Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 49: My mentality was shattered

Chapter 49 The mentality is broken

 Yes, these Japanese troops are dead.

As long as you are not blind, you will know that they are dead when you see the main force of the Japanese army retreating frantically, leaving only the Japanese forward in the ruins.

Not only were their bodies covered with ashes carried by the air waves, but their faces were even grayer than the ashes.

 That is determined by the battlefield situation.

 A Japanese infantry squad and the building were reduced to ashes, but that did not mean the battle was over.

The Japanese troops in front of the warehouse were stunned by the sudden big explosion. In addition to the infantry artillery, which was still firing hard, the intensity of grenade and heavy machine gun fire was much less than before. The grenadiers on the roof of the warehouse regained their strength. Bomb drop strength.

  . . . . . .

  It took half a minute for the Japanese troops in front of the warehouse to react, and without Toyoda's orders, they fired even more crazily at the front of the warehouse with light and heavy machine guns and infantry artillery, but this was definitely not for the purpose of rescuing the Japanese troops on the left battlefield.

They had to get back their own people first. There were nearly a small team buried under the ruins of the fan.

Under Shangguan Yun's strict order, the first company responsible for defending the front of the warehouse was prohibited from taking up combat positions except for the veteran Youzi and Niu Er, two junior snipers with scopes who fired unannounced shots to pick up holes.

The sandbag fortifications that blocked the windows on the second and third floors were hit by infantry artillery shells and a large hole was blown out by chance. If someone was there, the outcome would be unimaginable.

The mortars on the roof completely abandoned the left wing, and fired a few shells from time to time at the front area where Japanese troops were active.

In the case of insufficient density, the lethality may not be great, but no one dares to take it lightly. How dare they move their hands and feet freely to save people?

 In Lei Xiong’s words, now we have to save artillery shells so that we can’t concentrate our fire on you, but eh, we just need to be disgusted to make you sick to death.

After all, there are only 500 mortar shells stored in the entire warehouse, and only 100 shells were fired in the two artillery battles in the early morning. The real decisive battle has hardly begun. No matter how nervous Lei Xiong is, at this moment It must also be used sparingly.

Of course, what's more important is that Lei Xiong is actually guarding against the mountain artillery that the Japanese army has never spoken about. Although the Sihang Warehouse is backed by the concession, the Japanese army's curved artillery must choose a safe enough shooting area and has not fired yet, but that does not mean that the Japanese army has not fired. The artillery could not find a suitable firing range.

Therefore, there are only two mortars at most that can be fired from the position on the roof. The other two, as well as the two mortars and the last machine gun that have been firmly hidden until the real decisive battle, are all hidden in the warehouse building. middle.

The Japanese troops in front of the warehouse tried their best, but they could only be disgusted by the slightly restrained Chinese mortars and the cold bullets flying from time to time, digging for their own people in the rubble.

As for the Japanese forward team abandoned by the Japanese captain on the left battlefield, they were destined to rely on themselves.

Japanese war correspondent Shuichi Fukuyama, who had the dream of witnessing history, also recorded this tragic moment in his battlefield diary:

“Blessed by Amaterasu! As the entire 2nd Infantry Squadron perished in the Chinese’s despicable trap, Captain Beicura Manto finally did not stubbornly launch another attack and chose to retreat.

 However, more than thirty warriors from the empire were abandoned on the battlefield.

 Yes, they were abandoned.

After hearing Captain Kitakura Manto's decisive retreat order, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time condemned my own cowardice, but I really didn't want to die. Under the sunset on the beach of Kobe, there was still my Aoi. Wait when I get home.

 But, when I took my last look more than 200 meters away, although I couldn’t see the faces of those imperial warriors clearly, I thought they must be very desperate!

I still have the chance to return to the beach in my hometown to watch the brilliant morning glow and embrace my beloved girl, but do they still have this chance?

 When the Chinese grenades exploded like raindrops on the battlefield again, I knew that they had no chance.

Captain Beicang Mandu will lose his second infantry squad this early morning. "

Shuichi Fukuyama finally witnessed history. Although he did not elaborate in his field diary, which was later used as a confidential document by the Japanese Army Ministry, the battle conditions at the scene were forever recorded in his mind.

 In a real battlefield, there is definitely not a sudden burst of submachine guns, and the enemy troops fall in pieces like thatch that has been cut.

The Songhu War lasted for three months. Who among the Chinese and Japanese soldiers who can survive to this day does not have a flexible brain and a strong heart?

The Japanese 3rd Infantry Group, 1st Infantry Squadron, 1st Infantry Squadron, which was completely abandoned by Beicang Mandu, actually had as many as 40 people alive on the battlefield together with the wounded when the order to retreat was given.

Except for the four grenade team members who were left behind, there were 50 Japanese infantrymen who advanced to the left side of the Sihang Warehouse fifty meters away. In the previous battle, bullets were flying all over the sky and grenades were raining overhead. Thanks to the many bunkers in the ruins and the strong individual tactics of the Japanese infantry, not as many people were bitten and killed by bullets and shrapnel as the outside world imagined. Ten people were killed in the battle, eight were lightly or seriously wounded, and 32 people were still in good condition. They also owned 28 rifles and two light machine guns.

Oh, yes, there are nearly ten people carrying five kilograms of explosive bags on their backs. If fifty kilograms of explosives explode, let alone 0.6 meters thick reinforced concrete, even if it is 1 meter thick, it can blast a big hole that can enter the tank. .

 In other words, for this thing to be effective, it must break through the fifty-meter line of death.

 But it is undeniable that this is not a force to be ignored anywhere. If you want to kill them, you must pay a certain price.

However, the Chinese defenders in the warehouse had no intention of fighting a decisive battle with them. The reason was so simple that we were short of men, but we were not short of equipment and ammunition.

As long as you are still there, grenades, submachine guns, cold guns and various postures are equipped, no matter how cold you are, you will be pissed.

Anyway, the second company responsible for the defense of the left wing of the warehouse is absolutely confident at this moment. It no longer relies on the firepower of submachine guns to suppress it, but has also begun to shoot accurately with rifles. However, at a distance of fifty or sixty meters, there is still a thick wall for cover. If you're not sure, don't say you're from the Royal Forest Army.

When encountering someone who insists on hiding in the rubble like a gray mouse, the soldiers on the lookout post will help determine the location, and the bombardiers above will throw it in that direction.

 In short, if the mouse doesn’t come out, then its nest will be overturned.

For the dozens of Japanese infantry who have completely lost their will to fight, their only way to survive is to let the two light machine guns that follow them 100 meters behind them and avoid being ravaged by grenades fire, causing a certain damage to the Chinese soldiers behind the shooting holes. Deterrence, trying to cover the retreat of some people.

However, as good fortune never comes singly, the Taisho 11 machine gun, which was the standard issue of the Japanese Army, misfired at this fatal moment.

Yes, the air waves generated by the blasting of the building did not cause harm to the Japanese troops due to the obstruction of the surrounding buildings, but the dust in the sky was inevitably scattered.

So, Miss Jiao, who always carried an oil bottle for lubrication and was most afraid of wind and sand, lost her temper and went on strike.

"Kill the cock!" After persisting in the ruins for more than ten minutes, a shirtless man with a white bandage on his forehead stood up in an awkward manner and roared loudly, wielding a pitifully short command knife. Point forward.

 Awesome! Whether they are Chinese, Japanese or Westerners, they all use two words to evaluate this product.

After returning to 600 meters away, Shuichi Fukuyama saw this through the telescope, and he burst into tears and wrote in his battlefield diary:

“That was the last time I saw Lieutenant Yoshino. Although I don’t know what he shouted, it was probably: “Onboard!” The empire is victorious! "Bar!"

 With this sentence, it stopped abruptly.

 Because, the Japanese second lieutenant died after not maintaining such an awesome image for three seconds.

 At least five rifles and two submachine guns were aimed at him at the same time. The Japanese Amaterasu gave him courage, but did not give him a golden bell and an iron shirt.

Because of the call of this Japanese second lieutenant, at least a dozen Japanese soldiers stood up from the ruins and rushed forward. Then, all the bushido spirit was annihilated in the blazing bullets.

As the last freshmen were shot and killed, the wounded Japanese soldiers still hiding in the ruins were no longer able to fight back. Whether they fled recklessly or continued to hide and hide, they were shot one by one or blown up by grenades.

 In the end, of the entire 1st Infantry Squadron, only the two machine gun groups that ran away when the situation was bad were probably spared.

 “What a shame!” Deng Ying, the second company commander, sneered and spat.

 “More stupid than a pig!” Brigadier General of the Empire where the sun never sets commented.

"Yoshino-kun's command error caused the 1st team to lose the final opportunity to retreat." Beicang Mandu put down the telescope with a livid face.

 (End of this chapter)

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