Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1504: Keep it for another 10 days!

Chapter 1504: Stay for another 10 days!

After being rescued, Lin Heng was rushed to the underground field hospital in Hengyang City for treatment at around 3 pm that day.

Three giants from the Hengyang Command went to visit the field hospital in person. When they saw the man with his mouth full of blood, Tang Dao, who was ranked last, laughed loudly and stepped forward to hug Lin Heng fiercely: "Tu Yunsheng said I rescued an air force captain named Lin. I thought it was you at the time, but I didn't expect it to be true. Fortunately, I rescued you in one piece, otherwise Shen Chonghai would not have blamed me to death. "

"Sir Tang, Lin Heng, deputy captain of the 4th Flying Group, is reporting to you! You need to take care of me later, Chief Tang." Lin Heng, however, bowed to Tang Dao with a military salute.

This scene made the two leading giants Sun Mingyu and Zhao Junmai dumbfounded. They were a lieutenant general and a major general. They were considered senior officers in the army, but those guys in the air force pilots were not from elite families? At the same time, it is China's most precious military branch, so it naturally carries a sense of arrogance. Even if you meet an army general like them, you can just give a military salute and be done, but you can't directly classify yourself as a subordinate.

Especially the one in front of me who was promoted to the deputy captain of the flying group at the age of only 25 or 26. He must be the elite of the air force elite.

Sure enough, Lin Heng then saluted these two men, but it was more of a courtesy than Xiang Dui Tang Dao.

Not to mention the two shrewd generals, even the doctors and nurses on the side could see that this air force elite's attitude towards Tang Dao was different from the two generals.

Based on this alone, Tang Tuanzuo's level of awesomeness has once again increased by 10% in everyone's mind!

They underestimated the importance of Tang Dao in the hearts of these young Chinese pilots. They did not mention the gratitude and respect in the hearts of those key air force pilots when Tang Dao brought more than a dozen young pilots to help Chen Buping return home. Two years ago, Tang Dao took hundreds of pilots to Asan Kingdom to receive Wildcat fighters.

A heroic captain in the army actually made the latest American fighter jet fly like a champ, and frightened the American ace pilot into a daze. In the hearts of a group of young pilots headed by Lin Heng, Tang Dao was like a **** of war. exist.

In the exact words of Shen Chonghai, who has already served as the captain of the flight group: "Commander Tang just likes to use the white knife in and the red knife out to fight the Japanese. Otherwise, if he joins our Air Force with his talent, he will definitely be the ace among aces."

"That's right. Now that you have entered Hengyang City, it will be difficult for you to leave based on the current enemy situation around Hengyang. However, your car has been blown to pieces by artillery fire from both sides. If you, a big baby of the Air Force, are allowed to go to the front line with a gun, don't If Chief of Staff Zheng Shaoyu knows about it, even Commander Fang will have to put me in solitary confinement!" Tang Dao replied with a smile.

"I can be the Air Force's ground liaison officer in Hengyang!" Lin Heng blurted out.

Come to think of it, this idea has been brewing in his mind for some time. Perhaps from the moment he was rescued and looked at the overwhelming artillery fire from both sides, this clear-minded Chinese Air Force elite already understood that he wanted to leave Hengyang City. It’s impossible.

Since he can't leave, he must fight to the end with the soldiers and civilians of this city.

But if he really wants to go to the front line with a gun, his level is probably not much better than that of the reservists who have just picked up a gun. He must give full play to his own strengths.

At that time, there was no future joint command structure between the Air Force and the Army. If the Army needed air support, it had to send a telegram to the Ministry of Military Affairs, which would then coordinate with the Air Force Command. Finally, it would need approval from the Military Commission before it could be dispatched. Precious Air Force.

With that time gap going around, I don't know how many rounds of fierce fighting there were on the ground.

Or, it was a separate action by the Air Force, and the Army had no right to know about it. Only when the planes were over the position did they know that their own air support was coming, but maybe the battle would be over by then and the Japanese would have escaped. .

Although the Air Force fleet bombed the Japanese positions in a lively manner, there were completely different concepts between taking shelter in fortifications and being bombed in the wild.

"Okay! Deputy Captain Lin's proposal is very good. On behalf of Commander Fang, I appoint you as the liaison officer of Hengyang City Defense Air Force." Regarding Lin Heng's sudden proposal, Sun Mingyu, the chief of staff of the 10th Army, immediately reacted and gave it on the spot. appointment.

Tang Dao also patted Lin Heng's shoulder hard to express his approval of his idea.

In this era, not to mention the Western world, even the Japanese Army has established its own Army Aviation. Its purpose is to facilitate unified command. Once the infantry has a need, it will respond upwards. The headquarters will call the Army according to the actual battle situation. The aviation force provided support, and its air support response speed was much faster than that of China.

If Lin Heng, the Air Force liaison officer, could directly contact the air force groups at various airports based on his knowledge of the Air Force, the response time could be shortened to one-fifth of the previous time or even less.

Fang Xianjue was also very happy after receiving the news. He immediately reported the situation to the theater headquarters and the Military Commission, hoping to use this as an opportunity to establish a direct connection with Zhijiang, Guilin, Liuzhou and other airports in Hengyang City. Even if It cannot directly command the Air Force's operations, but it can also provide feedback to the Air Force at any time on ground battle conditions or observed weather and air enemy conditions.

At this time, because 90% of the fighters already use radio stations, after obtaining the frequency band, even the ground can directly contact the air fighters.

In the past, there were no people from the Air Force in the Hengyang headquarters. A bunch of laymen wanted to do this, and no one would be reassured. But now there is a deputy captain of the flying group, and an ace pilot who has shot down 12 Japanese planes. , who else can be as professional as him?

Under the strong promotion of Major General Zheng Shaoyu, who had interacted with Tang Dao and had been promoted to Chief of Staff of the Air Force, in the evening, he finally agreed to establish an Air Force Liaison Office in Hengyang, and Lin Heng was appointed as the Director of the Liaison Office, with the rank of Air Force Major. , all air force pilots rescued back to Hengyang City were placed under the jurisdiction of the Liaison Office.

Good guy, now he has been promoted again. Tang Dao looked at the three stars that had been on his collar badge for almost 7 years, and could only say sadly that he had to walk the path he chose even on his knees!

Fortunately, such days should not last long. In just one more year, the Japanese will succumb to the fireballs created by the two big fat bombs and lose the foreign invasion. The people and history will definitely make the most correct decision. choose.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the Air Force Liaison Office, Fang Xianjue specially assigned one of the only two long-wave radio stations of the 10th Army and the corresponding communications troops to Lin Heng's command. Tang Dao also transferred a wireless radio station and 3 walkie-talkies to Lin Heng.

All this is for faster coordination with the air force, and the Hengyang unified land and air combat model has the most important node.

The Japanese probably never expected that the original "excellent" record of their air defense brigade, already known as the "Sangmen Star", would actually lead to the Hengyang defenders and the air force strengthening contact, which would further lead to the intensification of contact between the Hengyang defenders and the air force. , China’s advantage in air supremacy becomes even more obvious.

For two consecutive days, the Japanese bombers had not yet arrived over Hengyang. Chinese fighter planes from the airport 200 kilometers away had already taken off from the airport. They arrived at the battlefield in less than 30 minutes and launched an attack on the Japanese bombers that had not yet completed their bombing mission. .

That's because when Fang Xianjue arrived in Hengyang 20 days ago, he followed Tang Dao's suggestion and sent three groups composed of infantry, engineers, and communications troops in three directions 100 kilometers away from Hengyang.

Their mission was to stay on a mountaintop with no tactical value and use telescopes to observe the sky. If there was any shadow or roar of enemy aircraft, they would immediately report to the Hengyang headquarters using a field radio.

This early warning method of at least 15 minutes in advance can give Hengyang soldiers and civilians enough time to hide in air raid shelters to reduce casualties.

But in the past, because there were too many communication barriers with the Air Force, it was impossible to notify the Air Force in time to come to join the war. Therefore, many Japanese aircraft were still able to bomb the battlefield or Hengyang City, and many carefully constructed fortifications were blown up.

But it is very different now. Lin Heng's Air Force Liaison Office can directly inform the Air Force through the radio how far the Japanese aircraft fleet is from Hengyang, and the Air Force can decide how to participate in the war based on its own conditions.

The number of fighter planes can also be informed immediately to Chinese fighters still in the air, so that they can make tactical changes accordingly. Dozens of fighter planes invested by the Japanese army were hit repeatedly in two days, which directly pushed the reputation of Major Sasaki, who was already regarded as the "Imperial Hero", to the peak of the "Tiansha Lone Star". In the end, even the man who wanted to set an example The Japanese Army Major General could not stand it any longer. Not only did he no longer send Major Sasaki to the battlefield, he even stopped sending a plane to the Hengyang battlefield.

Beginning on June 12, the Japanese army's all-out attack on Hengyang was changed to a focused attack in one direction south of the city. However, the large-scale attack in the unit of the regiment during the day was changed to the unit of the squadron and squad every night. small-scale assault.

Every evening, taking advantage of the fact that the Chinese aircraft fleet would not come again, the Japanese army mobilized various types of artillery to blast the Chinese positions, and then the infantry attacked almost all night long.

When it was almost dawn, knowing that the Chinese fighter planes were coming again, the Japanese troops immediately stopped and retreated.

At the dusk of the second day, I regained my strength and made a comeback. It started over and over again, and it was the same every day.

But obviously, night fighting is not what the Japanese army is good at. And for the Chinese army, what kind of difficult environment has it not fought in? Attacking opponents at night was originally one of their ways of fighting the Japanese army. Now that the Japanese army uses its own proficient tactics to deal with them, it is natural to welcome them.

On the 6th day of the Lien War, the rotation of all Chinese units changed twice, and the Japanese army could not advance even an inch.

At this point, the Battle of Hengyang has been going on for 15 days. In the **** battle of a group of generals and soldiers led by Fang Xianjue, the Hengyang defenders blocked the Japanese troops besieging the city from all sides in the mountains and ponds and swamps outside the city. It was said that the Japanese army had entered the city, but even the shadow of the city wall had not been seen.

The Hengyang defenders only had 24,000 troops, but the Japanese army invested 75,000 troops. With a 1:3 strength comparison, to be able to carry out a defensive battle like this is definitely a successful defense worthy of showing off to the whole of China and even the world. war.

However, Fang Xianjue, the supreme commander of Hengyang who achieved such a record, still frowned and his eyes were filled with gloom.

Because he had fulfilled the promise he made to his teacher to defend the city for half a month when he was in the mountain city, but what about the reinforcements his teacher promised?

Mao Du hasn’t seen it yet.

At this time, Fang Xianjue didn't know how grateful he was to Tang Dao deep in his heart. If it weren't for Tang Dao's urging, he believed that the Battle of Hengyang would never end around the 20th as he expected, but would take more than a month or even longer. He asked that person for a large amount of logistical supplies.

And he had previously felt that the sufficient logistical material reserves would never last another week. Judging from the current situation where the reinforcements were still missing, it was really unclear how long this defensive battle would last.

Fang Xian definitely didn't try to test his teacher's tone, but he also knew that what he disliked the most was that the commander of the army would send a message to the Military Commission for help whenever he encountered difficulties, so he asked the question more tactfully and not so much. direct.

As for that one, he seemed to have forgotten what he said about the 15-day defense of the city. He only praised the defense of Hengyang and reported to the Hengyang headquarters those who had meritorious service in the war, and ordered them to be promoted and awarded medals.

Only those who are alive can enjoy these things! Fang Xianjue felt extremely bitter, but he could only accept all these invisible and intangible medals and awards.

So what has that teacher Fang Xianjue been doing in the past half month?

In fact, at this time, China had 6 corps led by Wang Yaowu and Li Yutang on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River, 5 corps led by Commander Xue personally on the east bank of the Xiangjiang River, and these 11 infantry corps, with a total strength of almost 280,000 people are completely enough to play a big game against the Japanese army.

The 11th Army was also concerned about the existence of these Chinese infantry troops. It placed its main force of 140,000 people outside Hengyang and did not dare to use all its forces to attack Hengyang. Otherwise, even if Hengyang was made of steel and iron, it would probably be destroyed. More than 200,000 Japanese troops were overwhelmed.

But the man with a lot of softness and suspicion in his character did not immediately mobilize the army to the surrounding areas of Hengyang. It was not until June 13 that he ordered Li Yutang's regiment to move from the southwest of Hengyang to the east, and the main force of the 9th Theater to move from the mountainous area of ​​​​dong to the west. , "fiercely attack their respective predetermined targets", and then the day after Fang Xianjue sent a message to tactfully inquire about reinforcements, he sent a message to the Hengyang defenders to hold on for another 10 days.

Fang Xianjue gritted his teeth and admitted that he would only hold on for another 10 days, as long as reinforcements could come.

Seeing that the matter has come to this, the other generals in the headquarters can only cheer themselves up. After all, they have carried it on the 15th, so what is the big deal if they can carry him for another 10 days?

Perhaps only the silent Tang Dao was sighing slightly, 10 days? In another 3 10 days, I am afraid that reinforcements will not reach this city.

For example, this time the man finally made up his mind to mobilize 8 infantry corps and planned to fight the Japanese army outside Hengyang. The 3 corps commanded by Li Yutang moved, but the 5 infantry corps of Commander Xue stayed put.

Commander Xue has always been an extremely confident and even arrogant person. In the Military Commission, he is the only one who can still listen to the words of General Chen, the leader of the civil engineering department. One is the supreme commander and has to listen, and the other is his. Political backers cannot but listen.

But this time he did not obey. That was because deep down in his heart, he felt that these two military talents were mediocre and far inferior to him. He believes that the strategic purpose of the Japanese army is to open up the Guangdong-Han Railway. Hengyang is only an important node on the Guangdong-Han Railway. Whether it is lost or not does not guarantee the complete smooth flow of the Guangdong-Han Railway. As long as he locks another node, the Japanese army will have to By pointing the troops at him, the siege of Hengyang can be solved, which is much more reliable than mobilizing the army to march long distances for a decisive battle outside Hengyang.

Therefore, Commander Xue insisted on keeping the five armies east of the Guangdong-Hankou Railway, relying on the rugged mountainous areas on the Hunan-Kiangxi border to deal with the Japanese army.

After staring at the map for an hour or two, the man felt that this seemed like a good idea.

The 27th Group Army, which had already launched its troops to kill a certain division of the Japanese army 80 miles outside Hengyang, almost ducked collectively after receiving the news that the friendly forces had not moved.

The main force of more than 100,000 people is not moving. Are these 60,000 people running to die? The 27th Army had to brake suddenly.

With this kind of saucy operation, Hengyang’s more than 70,000 soldiers and civilians, do you think they can wait for the legendary reinforcements?

In the original words of Li Jijin: "Wait for a bird, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. I will stay here. If two of them are not enough for one, then fight for three. As long as the Japanese dare to change sincerely, then all of them will be replaced." What a turtle!"

This man! Only when you are in the final desperate situation will more powerful power burst out.

But obviously, Hengyang still has expectations for some people at this time.

Therefore, at this time, the Japanese army had not yet realized that they had not yet encountered the Chinese soldiers in their craziest stage.

The more **** moment has not really come yet!

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