Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 296 Respect means killing you (first day of August, please guarantee the monthly ticket!)

The battle of Cangcheng ended temporarily with an ending that Kunisaki Zheng could not accept but had to accept.

Kunisaki Zheng, who was at the front line, could not see how many bodies of his own personnel were inside and outside Cangcheng, but he could see how many people were left in his two infantry battalions.

That was much worse than the 114th Division, which suffered a series of blows yesterday and was forced to rest.

A major-level battalion commander who led the team to carry out the "Long Live Charge" did not come back. In fact, it would be useless to come back, because his infantry battalion only had half a heavy machine gun squadron and an infantry artillery squadron left. As for the infantry, plus those who were sent to the field hospital, it was still unclear whether they could make up an infantry squadron.

The other infantry battalion was not much better. The full complement of 1,000 people now had less than 400 people left, and a major-level army who knelt in front of him and apologized for his loss of soul.

Looking at this miserable scene, even a proud man like Kunisaki had to admit that it was not that his subordinates did not do well enough, but that the Chinese were too hard, so hard that the hammer he swung with all his strength was pierced.

Admitting his failure was extremely difficult for the Japanese major general who had been advancing triumphantly and high-spirited on the battlefield in North China. Most of the time, he would rather drive his subordinates to continue to die than endure the humiliation of failure in front of a weaker opponent.

But Kunisaki did it at this time.

After careful consideration, Kunisaki personally sent a telegram to the 10th Army Headquarters and the 114th Division, admitting his defeat in front of the Cangcheng position, and hoping that he would not attack Cangcheng before the heavy artillery brigade arrived.

Yanagawa Heisuke probably didn't expect that the Kunisaki Detachment would suffer nearly 2,000 casualties in just a few hours of fighting, and it was only a battle outside Matsue City.

If Kunisaki and his Kunisaki detachment were all idiots, how stupid would the Chinese army be on the battlefield in North China? That was obviously not very scientific.

Even Suematsu Shigeharu, who was going to watch the joke, looked unhappy at the moment. Although he hoped that Kunisaki would also fall in front of the Chinese, Kunisaki fell too hard and broke his head, which was beyond his original intention.

It's not that he felt sorry for the stupid general, but the harder Kunisaki fell, it could only prove one thing, the more difficult the Chinese were.

And he was about to face the difficult Chinese.

How could he conquer the main city of Songjiang without his 114th Division, the vanguard corps? Facing such a difficult enemy, just thinking about it was a headache.

As the commander of the 10th Army, Yanagawa Heisuke was obviously not a person who changed his orders every day. He would not easily change his strategic concept, and was more inclined to let the Kunisaki detachment attack again regardless of casualties.

In the eyes of this experienced Japanese Army Lieutenant General, the Chinese in Cangcheng used a fierce move of destroying both sides to make Kunisaki Shige lose his determination to defeat them, but this move also made the Chinese defenders in Cangcheng become a spent force. Perhaps it would be easy to deal with them with only an infantry squadron instead of an infantry battalion.

However, Yanagawa Heisuke was only a commander, not a division commander who could directly control tens of thousands of troops. In a sense, his actual power was not as good as that of a division commander.

Therefore, he had to consider the thoughts of Itagaki Seishirō who was far away in North China. He was now a favorite of the North China Expeditionary Force Command. If the Kunisaki Detachment, which would sooner or later return to the Fifth Division, suffered heavy casualties due to his order, it would be strange if Itagaki Seishirō did not hate him to the bone.

This damn complicated relationship, for the sake of balance, Yanagawa Heisuke could only pinch his nose and agree to Kunisaki Shige's request no matter how helpless he was.

As for Shigeharu Suematsu, he had already sent a telegram to the headquarters agreeing to suspend the war, and everything was up to Yanagawa Heisuke, the commander of the 10th Army.

It's easier to do things if you have a backer!

Kunisaki, who was afraid that the headquarters would order him to attack again, breathed a sigh of relief.

However, although there was no more fighting and no more losses of soldiers, the Japanese Army Major General hated the Chinese defenders who were still in Cangcheng.

If they were allowed to slip away before the heavy artillery brigade arrived, it would be absolutely intolerable to him.

So, Kunisaki deployed an infantry squadron and half a heavy machine gun squadron on each wing of Cangcheng. As long as the Chinese dared to leave the extremely dilapidated position, the rain of bullets sprayed by up to 6 heavy machine guns would leave them all on the escape route without much cover.

When the heavy artillery brigade arrived, multiple heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 200 could completely smash Cangcheng, whether hiding on the ground or underground, whether it was fortifications or human bodies, all would be blown into powder.

The battle of Cangcheng came to an end, but the gunfire in the block had not stopped.

However, such sporadic battles are naturally not worth the attention of a major general like Kunisaki Zheng, even if that will be his few gains today...

That was the fifth demolition team sent by three sergeants including Komura Kumaichi, and they were still beaten back by the increasingly accurate shooting on the pagoda.

Of course, except for the two demolition teams in the second wave that were too stubborn and were killed by the crows, the other three demolition teams tried several routes and retreated after being injured or killed.

The Japanese army's losses were not as great as if they were trapped in an unsolvable battlefield.

It's just that the record of one Chinese and a Japanese infantry squad killing 8 people and injuring 6 people in the siege without gaining anything would make the commanders of both sides open their mouths collectively.

0:14, even the extremely tragic Cangcheng where both sides deployed dozens of artillery pieces to participate in the battle could not achieve such a terrible loss ratio.

But the miracle happened just like that.

The potential of the human body squeezed out under the crisis, the deep hatred for the Japanese, the determination to be fearless of death, a thief who accidentally broke into the battlefield with a talent for observation, plus quite good luck, all kinds of complex factors intertwined together to form this miracle.

Cangcheng, nearly 800 meters away, was firing continuously, and even the ground here could feel a slight tremor, all showing the commander's determination to conquer the Chinese, but dozens of Japanese infantrymen were helpless with this iron pea in front of them, before the bullets of the still lively Chinese were fired.

After a pause of a few minutes, Xiaocun Xiongyi sent a new blasting team again, but these four people were different from the previous blasting teams. They all wore gas masks.

This was the last support that Xiaocun Xiongyi got from the Japanese captain after he was forced to ask for help again.

Not to mention that the Japanese captain gave him the order to capture him alive, even Xiaocun Xiongyi himself began to admire this tenacious enemy on the top of the tower.

Although the empire entered China under the slogan "We want to fight back to our hometown, China is originally ours", as an adult and a normal person with a little brain who has studied for several years, Xiaocun Xiongyi knew very well that his hometown was in Hiroshima, which might be in faraway China.

This is nothing but aggression. The Chinese did nothing wrong, but the vast and fertile land they have is what makes only a narrow island covetous.

It is not a sin to have fertile land, but the fertile land is so weak, that is the original sin of their invasion.

The originally stable life was broken, the land and wealth were plundered, and life could be deprived at any time. If the Chinese still don't fight to the death, then Xiaocun Xiongyi really thinks they deserve to disappear from this land.

Cowards and weak people, why do they have these beautiful things?

When the division entered mainland China from the northeast, the Chinese resisted. Komura Kumaichi, who had fought with them, knew that they resisted very hard, but their will and bodies were soon crushed under the steel wheels of airplanes and cannons.

The division was advancing triumphantly on the battlefield in North China, and it should be no exception in southeast China.

However, Komura Kumaichi saw tenacity again. Just under this small city in southeast China, the detachment could not advance an inch in front of the Chinese position for several hours.

However, compared with those resistance, the Chinese in front of him was the first time that Sergeant Komura Kumaichi had met in his six years of military service.

Alone, he still held his position.

It was not that he did not try to make the Chinese who was already in a desperate situation lay down his arms and surrender. He even made a guarantee in the name of His Majesty the Emperor that as long as he laid down his arms and came down from the top of the tower, the Kunisaki Detachment would guarantee his life.

Unfortunately, his answer was still a gunshot, although it did not hit the Chinese translator brought from the northeast who was hiding 30 meters away and shouting loudly.

For such an enemy, Xiaocun Xiongyi can only respect his choice, but as a soldier of the empire, he can only make his own choice.

He wants to kill him with his own hands, out of respect for the defenders who defend their homes as an invader...

PS: Brothers! In order to ensure the daily update of 5,500 words, Fengyue stays at home every day, and doesn't even take his daughter out for a trip! Now the epidemic is suddenly serious, and we can't go out. If you don't vote for the monthly ticket, don't those brothers who are freeloading on pirated websites feel heartbroken?

Also, today is the August 1st Army Day, and I salute all the cutest people who have defended the motherland! Thank you for your efforts.

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