Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 20: hibernating hedgehog

Chapter 20 Hibernating Hedgehog

Therefore, Tang Dao used most of the firing range of the heavy firepower points of the machine gun battery for the defense of the left and right wings.

Most of the windows facing Hebei Road in Suzhou were covered with sandbags, leaving only the shooting holes. There were no windows on the east and west walls originally. Tang Dao was designed to have two rows of shooting holes on each side of each floor. .

 In order to ensure that there are no blind spots for shooting on both wings, it is particularly important to remove the shooting holes on the wall and the fortifications on the roof.

In the past, an army lieutenant colonel mounted the only two Suratung anti-aircraft cannons on the roof of a building for air defense. If they encountered a blind spot, soldiers would climb to the top of the building and throw grenades downwards.

  The scene in the movie Eight Hundred in which soldiers jump down wrapped in grenades is not an artistic rendering, but a real reality.

However, it is not a shield formation composed of iron shields. The Japanese army with Type 94 reconnaissance armored vehicles and Type 89 medium tanks does not need to work so hard at all. The warehouse defenders whose machine guns have lost their firing angle can take out the steel behemoths at close range. Nothing can be done.

The only option is for the soldier to wrap his body with grenades and jump off the roof, turning himself into a rain of blood and blowing up the tank at the same time.

It was certainly heartbreaking for the Chinese commander in the building and the Chinese people watching on the bank of the Suzhou River dozens of meters away. The Japanese commander was also heartbroken.

 The lives of several Chinese soldiers were exchanged for the damage of a tank. It was actually an unbearable pain for both sides. It was just that one side felt sorry for its own soldiers, and the other side felt sorry for its own equipment.

Japan, in order to win this war, also spent all its wealth. In the later stages of the war, even the kitchen knives in ordinary people's homes were donated to build warships and cannons.

If the American cowboys hadn't dropped two big fat bombs in the end and completely knocked the Japanese to their knees, I guess the Japanese would have become accustomed to using wooden kitchen knives.

But Tang Dao improved this shortcoming based on the real combat history.

First, he established two air defense positions on the roof of the warehouse with two Sulotong machine guns as the core. A twin machine gun with a Maxim heavy machine gun as a group was formed into a circle with sandbags. shaped fortifications.

The two machine guns placed on the east and west sides of the building can not only attack Japanese aircraft flying from east to west, but also can be leveled to shoot down Japanese heavyweights within a range of 400 meters to 1,000 meters on the east, west, and south sides. Shoot at the firepower point.

The four mortars left by the division, plus the two original cannon batteries, a total of six mortars were placed by Tang Dao at the four corners and in the center. The six mortar positions can target up to 2,000 meters around the warehouse building. , attack all the heavy firepower points of the Japanese army within the nearest 200 meters.

Of course, Tang Dao had no intention of placing the machine gun battery on the roof as cannon fodder. Whether it was the machine gun position or the mortar position, there were communication trenches leading to the rooms downstairs. All equipment and personnel were covered by Japanese artillery fire. Whenever possible, you can quickly evacuate to a sturdy building.

As long as the legs and feet are fast enough and the Japanese army does not use 200-caliber naval guns and more than 200-pound aerial bombs frantically, there is no big safety problem.

And if the Japanese army really dared to go crazy, the whole building would probably collapse, and everyone would be dead, right?

In addition, Tang Dao placed two infantry squads on the left and right sides of the roof. They needed to use a large number of sandbags to form trenches, and even needed to build anti-gun holes with steel plates and logs.

While preventing the Japanese army from bombarding them with a small number of mortars, their main role was to throw grenades vertically downward from the roof. Once the Japanese infantry approached the area 20 meters away from the building, they entered the wall and the defenders fired. In the blind spot, it depends on them. There is no need to shoot, just throw enough grenades down in the shortest time.

The power of the grenade explosion did not pose a threat to the walls of the Sixing Warehouse, but the flesh and blood of the Japanese army could not withstand it.

If you encounter a Japanese tank, you will need cluster grenades. A cluster bomb of ten grenades can break the tracks and penetrate the bottom of the tank if it falls under it. Even if it falls on the top of the tank, it can kill the people inside the tank. It will shock you to death, even if it doesn't kill you, it will shock you to death. If ten bombs don't work, then use a hundred bombs. The 3,000 grenades left by the 88th Division headquarters, plus the more than 1,000 grenades carried by the 1st Battalion itself, gave Tang Dao the confidence to arrange firepower points like this.

The other four Maxim heavy machine guns in the cannon battery include two to defend the front and one on the left and right wings. In addition to the existing 27 Czech light machine guns in the three infantry companies, each defensive surface can have an average of one with a rate of fire of 500. heavy machine guns and 9 light machine guns for continuous fire support.

Among them, the first company in frontal defense has the most powerful close combat firepower. Almost three infantry squads have all soldiers equipped with submachine guns. Although the range is much shorter, within a range of 100 meters, 40 MP28 submachine guns spit out firepower instantly. The firepower can even drown 4 heavy machine guns.

Looking at this clearly structured and complete firepower configuration diagram, several middle and low-level officers with extremely rich battlefield experience were all sweating.

 The close, medium and long-range firepower is properly configured. The four-row warehouse in the drawing is like a hibernating hedgehog that has moved to another place. If they were Japanese commanders, they would probably not want to touch this hedgehog at all.

It is completely conceivable that once this 'hedgehog' wakes up from hibernation, the spikes formed by the torrent of bullets are enough to cause heartache to anyone who dares to touch it.

 “Good guy!” Yang Ruifu first clapped his hands and exclaimed.

He looked at Tang Dao with a strange look, "Platoon Leader Tang, have you ever been to Sihang Warehouse?"

"My father has been doing business in Sichuan for many years. Before joining the army, Tang Dao was fortunate enough to accompany his father on a trip to Songhu to deliver goods. The delivery location was this warehouse. I was able to visit this majestic warehouse. I didn't expect that it would be put to use today." Tang Dao Of course Dao knew that someone would have this question, and he had already thought of the reason.

Sihang Warehouse used to be the vaults of the four major banks, but its purpose was changed two years ago to become a storage location for major commercial banks. Although no one can verify what Tang Dao said at this time, Tang Dao, who is familiar with history, cannot just make random nonsense.

"Very good! It seems that Platoon Commander Tang has made a lot of preparations for today's battle!" Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao took a deep look at him, with a playful look on his lips. "You guys, let's see if there's anything else you want to add, otherwise it's settled like this."

Obviously, this thoughtful veteran soldier is not as easy to fool as Yang Ruifu, and he can see through Tang Dao's lies at a glance.

The reason that Tang Dao has been to Sihang Warehouse is fine, but it would be a bit of nonsense to say that he could clearly understand the entire Sihang Warehouse structure and surrounding environment just after one visit.

However, the Army Lieutenant Colonel obviously did not want to delve deeper into this. Regardless of whether Tang Dao came from the department he imagined he did not like very much, this firepower configuration map was what he urgently needed.

The radiant Tang Dao suddenly appeared here, which was originally a bit contrary to common sense, but now it makes sense.

However, even if the Army Lieutenant Colonel was as wise as the sea, he would never have imagined that Tang Dao actually came from another time and space.

The little butterfly from the future knows much more information than those intelligence aces.

For example, he knew that the Japanese army would definitely hit them head-on this night, even if this had never happened before in time and space.

The Japanese army, which had basically won the Battle of Songhu, was now as excited as a **** who had taken aphrodisiacs. Just by looking at them, they would pounce on them, not to mention that Tang Dao had already provoked them hard.

 (End of this chapter)

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