Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 384: The Steel Helmets of Jiangnan (Part 2)

But no matter how confused they were, facing the fiercely pounced Chinese fighter planes, the Japanese planes had to make their own choices.

Either run forward and avoid the scorching bullet stream from the Chinese fighter plane, but that is never an idea. Even if you avoid the bullet, you can put yourself in front of the Chinese fighter plane that pounces from high altitude behind, which is equivalent to putting your own The back is sent to the opponent's gun, especially when the opponent is such a crazy pilot.

The nearly eighty-five-degree dive angle of the Chinese ace pilot not only amazed Tang Dao, who was in the army, but also horrified pilots who were more familiar with the performance of various aircraft in this era.

That has gone beyond the scope of control technology and can only be described as crazy.

Therefore, facing the crazy Chinese fighter planes, the Japanese plane gave up its attempt to avoid turning to level flight, and instead pushed its nose and dived downwards.

When it dives to a suitable position, the fighter plane will roll out again. Not only will the distance between the two sides be lengthened, but the air flow stirred by the plane can also form an invisible trap. As long as the Chinese fighter planes follow closely, an accidental trap may be trapped. .

It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a holster on. When he turns and turns to be at the same height as the Chinese fighter plane, it will depend on the courage and technology of both parties as well as the performance of the aircraft and other comprehensive factors, not just on the current crazy madness.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely good pilot. Whether it is his reaction, control skills or mind, he is almost impeccable.

It's a pity that he is facing almost none of the best pilots in China at this time.

The original dull roar of the engine became extremely sharp, like a frightened bird screaming wildly. The Japanese aircraft, which was forced into a dive state, dived for more than 800 meters in one breath, from an altitude of about 1,700 meters to 900 meters. If it descends further, it will completely enter the most lethal attack range of the ground fire network.

The Japanese pilot slammed the already extremely heavy rudder and lowered the ailerons, and the 96th Ship Battle rolled out of a dive.

Shaking his head, which was dizzy due to the sharp descent, the Japanese pilot looked up to the sky. According to his understanding, the approaching opponent had dived at full speed for more than 1,200 meters. He might not be afraid of the 96-ship battle, but it should never belong to Hawke. III is a fragile body that is not all metal.

As long as that crazy Chinese pilot didn't have a broken skull, he should have changed out of the dive state. Otherwise, he would never have the chance to change out of the faster and faster dive state. Even if he had that technology, the terrible airborne Hawk III would be destroyed. Tear and shatter.

But obviously, he was wrong again.

At an altitude of several hundred meters away from him, the Hawker III was still in a dive state, much faster than the Japanese aircraft that had changed from a dive state to level flight.

The Japanese pilot's eyes were full of disbelief, and his expression was frozen in the void.

Because, in less than two seconds, the Hawk III, which was only 200 meters away from him vertically, opened fire in a dive.

The two aircraft machine guns equipped under the belly of the aircraft exploded with two brilliant sparks, blasting the Japanese aircraft, which had greatly slowed down, and the man inside who had an incredulous look on his face.

The crazy machine silhouette did not fly past the bright fireworks in the sky, but began to turn about 100 meters above the fireworks, turning from a high-speed dive.

Is this crazy? Everyone who witnessed this, whether in the air or on the ground, was filled with this question at that moment.

What happened next pretty much answered their questions.

The Hawk III, which suddenly changed its state, began to roll at an altitude of 1,100 meters, just like the truck that rolled in the crazy air waves just now. It rolled completely out of control in front of the Chinese Army who had stopped shooting.

Could it be that this is a tactic of dying with the enemy like our infantry? The infantrymen looking up at the sky couldn't even tell whether it was cold or hot in their hearts at that moment.

They are undoubtedly Chinese soldiers who are as brave as them who try their best to kill the enemy, even if they themselves are on the road to death. However, they hope that their comrades in the sky can live well.

Because there really weren't many of them left, so few that even the infantrymen never complained about them when they endured the brutal bombing by Japanese planes.

"Is it him?" Tantai Mingyue, who was running wildly in the wilderness, suddenly stopped, her eyes filled with disbelief.

No one in this sky is more familiar with this maneuver of quickly turning and leveling off a high-speed dive, which is called a 'death roll'.

That was Le Yiqing, the Chinese ace air force pilot she had interviewed.

If Tang Dao on the ground is the strongest warrior she has ever seen, in the sky, it must be this one.

But what impressed Tantai Mingyue the most was not his brilliant record of killing four Japanese aircraft in a row, but the scene in which he lectured the 16 pilots of his squadron.

It was an early morning, and the young squadron leader was about to lead all his fighter planes to bomb the Japanese warships parked on the Huangpu River. They had to face countless anti-aircraft guns on the warships and Japanese aircraft several times their size.

In the cold mist of the early morning, the squadron leader, who was short in stature and with a handsome face hidden under the pilot's leather helmet, stood in front of his '2204' fighter plane and said to the pilots standing upright: "You know, I Did my flight instructor ask me a question at my graduation ceremony?"

The pilots stood erect and silent.

"My flight instructor asked me, do you know how many spare machine gun bullets the Hawk II fighter you are about to fly has?" the young squadron leader continued.

"I replied, report to the instructor, 1,200 rounds of ammunition!

"Yes, although I have never fired so many bullets in training because I couldn't bear to do so, the important data of the aircraft model I will equip has always been in my mind, and there will never be any mistakes."

"But, I was wrong!"

The young squadron leader suddenly raised his voice.

"My instructor loudly told me, Le Yiqing, you are wrong! Our fighter planes are not equipped with 1,200 rounds, but 1,201 rounds.

Because that extra bullet is us and the fighter plane we are sitting on! That is also the last bullet we can shoot at the enemy! "

The whole place was silent!

I could only hear the young squadron leader's deep voice rippling in the empty airport: "And my instructor, on the battlefield the day before yesterday, told his students through actions that his last bullet will really hit the enemy incomparably." Heartache"

The young squadron leader burst into tears at that moment.

All pilots took off their leather flying helmets and bowed their heads in silence.

They have sent away countless comrades in this way.

"Get on the plane!" Amidst the roar that pierced the sky, a dozen pilots turned around resolutely and ran towards their respective fighters.

Fighter planes roared and stabbed into the sky!

Then, Tantai Mingyue, who had been waiting in the bunker, finally waited for the return of her own fleet.

Less than half!

Tantai Mingyue saw the young squadron leader who took the lead. The ground crews spray-painted two more bright red five-pointed stars on his fuselage. He shot down two Japanese aircraft again.

However, his back was extremely desolate.

An hour later, Tantai Mingyue learned that his subordinate Lieutenant Shen Chonghai, when the plane suffered heavy damage and could abandon the plane and parachute, chose to turn himself and the fighter plane into the last bullet, shooting at the Japanese naval fleet heavy cruiser 'Izumo' 'Number

His father is the president of Songhu High Court and a famous justice in China. He comes from a distinguished family!

The mist has not yet cleared, and China's young air force is fulfilling its promise and sacrificing its life.

Tantai Mingyue once again saw this young squadron leader on the battlefield, and used his "death roll" that once terrified the Japanese invaders!

"Tantai reporters know who he is?" Niu Er, who followed Tantai Mingyue, asked subconsciously.

"He is the best pilot in China!" Tantai Mingyue answered him.

Then, stop looking at the sky and continue running towards the distance.

There, there is a monument waiting for her, but what she hopes is that the monument will not become a monument, although the chance is not more than one in ten thousand.

A miracle happened. After the fighter plane, which was rolling continuously and seemed to have completely stalled, flew wildly for nearly a kilometer in the air, it miraculously changed to a level flight state.

There is a mountain roar on the ground!

This is the power of ‘Zhao Zilong in the Sky’.

With one move, one person will be killed!

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