Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 50: Angry and angry

Chapter 50 Angry and Angry

 The gunfire on the left wing of Sihang Warehouse finally died down after 30 minutes.

 Because, there are basically few people outside the warehouse who can breathe.

  The Japanese troops in front of the warehouse dug frantically in the ruins for more than half an hour and then retreated collectively.

The sun that jumped out of the horizon is still gentle, emitting warm light that dispels the cold wind in the late autumn morning.

 The people on the banks of the Suzhou River in the concession were in jubilation.

Although the previous two small-scale battles ended with the victory of the Chinese defenders, anyone with a discerning eye knows that they were just mutual tests between the warring parties, and the battle against the sky was just a bowl of appetizer soup.

However, this offensive and defensive battle that lasted for nearly an hour was considered a tough one. The Japanese army used more than three infantry squadrons, at least four artillery pieces, and more than 20 light and heavy machine guns to participate in the battle, but the outcome remained unchanged.

 The defender wins.

  And it was a complete victory.

People don't know how many casualties the Japanese troops suffered on the front because of the distance, but they can really see the number of Japanese casualties on the battlefield flanking the warehouse. Just the bodies that fell in the ruins fifty meters away in front of the warehouse wall were huge. tens of.

The Chinese people were extremely excited, and more and more people came from far away from the concession to join the jubilant crowd.

This is the result of Brigadier General Smartet's categorical order an hour ago to set up barricades on all streets leading to the Suzhou River to block the flow of people.

You know, not counting the aboriginal people in the concession, the number of people who poured into the concession at the beginning of the Songhu Battle alone was as high as hundreds of thousands or more. If it is not stopped, once stray bullets or artillery shells fall into the crowd, there will be a shock to the whole world. The world's tragedy, then he, the commander of the concession coalition forces, can't even think about it.

But even so, nearly 10,000 Chinese people gathered along the 2,000-meter-long street along the south bank of the Suzhou River, which was comparable to a football final.

In order to disperse the crowds, all restaurants, shops, porridge shops and other commercial establishments opened by Chinese in buildings along the river are open to the public free of charge.

In fact, more than 80% of the bosses began to distribute tea and food for free. There was no big reason. Maybe they were just happy, or they hoped that everyone would save some energy so that they could have more energy to replace the opponent later. Brothers, let’s cheer!

The flashlights placed on the rooftops and at the best sightlines of each building were crackling and flashing. From a distance, they were simply brighter than the sparks from the muzzle of a machine gun that kept firing.

 Chinese and foreign journalists are going crazy.

 What’s the big news? This is it.

The remaining Chinese troops held on to their strongholds, and the Japanese troops attacked wildly regardless of the cost. As a result, nearly a hundred corpses were found in less than an hour.

The Japanese army who once falsely claimed that they had captured all of China in March had been severely beaten in the face. Now, they were defeated by their men and received a "chrysanthemum thorn".

  It is not less harmful and more insulting.

Perhaps, there is no one who is warmed by the autumn sun, except for the Japanese soldiers who are gradually becoming cold and hardened as they lie in the ruins, and that is the Japanese major who once hoped to write his name in the sky of Japanese history.

Hide Toyota, who has moved the headquarters back 800 meters away, stands in the headquarters and stares into the distance. He has maintained that posture for nearly half an hour.

 It has the feeling of a post-modern art sculpture. If his eyes were not so dull, and the sadness was mixed with some deep melancholy, the effect might be much better.

He has received the battle report from Beicang Mandu. Two fully-organized infantry squads were completely destroyed. Five heavy machine gunners were killed, three grenade launchers were killed, and six artillerymen were killed. This almost means that Beicang Mandu The 1st Infantry Squadron lost its combat effectiveness.

  At the moment when the big explosion occurred, Toyoda Hide thought that the idiot Beicang Mandu would be unlucky, but he never thought that he would be so unlucky that an entire infantry squad stepped on the oversized mine.

What's even more stupid is that an additional infantry team was left on the forward position. This big-footed pig must be! It's not that the north warehouse is full of pigs, but that the entire warehouse is packed with pigs.

There is no doubt that the blame for the defeat will be placed on the head of Beicangmandu Dashaque, but it is certain that he, the supreme commander, will also not fare well.

Compared to the loss of the left-wing position, what made Toyoda Hide even more heartbroken was the frontal battlefield, which was directly related to him. It was just firepower diversion. How could the loss be so great? When the battle report was reported to him ten minutes ago, the Japanese major was simply in disbelief.

Almost all the 50 people from the 2nd Infantry Squadron and the 3rd Infantry Team who were caught in the big explosion were buried. Fortunately, they were all in ruins without too many heavy objects. The other several infantry teams were relatively quick, and about 40 people were dug out. , but there are no more than 20 people who are still angry.

Forget it, after all, not everyone can be a tortoise. He can hold his breath in water for an hour. If he can get back half of it, it is already considered good.

 But because of rescuing the 20th person, as many as 22 infantrymen died under the cold fire of the Chinese. What the hell?

Especially when more than ten soldiers died from rifle wounds, it is really chilling.

 The precise shooting range of Chinese cold gunners is as high as 470 meters?

 It is unbelievable, but it is a fact.

In other words, the losses on the flank battlefield amounted to 110 people. That was because they were the main attack, and the 1st Infantry Battalion, which was used as a feint attack, actually lost nearly an infantry squad.

Amaterasu must be joking with him, Toyota Hide has not calmed down yet.

  No, it should be said that he was dizzy and excited when the commander of the 36th Infantry Regiment, Jiro Wakiba, angrily broke into Toyoda Hide's field headquarters.

 “Bang!” A big-mouthed man knocked the postmodern sculpture into a sky full of stars.

 All Japanese troops in the headquarters remained silent.

The colonel beat up the major. This may be the first time the 3rd Division has suffered this since the Songhu War began.

The captain of the infantry brigade, who can command 1,000 people, is already considered a mid-level officer in the Japanese Army. He is only one step away from being promoted to lieutenant colonel and senior officer, but he was slapped in front of others.

 You can see the anger of His Excellency the Colonel Captain.

Of course Wakibajiro was angry. If he hadn't had insufficient authority, he might have chopped the **** Toyoda Hide into several pieces and fed them to the dogs.

Nearly 200 people of the 1st Infantry Battalion have been killed so far and the battle damage has reached 20%. In fact, this is not the real reason for the anger of the Japanese colonel.

The 36th Infantry Regiment has been involved in the war for more than two months. From the 3,200 men who arrived on the landing ship to 1,500, the 36th Infantry Regiment lost more than half. He was not so angry.

As a nobleman, he was responsible for the honor of the entire family. The life and death of ordinary Japanese soldiers was not important. What was important was that as a commander, he won battlefield victories time and time again.

However, after paying such heavy losses, not only the stronghold of the Chinese defenders still stood, but the idiots of the 1st Infantry Brigade even touched their hair, and the nearest position was only 50 meters away.

  Intelligence agents in the concession have sent telegrams, and Western media are taking pictures.

 Various eye-catching headlines such as "The Japanese army was defeated by the Suzhou River!", "The Chinese are still holding on to Songhu!", and "The Japanese are in mourning!" have been freshly released and are being sent to all parts of the world.

 Is this just a slap in the face for him? Your Excellency, the brigade commander and the division commander, their faces were slapped by this guy in front of you, okay?

If you don’t beat him now, why don’t you wait until the New Year?

The Japanese colonel was full of frustration that "his subordinates made mistakes but he was stabbed in the valley with a stick", so he naturally used all his strength.

Toyota's show was really pretty. There was visible redness and swelling on the left cheek, and two lines of nosebleeds rushed out at the right time, staining the mustache under his nose and soaking the front of his military uniform.

What a shame!

  However, the postmodernist sculpture quickly adjusted its swaying body to stand upright, looking sincere about being beaten.

 When most people see this situation, they really can’t do it again.

 It is a pity that His Excellency Colonel is really angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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