Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 424 Farewell!

All the school officials present knew this.

Although Scar Zhao was joking, he still meant to say goodbye to everyone.

That might be the final goodbye.

Because the two armies that are about to separate will face their own difficult and dangerous battlefields.

No matter how perfect the tactical plan is, it will eventually have to go through the battlefield of blood and fire, and sacrifices are inevitable.

On such a battlefield, even as a commander, one must be prepared to die in battle.

This is awareness! Not to mention them, the two lieutenant generals from Gui Ru's headquarters had already left letters home before rushing to the battlefield.

No one made any more exclamations.

As Scar Zhao and Stingy Zhou took the initiative to step forward, the combat mission of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade was assigned for the surprise attack.

Next is the equipment distribution and tactical planning and arrangement hosted by Tang Dao.

The two guard battalions of the 107th and 108th divisions were each assigned 5 Oerlikon machine guns and 4 heavy machine guns on the basis of their own original equipment. These would become their most powerful heavy firearms to block the enemy, but that was Tang Dao's best effort. supported.

Because the main force he leads will face a heavy artillery brigade with thousands of troops. If the shell of the heavy artillery brigade cannot be quickly pried open, in retrospect, the heavy artillery brigade does not need to fire all the guns, only two Three doors can bury everyone in the wilderness.

In other words, as soon as the gunfire rang out, the main force of the regiment led by Tang Dao had only one direction, forward, forward!

Failure to break through the Japanese defense line was no longer a matter of failure of the combat mission, but the death of the entire army.

Therefore, he also needs sharp firearms such as machine guns. As the vanguard of the entire army, the 21 machine guns owned by the entire army were allocated to 10 of the two guard battalions, except for the Sulotong that the Sixing Battalion has been carrying. The twin-mounted machine guns are basically evenly divided.

Moreover, Tang Dao also allocated the fire support company of the guard battalion to the two guard battalions. The fire support company with 6 mortars will provide them with a 2,000-meter range of counterattack capability, which can at least help suppress the Japanese army's terrifying 70 mm infantry artillery bombardment.

Of course, the 36th Infantry Brigade also carries a mountain artillery brigade with 12 Type 41 mountain cannons. The two subordinate infantry regiments also have 4 Type 41 mountain cannons each. The total of 20 75mm mountain cannons is surprising. A heavy firearm that sends chills down your spine.

This is where the true bravery of the two Army majors lies.

They will bear the test of artillery fire with their flesh and blood on the plains south of the Yangtze River.

The army that blocked the enemy's reinforcements was brave and fearless, and the main force led by Tang Dao also required extraordinary courage.

It seems that the main force attacking the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade is 2,000 people, but the supply battalion and medical team are as high as 400 people, and there are more than 300 seriously injured people. The only soldiers who can really fight are more than 80 people from the Sixing Battalion and 600 people from the Garrison Battalion. , 270 people in the cavalry battalion, and 460 people in the guard battalion directly under the 67th Army, only 1,400 people.

"The whole army is heading west! Let's go!" Tang Dao, who had finished all the tactical arrangements, gave the order to continue marching.

The advance group continued to march towards the Jiashan defense line in a mighty manner.

The 36th Infantry Brigade, seven kilometers away in the rear, had completed repairs and set off ten minutes ago, and the smoke and dust stirred up could almost be seen with the naked eye.

Ten kilometers away from the advance regiment, a field four kilometers wide was already lined with trenches.

In the trenches, Japanese troops with more than 2,500 infantrymen in three infantry brigades have also entered the trenches and are waiting.

The Japanese Navy's reconnaissance plane once again passed over the head of the advance group an hour before sunset, accurately reporting the whereabouts of this Chinese force before entering the night to Ushijima Mitsuru and Ushijima Sadao.

"Yo Xi!" The two Ushijima brothers, who each had their own dreams, had satisfied smiles on their faces, and they unanimously praised their extraordinary wisdom even though they were more than 20 kilometers apart.

As their carefully laid net tightens, the Chinese, like fish at the end of their rope, can only become delicacies on the table of the Ushijima brothers.

Of course they don't know that at the last moment of sunset, the 'delicious food' in their eyes is split into two.

One part continued to march in the direction of the infantry regiment. They must keep traces of their marching route and not let the Japanese discover their attack intentions in advance. They would not turn around again until it was completely dark.

One part will go directly to Liuxi Town and launch a fatal blow to the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade that has fallen asleep a few hours later.

"Brother, take care!"

"The same to you!"

. . . . . . .

Although the two armies belong to different units, there are many people who are familiar with each other. They couldn't help but wave to each other at the moment when they passed each other.

There were no heroic words, nor a reluctant and tearful embrace, just waving hands.

Take care bro, hope to see you soon!

Although everyone knows that this farewell may mean never seeing each other again.

Death on the battlefield is the fate of a soldier. Most soldiers who are strong enough choose to ignore the sadness of farewell.

But Xia Dayu is still a child, even though he has experienced more cruel battlefields and witnessed sacrifices again and again, he has grown into an observer soldier that Niu Erdu is full of praise for.

However, he is only a teenager. He has experienced death and separation, but life and death are very rare experiences.

At this moment, he hugged Pang Dahai tightly, who was bending down to hug him goodbye, reluctant to leave.

During the time when Tang Dao was not around, in order to ensure the safety of the boy who had just entered the battlefield, Xia Dayu spent most of his time with the fire support company of the security camp. Pang Dahai took great care of him.

"Uncle Fatty, you must be careful!" Xia Dayu held back tears with red eyes.

He who has been following Tang Dao knows that compared to the main force of the entire army attacking the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, the fire support company and two guard battalions need to block the mad attack of an infantry brigade, and the risk factor is higher.

"You brat, don't worry about your fat uncle. Your fat uncle has experienced hundreds of battles and has never experienced any kind of battle. It's you. Remember, once the whole army enters charging mode, you should try to stay with the commander. I have seen him before. He is the strongest infantryman, and the Japs' bullets cannot bite him." Pang Dahai felt the young man's heartfelt concern, and his heart suddenly softened.

However, here is the battlefield where the two armies are about to rush to a decisive battle. The veteran's face can only become hard. He patted the young man's shoulder hard and gave the young man his final instructions in a low voice:

"Also, bald boy, you are a soldier now. Don't cry easily. Tears on the battlefield will only let your opponents see your vulnerability. If you want to win against them, you can only become more ruthless than them. Just like in Fat Uncle Me In the mountains back home, if you encounter a wolf, you can't run or retreat. If it bares its teeth, you must do the same, otherwise it will pounce and bite your neck off. "

"Yeah!" The young man replied angrily.

Then, feeling those fat hands rubbing his head hard, he watched the artillery captain resolutely turn around, wave and set off with the fire support company.

The boy who had been holding back tears suddenly burst into tears.

He really wanted to be like what Fat Uncle said, never shed tears on the battlefield, but he couldn't do it.

At least for now, he can't.

Tang Dao stood on the roadside with Lei Xiong and others. He wanted to see off the two guard battalions and the fire support company.

"Brothers, take care!" Tang Dao raised his right hand towards the advancing troops and placed it on his brow.

"Salute!" Lei Xiong, Gong Shaoxun and others all performed a military salute.

"Sir, see you later!" Scar Zhao, who was at the front of the queue, immediately returned the greeting.

"Salute!" Along with the roar, the marching soldiers saluted Tang Dao one after another.

That may be a scene that the soldiers of the advance regiment will never forget throughout their lives.

As the sun sets in the west, their supreme commander stands upright, raising his right hand high and placing it on his brow, like a road sign.

In front of him, smoke and dust billowed on the road. Groups of soldiers raised their right hands in a military salute, and kept walking, rushing to the decisive battle.

This is the highest salute a commander can give to his officers and soldiers.

And his soldiers responded with military salutes.

It is both a farewell and an expression of one's feelings.

In this battle, there is no victory or defeat, only no retreat.

Maybe it's not that Loulan will never return it if he doesn't break it, but the heroism he showed is no less than half as good.

Farewell is not just for teenagers and uncles, not just for superiors and subordinates, but also for men and women.

In the autumn wind in the wilderness, the sweaty sergeant finally found his beloved girl.

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