Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 44: simplest answer

Chapter 44 The simplest answer

“So, I’m afraid this battle will have to continue.”

Brigadier General Smartet's face gradually became serious, and his voice became a little deeper. "This is good news for the Chinese, but it is a big trouble for us."

The one who felt more troublesome than Brigadier Smart was naturally Beicang Mandu. Looking back, he saw clouds of smoke and dust rising in the distance, and his head instantly became bigger.

  Yes, the four mortars on the roof, at this moment, were like sharks smelling the smell of blood, pouring firepower unscrupulously towards the infantry cannon 700 meters away.

 "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Violent explosions sounded continuously.

The heart of the Japanese captain who had previously been so high-spirited and thought about standing on the ruins of the opponent's fortress to be awarded a medal was also blown to pieces.

Although it is not as cold as ice, Beicang Mandu knows that the Chinese chose this timing really badly. Their four mountain cannons and four infantry cannons should still be looking for suitable positions to avoid smashing the shells into the **** Western Ocean. People’s concession.

And the two infantry cannons following him were unable to fire back because the infantry in front had already reached the front of the warehouse, so they could only be passively beaten. In terms of heavy firepower, their advantage suddenly turned into a disadvantage.

 But all this is not due to the Chinese's good choice of fighter planes, but has a close relationship with him as the supreme commander of the left-wing battlefield.

Had he waited for 30 minutes until the wing artillery squadron had completely deployed its position before launching an attack, he would not have been in such a predicament.

To put it bluntly, it was Beicang Mandu who was so determined that he gave the Chinese an opportunity to defeat their own infantry cannons. If two infantry cannons were blown up, he, the army captain, would be the first to bear the responsibility.

If you want to reduce your own responsibilities, there is only one way to go. Continue to attack. Victory can cover up all ugliness.

Therefore, Beicang Mandu, who looked extremely ugly, sent out communications troops to request an attack from the front of the warehouse to reduce the pressure on his left battlefield, and at the same time ordered the heavy machine gun to raise its elevation and shoot at the shooting holes located on the second and third floors in order to suppress China With the firepower of the defenders, they also ordered all the grenade launchers under their command to fire grenades at the roof of the building. Regardless of whether they could hit the building or not, they still wanted to harass the Chinese mortar crews, right?

 What if you get hit?

Of course, the most resolute order was naturally left to the infantry squad that had entered the 50 meters in front of the warehouse. Beicang Mandu gave them a desperate order to rush downstairs and attack the solid wall that even the infantry cannon could not break. Carry out blasting.

As long as he blows open the wall and rushes into this extremely strong fortress, even if the infantry cannon is destroyed and the infantry suffers heavy losses, the medal can still be hung on his chest in Beicang Mandu.

It can be said that until this time, the Japanese captain had not given up his dream of winning and winning medals.

The so-called daydreaming may not specifically refer to the daytime, but do you want to daydream?

 The reality is that if you want to play with life for nothing, life will not treat you kindly.

If the Japanese infantry artillery squad still has fortifications to avoid artillery fire, it is not that difficult to push the 200-kilogram infantry artillery and run, and there is still some room for maneuver;

The light and heavy machine gun shooters only need to pull the trigger a few more times to tell their commander that he has worked hard;

  The grenade hand also uses a faster hand and throws a few more grenades to show that he has almost broken the skin;

  The two infantry squads responsible for the cover had their faces darkened by the smoke from their rifles, which showed that they were also very dedicated.

So, the Japanese forwards who suddenly entered a decisive battle state,

 It’s very embarrassing.

 Charge to the death? You're kidding me!

The opponent has dozens of shooting holes and at least a dozen continuous fire points. The bullets are like pouring water. You have to press your buttocks hard to avoid leaking when you are lying on the ground. How the **** do you stand up and continue to charge forward with the bullets? The chance of being beaten to death is definitely more than 70%.

At this time, shouldn't we retreat and wait for the imperial artillery to destroy the enemy's hidden fortifications or heavy firepower points before sending a few more troops? Squadron leader, are you abandoning even the fixed routines in the army's drill code? Bullying my buddy for not studying enough?

At least more than 90% of the strong men in the Japanese infantry squad who received the death order had indescribable things happening in their minds with the women of Captain Beicang's family. The commander's order made the Japanese infantry very resistant. This was not embarrassing. What was really embarrassing was that the Chinese defenders did not seem to leave any room for them. Even if they continued to pretend to be dead and hide in the ruins, it would not work.

 The lieutenant colonel had long since left his headquarters near the Suzhou River.

The top commander of the Chinese army in Sihang Warehouse is standing behind the solid wall on the left wing of the third floor.

 Behind him stood Deng Ying, commander of the second company, and Tang Dao.

The second commander, Major Yang Ruifu, the battalion commander, went to the first company responsible for the frontal defense operations of the warehouse to supervise the operations. However, as the backbone platoon leader of the first company, Tang Dao came to the defensive position of the second company. This was somewhat strange.

But Deng Ying, the commander of the second company, had no unusual look on his face. The reason was very simple. Tang Dao, as the designer of the defensive firepower point of the entire warehouse, started to attack the Japanese army on the left wing, so he was temporarily transferred from the first company by the army lieutenant colonel to take charge. Observe the battlefield and make necessary adjustments to the firepower configuration based on actual conditions.

Through the pre-dawn round of defeating the Japanese troops in front, everyone has admired Tang Dao's firepower configuration to the core.

The firepower configuration seems very simple, just placing the machine guns and artillery in good positions. However, it is not simple to be able to guess the Japanese army's formation and even which direction to move first. It's over.

Now, after a wave of attacks, the Japanese army really focused on the left wing, and the frontal troops took charge and began to contain it.

“Company Commander Deng, what do you think the Japanese commander will do next? What should we do?” The Army Lieutenant Colonel glanced at the Japanese infantry hiding in the ruins fifty meters away through a small shooting hole with a cold gaze.

“Sir, I think the Japanese commander has two options. One: order the forward soldiers to stand by and wait for the frontal troops to launch an attack to distract our heavy firepower and consume our defenders’ ammunition. When the time is right, we can launch an attack;

 Two: Evacuate first, wait until their artillery firing angle is adjusted to hit the roof of the building, eliminate our heavy firepower, and then launch the attack.

 As for us, we cannot expose heavy firepower for too long to prevent losses from being covered by the adjusted artillery fire of the Japanese army. "For this question, Deng Ying obviously already had a clue and did not hesitate to answer.

“Hmm!” The Army Lieutenant Colonel nodded and turned his attention to Tang Dao: “Platoon Leader Tang, what do you think?”

“Sir, I believe that no matter what the Japanese commander chooses, we have only one choice, and that is Gan Teliang’s.” Tang Dao unexpectedly gave a simple and almost reckless answer.

There was silence for a while, but there was a hint of astonishment in the Army Lieutenant Colonel's eyes.

Tang Dao's answer seems very simple, but it only refers to the core of the strategy - trying his best to kill the Japanese invaders.

 Tactics are all responsible for strategy. What is the purpose of the 1st Battalion of the 524th Regiment being trapped in the Sihang Warehouse alone? Isn’t it just to show the country and the world here that the Chinese soldiers did not give up on Songhu?

Then why don't you play Zhang Liang's trick and climb over the wall with them? After finally putting a Japanese infantry team at a distance of fifty meters, you must kill them and inflict pain on the Japanese so that all of China and the whole world can Seeing the **** wounds of the Japanese soldiers, I knew that they were not as invincible as they seemed.

  Japanese people will cry when they are hurt by being beaten.

 (End of this chapter)

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