Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 45: Smoking "stone"

Chapter 45 The smoking “stone”

“Order, the No. 1 machine gun moves to the left wing of the building and suppresses the Japanese light and heavy machine guns and grenades;

I ordered the infantry squad on the roof to drop 20 grenades on me. If they couldn't throw 20 grenades, they would be replaced and I would leave the forward Japanese infantry on the battlefield. "The Army Lieutenant Colonel made a prompt decision.

As a result, the Japanese infantrymen who were still lying in the ruins and shooting at the defenders and secretly criticizing their stupid squadron leader were out of luck.

First, the No. 1 machine gun controlled by Lei Xiong moved ten meters to the edge of the building, and began to unleash its power through the gap in the wall that had been opened up to 2 meters wide at the Japanese heavy machine gun position 500 meters away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A terrible muffled sound sounded. The brick and wood residential walls in Songhu were like paper under the ravage of 20 mm caliber artillery shells. Large holes visible to the naked eye appeared in the walls where the Japanese heavy machine guns were located. superior.

Even hiding behind the wall felt unsafe. Almost no Japanese soldiers dared to brave the ravages and crossfire of machine guns. They all ran around with their machine guns, like a group of pitiful and helpless deer.

Although the grenadier was still quite tenacious, relying on himself to have a small target with two people and one cannon, he gritted his back molars and gritted his teeth after moving the position, but his hand speed was not the same as before.

Now Beicang Mandu finally understood why the two infantry squadrons were defeated by the Chinese before. The 20mm machine gun that can be used for anti-aircraft and horizontal fire will be a death wave for the infantry if it does not have enough artillery fire suppression. The sickle is defenseless.

The Japanese captain felt regret for the first time in his heart. He was considering whether to withdraw an infantry team in front of him and wait for his own artillery unit to adjust the firing angle to destroy the heavy firepower on the roof of the Chinese building before attacking.

 But the Chinese defenders had already made the decision for him.

From the roof of the warehouse, a dozen black spots suddenly flew out. From the perspective of Beicang Mandu, they looked like a dozen stones.

However, it was a smoking stone, but only the nearest Japanese infantry could see it.

“Baga! Order Team 1 to retreat!” Looking at Beicang Mandu’s big face hundreds of meters away, he turned pale as a sheet of paper.

At that moment, he finally understood why the Chinese had to wait until his forward reached the fifty-meter area before starting to fight back ferociously.

 Because only then can they flog their opponents.

 In their own way.

Even if he didn’t see the green smoke, the Japanese captain would definitely not think that the Chinese would play tricks like throwing stones.

 However, this decision is obviously too late.

The smoking 'stones' flew over a distance of forty or fifty meters in an irregular formation, and began to vent their joy of flying into the sky in their own way. Some of them burst into a cloud of black smoke in mid-air, and some of them burst into flames. Some were close to the ground, and some hit the ground hard.

 No matter where they are, the ‘stones’ celebrate their exciting journeys with an ending that leaves them shattered to pieces.

 That is, the audience who watched the "Stone" carnival felt a little depressed, especially those who were at a close distance.

On the battlefield, when there are no trenches, crawling on the ground and wanting to bury your head in the soil is naturally the best tactic to avoid bullets.

 However, there are more than just bullets on the battlefield.

 If you are bombarded, all tactics are futile. The only thing you can do is to pray that you are not so unlucky.

 Fortunately, the Chinese did not have enough artillery. It was the most gratifying thing for the Japanese infantry to have mortars compete with infantry artillery. But I didn’t expect that the Chinese started throwing grenades. The distance of fifty meters was enough to ensure that not everyone could throw grenades so far, but they were on the roof of the building, and their stupid squadron leader didn’t seem to notice this.

Hand grenades, with a charge of only 100 grams, cannot be compared with the power of artillery shells that can easily wipe out all living things within a radius of dozens of meters. However, if they were hit at close range, they would definitely not be able to cry.

In particular, the Chinese grenades are not standard. They are thrown in the same posture, and some explode in the air more than ten meters, some are one or two meters away from the ground, and some are even more extreme, splitting into two pieces on the ground without exploding. , purely by scaring people.

No Japanese infantryman had the intention to laugh at the uneven quality of the Chinese imitation German long wooden handle grenades, because the shrapnel flying in the air in all directions was running towards his target with a grin.

The Japanese infantrymen who couldn’t shrink their butts might be able to escape the terrifying bullets from machine guns and submachine guns, but they were really powerless in the face of the impact of shrapnel swooping down from the sky.

 And this is just the first wave.

Lao Hei, who was seconded to the Second Company, took a dozen of the famous bombardiers from the First and Second Company, stood behind a thick 1.5-meter-high wall, took the unscrewed grenade from the bomb supply hand, pulled the rope, and kept Lunge, twist your waist, turn around and use your strength to throw the grenade high into the air.

  Don’t look at the target, don’t look at the effect, don’t worry about the bullets whizzing from above your head, just shoot!

Like a dozen mortars, every second, a dozen grenades exploded in various ways on the Japanese forward position.

 The rising clouds of smoke really dazzled the eyes of the spectators from all walks of life.

 Turns out, this works too!

The lieutenant colonel of the Army stipulated that each of the dozen bombardiers behind the high wall on the roof of the building must throw 20 grenades. This means that the Japanese forwards are currently on a battlefield that is only 80 meters wide and more than 20 meters deep. They must withstand no less than A critical hit of 300 grenades.

Without the protection of trenches, it would be an absolutely terrifying experience for the soldiers exposed on the ground.

The Japanese army's hand-cranked sirens had been ringing loudly since the first wave of grenades exploded, but that didn't mean they could evacuate as soon as their superiors told them to. There were dozens of pairs of eyes staring at them viciously in dozens of shooting holes. .

 The important thing is of course not the eyes, but the deadly blazing stream of steel that may erupt from there at any time.

 On the battlefield, leaving your back to your opponent is no easier than the constant rain of grenades falling from the sky.

The only ten light and heavy machine guns that could provide fire cover were also raging intermittently under the raging fire of the opponent's machine gun that was hidden beyond their reach. Beicang Mandu's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

He saw with his own eyes that an imperial soldier jumped up in panic and tried to hide in another bunker when a grenade fell next to him. Before he could even leave a meter away, another grenade landed seven or eight meters away from him. Explosions in the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, several lines of blood spattered from the soldier's body, and the flying shrapnel directly cut him into a sieve.

However, he shouldn't be in too much pain, because the inferior delay grenade that fell on the ground also exploded. The shock wave pushed the soldier's body sideways three or four meters away. When it fell, even the twitch of life instinct was gone.

 Such examples are appearing more and more as the rain of grenades continues to fall.

  . . . . . .

PS: Dear readers, Qidian is launching a double monthly ticket event again. From March 29th to March 31st, monthly tickets will be doubled. If you want to vote for Fengyue, can you save it for these three days? There are three days left, Fengyue is waiting for you, bow down and thank you!

 (End of this chapter)

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