Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 422: It's a myth

"Let's get them!"

As Tang Dao's finger touched the map, the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

Even the air seemed to have stopped flowing.

Everyone looked in disbelief at Tang Dao, who was like pointing the country.

All the school officers, including Lei Xiong, were desperately thinking about how to break this doomed situation. No one expected that at this time, their young commander would still want to attack the Japanese, and moreover... The heavy artillery brigade whose lives were valued by the Japanese.

Do you think they are just Chinese cabbage?

Isn't this because I'm so anxious?

For a time, all the school officials who had been in high spirits just now became dumbfounded.

"Battal Commander, let's calm down. Although the situation is very unfavorable to us, we have also fought against the Japs in the Sihang Warehouse. Thousands of Japs surrounded us and hundreds of us were unable to kill us. The Japs don't count on this." Ball!" The brave Lei Xiong did not support Tang Dao at this moment. Instead, he became a warm-hearted uncle, comforting Tang Dao who he thought was suffering from "lost heart madness".

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Tang Dao looked at the stupid geese in a funny way.

No one answered, but the look on his face said it all.

"In this case, if I said that this is the headquarters of the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, would you believe it?" Tang Dao pointed at the map again.

"Sir, how are you sure?" Zhou Dunhou asked blankly.

"Secret!" Tang Dao smiled freely. "But I can be 100% sure. Don't worry, I will not joke with the lives of the 3,000 soldiers in my advance group."

Yes, the location pointed by Tang Dao is exactly where the Japanese 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade is currently located.

The little butterfly who traveled through time could not explain to these people. What he knew was because the coordinates of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, which had cooperated with the 18th Division in time and space, were clearly written in the battle report later released by the Japanese army. , it is located in Liuxi Town, nine kilometers northwest of the Jiashan National Defense Line, and will be called Taozhuang in the future.

The Japanese 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade was stationed in Liuxi Town, which has the reputation of "Eighteen Towns in the Brook and the First Town in Liuxi".

Of course, the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade chose that place not because of the beautiful scenery, but because its location is extremely suitable, about 9,000 meters away from the front line. The Chinese army’s 75 mountain artillery with a range of only 6,000 meters cannot attack them. Those with a caliber exceeding 200 mm range cannot attack them. Heavy artillery with a height of more than 12,000 meters can also be extended rearward at the request of the frontline infantry commander.

Moreover, it is far enough away from the front line to ensure safety.

The Japanese Army has a total of 6 heavy artillery brigades, which are almost equivalent to strategic troops. They will be strictly protected every time they are dispatched.

Just like this time when the 18th Division violently attacked the Chinese defense line with three infantry divisions, an infantry brigade had to be sent to protect the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade. Even if it was temporarily deployed to perform military tasks, the commander of the 18th Division Niu Lieutenant General Shima Sadao also had to personally send a telegram to communicate and confirm with Major General Raishiro Sumita, commander of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade.

It was not for nothing that the Jiashan defense line had been hit by heavy artillery fire from the Japanese army for three or four days in a row. At least it was clear from which direction the shells overhead came from. After several days of contact with the headquarters through field radio for confirmation, Tang Dao was 100% sure. The location of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade remained unchanged.

But what if there is no change? Or what if Tang Dao said with absolute certainty the location of the heavy artillery brigade?

"But sir, there are thousands of people in a heavy artillery brigade, and there must be no less than an infantry brigade or even more infantry guards. How can we fight with these 3,000 people?" There was a ferocious scar on one forehead. The school official asked the most critical question.

If it were a defensive battle, of course 3,000 of them would not be afraid of the same number of Japanese troops. But if it were an offensive battle, the Japanese troops would defend themselves with barbed wire and trenches, and there would be a large number of heavy artillery behind them. This was not a knock on the door - --Looking for death!

"Battle Commander Zhao asked a good question, but unfortunately, they don't have exclusive infantry guards now." Tang Dao replied.

"I know!" Lei Xiong suddenly exclaimed and looked at Tang Dao in disbelief. "The infantry regiment that was transferred by the 18th Division to stop us is the escort infantry regiment of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade?"

"That's right, although the 18th Division has a large number of troops, it still wants to draw out a complete infantry regiment when it is fighting the main force of our army. It is impossible for him to think of it without drawing out the escort infantry of the heavy artillery brigade." Tang Daolian A smile emerged from above.

"But, how can my headquarters be sure that the Japanese have drawn out the entire infantry regiment? What if it's just half?" Another colonel asked.

"Several scouts and field radios have long been hidden in villages near the main battlefield. They will only turn on their phones and send reports when the Japanese army mobilizes troops on a large scale. In six days, they did not send more than three reports."

"Sir, could it be said that from the beginning of its establishment, our advance regiment was not only responsible for seducing the abandoned sons of the main force of the Japanese army, but more importantly, it was a knife that killed the Sixth Artillery Brigade?" Lei Xiongxuan Xu asked, his eyes could be described as horrified.

If this is true, it means that this attack that has not yet been formed was decided from that early morning six days ago.

No wonder, as an abandoned army, it is composed of the most elite troops in the army, including the guard battalion directly under the 67th Army Headquarters, two infantry division guard battalions, three cavalry battalions, guard battalions, and four-line battalions.

No wonder, as an abandoned army, it was able to summon a few elite air forces to help through the theater command. Destroying more than a dozen Japanese fighter planes is probably only secondary. The most important thing is to do everything possible to ensure the strength of the abandoned army!

Only such an elite army with sufficient strength can attack the heavy artillery brigade position that has lost the protection of infantry!

Lei Xiong even figured out why Tang Dao risked his life to harass a Japanese army of 8,000 people. It was probably not only to delay the marching speed of the 36th Infantry Brigade, but also to hurt them, anger them, and force them to seek help from the 18th Division when they had no choice, and then the infantry regiment was transferred away!

All the puzzles in the past suddenly became clear at this moment.

But who could make such a tactical plan six days ago? How did he know that the 18th Division of the Japanese Army would come to Jiashan, and bring the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade?

This is almost like two people playing chess. One of them hasn't made a move yet, but the other has already thought about where his piece will go in five moves.

This is not just a demon-like intelligence, but a complete monster.

As Tang Dao nodded with bright eyes, the answer was about to come out.

Although the two lieutenant generals of the command center were commanding, steady or resolute, based on their previous battle records, they could never be such candidates.

Apart from the young man in front of him, Lei Xiong couldn't find another person.

After Lei Xiong asked this question, the officers who reacted faster understood most of it, even if they didn't understand it as well as Lei Xiong thought, and looked at Tang Dao in horror.

"That's right. From the moment we divided our army and the two commanders Wu and Guo handed over the elite troops of the 67th and 43rd armies to us, the target of our entire army was the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade of the Japanese invaders. In fact, the heavy artillery brigade posed too great a threat to our army. If they didn't die, our army in Songjiang would suffer heavy casualties no matter what defense line they defended.

Don't think that the Jiashan national defense line can hold for six days. First, the enemy's heavy artillery brigade was deployed late; second, the Jiashan national defense line still has some fortifications that can resist heavy artillery; third, the main force of our army is almost flesh and blood fighting against the heavy artillery, and we will not retreat even if we suffer heavy casualties.

If the enemy's heavy artillery brigade attacks for another day or two, the losses of the three infantry divisions on the front line will exceed those of Songjiang. At that time, even if we want to retreat, it will be a rout." Tang Dao nodded, responding to Lei Xiong's guess.

"I'm sorry, because this is related to the life and death of my entire Songjiang army. It is top secret. No more than 5 people in the whole army know about this tactical plan named "Bayonet" by Commander-in-Chief Wu, so..." At the same time, Tang Dao expressed his apologies to the officers who were stunned by this shocking news.

After all, these officers had been following him with the tragic spirit of using their bodies as bait and dying on horseback from the beginning, and suddenly there was such a big turn. Everyone is like a chess piece placed on the chessboard by a chess player, and their fate is in the hands of others. I'm afraid no matter who it is, they will have to accept it.

Hearing Tang Dao's personal admission, from Gong Shaoxun on down, the officers all opened their mouths in disbelief.

From the "abandoned piece" chased by a vicious dog to the "bayonet" that can pierce the enemy's vitals fiercely, this is just like a myth!

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