Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 189 I have never seen such bullying.

The boulders weighing over a thousand kilograms accelerated after a vertical drop of more than 30 meters. Their weight and inertia made them enough to crush all obstacles they encountered.

In order to avoid being hit by bullets from the mountainside, the Japanese soldiers basically fell on the mountain. Several Japanese soldiers who did not have time to run or were hit by bullets from the mountain because they were panicked and avoided the falling rocks were crushed into meat paste.

The red was flesh and blood, and the black was hair. They were stuck on the boulders that were still running wildly, and then hit the road hard.

People may be able to hide, but cars cannot. It’s okay if they are not hit by boulders, but if they are hit by boulders, becoming a pile of scrap metal is an inevitable outcome.

In the face of such a huge force, not to mention trucks, even tanks may not be able to survive.

A Type 94 armored vehicle was hit by a boulder that weighed at least two tons before it even reacted.

The steel plates that could withstand heavy machine gun bullets were no match for the boulders. After a loud bang, the Type 94 armored vehicle was pushed to the other side of the mountain by the boulders.

There was no explosion, but even the blindest person knew that the people in the armored vehicle were finished.

The widest part of the small bean-shaped vehicle, which is slightly larger than the QQ sedan, would never exceed two feet.

The most terrifying thing for the Japanese army was not that a few big rocks fell and killed a few people and damaged a few cars, but that the Chinese had an appetite beyond imagination.

At the end of the entire convoy, a protruding cliff was also exploded, and tens of thousands of pounds of large and small rocks cheered and rushed down, blocking their way back.

Cut off their retreat? It was an obvious method.

This meant that they were going to swallow them in one gulp.

Are the Chinese crazy? He thought they were an infantry regiment or something.

Toyota Hide, who was originally feeling cold in his heart, felt a surge of anger rising to his head. The more than 100 Chinese running in front of him were fine. They had defeated my 36th Infantry Regiment after all. What? Now you think my 36th Infantry Regiment is a soft persimmon that is easy to squeeze, right?

"Heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, suppress the enemy positions on the mountainside with firepower. All other infantry squads, take the commanding heights with cameras. I want to let the Chinese know that an ambush cannot be won by relying on some broken stones." Toyota Hide, who was hiding under a bunker on the side of the roadbed, quickly ordered.

Because he was despised, Toyota Hide inexplicably had a bit of bravery. He was determined to have a decisive battle with the Chinese here, a tactic of survival from death.

His confidence did not only come from his sufficient manpower, but also from the fact that he had seen the shortcomings of the Chinese ambushing them on both wings through the Chinese's method of blasting rocks to attack them.

If the firepower was sufficient, what would greet him now would be a rain of bullets from various light and heavy machine guns and countless grenades.

Now, the Chinese not only mainly use single-shot rifles, but also don't throw many grenades. He even saw a grenade thrown ten meters in front of him hit the ground, not only did it not explode, but it also broke into two pieces.

That was made ten years ago!

The equipment is so simple.

All that shows that this is a Chinese ragtag army.

Baga! I can't beat those people, can I beat you?

The next moment.

"Boom! Boom!" Two sounds, two balls of fire exploded on the simple road. Although they didn't hit the truck and caused a chain explosion, they also hit Toyota Xiu's heart to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

The Chinese actually have mountain artillery...

Fortunately, their level is not good. Toyota Xiu looked at the smoke rising from 20 to 30 meters on the hillside and tried his best to comfort his heart that almost jumped out of his throat.

"What the hell are those idiots shooting?" Cheng Tieshou was so angry that his hair almost stood up when he saw that the two artillery groups almost hit their own positions with two test shells.

If they really bombed friendly troops by mistake, even if they didn't come to argue, he, the platoon leader of the fire support platoon, would be ashamed to death.

"This thing of the Japanese is much more difficult to operate than our 82 mortars." The artillery squad leader who was responsible for adjusting the distance was also embarrassed.

"If you can't adjust it in a short time, just shoot it flat, it's just one mile!" Cheng Tieshou's face was livid. "Don't worry about whether it's accurate or not, just bomb the mountain road."

"Okay, okay, listen to the platoon leader." The two artillery squad leaders nodded hurriedly.

"Boom! Boom!" At this time, two shells exploded directly on the road, and one of them hit a truck by chance, blowing the truck into pieces and making the Japanese soldiers around 30 meters scream.

The truck was blown up and countless fragments were thrown out, which was much more lethal than shrapnel.

A square-faced soldier holding a telescope in a bunker on the hillside couldn't help wiping his cold sweat: "Damn it, how can we fight! This is the Fourth Camp!"

"Not bad! Chief of Staff, doesn't this also prove that the two mountain guns are not for show!" A bearded soldier next to him smiled as he looked at the fireballs exploding on the mountain road. "Give one of these two mountain guns to our regiment!"

"Give it, give it, give it to you!" The square-faced soldier glared. "The damn Japanese are not meat on the chopping board, you can chop them however you want, just win this battle for me first."

"Don't worry, Chief of Staff, it's not like our regiment hasn't fought the devils in the big field before, two infantry regiments, didn't we lose?" The bearded soldier grinned, full of confidence.

"If we had been equipped with artillery, we might have won!" The bearded man looked back at the battlefield, but deep disappointment welled up in his eyes.

After seven days of bloody battles, he did not lose his position, but most of his brothers were gone, and even his regiment commander was hit by Japanese artillery fire in the counterattack and was almost dead.

"Okay, as long as the world-famous regiment commander Xie does not act cowardly, I will make the decision on behalf of the division commander and the army commander, and give your regiment one of the two artillery." The square-faced soldier couldn't help but feel a little sour in his heart.

In that battle half a month ago, they earned enough face for the 60 million elders of Sichuan Province, and no one laughed at them for being a double-gun army or a beggar army.

But that was paid for with the lives of Sichuanese soldiers. Two colonels and four regiments under his command died and one was injured. He was ordered to lead the main force of the entire division to support the Sihangying that broke out from Zhabei. The so-called main force, two infantry regiments combined, was only 350 soldiers in an infantry battalion.

Thinking of the almost complete death of 8,000 people in the entire division, even though half a month had passed, his eyes were still sore.

"Order the brothers to put on their bayonets. The artillery fire of the Sihangying is accurate. It is possible that the Japanese will jump over the wall and attack. If it doesn't work, just fight with bayonets for them." Seeing that the Japanese infantry at the foot of the mountain were beginning to stir, the square-faced soldier gathered his mood and gave the order.

The beard hadn't had time to speak.

The blazing gunshots suddenly rang out.

In the morning light, at the end of the forest, bright and dazzling flowers suddenly bloomed.

Those were flowers formed by the flames from the muzzle.

One, two, countless!

"Fuck the immortal board, the guys from the Fourth Camp!" The bearded man almost dislocated his mouth, and groaned for a long time: "Did they bring an arsenal?"

Eighteen Type 92 heavy machine guns were ordered to be brought out by Tang Dao, so there were too many guns and a shortage of shooters. Soldiers with experience in shooting machine guns had to take on the task.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how accurate it is, just pour bullets on the mountain road and don't hit the friendly positions on the mountainside.

Two MG34s also joined in, and 20 machine guns with a range of up to 1,000 meters opened fire from about 400 meters away. The people on the mountainside were confused, but the people who were beaten at the foot of the mountain were really beaten to tears.

I have never seen such bullying.

Throwing stones and bombarding with artillery is fine, but who throws bullets at people?

Every second, hundreds of bullets fly over, like raindrops, not bullets!

It's bad, but it's very bad.

Seeing the dense bullets making a popping sound all around and even the branches being broken, Toyota Hide knew that he might be finished today.

Although he would be dismissed and even face a military court if he went back, at least he was still alive, right? Toyota Hide's newly-awakened bravery was calmed down again.

However, there were enemies in front and on both sides, so it was not so easy to retreat.

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