Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 190 The sharpest knife of the Chinese

"Order the two infantry squads in the front team to defend on the spot! Block the Chinese in front." Toyoda didn't hesitate anymore and gave several orders in succession.

"Order the three infantry squads in the center to attack the high ground on both wings!"

"Order the No. 2 armored vehicle to cover the infantry attack!"

"Order the three infantry squads in the rear to follow me and withdraw from the mountainous area!"

Cutting off the tail to survive, Toyoda Hide used this move immediately and cruelly, but it was definitely the best strategy when he was under fire from the front and rear and was at a disadvantage.

Otherwise, the entire army will be annihilated is just a matter of time.

But Toyoda Hide ignored one problem. The unit under his command is no longer the 36th Infantry Regiment before. Continuous failures and being abandoned by the division have made their morale fall to the bottom.

Not to mention being abandoned by the commander again, even if the commander is heroic and leads them to charge, they will extremely doubt whether they will be stabbed black and blue by the vicious Chinese with bullets and bayonets like their colleagues.

The signal corps had just risked their lives to convey the general's order to the front. Before Toyoda Hide and his rear troops had time to retreat, the Japanese troops at the front began to run crazily back along the mountain road, even if there was a torrent of bullets from the Chinese in front. They will beat them into a sieve, even if the Chinese on both sides will treat them as live targets, even if the artillery shells that explode on both sides of the mountain road from time to time will lift them several meters into the air...

All kinds of methods of death could not stop the Japanese troops from fleeing crazily.

The reason is very simple. If you don't run, you will definitely die. If you run, you still have a chance, even if the chance is only one percent.

Not only were the Japanese troops in front running like a group of frightened little hens, but the Japanese troops in the middle of the road, which had already crawled more than ten meters up the mountainside, were silent for more than ten seconds, and then joined the fleeing team.

This is no longer called a retreat, but a rout, or a collapse.

This sudden change made Toyoda so furious that he opened his mouth wide but couldn't shout out a word. Even the Chinese soldiers on the mountainside were stunned for more than a few seconds.

They are all veterans who survived seven days and nights of bloody battles with the Japanese army. Naturally, they are not afraid of the Japanese army, otherwise they would not be here. However, this does not mean that they will despise the Japanese army. On the contrary, the Japanese army that is not afraid of death left them with Extremely impressed.

Even the wounded soldiers left on the battlefield will use up their last strength to pull the trigger, so that in the end, neither side will have the other side's wounded soldiers, because if you don't kill him, he will kill you. .

Could this be a case of hitting the wrong person? At that moment, even the soldier with the Chinese character face couldn't help but have this illusion. If his opponent's screams before dying reminded him that these guys were Japanese, he would have almost ordered a ceasefire. .

This was a group of atypical Japanese soldiers. Seeing the defeated Japanese soldiers being easily shot down on the mountain road by the torrent of bullets like birds with broken wings, the soldier with the Chinese character face could only draw this conclusion.

Without giving orders, the Chinese soldiers who woke up desperately pulled the bolts and triggers of their guns, repeating this action.

Smoke continued to rise in the forest. Although there were not enough machine guns, the distance was only a few dozen meters. The damage they caused to the Japanese troops was by no means less than that of machine guns that fired concentrated fire from a distance.

However, it was not them, nor Cheng Tieshou's fire support platoon who was able to sweep away the enemy with machine guns, but the Japanese themselves who caused the heaviest damage to the Japanese army.

Of the two armored vehicles ordered to support Toyota Show, one was flattened by a rolling boulder, and the other was lucky enough. Although the machine gun bullets rattled the steel plates, they were unable to penetrate, and the mountain cannons that fired horizontally did not touch this lucky person. .

When receiving the military order from the rear, ordering them to support the infantry in the middle to attack upward, the sergeant commander was still hesitating whether to obey the order, but when the infantry at the front ran backwards like a tide, and the attacking infantry also began to flee, the armored vehicle The Japanese troops inside were also hairy.

Is Baga still able to survive? My 9th Division was ordered to support you bunch of scum, but you guys didn’t even show any face and ran away without even saying hello.

Then you can't blame our 9th Division for being unkind.

The three evil-minded Japanese armored soldiers reached a tacit understanding in a short time. The three of us also ran. Not only did we have to run, we also had to run faster than the shameless gang of the 36th Infantry Regiment.

Otherwise, who can expose the ugly face of these imperial cancers?

So, the armored vehicle increased its horsepower, the engine roared and spewed out black smoke to complete the turn on the mountain road, and ran backwards. When encountering a truck, it would ram it away if it could, and if it couldn't, it would squeeze in. Anyway, it was necessary to escape.

As for what to do when you meet someone? The red-eyed Japanese armored knights could not see that there was only one way to escape.

Although the Type 94 light armored vehicle, which is not much larger than the QQ sedan, is cannon fodder in front of any artillery, it is an absolute steel monster in front of fragile humans.

The crazy armored vehicle may have subconsciously turned the rudder when it hit the first comrade, but when it felt the whole vehicle jolted slightly and realized that the comrade had been crushed into a road by the tracks, it had no worries anymore.

The evil of human nature was vividly demonstrated at this moment by a Japanese Type 94 armored vehicle.

Many Japanese soldiers running wildly on the mountain road relied on their two short and powerful "scud" to avoid bullets, but they did not escape the collision and crushing of their crazy armored vehicles.

The constant "Bang! Bang!" muffled sound was intertwined with the blazing gunfire, forming a chilling symphony.

Those who understand know that it is the sound that only human bodies can make when they are squeezed by huge forces.

It can be said that, except for not directly firing machine guns, this Japanese armored vehicle has almost become the sharpest knife for the Chinese army to slaughter its own soldiers.

This thought was almost still echoing in the minds of the Chinese soldiers, and the Type 94 armored vehicle had already opened fire.

The reason was that the angry Japanese infantry actually threw grenades under the tracks, trying to keep this big fool from another division completely on the mountain road.

The Type 94 armored vehicle, which had already killed countless people, was furious. After being attacked by two grenades in succession, it almost did not hesitate, and the machine guns on the front and body of the vehicle began to fire fiercely.

At first, it was just fighting back against colleagues who hid on both sides of the mountain road and threw grenades at them. Later, it simply fired directly at the front, trying to kill a bloody road at the fastest speed.

"The Japanese are crazy." The bearded man pulled off the Japanese helmet on his head in disbelief and muttered to himself.

Indeed, the Japanese army was really crazy.

An armored vehicle without infantry protection is not invincible on the battlefield, not to mention that even its own infantry has turned against it?

The Japanese infantry, who were completely enraged, fully demonstrated their superb individual tactics at this moment.

The melon grenades that could not be thrown on the Chinese positions were thrown at the armored vehicles like raindrops. Although the destructive power of the melon grenade steel balls is not strong, ants can kill elephants, not to mention the 94 armored vehicles with steel plates only six or seven millimeters thick!

Finally, a grenade exploded in the gap of the engine steel plate, destroying the engine. The little bean that was advancing rapidly, crushing its own flesh and blood all the way, hit the mountain hard forty meters away from the section where the Chinese blew up the cliff and dropped countless rubble. The muzzle that was still shooting was tilted hard, and a volley of bullets just swept diagonally forward.

A Japanese officer who was lying in the bushes to avoid the crazy bean was beaten into a blood gourd, and his eyes widened in disbelief gradually lost their luster.

More grenades were thrown at the immobile little bean until it was blown up into a cloud of smoke. The three Japanese armored soldiers trapped in it did not dare to get out of the car at all. They could only watch the armored car being blown into a bonfire in the mountains by their own infantrymen who were also red-eyed with anger, and then roasted them alive.

In this battle, the acting commander of the 36th Infantry Regiment, Major Toyota Hide, died!

Two Type 94 armored vehicles were completely destroyed.

The three infantry guns carried, but none of them fired, the entire army collapsed, creating the fastest defeat record of the Japanese army.

"Everyone put on the bayonet, kill!" The bearded soldier inserted the bayonet into the muzzle seat, his eyes brighter than ever.

"Tick-tick..." The loud charge horn sounded.

Hundreds of dark black jumped out from the mountainside position, holding rifles and running down.

Not far away, nearly fifty dark blue, led by Tang Dao, rushed here at high speed.

. . . . .

PS: I was called out by my friends to watch the Chinese team's game at a barbecue bar early this morning. The game process was really confusing. I slept until noon and updated late.

Also, because it will be released either this Friday or next Friday, in order to adapt to everyone, starting from today, the updates will be placed around 12 o'clock, so everyone can read while eating lunch. Is Fengyue a very considerate and warm man? I think so, so move your little hands and vote.

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