Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 46: The execution ability is so strong

Chapter 46: Execution is so strong

  Could it be that this was the first battle and he was going to lose a full infantry squad?

Beicang Mandu knows that if this is the case, he may have a medal, but it has nothing to do with him, Beicang Mandu.

 Because he will become the commander who suffered 25% battle losses in just one round. Not only will he set a record for the group, regiment, and brigade, but he may even top the entire division!

 The reason why he was not served by Big Erzazi may be because Amaterasu stole his mom.

If you want to save it, you must save those guys who are suffering in hell.

Turning his eyes slightly, Beicang Mandu saw the four-story building about 200 meters away from the side of his position and opposite the Sihang Warehouse.

According to the regulations, a team of vanguards must first check the safety of the building before entering. But at this time, there were so many people there, and he had to rescue his subordinates.

"Order the 2nd Squadron on the left wing, which is responsible for covering, to go around the four-story building with their assigned machine gun team and grenade launcher, use its height to suppress the Chinese rooftop firepower, and cover the 1st Squadron until they withdraw. out.

At the same time, a red flare was fired and asked Major Hide Toyoda for help. " Beicang Mandu quickly and decisively ordered.

 This is the only thing he can do for his subordinates.

In the distance, the combat staff in the headquarters of the Japanese 1st Infantry Battalion, which was facing the 800-meter-long Sihang Warehouse, saw the red flare fired from the left wing and quickly reported to Toyoda who was on the phone to the artillery squadron.

“Captain, Captain Beicang on the left wing sends a signal for help!”

"Oh?" The anger that appeared on Toyoda's face when he received the bad news just after hanging up the phone was not the anger he should have had. At that moment, the feeling was indescribably weird.

 Major, are you mad? The Lieutenant Operations Staff Officer said that he really didn't understand the strangeness on his boss's face, so he could only lower his eyelids and pretend he didn't see anything.

 Obviously, as an official, the lieutenant staff is more experienced than most people. The boss's expression often represents his behavior. Being happy requires him to flatter him a lot, and this is the case now! Talking less is the right choice.

 He ​​certainly didn’t know how complicated the Japanese Major’s heart was at the moment. If Beicang Mandu succeeded in the battle, then his Major Toyoda Hide would become the background, the negative kind.

After all, his 1st Infantry Brigade had suffered more than 100 casualties in two small-scale contact battles with the remaining Chinese troops, and no one could wipe them out quietly, right?

 The ideal outcome in his mind was to repeat several times on the left-wing battlefield, with some losses, and then finally success.

Even Toyoda Hide was a little careful about this, not saying that this remnant of the Chinese troops was a little different from the Chinese troops he had encountered before.

 As a result, Beicang Mandu was frustrated, which was in line with his wishes.

That is, the degree of frustration was beyond his expectation, and he actually fired a red flare to represent a request for full tactical support. It was almost like being beaten to tears!

It doesn't matter that the idiot Beicang Mandu was beaten to tears, even his 1st Infantry Brigade will officially go into battle to fight the Chinese.

And the artillery squadron sent by the regiment is still looking for a firing boundary to ensure that the artillery shells will not fall into the concession. Isn't this asking the imperial warriors to advance against the Chinese machine guns and heavy machine guns?

But if he did not provide tactical support, he could definitely imagine that the twisted pig-headed face of the Third Infantry Battalion Captain Yin Teng Zhonger would curse at him at the post-war summary meeting. That guy was a lowly fisherman, and he didn’t care about the elegance of aristocrats. However, he had once been a palace maid, and there was an imaginative story behind it.

  A **** man who might have something to do with His Majesty the Emperor. Thinking of this, Toyoda Hide's head hurts.

 After struggling internally for more than a minute, the Japanese major finally gave the order:

“Order: The 1st Infantry Squadron and the 4th Infantry Squadron move forward to 400 meters in front of the enemy’s position, gather all grenade launchers and select a suitable angle to attack the enemy’s rooftop firepower point.

At the same time, let them each send out an infantry squad to conduct a feint attack to reduce the pressure on the left-wing position. The heavy machine gun squadron of the brigade is covered by shooting from the front and both wings, and the infantry artillery of the artillery squadron focuses on the bottom fortifications. "

Obviously, after losing more than a hundred soldiers, Toyoda Hide was unwilling to launch a strong attack when the Chinese heavy firepower points were not cleared by artillery. He ordered his subordinates to feign attacks to contain them. However, this was because of the vulgarity of the captain of the 3rd Infantry Battalion. He has the appearance of a scumbag whose origins are unclear.

Throwing grenades on the roof of the building so frantically with more than a dozen grenade tubes is still effective. It is almost equivalent to throwing grenades on the roof of the building from 400 meters away. Perhaps it is due to the lack of vision and the fortifications on the roof. The damage isn't great, but you still have to hide, right?

The four mortars on the roof were not only forced to reduce the frequency of firing, but also pulled out two to fight back against the front grenade launchers. The two Japanese infantry cannons more than 700 meters away lost seven or eight artillery pieces. But it was saved by luck.

The area where the grenadiers were on the roof of the building was naturally the key target of the Japanese grenadiers. The roof of the building was bombed into a mess, and the frequency of throwing grenades in the distance was naturally less than before, leaving the grenades flying. The remaining 30 or so people in the Japanese squad, who were almost crying after being tortured by shrapnel, finally took a breather.

Also taking a breath like them was their captain, Captain Kitakura Manto. At that time, I felt extremely grateful to His Excellency Major Toyoda Hide. I almost had the impression that the Major would accompany me in any way he wanted. The mood you put on.

Seeing that the attack intensity of the Chinese on the roof was greatly reduced, Beicang Mandu's originally cold fighting spirit was somewhat revived.

  If your 2nd Infantry Team occupies the building and uses the height of the building to suppress the fire on the roof, can the demolition team on the ground continue to move forward? To achieve the goal of a successful battle?

Within the field of vision of the Japanese captain's telescope, his 2nd Infantry Squadron of more than 50 people maneuvered at high speed in the ruins, marching more than 300 meters to avoid Chinese machine gun fire and entering the building.

From a distance, the khaki figure looks like a group of dung beetles who have discovered a dung ball, running extremely fast.

  Tactical execution, leverage.

 On the concession building a few hundred meters away.

The Imperial Brigadier General’s eyes behind the telescope were narrowed as the sun never sets: “After all, China’s commanders are a bit small!”

 “If I were him”

 Inside the warehouse building.

Tang Dao was lying on the corner of the third floor of the building at a lookout hole the size of a bowl, quietly watching the khaki figures more than 200 meters in front of him sink into the building one after another until the last one.

 Sighing out a breath, the Japanese commander's reaction was much slower than he expected!


“Remind our people on the shore to lie down on the ground! Speak in Sichuan dialect! Time limit, 30 seconds!”

 (End of this chapter)

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