Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 21: Take the initiative

Chapter 21 Taking the initiative

"Regimental deputy, there are no other problems. It's just that building three machine gun bunkers here is of no use? Could it be used to attack our own people?" Lei Xiong pointed to a firepower configuration in the hall on the drawing and was slightly confused. .

Probably he was asking something that several other officers wanted to ask but had not yet had time to ask. The three infantry company commanders all focused their attention on Tang Dao.

It is okay to lay a sandbag fortification and a trench along the gate wall. That is to push the front line forward and avoid shrinking the front line into the warehouse from the beginning to be passively beaten. The best way is to gradually shrink the defense line.

 But such a triangular light machine gun fire point suddenly appeared in the hall on the first floor, but it was directed inward. The cross-fire network formed almost covered the entire hall on the first floor without any blind spots.

 What the **** is this? If we were expecting Japanese troops to invade and resist inside the building, that would be too early! Shouldn't we wait four or five days before considering this issue?

 Placing three light machine guns here now, isn't it a waste of three effective firepower points for no reason?

If it were designed like this by someone else, Lei Xiong would probably just start spraying, but because it was Tang Dao, he asked questions cautiously for the first time.

A faint smile appeared on the fair and square face of the Army Lieutenant Colonel, and he said: "Platoon Commander Tang, please explain to Company Commander Lei why you set up such a fire network inside the building."

"Hehe, the Japanese are here with great ferocity. If the head-butt is too painful, they will have to retreat! We have to kill a few more of them before they figure out what's going on, right? There is only one chance like this." Tang Dao explained with a chuckle.

“The Japanese want more than 400 of our brothers to die. The Japanese are just like immortals, so let’s let them bury them with us.”

Tang Dao's smile was gentle, but the chill in his eyes made several captains and officers involuntarily break out in cold sweat.

 What a vicious design!

 They are all experts on the battlefield. Tang Dao does not need to explain it too clearly, they also understand.

 This turned out to be a trap, and it was a large trap specially designed to deceive people.

You can understand by thinking about it. The Japanese army, eager for revenge, launched an attack from the front. After a hard battle, they finally broke through the frontal position and penetrated into the enemy's fortress. Naturally, they must have been ecstatic.

As long as the Japanese commander is not stupid, he will invest at least half an infantry squadron to attack, in order to occupy a certain terrain to cover the continuous entry of follow-up troops, thereby annihilating the enemies inside the Sixing Warehouse.

But how could the Japanese commander know that this was just a trap that had been laid out long ago? The defenders had already established a crossfire network internally.

If he guessed correctly, the ten submachine guns that Tang Dao had reserved for the battalion security squad would definitely be gathered nearby at that moment.

 Face the crossfire of three light machine guns and ten submachine guns, almost no one can escape.

 But this is not the most terrifying part of this trap.

 Because, this is just a bait.

They dare to believe that even if the Japanese commander knows that this is a trap, as long as some of their soldiers are alive, the Japanese army will definitely rush forward like moths to the fire.

 Because, it would be the same if it were them, even if they knew it would be death.

  No one dares to give up on the battlefield, because everyone does not want to become an abandoned son abandoned by the commander.

They are even sure that Tang Dao will say to the fire team in the hall at that time: "Slay slowly, don't do it too fast, let them die slowly."

 Dead Japanese soldiers cannot be used as bait, but those who are alive and can still scream can certainly be used.

This is no longer the so-called tactical arrangement, but the grasp of human nature.

This little platoon leader, where is the monster that jumped out from?

Could it be that the gods and Buddhas in the sky knew that I and others were going to fight a **** battle here, so they sent a helper down to earth to help the brothers? It seems that I will give three sticks of incense to Tathagata Buddha later to protect me from being shot less and killing more enemies in this battle.

Don’t tell me, the reasons for making random guesses are sometimes closer to the truth.

Didn’t Tang Dao just fall from the sky? Moreover, it is particularly not materialistic. Even he himself feels that he must have the halo of the protagonist, but so far he has not found the legendary golden finger. However, the current physical fitness of this body is not bad, and it can at least exert more than 70% of his former strength. If he were to travel through time to a fat man or bean sprouts who were not working hard, Tang Dao would not be as relaxed as he is now. At least getting a certificate of investment may not be as shocking as it is now.

“Platoon Leader Tang, I’ve finally convinced you. It’s hurtful enough and extremely insulting!” Lei Xiong grinned in cold sweat and gave Tang Dao a thumbs up.

This kind of professional-level underhanded trick is cruel enough. The key is that he likes it very much.

Because of Tang Dao's amazing warehouse firepower configuration map, it turned out that Yang Ruifu proposed that in addition to the main fortress of Sihang Warehouse, there were two other locations on Suzhou Hebei Road located two hundred meters apart on the west and north sides. There are two tall buildings. If troops are allocated to defend these two buildings, the tactic of forming a horn with the Sihang Warehouse will be completely rejected.

This kind of firepower configuration plan, which will form three fortress-shaped defenses, may seem attractive, but it actually has extremely fatal shortcomings.

 First of all, the other two buildings are not as strong as the four-row warehouse. Even if they do not use large-caliber naval guns, they may be blown to pieces by just bombarding them with 75-caliber field guns;

Secondly, the 1st Battalion of the 542nd Regiment has a total of more than 400 people, which is more than enough to defend the four-row warehouse. However, if the troops are divided, at most two infantry platoons can be arranged for each building.

It is obviously impossible to withstand the fierce attack of the Japs with this small amount of troops, which is equivalent to asking the brothers to die. Although the final outcome is death, you can't die in vain, right?

 The Army Lieutenant Colonel did not hesitate any longer and acted on Tang Dao's plan.

 After the military meeting representing the highest level of Sihang Warehouse was completed, more than 400 people began to take action under the leadership of their respective commanders.

The second and third companies responsible for defending the left and right wings began to dig holes in the walls to build shooting holes. According to Tang Dao's suggestion, many shooting holes were dug out and then built back with bricks. That was camouflage.

Think about it, when the Japanese infantry avoids the ballistics fired from the shooting holes visible in the field of view and approaches the building little by little, suddenly the masonry is pushed away, and dozens of extra shooting holes suddenly appear, spewing firepower crazily. It will make them despair!

The first company responsible for defending the front of the building renovated the sandbag fortifications that had been piled outside the gate on the first floor, and desperately dug a communication trench for retreat into the building.

Tang Dao accompanied Shangguan Yunxian and led two rows and three rows into one of the two buildings Yang Ruifu had selected previously.

Even though it was more than 200 meters away, the building was about the same height as the Sihang Warehouse. If the Japanese army occupied it, they would be eligible to shoot flatly on the third and fourth floors, and even threaten the roof of the building.

 Such a building cannot be left to the Japanese. Even if the Japanese don't go in, when the two armies are fighting, if such a "big firework" suddenly appears on the battlefield, with bricks and broken wood flying all over the sky, it can still shock the Japanese army out of their bodies and smash their heads and bleed them!

 A battalion came here carrying nearly a thousand kilograms of explosives.

Two infantry platoons of more than sixty people carried nearly half of them over.

As for the other building, in Tang Dao's terms, as long as one is blown up, the Japanese will not enter again unless their heads are missing. Then naturally there is no threat, and they even have to be wary of whether the building will explode. .


 The other boot upstairs did not hit the ground.

 Sir, you are so evil-minded! Liu Datou quietly wiped his sweat. Fortunately, I gave in early!

The remaining half of the explosives were not buried outside, but were buried under the main supporting pillars and load-bearing walls of the Sihang Warehouse.

From the very beginning, the main purpose of a battalion carrying explosives was not to hurt others but to hurt themselves, which is quite similar to the ancient generals carrying coffins on expeditions.

If it comes to the last moment, the Sihang Warehouse building will cease to exist without the use of naval guns and aerial bombs by the Japanese army, together with all the Chinese soldiers inside.

 Japanese people, naturally it depends on how many people there are.

The Army Lieutenant Colonel said that he would treat Sihang Warehouse as his own tomb, but he was not just a so-called rhetoric.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to light lights in the Sihang Warehouse building, and any light is strictly prohibited except for candlelight in necessary places. From a distance, the Sihang Warehouse is dark and nothing unusual can be seen.

The first platoon of the company was desperately repairing the fortifications, and the second platoon was burying explosives. Liu Datou led a group to serve as a hidden sentry forty or fifty meters away from the warehouse to take charge of the warning.

Tang Dao himself, carrying a medium-sized formal rifle, led Lao Hei's second squad and veteran Youzi's third squad, a total of 24 people. Each of them carried a submachine gun and four 32-round magazines and lurked out of the Sihang Warehouse. Disappear into darkness.

 (End of this chapter)

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