Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 42: The role of seeds

Chapter 42 The role of seeds

Machine gun bullets alone are naturally ineffective against such concrete buildings, and the Japanese army also knows this.

The function of the ten light and heavy machine guns in total is actually nothing more than suppression. The metal torrent that can spit out hundreds of bullets per second hits the wall and makes a terrifying impact, even through a thick wall. fear.

 Whether there are kills or not is not the most important thing. What is important is to make the Chinese in the shooting holes and fortifications timid and unable to safely aim at the advancing infantry.

The infantry artillery also began to aim and fire. The direct firing range of 700 meters was enough to ensure the accuracy of direct-aiming artillery such as the infantry artillery. It would never land on the concession site only a few dozen meters away. Through test firing, the explosion The explosion point gradually extended from the first 50 meters of the building and finally fell on the wall.

Just to the surprise of the Japanese army, the infantry artillery, which had always been highly penetrating, was deflated here. Balls of fire exploded, but it did not blast away the wall as they imagined, leaving only a large area visible to the naked eye. dented.

The grenade thrown by the grenade is even worse, that is, it is stained black.

This somewhat disappointed the Japanese captain who was full of expectations. Once the infantry artillery failed, the battle would be a little more difficult than he imagined.

But that doesn’t matter much. The thick smoke and flying debris caused by the explosion of infantry artillery and grenades are by no means useless. They will also block the defenders’ sight and cause enough psychological pressure on them.

It only takes a few more minutes of suppression. When the infantry rushes into the blind spot of the defenders' machine guns, the explosive packs carried by the soldiers can completely blow open this strong wall that can block the infantry cannons.

 Without the protection of the outer wall, that would be the last day for the defenders to die.

Perhaps seeing that the war was already starting on the left wing, the Japanese troops in front of the warehouse re-entered the battlefield, and the light and heavy machine guns began to roar, while the right wing almost adopted the same tactics as Beicang Mandu.

 A three-sided attack.

The defensive battle of Sihang Warehouse may have really started from this time.

Seeing that the firepower of several light machine guns and more than a dozen rifles in the shooting holes in the wall had been completely suppressed, and the Chinese soldiers who were still active in the corner fortifications were nowhere to be seen, the infantry team under their command used extremely skilled tactical movements to utilize various The cover of the building has been entered, but it is only 100 meters away from the building. Beicang Mandu has been staring ahead through the telescope, his eyes full of murderous intent.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing the unique pride of the Imperial Japanese Army.

 The Chinese are so vulnerable, so what if they have heavy weapons like machine guns and mortars?

I don’t know what Major Toyoda Hide thought. An infantry brigade was not enough, and he even needed friendly troops to assist him. Wasn’t this just giving him Beicang Mandu for his general merits in vain?

At this time, the Japanese captain had even thought of the exciting moment after the battle when the captain personally wore the medal on his chest.

Why not, let’s just stay in this ruins where China’s defeated army is about to be buried! When he raised the imperial flag into the sky with his own hands.

“Order, the second team moves forward, wait for the first team to blast through the wall and enter the building.” Beicang Mandu put down his telescope and gave the military order.

At the same time, don’t forget to look at the Chinese civilians less than a hundred meters away.

With the Imperial Army's battlefield situation in good condition and the Chinese defenders unable to do anything, the anxious look on the faces of those hateful Chinese civilians was already obvious, even if their voices became louder.

The corners of the Japanese captain's mouth curved even higher. This scene made him extremely comfortable.

 Yes, the Chinese people gathered on the south bank of the Suzhou River are really anxious.

  No, it can’t even be described as urgent.

 They are afraid.

They were not afraid that the Japanese troops would rush into the concession after the victory, but that they were afraid that the young men who had straightened their chests and saluted them just now would be killed by the Japanese troops on the battlefield in front of them. So, they shouted as hard as they could.

“The devil is very close, brothers, shoot and kill him!”

 “There are more than fifty!”

 “There are still 100 meters to go!”

 “80 meters!”

 “70 meters!”

If a camera could record all this at this time, it would definitely be a spectacle in the history of world war.

On one side is a **** battlefield. The two warring parties are fighting with real swords and guns. Either you die or I die; and more than a hundred meters away, there are unarmed people.

Soldiers are fighting; common people are cheering for their soldiers on one side, braving the dust kicked up by the air waves and the shrapnel that may be splashed.

That's right, although the air waves from the explosion of the shells stirred up wind and sand, making the already ragged people even more embarrassed, not many people chose to retreat further.

Even if there was no bayonet threat from the soldiers of the Western coalition, they might have rushed to the closer barbed wire fence.

Perhaps more than just cheering, the common people even took the initiative to become the eyes of the defenders in the warehouse. When an unknown number of people reported the approaching distance of the Japanese army, several young people wearing student uniforms were afraid of the people inside the warehouse. The defenders did not hear the sound of gunfire because the gunfire was too fierce. They had an idea and ran to a cloth shop to pull off a ten-foot-long white cloth. On it were hurriedly written numbers as red as blood. It was the Japanese infantry who were gradually approaching the warehouse wall. distance.

Not to mention what will happen in the end on a battlefield that has been basically defined as a defeat by "people of insight", this scene alone is enough to shock Westerners everywhere.

This is different from the Chinese people they originally regarded as poor, ignorant and backward.

no the same! Indeed, compared with last night, when the Chinese army continued to receive reports of defeat and was confused about the future, the civilians who received two consecutive injections of cardiotonic drugs seemed to see hope of returning home.

 Because, their army did not give up, they were still fighting, and this was their hope.

 Being hopeful and feeling confused about the future are definitely two different things.

In fact, it's the same, they are still them. The reason why they can take the risk and stand on the edge of the battlefield and witness the continuous artillery fire to give a voice reminder to their soldiers is not that they have really become braver, but that they have lost almost everything. So what else can't be lost?

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They are also venting their anger at losing their homeland, and all this was caused by the invaders.

Master Lu once said: Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. If you don’t break out in silence, you will perish in silence!

The lone soldier trapped in a corner on the opposite side is a seed that gives them no longer silence.

Even more, as the story of this seed spreads, more and more Chinese people will no longer remain silent.

 This is the role of seeds.

 The unyielding spirit will always infect some people.

 (End of this chapter)

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