Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 26: Not retreating

Chapter 26 Don’t Retreat

Different from the Japanese lieutenant who had lost his will to win.

Whether or not the Japanese aggressors’ determination to win was destroyed was not important to the Chinese soldiers in Sihang Warehouse at this time.

 What’s important is that they lift their hearts.

 And, the hearts of the people.

The forty Japanese corpses densely scattered in the minefield are their medals.

Having lost their mobility and the most core long-range strike firepower of the team, these 40 Japanese troops are more than half done. If they lose the support of the two wings, it will be a disaster.

At the moment when more than a dozen machine guns fired at the main squadron in the distance at the same time, and the main squadron began to retreat frantically before it could last more than a minute, the Japanese second lieutenant team leader who was in the minefield knew that he was doomed.

The few unlucky guys who were shot coldly by the Chinese were actually just bait. No. 40 of their infantry team was the richest prey that the Chinese wanted.

Now, they have stepped into the trap carefully laid by the Chinese and are completely on the road of no return.

I have to say that the Japanese were indeed fierce enough. After knowing that they had no luck, they actually launched a countercharge at two infantry squads dozens of meters away under the roaring orders of the Japanese squad leader.

Flare bombs are usually fired into the sky for free, but this time it is replaced by Tang Dao and others.

The nearly thirty remaining Japanese soldiers in the ruins were holding the 38-horse cover with bayonets attached. Under the cover of two light machine guns firing wildly without fear of death, they shouted "on board" and directed towards the three surrounding areas. Run wildly in the direction.

The leader was a strong Japanese soldier who took off his shirt and brandished a command sword bare-chested.

Don’t think that bayonets are all shiny. In fact, in order to avoid reflection and increase lethality, many experienced veterans will deliberately leave some rust on the spine and body of the blade, and the blade will only be polished before the war.

 Under the light of the flare, the knife did not shine, but it looked powerful.

Looking at the Japanese troops in the encirclement, they were so fierce. They dared to launch a counterattack despite the crazy fire from nearly 20 submachine guns.

The Chinese people on the banks of the Suzhou River stopped cheering, and fear appeared on their faces.

Horrid memories flooded back into my mind. It was these ferocious Japanese soldiers with bayonets who killed them wantonly in the bustling city, driving them away from their homes and coming to the concession to survive.

I have to say that the moment he saw the Japanese troops jumping out of the bunker and counterattacking under a hail of bullets, even Tang Dao Furui Fubo's face showed a trace of solemnity.

Of course, it was not because of the so-called determination of the Japanese army to fight to the death. As the saying goes, a dog will jump over the wall when it is anxious, and a rabbit will bite when it is anxious! We are already on the verge of death and we must fight to the death!

 He recognized the tactical arrangements made by the Japanese commander at this moment.

 This is not a wish for death, but a wish for life.

All the firepower points in the warehouse building are still chasing the main force of Japanese troops who are escaping in the distance. In five minutes, when they are free, the Japanese troops in the encirclement will be beaten into a pile of minced meat.

 Only during this period of time, if they fight hard and can avoid the submachine gun fire and cross a distance of 40 meters, they will have a chance to fight in close combat. No, it should be said that they will have a chance to break out of the encirclement and plunge into the vast night.

Although the chance of survival is even less than 10%, is it possible after all?

 Those who can make this decision within ten seconds must be a brave and excellent commander.

Unfortunately, this courageous Japanese second lieutenant commander still ignored one thing: he was in a minefield.

For an adrenaline-fueled soldier, a distance of 40 meters may only take six or seven seconds to cross. But in the minefield, it is destined to be an elusive chasm.

With the sound of Tang Dao's gunfire, the leading shirtless Japanese army collapsed. The shock waves generated by the continuous explosions and bullets flying everywhere gradually engulfed the struggling Japanese army.

The two cover machine guns misfired after emptying one magazine. Not only Yang Xiaoshan was eyeing them, but also Lao Hei, the veteran of the 524th Regiment who was the most grenade-throwing veteran, stood behind the bunker and dropped more than 15 grenades in one breath. Grenade.

Although grenades spanning a distance of 50 meters are not as accurate as grenades and mortars, they are enough. The continuously falling and exploding grenades rely on probability and finally beat several Japanese machine gunners with violent shrapnel. sieve.

 All the charging Japanese soldiers fell in the encirclement. The nearest Japanese soldier fell to a position only eight meters away from a soldier in the second row.

 It only took 1.5 seconds for the running Japanese soldier to pierce the body of the young Chinese soldier with green hair on his lips with his fierce bayonet.

 If you don’t want to be assassinated, you can only avoid it.

 Or, kill him.

  However, even Tang Dao, who was looking over there, was a little worried.

He was the youngest soldier in the third squad and a recruit who had only experienced the battlefield once.

 Furthermore, he has a record of avoiding war. Fortunately, the young soldier happened to change the magazine at that time. Under Tang Dao's worried eyes, the soldier did not avoid it.

 He ​​held on to the trigger, and the 32-round magazine was emptied in five seconds, forming a terrifying barrage along with the muzzle of the gun.

 Put bullet against bayonet.

 The bullets win.

The 9 mm caliber bullet specially designed for MP28 bloomed several blood flowers on the Japanese soldier's body. Behind each blood flower was a wound the size of an egg.

  The effective killing distance of submachine gun bullets with a slightly lower muzzle velocity is not enough, but the lethality is more terrifying. If blocked by hard bones, they will immediately deform and roll around in the body, creating a big hole.

 With a huge amount of blood loss in an instant, even a strong bull, let alone a human, could only collapse.

 The explosions have stopped and the gunfire has stopped.

The Japanese soldier who was shot was still twitching slightly on the ground. The young soldier, who was no more than 18 years old, was still pulling the trigger and firing the gun. The sound of the firing pin "clicking" was a little abrupt on the suddenly silent battlefield.

 “Kill you, kill you!” The young soldier’s face was a little pale and he kept muttering to himself.

 Obviously, he was scared at the moment when the Japanese bayonet was only a few meters away from him.

 But he did not retreat.

 Cowardice and bravery are truly reflected in a young Chinese soldier on the battlefield where everyone is watching.

“He is just a little kid!” An old man on the bank of the Suzhou River burst into tears.

"Old sir, he is a young man, but now he is even more of a warrior. Look, he killed the Japanese pirate." The middle-aged man in the robe was full of anger. "He can kill more Japanese pirates in the future."

  . . . . . . .

 “Niu Er, you have killed him!” A hand suddenly lightly tapped the young soldier on the shoulder.

The young soldier turned around suddenly, and Tang Dao, who was carrying a spear on his back, was looking at him with a smile.

"Sir, I didn't run away this time. I'm not a coward." Niu Er roared in a low voice, as if he wanted to prove something to himself.

"I know, you did a good job!" Tang Dao nodded.

 The young soldier suddenly burst into tears.

"Look at them, you will know how meaningful it is for us not to retreat." Tang Dao motioned to the crying soldiers to look at the other side not far away.

The soldiers with tears streaming down their faces looked at the people, and the people with tears in their eyes looked at the soldiers who were crying because they had proved themselves.

 Although, they couldn't see clearly the light and tears in each other's eyes!

The light of the illumination bomb fell, and the figure of the soldier standing upright was annihilated by the darkness.

 “We won!” The cheers from the other side became the final theme of the battle.

  . . . . . . .

“Gentlemen, do you think we should fight this battle?” The lieutenant colonel standing by the window pointed to the Suzhou River behind him as he gently put down his telescope.

“For them, I am willing to die!”

 “I wish it too!”

 “Take me one!”

  . . . . . . .

 Sonorous and powerful voices sounded from the building one after another.

This is not only the determination brought by victory, but also because behind them are the Chinese people.

Facing the invasion of foreign invaders, everyone can retreat, but soldiers cannot retreat!

 (End of this chapter)

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