Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 28: integrate into this era

Chapter 28: Integrating into this era

The corpse collection teams were sent out, and the Japanese army was naturally completely silenced.

 At Sihang Warehouse, they are taking stock of the results.

Tang Dao, who is responsible for executing this battle, reports to the two top commanders and four captain company commanders at the headquarters.

First of all, the results of the battle. The number of Japanese soldiers in the minefield cannot be clearly counted, so I will calculate them as roughly 40. Outside the minefield, the Japanese army took away some wounded soldiers and corpses. The remaining corpses and a few still breathing were killed by the three platoons. There were 31 Japanese soldiers who were counted without mercy.

In this battle alone, about 71 enemies were killed. 50 of them were counted as military merits for the third platoon of the first company, and the remaining 21 were owned by the other three companies, which was exactly 7 kills for each company.

No one will compete with Tang Dao's third platoon this time. They have a strong fortress, but not everyone has the courage to walk out of the warehouse and fight with a Japanese infantry squadron.

Although Tang Dao's plan worked smoothly, everyone knew that as long as there was an accident in one link, half of the two infantry squads who went out would come back because of Buddha's blessing. They were holding their heads high. Earned military merit.

The Japanese suffered a lot of casualties, and naturally not everyone on Tang Dao's side was still alive.

 Two soldiers were shot by the Japanese army, but fortunately they were not critical.

The 38 rifle has a long range and a very high bullet velocity. At such a close range, it basically shoots two holes. On the contrary, it saves the trouble of surgical removal of the bullet. Sprinkle hemostatic powder and tie it with a bandage. It may be inconvenient to move around, but as long as the arm is If it's in good condition, you can still shoot. If it's not good enough, you can still pass the bullet.

 Another soldier was cut open on the cheek by fragments of a grenade. The wound was as big as a baby's mouth and his flesh and blood were turned out. He was only put on a bandage after returning to the warehouse. Only two eyes were exposed on his head, like a mummy.

 None of the three wounded have completely lost their combat effectiveness. No one was killed in the battle. Compared with the losses of the Japanese army, they were almost nothing. It was a complete victory.

Perhaps the only thing that has been criticized is the excessive consumption of ammunition. The more than 3,000 rounds of submachine gun ammunition brought out by the two infantry squads were basically consumed. In this battle alone, the 20,000 rounds of 9mm submachine gun ammunition left by the division headquarters were consumed. Use one sixth.

Hearing Tang Dao's report, the bullets were almost empty. The battalion commander Yang Ruifu, who was smiling so hard just a moment ago, shook his cheeks in distress, pointed at Tang Dao and said: You loser!

"Hey, sir, what you said is biased!" Tang Dao grinned happily and refused to admit it.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Ruifu glanced sideways at Tang Dao and snorted softly.

"Look, we captured 23 Japanese Type 38 rifles, 3,500 rounds of bullets, 89 grenades, 27 steel helmets, and three grenade launchers. Although these are not valuable items, they can at least be as good as the bullets we used. Let's go!" Tang Dao smiled and settled the score for the major battalion commander who was worried about the consumption of submachine gun bullets.

Through a period of getting along with each other, Tang Dao also basically understood the temperament of the two top officers of Sihang Warehouse.

The lieutenant colonel of the Army is not very talkative and seems to have deep thoughts, but he is actually a very passionate patriotic soldier in his heart. The second most important person, battalion commander Yang Ruifu, is modest and rarely speaks as a superior in situations where there is a lieutenant colonel of the army. In fact, he is very independent in his opinions. Otherwise, how could he be the chief officer of the first battalion?

To put it bluntly, although these two people have very different personalities, they are both strong characters at heart, which makes Tang Dao feel like the captain he met when he was still a soldier in the special operations brigade.

To integrate into this group, Tang Dao must be ten years younger.

Of course, Tang Dao may not realize it himself, but some of the character traits he currently exhibits are actually not unique to him. He is far more energetic than he was when he was honed in the army for more than ten years. Only then can he It is what a young man in his early twenties should have.

Character is not only determined by the mind, but the body also has certain decision-making power. This is a metaphysics. Not to mention that Tang Dao has no time to study it now. Even if he knew, he would let it go.

 Because from the moment he came back to life, he was not only Tang Dao, but also Tang Tao.

If you want to survive or do something in this era, you must first integrate into this era and be a participant, not just a spectator or passer-by.

 It will get better if your personality becomes more lively and free-spirited. As long as you don't become a funny guy, Tang Dao will accept it even if it's a little bit vulgar. Fortunately, there are no signs of development in that direction yet, but it may also have something to do with the fact that there are no women on the battlefield.

Looking at Tang Dao with a half-smile, the major battalion commander pointed at Tang Dao and cursed with a smile: "Okay, if you can do it, let's treat it as a tie, but you can't own all these seizures. The Type 38 rifle is for you." You keep 500 rounds of bullets for ten guns and 30 Japanese grenades, and all the rest will be allocated by the battalion headquarters. You have no objection, right?"

"Sure, as long as the commander doesn't let the brothers' military exploits slip away." Tang Dao replied readily.

We are all grasshoppers on the same boat now. We can divide the captured materials however we want, but the rewards for military merit are real. Tang Dao naturally has to fight for his brothers, even if it is a bit more direct. Woolen cloth!

A commander who can consider his subordinates will not only be supported by his subordinates, but also be affirmed by his superiors who have the same thoughts. Yang Ruifu is not disgusted with Tang Dao's eating appearance at all. Instead, he appreciates it and holds his fingers with a smile. Dot Tang Dao:

“I won’t lose a penny to you. Go back and tell your brothers to have a good rest tonight. The regimental deputy and I will wait for good news about your third platoon tomorrow.”

Watching Tang Dao leave, the other captains looked enviously at First Company Commander Shangguan Yun, regretting why they didn't act decisively to kill the unidentified guy Tang Dao like this one.

Who knows that this guy is not only extremely tyrannical in terms of his individual strength, but his tactical layout is even more astonishing. So far, he has killed nearly a hundred Japanese.

That's it, the battle at Sihang Warehouse hasn't officially started yet!

Now, not only does the deputy commander of the regiment think highly of him, but the battalion commander's words just now also show that he likes him. He is definitely treating him as one of his own.

It is conceivable that as long as he can get out of here alive, with these two as his endorsement, Tang Dao will definitely have a promising future.

Facing the envy of several colleagues, Shangguan Yun, known as the white-faced scholar, could not suppress the pride on his face. He was proud of his own vision and determination, and even more proud of the brilliant achievements created by his subordinates.

Even though it was possible to defeat a Japanese infantry squadron with the help of many firepower points in the warehouse, being able to take the initiative to attack a Japanese infantry squadron with two infantry squads is not something that ordinary people can do. It requires not only courage, but also Have enough wisdom.

The Army Lieutenant Colonel, who had been looking down at the firepower configuration map of the warehouse in deep thought, raised his head and looked at the different expressions of the main company commanders under his command. He was well aware of the little thoughts of these few, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly:

“Let’s all go and have a rest! No matter how brilliant the achievements we have fought, they are in the past. Tomorrow morning will be the time to see the real results with the Japanese army. Each company should pay attention to sending out guard posts.”

 “Yes!” Several captains’ expressions froze and they stood up to salute.

Of course they understand what the top officer said. Everything before was just a warm-up. Tomorrow dawn will be the moment of the real decisive battle.

The night completely engulfed the Sihang Warehouse, and only the constant sound of "ding-dong" pickaxes hitting the concrete reminded people in the concession not far away that there was a Chinese army here.

 They are still preparing for the coming war.

 It’s just that no one knows the strength of this Chinese army.

 The Japanese also don’t know.

  . . . . . .

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 (End of this chapter)

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