Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 43: It turns out that there is a shield

Chapter 43 It turns out that the one with the shield

However, no matter how excited the people on the shore were and how shocking it was to Westerners, the defenders in the warehouse were still helpless in the face of the aggressive Japanese offensive.

Other than firing a few bullets in vain from the shooting holes in the wall, they did not make any other decent counterattacks.

Not only have the machine guns and mortars that previously defeated the Japanese army disappeared, but their desperate momentum to kill the enemy seems to have also disappeared with it.

They chose to hide behind the relatively thick wall to survive, turning a blind eye to the Japanese infantry who were constantly leaping forward with explosive packs on their backs and taking advantage of the terrain.

"General, do we need to restrain those emotionally unstable refugees? If the Chinese fortress is lost in the morning, I'm afraid they will lose control of their emotions." Colonel James frowned fiercely on the rooftop of the building in the distance.

“NO! Although such Chinese people may be troublesome, I like them very much!” The brigadier general, who was still biting his ivory pipe stubbornly and looking into the distance with squinted eyes, said meaningfully.

“This ancient oriental nation may be different from what you and I imagined, even if they are really not good enough yet.”

 After saying that, he looked into the distance again, feeling a little disinterested, "Let's go! The battle is over."

The next moment, the brigadier's body that was just about to turn stiffened slightly. If his hands, which had been single for fifty years, were not fast enough, he would have almost said goodbye to his beloved ivory pipe.

The battle situation 200 meters away suddenly changed.

The Chinese defenders' counterattack came suddenly after the Japanese infantry entered a range of 50 meters.

A dozen large holes suddenly appeared in the broad and solid wall. A dozen fire points composed of light machine guns and submachine guns sent sparks flying. From a distance, it looked like azaleas suddenly blooming on the cliff.

However, both the brigadier general and the colonel, who raised their telescopes again and were familiar with the war, knew that those "flowers" looked gorgeous on the outside, but the truth was cruel. The "flowers" composed of turbulent bullets were comparable to the sickle wielded by the **** of death. Every time it blooms, it must be sacrificed with blood.

  Naturally, it can only be the blood of the Japanese who are their opponents.

If the continuous crisp cheers of the Czech light machine gun with a rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute have made the Japanese infantry feel numb, then the heart-rending roar of the MP28 submachine gun with a rate of fire of 400 rounds per minute has made the Japanese infantry feel numb. They were cold all over.

That almost means that every second, there are hundreds of bullets flying in the air, grazing injuries and killing people.

Within a few seconds, a torrent of metal began to be spewed out from the thick wall, and four or five Japanese soldiers swirled and fell in the dust.

 The Chinese people on the shore cheered thunderously, and the Japanese captain's face was ashen.

 It turns out that the Chinese are not out of their depth, but are waiting for the best opportunity to bring their opponents close to the optimal range of their submachine guns.

 At a range of 100 meters, rifles are nothing compared to submachine guns.

However, the reason why the Imperial Brigadier General of the Sun Never Sets stopped to re-observe the battlefield was not because of China’s brazen counterattack. Although the firepower of more than a dozen submachine guns is much stronger, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to defend the fortress with light weapons alone. What’s more, Crazy firepower output requires strong logistics. What can the defenders trapped in a corner without supplies do to support the continuous firepower intensity?

 What he cares about is the tactics of the Chinese commander.

 Hiding firepower and setting up traps are very good tactics, but how big are his traps? Just for the dozens of Japanese infantry who are already close to the optimal shooting range of submachine guns?

  If this is the case, the outcome cannot be changed.

 The strength of the Japanese army has reached one and a half corps.

Moreover, the Japanese infantry are not cowards. Although the opponent's firepower is suddenly powerful, they are still shooting while crawling in the ruins of the bunker.

The distance of fifty meters allows Chinese soldiers to better utilize the firepower of submachine guns, but it is not entirely a disadvantage for Japanese infantry. Their already accurate shooting became more effective, and they could even accurately send bullets into shooting holes that were not very large.

 The soldiers of the Second Company behind the wall holding submachine guns and shooting were really not as relaxed as the people on the river bank imagined. Many of them were sweating on their foreheads, cold sweat!

If Tang Dao hadn't reminded them to add a steel plate to each shooting hole, they would have suffered a lot of casualties even though they had fortifications. The Japanese army was so fierce and could maintain such terrifying accuracy after being hit so hard. Even so, two soldiers were still injured by ricocheting bullets that were blocked by the baffle. One was hit in the arm and the other was shot in the abdomen.

However, the ferocity of the Japanese infantry has almost ended here.

Captain Deng Ying, commander of the second company, waved his hand with a cold face. When the communications soldier standing at the entrance of the building in the distance saw it, he waved the red flag in his hand desperately.

Lei Xiong grinned after receiving the signal, "Brothers, it's our turn to work!"

 “Boom!” The special scream of mortars sounded continuously.

 “Damn it?” Beicang Mandu’s expression suddenly changed, and he hadn’t even finished speaking.

 "Boom! Boom! Boom!" A series of explosions came from the distance.

The mortars on the roof of the Sihang Warehouse did not attack the infantry at close range, but directly targeted the Japanese infantry artillery position 700 meters away.

 The machine gun battery, which had been silent for a while, finally showed its fangs.

 “What a wonderful tactical design!” The brigadier general’s eyes flashed.

“It seems that you and I have underestimated the Chinese commander. It turns out that his target has always been the artillery that poses the greatest threat to him.”

"However, the Japanese artillery will also fight back. General, you see, the smoke from the mortars is too obvious." The colonel obviously disagreed with his boss's statement and objected very directly.

“The Japanese artillery is obviously superior, and there may be more artillery waiting for them to appear. In the Chinese’s own words: Don’t steal the chicken but lose the rice!”

“If it were any other battlefield, James, what you said could come true, but not here.” Rubbing the pipe in his hand, Brigadier General Smartet showed a mysterious smile on his lips.

“It can only be said that the Chinese commanders really made the best use of what their ancestors said: the right location, the right people, and the best people.”

The colonel was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what he had overlooked, and his face could not help but heat up slightly.

If the Japanese army could mobilize artillery to bombard it indiscriminately, there would be no need to send infantrymen carrying explosive bags to blast it so hard. They could just use aircraft and large-caliber naval guns stationed on the Huangpu River to blow up the building.

 Sixing Warehouse is really close to the concession.

 The Chinese defenders designed such tactics precisely because they understood the Japanese army's concerns.

"However, the Japanese 92 infantry artillery can also have a deflection function after raising the elevation angle. They can also threaten the roof of the building, and the trajectory will not fly to our concession." The colonel insisted on maintaining the pride of the aristocrats of the empire where the sun never sets.

 “No, they won’t do that.” The brigadier sighed slightly. "When a Japanese infantry squad is put 50 meters away by the Chinese, their infantry artillery is destined to not be able to fire easily."

“They actually used these Japanese troops as shields?” After being prompted by his superior, the colonel finally figured out the key. The expression on his face was really complicated at that moment.

In this era, no artillery can accurately control the impact point within 80 meters. Even the most demanding Germans cannot reduce the coordination of infantry and artillery to within 100 meters.

 That means that the Japanese 92 infantry artillery can of course fire back, but the shells also have a certain chance of falling on the heads of their own soldiers.

  If the artillery group bombs friendly forces, even if it is accidentally bombed, its commander will be sent to a military court.

The Chinese commander's commanding art may not be amazing, but at least he is better than him. Even if he has put down the arrogance of the aristocrats of the Empire on which the sun never sets at this time and has changed places, he cannot be better than that profound commander. The commander hiding in the warehouse did better.

 (End of this chapter)

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