showed their great effect at this moment.

"Requesting artillery support, the established coordinates are 250 meters forward. We are covering the pilot's escape." Tantai Mirror shouted wildly on the walkie-talkie.

Tantai Mingjing knew that machine guns and sniper suppression alone would not be able to stop all the bullets of the Japanese infantry behind him, and he had to lead everyone to evacuate the battlefield as quickly as possible, even if he could return to the road specially built for the Japanese army as quickly as possible. The 'killing trench' will also work.

The coming overwhelming artillery fire would not give him any more time.

"According to Tantai Mirror's request, bombard immediately!" Tu Yunsheng also made a prompt decision.

Although the bombardment scale required by Tantai Mirror is less than 100 meters away from them, and it is very easy to cause accidental bombing, it is really nothing compared to the covering bombardment that the Japanese may carry out at any time.

Facts have proved that the judgments of the two Chinese grassroots commanders were extremely correct. When Tantai Mingjing and his party retreated to the deep trench, the Japanese, who already knew that the Chinese had rescued the pilot, went crazy and bombarded the area with overwhelming artillery fire. Including Highland 221, they all became targets of artillery retaliation.

According to post-war statistics, the Japanese army invested at least 80 artillery pieces in the bombardment.

However, China did not show weakness and also invested more than 60 artillery pieces of various types to carry out saturation bombardment of Japanese positions.

A battle for pilots turned into a large-scale artillery battle that lasted until about 3 p.m.!

But the protagonist changed at 3 p.m., when a fleet of 24 fighter jets and 12 bombers flew into the sky.

It was a retaliatory bombing by the Chinese Air Force against the Japanese air defense forces. This is when the news of Lin Heng's rescue reached Liuzhou Airport. Otherwise, the fleet dispatched this time might not be 36 aircraft but more than 36 aircraft deployed at major airports in Liuzhou and Guilin. The Chinese fleet has hundreds of fighter planes.

Nowadays, the Chinese Air Force has the ability to challenge the Japanese army and aviation in a duel, and naturally also has the ability to retaliate against the Japanese air defense forces.

36 fighter planes first dropped bombs at an altitude of 3,000 meters on the area where the Japanese troops were located. More than 50 tons of bombs carpet bombed an area of ​​more than 5 square kilometers. Four 75mm anti-aircraft guns capable of counterattacking in the 3,000-meter airspace bloomed in the sky. The pitiful dozens of white mist **** looked so weak and helpless in front of the huge fleet.

They could only allow tons of heavy aerial bombs to fall from the sky, turning the hillsides and valleys on the ground into a sea of ​​fire. The huge explosions could even be heard clearly by the infantry of the 3rd Division on the east bank of the Xiangjiang River.

Looking at the dozens of small black dots in the distant sky, the once arrogant infantrymen of Japan's permanent divisions all had stern expressions on their faces and disbelief in their eyes.

The shadow of the setback in the forced crossing of the Xiangjiang River a few days ago is still there. This time, we see that China has organized such a large fleet of aircraft to bomb the ground and caused such a big movement. It has only been a few years, and the Chinese already have such powerful air power. If they continue to delay If this continues, will the empire still have a chance to achieve final victory as advertised?

Don't ask how these Japanese infantrymen know that such a huge fleet of aircraft belongs to the Chinese and not the Empire. That's because the ground battle has been going on for a week. The Empire has never had such a huge fleet of aircraft appear on the battlefield. More than 20 aircraft are already reaching the sky. .

The dozens of fighter planes with bright red suns painted on their fuselages that were speeding from the east and pounced on the huge fleet to engage in air combat had indirectly pointed out their suspicions.

More than forty fighter planes were chasing each other in the air, from the south of the city to the west of the city, and even to the airspace dozens of kilometers away from Hengyang City.

But the Chinese side may not be satisfied with the 36 aircraft groups bombing the ground, or they may know that the Japanese fighter planes will come to harass. Half an hour later, 12 more fighter planes flew in.

The 'Thunder' fighter squadron also came to help. The two sides fought for half an hour, and the 16 Japanese planes were already exhausted. Faced with the latest American fighter plane whose performance completely overwhelmed the Zero fighter, the Japanese planes were almost helpless. Hesitantly turned around and ran away.

But for the 'Thunderbolt', which has entered the battlefield at high speed and has a speed of 680 kilometers per hour, the seven or eight Japanese aircraft that have been consumed by its comrades are just food on the plate. How can they be allowed to escape easily?

Major Sasaki's name as the "Tiansha Lone Star" once again spread to the Fifth Aviation Corps.

Beginning in 1943, as the Japanese Navy gradually lost the initiative in the Pacific battlefield, the Japanese Navy transferred the main force of the 3rd Fleet in China to the Pacific battlefield. The Japanese Army Aviation could only shoulder the important task of maintaining air supremacy in the Chinese battlefield. China The Expeditionary Forces Headquarters integrated at the end of the year and transferred more than half of the North China Aviation Corps to the Central and South China battlefields. Major Sasaki also led his troops to the Fifth Aviation Corps.

Major Sasaki's name of "Tiansha Lone Star" was only known to his subordinates. When it came to the Fifth Air Corps, most people just laughed. How could the Imperial Army Aviation be so powerful that the Chinese could resist it?

But this time, Major Sasaki used facts to prove to them the power of the "Tiansha Lone Star". Of the 16 fighter planes deployed by the Fifth Aviation Corps, only Major Sasaki was able to return to Jiangxia Airport in the end.

And if anyone wants to say that Major Sasaki escaped without a hard fight, then the Zero fighter, which was covered in scars, had at least fifty bullet holes and even the landing gear was broken, would hit him hard in the face. .

It would have been impossible for any one person to fly this fighter plane, which was swept like a sieve by the 12.7mm machine gun, back to the sky above Jiangxia, let alone successfully land in the paddy fields without landing gear.

But Major Sasaki, who had a bitter look on his face, accomplished this almost impossible miracle, which was a bit of comfort to the Fifth Aviation Corps, whose morale had been severely depressed.

"You are the hero of the empire!" The commander of the Fifth Air Corps, who held the rank of major general, hugged Major Sasaki, who emerged from the fighter plane unscathed, in a way that was extremely inconsistent with Japanese national characteristics.

Is this what it feels like to be understood? Major Sasaki burst into tears at that moment!

Even before the battle, he had seriously warned his subordinates that as long as they expel the Chinese fighter planes from the sky above Hengyang and do not let them bombard the imperial infantry unscrupulously, even if their mission is completed, they will have to return in half an hour at most, otherwise China Follow-up fleets of humans and Americans will arrive.

But as soon as his group of subordinates entered the battlefield, they became aggressive and chased the Chinese fighter planes desperately, even moving the battlefield dozens of kilometers away. At that time, he felt that something was wrong even more.

How could the Chinese Air Force, which has more fighter planes than the Empire, be so weak? This is not their style.

Sure enough in the end! The 12 latest Thunderbolt fighter jets arrived on the battlefield within half an hour as he estimated. How could the Imperial fleet, which had already consumed most of its fuel and ammunition, have any power to fight back?

The Chinese fighter planes even chased them all the way to the sky above the Miluo River, shooting down two Zero fighter jets that had left the battlefield early and fled wildly before they returned swaggeringly. If not for the help of 12 Imperial fighter planes, I am afraid that Major Sasaki's body would have been buried in the Miluo River. It's already getting cold.

The poor Japanese Army Aviation Major has worked very hard, but in the face of absolute strength, he can only return alone

In this battle, 15 Japanese Army Air Force fighter jets were shot down, the ground air defense brigade was blown up, 14 20mm anti-aircraft guns were damaged, and more than 300 anti-aircraft artillerymen were bombed to pieces. In addition, more than 600 infantrymen were implicated and became Cannon fodder in China’s crazy artillery fire!

The Chinese lost a total of eight fighter planes, including one killed and three wounded in the ambush. Three were shot down, one was blown up by artillery fire after making an emergency landing, two pilots successfully parachuted over Hengyang City, and one was killed by four fighters in the Zhangjiashan Highlands. The independent company of the regiment recaptured it, and the infantry lost nearly a hundred people.

Judging from the losses on both sides, the Japanese army suffered so much that they no longer had any pants to wear.

"Sangmenxing Brigade", this is the honorific name given to the newly transferred air defense brigade by the infantrymen of the 116th Division who were hit the hardest after being bombarded by artillery and carpet bombed by the Chinese Air Force!

The Japanese Army lieutenant colonel, whose body was so badly burned that he was almost cooked, was lying naked in the field hospital and was still breathing. After hearing this honorific, he held his breath in his chest and collapsed on the spot.

From a certain point of view, this person could have had a close relationship with Major Sasaki, but it was a pity that Major Sasaki's "Lonely Star" attribute was too strong and he was not allowed to have friends at all.

Friends must die! It's so powerful!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Brothers, the new book "Da Qi Death Judge" has been released. It has 60,000 words. It is classified into the Xianxia category and the Detective Xianxia flow. I also ask all readers to come and support me. If you don't go, I guess Feng Yue will have to beep again tomorrow!

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