Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 27: Veteran's grief!

Chapter 27 Veteran’s Grief!

 The night is getting darker.

 The cheers of the Chinese people gradually subsided.

 As the Japanese army withdrew all search teams, Zhabei, Songhu, completely returned to peace.

In the ruins more than 200 meters in front of Sihang Warehouse, dozens of Japanese corpses were lying scattered.

It’s not that the Japanese army didn’t want to take care of their dead colleagues. After the gunfire fell completely silent, they sent out corpse collection teams wearing red cross cuffs to collect the corpses.

Perhaps realizing that it was impossible to launch an attack on the Chinese defenders in the warehouse at night, the Japanese army rarely relented and took the initiative to fire off flares, exposing an unarmed infantry team that came to collect the corpses to the Chinese defenders in the Sihang Warehouse. In front of the army.

According to what Lei Xiong, the commander of the machine gun company, originally said, "Let them keep their eggs. All the machine gun fire points on the second and third floors will obey the order. When they advance 150 meters, I will kill them."

The Army lieutenant colonel who put down his telescope waved his hand to stop him: "The machine gunners should be on alert. As long as they don't try to get close within 150 meters, they will be ignored."

“Vice-General, are we still playing courtesy with the Japanese? Didn’t you see how they dealt with the remains of our brothers who died in battle?” Lei Xiong was a straight-tempered person, and he immediately stiffened his neck.

 What Lei Xiong said is of course true.

On the battlefield of the **** battle between the two armies on the Songhu front line, both sides had the remains of their own positions that were too late to recover. The Japanese army, which suffered equally heavy losses, in order to deter the fiercely resisting Chinese army and prevent any fish from slipping through the net, even used tanks after occupying the positions. Cars ran over the remains of Chinese soldiers and burned them with gasoline.

The Chinese people are very particular about the idea of ​​being laid to rest. On the battlefield, many people are no longer afraid of death, but they are worried that they will not be buried and their souls will not be able to return to their hometown after death. Therefore, what many soldiers tell their comrades is: If I die, , remember to dig my hole two feet down to avoid being dug out by wild dogs.

 The dead are dead, but the living cannot keep their promises. How can Lei Xiong not hate him?

"Japanese pirates are beasts, how can we be the same as them? What's more..." the lieutenant colonel of the Army snorted angrily, looking at the black face of his capable subordinate who was red with anger, he couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Platoon Commander Tang , you tell him.”

 After saying that, he took a few officers and left the observation point, leaving only Tang Dao, who had just made a great contribution, and Lei Xiong, who was still angry.

"Brother! There is a reason for the officer to do this." Tang Dao took the Japanese cigarettes he had just cleaned up from the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, handed one to the grumpy master, and tried to persuade him with gentle words.

“You speak, and I listen!” Lei Xiong sat down on the ground, lit his cigarette with the diesel torch next to him, took a deep puff, and said in a dull voice.

With this person’s temperament, when he is so angry, he can still treat Tang Dao like this, which is a great honor to the world.

Of course, that was also because Tang Dao killed dozens of Japanese troops in two consecutive battles. If it had been anyone else, let alone a small platoon leader, his tone would not have been so peaceful.

I didn’t even look at the Lieutenant Colonel and didn’t ask the other three company commanders to tell him. That was because I knew Lei Xiong too well.

“There are several reasons, one: all the Japanese soldiers who fell in front of our position have been hit by our army, and there is no chance that there will be any more alive. The Japanese army can’t find any survivors when they carry them back;

Second: The corpses of the Japanese soldiers were of no use until they were left in our warehouse. They will even cause some trouble during the battle tomorrow, because then we will no longer be able to walk out of the warehouse like we do now. It is difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye from a distance. It's the living ones and the dead ones; there's no need to distract our firepower with some dead bodies;

Third: There is a concession not far away from us, and I don’t know how many Westerners wearing the cloak of so-called freedom are looking at us! As the commander said, the Japanese invaders are beasts. We can deal with them the same way we deal with beasts. When they finish the first grade of junior high school, we will do the fifteenth grade. But we cannot imitate their ugly appearance before the Japanese invaders. Yes, from a strategic point of view, it is better to lose first than to take advantage. "

“I am a very good person. You can say this so many times, brother, and I am convinced.” Lei Xiong from Shaanxi was stunned and blurted out with a local accent.

“Haha, brother, if you still want to hear it, I still have it here!” Tang Dao smiled slightly. "Look, the wind is blowing from the northeast now, and the smell is already very unpleasant. When the cannon goes off tomorrow, and it is roasted by the fire, you can still eat it with the smell of barbecue. Come in and eat!”

"Uh!" Lei Xiong retched involuntarily when Tang Dao said it, and waved his hands repeatedly: "That's enough, that's enough, don't say any more, I've had enough of that smell." At this point, the tough man suddenly He leaned back a little lonely and said, "I just feel sad when I think of my old brothers."

Perhaps because he didn’t want Tang Dao to see the tears in his eyes, Lei Xiong closed his eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice: "The platoon leader of my machine gun company died on the front line. I promised him that if he dies, I made sure to get a good coffin board for him to collect his body, but before I had time, the Japanese came up and their tanks ran over him.

Our regiment organized a death squad, and nearly 200 people were killed again. Finally, we regained the position. I looked for my brothers like crazy. I thought that I could at least dig a hole for them and bury them. I would also find a hole for them if I died. Isn’t it home?

 But my platoon is long! A dignified man of 1.8 meters, I managed to find only a little bit of flesh and bones in his second lieutenant uniform. The rest was gone, gone! "

Tiehan's eyes were tightly closed without any trace of tears, but the momentary twitching of the muscles on his face allowed Tang Dao to glimpse his grief-stricken heart.

 As a former veteran, Tang Dao understood him very well. If sacrifice is inevitable, as a comrade, you just continue to move in the direction where he fell until you fall too.

But if you are lucky enough to return, but you can't even find your comrade-in-arms, and you don't even have the chance to bury him, how heartbreaking will it be?

Especially since this scene has been played out again and again, for Lei Xiong, a veteran, to be able to persist until now without breaking down is considered to be extremely tough. Just now he didn't curse in front of his superiors because of this, and his control was pretty good.

"Captain Lei, I don't know if you believe me or not. This battle at the Four Elements Warehouse will definitely make the Japanese invaders heartbroken. We will let their Major, Colonel, and at least Lieutenant General, replicate the heartache of you and my brothers. Again."

Tang Dao stared at the soldier in front of him who wanted to vent but tried his best to restrain himself, and said extremely seriously. "Moreover, we will live and continue to cause the Japanese invaders pain, pain to the bone."

"Live? I never thought about that." Lei Xiong gradually calmed down and slowly opened his eyes, his bloodshot eyes bursting with light. "However, I believe what you said before. Before I die, I must give the Japanese a painful beating. Just like the regimental deputy said, at least one for three, and finally give them a big gift, haha, I I can’t help but want to see the faces of the Japanese **** generals looking like they’re eating **** at that moment.”

Tang Dao saw that this tough man had woken up from the sorrow of memories and regained his fighting spirit, so he did not insist on his point of view at the moment.

Although no one here knows the final direction of history, these 400 lonely troops seem to be destined to die, but in fact they are full of life. At least the road to death is not in this fortress.

 Because neither they nor the fierce Japanese invaders who were about to attack had no idea how ugly the true face of the war was.

 All unjust wars are nothing more than tools used by ugly politicians to safeguard their own interests. From generals to pawns, they are nothing more than pawns in the eyes of those big shots.

For the sake of political compromise, even if the Japanese army hated this lone army to the core, they could only watch them leave.

Of course, all this must first be based on the fact that this lone army can persist in this fortress until it shocks the whole world.

 They did it in the past time and space, and now, they can do it even more.

 After all, we have made a good start.

The Japanese invaders had already laid down nearly a hundred corpses.

Outside the Sihang Warehouse, the Japanese corpse collection team had carried away more than twenty corpses outside the minefield, but the nearly forty corpses left in the minefield were killed after several unlucky ones stepped on the mines. After that, they gave up completely.

Sihang Warehouse allows them to collect corpses, but it doesn't say they can hold mine detectors. As long as they dare to take them out, the machine gunners who are closely monitoring the area will trigger the trigger without hesitation. Triggered.

 (End of this chapter)

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