Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 297 Desperate Rescue (Please give me a monthly ticket! Please subscribe!)

All conventional tactics have been proven ineffective.

Light machine guns and grenade launchers are useless against the solid stone tower. The only threatening infantry gunner not only refused to fire, but also carried their squad leader to seek medical treatment, leaving the barrel in the ruins as an exhibit.

And more than 40 infantrymen took turns to attack, but at the cost of 14 casualties, they did not use up the bullets of the stubborn Chinese soldier.

He even had the terrible long-handled grenades equipped by the Chinese. The grenades thrown from the holes were comparable to mortar shells, which blew up a demolition soldier who had already jumped to the shooting dead corner and was putting down the explosive pack. Not to mention, the explosive pack that was blown away also had a "double kick" in the air, and the terrible air wave almost buried the light machine gun duo who were providing fire support to him 20 meters away.

If it weren't for Xiaocun Xiongyi's prompt decision to quickly order everyone to provide fire cover, and personally took a few people to dig open the brick wall, the two unlucky children would have suffocated to death.

The lives of the Imperial Army cannot be wasted like this. Conventional tactics are useless, so unconventional tactics should be used. Except for the squad that was preparing to attack and had put on gas masks, the rest of the people had all retreated 80 meters away.

Next to the grenade thrower was a box of special grenades with a scary red skull mark on the surface. It was a special type of ammunition issued by the regiment headquarters to the infantry squadron that entered the ruins to search.

Once that thing was opened, it meant the coming of the god of death, which was much more terrible than the explosives that could take people's lives.

If there was no gas mask, even the instigator himself would not easily touch this weapon that seemed to be brought from hell.

Komura Kumaichi had personally experienced the terrible consequences caused by this weapon.

On the battlefield in North China, the Chinese soldiers who built positions in a hilly area with at least one infantry regiment resisted four or five waves of attacks from his infantry battalion without retreating. They were extremely powerful. The two infantry guns of the infantry battalion plus the four mountain guns of the regiment seemed unable to destroy their will. However, after being attacked by this mustard gas bomb for only three minutes, all their bravery was in vain.

In the end, less than 300 people fled the battlefield, and more than 1,000 people stayed in their positions. Xiaocun Xiongyi, who was wearing a gas mask, witnessed the horror of mustard gas bombs with his own eyes, because the Chinese soldiers who breathed in and were contaminated with mustard gas died in their positions.

The skin contaminated with mustard gas had a large number of blisters, some of which were even the size of eggs. After the painful struggle, they were broken and flowed out shocking yellow water.

But Xiaocun Xiongyi knew that this was nothing. The real cause of death of those Chinese soldiers who could still fight to the death in the artillery fire was that mustard gas entered their respiratory system.

Military doctors dissected corpses on the battlefield to examine the cause of death. After breaking open the chest of the corpse, they found that the lungs of those who died from the poison gas bombs were severely swollen, like a fully inflated ball. The terrible emphysema made it impossible for them to breathe normally. Within two minutes, they would die tragically due to suffocation.

Even as a winner, Xiaocun Xiongyi did not want to see the appearance of this weapon again, because the distorted faces of the Chinese had occupied his nightmares for months.

But now, for the honor of the empire, he must use this special type of bullet.

The Chinese on the top of the stone tower is dead. Although the power of the grenade explosion cannot destroy the solid stone wall, he is not a god but a human after all.

If you are a human, you have to breathe.

The mustard gas floating in the air will enter the top of the tower with many holes and enter his respiratory system. He will die of suffocation caused by pulmonary edema like those once brave Chinese soldiers.

This is the power of science and technology. The firmness of personal will is still too weak in the face of the great changes brought about by science and technology.

The squad wearing protective clothing and gas masks in the ruins more than 20 meters away did not even carry explosive packs.

Because their mission was to enter the stone tower and bring back the body of the Chinese.

Although, according to Xiaocun Xiongyi's own idea, he wanted to bury this brave and fearless enemy in the place where he had fought, and even set up a monument as a memorial, but he knew that this was probably beyond his control. The Imperial Army suffered heavy losses in this battle area, and the long-mad major captain, colonel commander, and at least general commander needed to use the Chinese body to deter the Chinese in the city.

Hanging up the body of this Chinese warrior, he would even publicize his bravery to the people in the city, just to stimulate the Chinese and make them lose their minds, so that the Imperial Army would have more opportunities.

On the battlefield in North China, the Fifth Division where Xiaocun Xiongyi was located often did this. After conquering all the stubbornly resisting Chinese positions, they would definitely choose to execute the Chinese wounded who could not evacuate the scene in front of the Chinese people.

Even if there were common people who dared to cry or hang their heads, they would be sent to dig a huge earth pit, and they would be buried in it at the same time as the bodies.

Those who dared to resist would die! It was with such a simple and crude method that the division commander Seishirō Itagaki crushed the will of most Chinese people to resist on the front lines he passed.

"Uncle Crow, what do the little devils want to do with that ghostly thing they wear? Can that thing block bullets?" The little bald head who looked at the devil soldiers wearing gas masks hiding in the ruins through the hole asked Crow curiously.

"That's a gas mask. It's broken. Seeing that they can't attack by force, the Japanese are going to use poison gas bombs again." Crow has never eaten meat, but he has seen pigs walk. In addition, he has experienced a wave of poison gas bombs before, so he knows when the gas mask will appear.

The previous wave of poison gas had long been melted in the mist and rain. Even the Japanese army themselves put away the gas masks for the convenience of fighting. Now they put them on again, and what they want to do is already obvious.

"Dayu, you quickly hide on the fourth floor below. Remember, the farther away from the top of the tower, the better. Also, wet your clothes with urine, cover your mouth and nose, and try to reduce breathing."

"I won't go. I want to be with Uncle Crow. Otherwise, who will help you watch the Japanese actions? You have to shoot and observe alone, and you can't take care of it." The little bald head who didn't understand the horror of poison gas was very reluctant.

"Listen to your uncle!" Crow touched Xia Dayu's bald head tenderly, contrary to his usual behavior, and said softly. "That stuff is very powerful. If you accidentally inhale it, you will die. If you have a problem, I will have to take care of you, right?"

"Then, Uncle Crow, how can you hide?" The little bald man showed deep worry in his eyes.

"Me? Don't worry. I have fought so many battles with the Japanese. Didn't you see that I, Uncle Crow, am still alive and well?" Crow tried his best to show a relaxed expression on his face. "I am the same as you. I will wet my clothes and cover my nose. Go quickly. We are all grown men. Don't be so fussy."

The boy was reluctantly driven down the top of the tower by Crow.

Crow also picked up clothes, wet them with urine and wrapped his mouth and nose, and tried to wrap his whole body with military uniforms. This was mentioned by Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao in the not-too-long street combat training that night. If the Japanese use this kind of chemical weapon, this is the only way to reduce the damage.

I am not afraid of death, but I must die slowly, so that the Japanese will suffer more.

This is Crow's current mentality.

On the attic 70 meters away from Xilin Temple, two men in Japanese military uniforms were lying on the ground.

As the personal guard of the lieutenant general of the army, Zhao Daqiang was naturally an elite soldier selected from thousands of troops.

Not everyone is qualified to be a guard. In addition to absolute loyalty, he must be strong enough.

He is short but capable enough. However, under his 1.6-meter body, he has the strength to fight one against five. The hard experience of living in Wushan since childhood gave Zhao Daqiang a tough heart. After he became an adult, he exercised his hidden strength in the world of Pao Ge. The military training after joining the army brought out his talents to the fullest.

His strong strength, accurate shooting and tough temperament made Liu Yuqing think that he was born to be a soldier, so he took him to his side.

After following the lieutenant general for a long time, Zhao Daqiang naturally had enough vision and could quickly judge the situation.

If it weren't for the Battle of Songhu, in order to protect the safety of the lieutenant general, Zhao Daqiang, who was still a sergeant, should have been transferred to the infantry company as an infantry platoon leader to gain experience.

Watching the actions of the Japanese army from afar, Zhao Daqiang's eyes were filled with despair.

Since he was ordered to sneak into this battlefield to prepare to meet the friendly forces, he has been observing for more than 15 minutes, but he did not fire the signal flare according to the division commander's request.

It was not because he found that there was only one friendly army, but no matter how he weighed it, even if the mortar group fired at this side with all its strength, he could only despairingly judge that no one could rescue the brother of the security regiment in desperate situation.

At this time, the Japanese army was almost surrounded on all sides, and they were about to use small poison gas bombs.

. . . . . . . . . . .

ps: I appeal again, and I will guarantee the minimum monthly ticket! Reward 1500 book coins, and there will be 4 monthly tickets, begging! The monthly ticket list has been left behind, Fengyue's heart! It's so cold.

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