Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 385 I didn’t let you down

As this Japanese plane was blown up by the Chinese ace fighter plane at high altitude with decisive tactics and amazing control tactics.

So far, there were only 13 of the 18 Japanese planes, while the Chinese had 10 fighter planes.

However, the Japanese fighter planes still had an absolute advantage in numbers.

At an altitude of nearly 3,000 meters, there were only 3 Chinese planes, being chased by 8 Japanese planes that completely dominated the numbers.

At an altitude of 1,500 meters, the first 6 Chinese fighter planes that dived down did not kill the opponent in one fell swoop like their squadron leader. The control skills of the Japanese pilots could even be said to be better than those of the Chinese pilots. The speed of the Type 96 carrier-based bomber was far lower than that of the Hawk III, but the firepower of its 3 aircraft machine guns was fierce, which made the Chinese fighter planes have to be cautious.

Therefore, after the fight, the Chinese fighter planes also lost their initial air superiority, and it completely turned into a stranglehold of mutual pursuit.

A total of 23 fighter planes from both sides chased and shot at each other in the vast airspace from an altitude of 3,000 meters to a low altitude of 500 meters.

This is the most extensive battlefield, and also the most cruel battlefield.

Only they themselves can decide their fate.

From time to time, fighter planes with thick smoke billowed out of the battlefield, and some even exploded in the air on the spot. Among them, there were Chinese and Japanese fighters. The Chinese soldiers on the ground could do nothing but rub their hands anxiously and wait. They could not even shoot into the air to cover their comrades in the air.

This is like infantry approaching 100 meters on the ground battlefield. Even if one side has heavy artillery units, they can only watch helplessly.

The fighter planes of both sides roared at each other and chased at high speed, making it very likely that they would shoot by mistake.

There were more white flowers blooming in the sky.

That was when the plane completely lost control and the pilot was forced to parachute.

However, there were almost no Chinese pilots.

It’s not that no Chinese fighter planes were damaged.

On the contrary, the three fighter planes in the sky were at an absolute disadvantage in order to hold back the eight Japanese fighter planes. They were far less numerous than the Japanese planes and had almost no decent offensive. Two minutes after the full-scale war began, they were all hit and white smoke was emitted.

If there was a long lens to zoom in at this time, you would see that there were at least twenty hideous bullet holes on each fighter plane, from the wings to the fuselage, and even the cabin of a fighter plane, there were bloodstains everywhere.

It was caused by a 7.7mm machine gun bullet. The cabin with a 10mm protective steel plate protected the pilot's back and lower limbs, but could not prevent the bullet from entering from the side.

The bullet shot into the cabin penetrated the Chinese pilot's armpit and then went out from the back, and then hit the protective steel plate behind the flight seat to become a deformed copper block, falling down powerlessly.

But before that, the damn 7.7mm bullet had completed its mission. The deformed and tumbling bullet not only blew a blood hole the size of a baby's fist on the pilot's back, splashing blood like a fountain, but also broke his heart and blood vessels. It won't take long for the Chinese pilot, who was severely injured, to breathe hard, but it was useless. The loss of a large amount of blood would cause his brain to be extremely hypoxic.

He would completely lose consciousness and fall into darkness with his fighter plane.

If he parachuted at the moment when he was still conscious, the cavalrymen running on the ground would find him and stop his bleeding as soon as possible and send him to the field hospital of the 67th Army. He might have a chance to survive, although the probability would not exceed 10%.

But then, there is still a possibility of survival.

But he didn't.

The young Chinese pilot gave up the last chance of survival. Although his mouth and nose were already bleeding, he still chose to hold the rudder tightly in his hand and stepped firmly on the accelerator.

The Hawk III, which was already screaming heartbreakingly, let out a sharper whistle and ran wildly towards the distance.

The two Type 96 carrier fighters, who thought they had hit the target, could not let the severely damaged prey escape. They immediately broke away from the formation and chased after it.

Yes, there was no heroic rush to crash into the opponent as imagined. The last choice of the young Chinese pilots who were still conscious was to flee the battlefield at full speed.

Attract the opponent's firepower and relieve the pressure on their comrades, even if it was with their own bodies.

Like the advance group led by Tang Dao on the ground, from the beginning, their three fighters were abandoned. The role they had to play was to hold back the eight Japanese planes and wait for the battle at low altitude to decide the outcome.

Otherwise, in an air battle where the enemy was numerous and we were few, the 10 Chinese fighters would have little chance of survival even if they had ace pilots.

Because, except for Le Yiqing and the three old pilots who had participated in the air battle, the other six were all flight team students who had not yet graduated.

Most of their instructors and seniors shed blood in the battle in March, and now they had to go up.

Even if they were green.

Without skilled fighter control skills and rich combat experience, the only thing they have is the courage to sacrifice fearlessly.

The young pilot, whose name no one knows, lowered his head slightly in the aircraft cabin, but the rudder in his hand remained motionless, and the accelerator pedal was still stepped hard by his feet that had lost control, and the fighter plane still flew forward firmly.

Hawk III seemed to have known that its comrades had quietly left. It burst out at a dazzling high speed, exceeding the theoretical limit of its design, and flew forward at a speed of 440 kilometers per hour, like an arrow shot out, unstoppable!

The two Type 96 carrier-based fighters that were chasing the aircraft at a speed of up to 420 kilometers per hour could only stare in amazement.

At this speed, without their shooting, the damaged Chinese fighter plane will automatically disintegrate in a few minutes.

But, what does it matter! In the cabin of the Chinese fighter plane that they cannot see, the young face with his head down and no breath, actually has a faint smile.

"Our bodies, planes and bombs should perish together with the enemy's warships and positions!" The young pilot used his life to practice the school motto engraved on the stone at the entrance of the aviation school. He could smile and say to the instructors and seniors who could not return, I didn't let you down.

He is not the only young pilot who made such a choice.

The same is true for the six Chinese fighter planes that fought with Japanese planes at low altitude.

Because the troops on the ground were Chinese troops, when the Chinese fighter planes were hit and smoked and caught fire, Le Yiqing ordered the pilots to parachute immediately, but his orders were often rejected.

The chance of survival is higher than 70% if you parachute, and 90% if you don't jump. This is a truth that everyone knows.

However, the young Chinese pilots still refused.

Different from Tang Dao, the soul from the future, the Chinese pilots of this era have a different perspective on this war.

China is not only short of pilots, but also short of airplanes.

Although they also know that it is not easy to train a pilot. It takes at least one and a half years from entering the aviation school to becoming a combat-capable rookie pilot.

However, no matter how difficult it is to train, China has a huge population base and can still train pilots, but the airplanes are really gone.

At the beginning of the war, the Japanese, who had a powerful naval fleet, blocked the southeast and north outlets. At this time, even if China had money, it could not buy airplanes.

After losing the three northeastern provinces that accounted for 80% of China's heavy industry a few years ago, China's fragile heavy industry even had difficulty producing artillery steel, so how could it build airplanes?

If there are no fighter planes, what is the use of leaving more pilots?

Therefore, even though the cabin was on fire and the tail was filled with smoke, almost no Chinese pilots parachuted. They either desperately insisted on driving the plane towards Jinling, or flew to a low altitude, shaky and ready to make an emergency landing in the wilderness.

At this moment, the Chinese air force proved to the Chinese army who claimed to be brave enough to hold explosive packs and blow up tanks with a bravery that was no less than that of the infantry: the Chinese air force never spared sacrifice in the great Patriotic War.

This Patriotic War, from the beginning, belonged to all Chinese people.

No matter if he was the army! Or the air force! Or the navy, which did not even have ships!

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