Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 423 No one laughed!

Long time!

"Sir, what are you talking about? We are Chinese soldiers. We will follow the orders given by our superiors. We would rather not be chased like dogs by the Japanese invaders." Gong Shaoxun took the lead in speaking. "Sir, please give the order! Don't even think about going to the heavy artillery brigade. All the officers and soldiers of my cavalry battalion will go with you through the mountains of swords and seas of fire."

"Haha! Yes! Sir, don't say sorry to us rough guys in a flowery way. The Japanese thought they were going to kill us, but who knew we were still thinking of giving them a blow. It's so cool just to think about it!

Sir, all the brothers of the 107th Division Guard Battalion have done this with you!" The major with a hideous scar on his forehead also stood up.

"Zhao the bandit, I thought you were going down the mountain to rob! You're so good! You have to say that I'm going to beat the little devils, and I'll be trembling if I succeed." The stingy Zhou Dunhou laughed so hard that his teeth were showing.

Later, Tang Dao learned that before joining the army, Captain Zhao of the 107th Division Guard Battalion was a famous bandit in the Baishan and Heishui areas. He robbed not only the wealthy businessmen passing by, but also the supplies of the Northeast Army and the Japanese armory. The only people he didn't rob were probably the poor people who came from the same family as him.

This made Lieutenant General Jin, who was only the regiment commander at the time, furious. He led an infantry regiment to attack the mountain and captured hundreds of bandits of all sizes alive, intending to shoot them on the spot on the mountain top, forcing the bandit leader who had already fled into the mountains to surrender.

Later, Lieutenant General Jin saw that this guy was good at fighting and so loyal, so he spared his life and let him join the army as a soldier. Unexpectedly, this guy was a good bandit and a good soldier.

He actually rose from a private to become the most capable infantry company commander under Lieutenant General Jin in just four years, and was promoted to the battalion commander of the 107th Division Headquarters Guard Battalion. If he is given another year or two, he will definitely become the commander of an infantry regiment. His experience is legendary.

People familiar with him in the 67th Army nicknamed him "Zhao Bandit".

"Bah! You have the nerve to call me a bandit, why don't you say it! Everyone knows that you like to spend a lot of money on women's bellies, but you are stingy with your brothers!" Major Scar raised his eyebrows and counterattacked.

"Don't refute, if you have the guts, smoke and take out your stock to your brothers, I will never call you stingy again in this life."

"Haha!" The officers who thought they were at a dead end but were surprised to find that there was light at the end of the tunnel were in a good mood and laughed collectively.

"Commander Tang is here, I won't bother with you, it's just a few cigarettes! You're almost dead, what's the point of having cigarettes?" Zhou Dunhou patted his chest and said proudly.

"Hey, you, Goudanzi, come here and distribute your battalion commander's cigarettes to the commanders!" Scar Major struck while the iron was hot, waving his hand to shout at a row of guards standing more than 20 meters away.

"Yes!" A soldier with a smart face trotted over after hearing the voice, but his eyes first looked at his battalion commander.

"Distribute!" Zhou Dunhou's mouth twitched with some pain, and he waved his hand to give an order to his guard.

"How long will it take for your kid to distribute all these cigarettes? Come, I'll help you!" Scar Major snatched the bag from the soldier's hand, took out a pack of unopened Japanese cigarettes and handed it to the smiling Tang Dao. "Sir, you think about things the most, this pack is yours."

Then he handed another pack to Gong Shaoxun: "Boss Gong, you don't smoke, but the brothers have to smoke, right? Seeing the brothers in the cavalry battalion rolling dry horse manure with leaves to smoke, I feel so distressed! Really."

He handed another pack to Zhuang Shisan: "Deputy Battalion Commander Zhuang, we don't deal with each other much, but we have been brothers in the same trench since the Battle of Songjiang. These cigarettes are our greeting gifts as brothers. The gifts are a little small, please don't be surprised!"

This is definitely a smart person. There is nothing wrong with these few words. Not only did he give the cigarettes, but he was also considerate.

The people who took the cigarettes all shook hands with the scarred major with a smile, as if they had received a gold bar.

Especially Zhuang Shisan, at that moment, tears welled up in his eyes.

If it was acting, then the acting skills were amazing!

Perhaps only Zhuang Shisan himself knew what it felt like for a group of security guards to be truly recognized by this group of regular army elites.

Zhou Dunhou...

Zhao Tufei, why don't you go to the shit? Those are my cigarettes, how can they become your gift? If I have to say this, I should say it myself, okay?

As for the last pack of cigarettes in the bag, it was also emptied by Major Scar in Zhou Dunhou's extremely desperate eyes.

Although there are only eight or nine school officers, there are guards over there! Together with the pack of cigarettes contributed by the highest officer Tang Dao, dozens of men were happily puffing smoke in this field.

It seemed that the 36th Infantry Brigade, which was eyeing them seven kilometers away, was nothing but a fart, together with an infantry regiment that might be sweating and digging trenches more than ten kilometers away.

As for those who were extremely painful in their hearts, there might be some, that is Zhou Dunhou, whose stock was used up and even smoked so much that his eyes twitched.

It's okay to smoke your own cigarettes, but once everyone smokes their own, the cigarettes are not fragrant anymore.

But the joy of a new village after a dark period is short-lived.

Those present were all experienced soldiers and knew that the strategy that seemed to be previously planned by the commander was successful.

The elite of the entire army were gathered together to form an unexpected surprise force for the Japanese army. If Tang Dao's intelligence was correct, the distance to the heavy artillery brigade was less than 13 kilometers, and the Japanese were forced to withdraw the guards of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade. Everything was as planned.

However, attacking the heavy artillery brigade was not as simple as it could be. More importantly, the 36th Infantry Brigade behind them was like a maggot on the tarsal bone. What was the most natural reaction when they received the news that the heavy artillery brigade was attacked?

It must be that the whole army rushed over, even in the dark.

The Chinese knew the horror of dozens of heavy artillery in the heavy artillery brigade, and how could the Japanese not know its importance? That was something that both sides had to risk their lives.

"You all know that I need a strong army, right here, to block the attack of the 36th Infantry Brigade, and I can't retreat a step until the battle of my attack on the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade is over." Tang Dao threw down the cigarette butt in his hand, poked it hard on a map, and turned to look at the circle of officers around him.

The officers were somewhat silent.

They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid that they could not complete the task.

They knew the meaning of Tang Dao's words that they could not retreat even a single step. That was a desperate battle that could not be retreated even if the whole army died.

Even if the whole army died, it could not be considered to have completed the military order. Before the whole army died, the 8,000 Japanese troops were not allowed to cross the defense line. Only then could the task be completed.

Otherwise, the main force of the advance regiment that attacked the heavy artillery brigade position would suffer a catastrophe.

But, can this be done?

Not only was the military strength far inferior, but the land of Jiashan was all fertile fields, with crisscrossing water systems, and no natural barriers to defend. They even had only a few hours to build fortifications, and it was difficult to dig a trench that could bury most of their bodies.

Tang Dao did not speak, but waited quietly, waiting for these brave men in front of him to make their own choices.

He believed in these brave ancestors.

Because, in the past time and space, none of them had been cowardly, at least on this battlefield.

"I..." Lei Xiong was about to speak.

"Captain Lei, we can't let your Fourth Battalion take the lead every time. We are not made of clay. Let's give this mission to us!" Major Scar suddenly stepped forward, interrupted Lei Xiong, and said loudly: "Sir, my 107th Division Guard Battalion is willing to take the task of blocking the enemy for the entire army."

"Sir, my 108th Division Guard Battalion is willing to block the enemy for the entire army!" Zhou Dunhou also stepped forward.

The two majors who had just been arguing with each other smiled at each other, as if they had already known that the other party would do this, and then saluted Tang Dao together, "Please approve it, sir!"

Tang Dao's eyes slowly moved on the determined faces of the two majors, and his eyes flashed with praise.

As expected, he is the most elite guard force commander of the two infantry divisions. Facing the 8,000 Japanese troops who will definitely rush over and fight, he dared to stand up. His courage is already unparalleled.

"Okay! I will hand over some machine guns to you, and at the same time, leave the fire support company of the guard battalion to cooperate with you in the battle." Tang Dao ordered coldly. "But you have to remember that before my main force destroys all the heavy artillery, your two battalions and one company will not get any support. At the same time, before my main force achieves its combat objectives, if a Japanese soldier arrives to reinforce, you two will be subject to military law."

"Hehe, sir, if that happens, it means that I, Old Zhao, am already dead, and you can't whip my corpse, so you can only ask Zhou Laokou to whip him." Scar Major laughed.

"Get out of here, Liang, and say something nice!" Zhou Dunhou cursed.

This time, no one laughed.

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