Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 494: Digging up Lao Wang’s roots

"Did I agree to transfer those people to your independent battalion?" Wolong, who tried his best to adjust his mood, asked tentatively.

Although Lieutenant General Wu is also a straightforward person, there are many types of straightforwardness. This person who can stand out from the generals of the Northeast Army and become the new generation of the Northeast Army is also a person with a rough but delicate mind.

If it were a fool like Master Gu, he would be a brigade commander at most in the Northeast Army, which was constantly suppressed and reduced.

This was both a test and a reminder. Tang Dao, don't ask for too much from me. Although I agreed after being drunk, it was limited to a few people. If there were more, you'd better not open your mouth.

"How many people? Commander-in-chief, you didn't say that last night! You said that they would all be given to my independent battalion." Tang Dao seemed to be a fool who didn't understand the implication of Lieutenant General Wu and answered bluntly.

He even ignored the look from Lieutenant General Guo on the side.

‘You dead kid, you really take a chicken feather as a sword!’ Lieutenant General Wu felt a toothache, and he felt a little unhappy.

“Okay, tell me what I promised you yesterday? Transfer those people to your Colonel Tang’s independent battalion. Since you have made great contributions this time, I can help you coordinate with several division commanders.” Lieutenant General Wu raised his eyebrows slightly, but sat down at the simple field table first.

No matter how good Tang Dao is, he is still a subordinate. If he asks for benefits in the form of forcing the palace, the superior will certainly have some grudges in his heart.

Lieutenant General Wu’s behavior is naturally to tell Tang Dao with words and actions that I am the commander of the army. I will give you what I want to give you, and I can deny what I don’t want to give you, even if I said it when I was drunk.

He called Tang Dao a bastard, deputy director Tang, and battalion commander Tang, but this title of Colonel Tang was the first time for this lieutenant general, and his dissatisfaction was about to come out.

This guy is still too young! How can he be so ignorant and push his nose and face? Lieutenant General Guo on the side almost had a cramp when he winked at Tang Dao.

How could he, who had been a soldier all his life, not understand the attitude of his colleague? But Tang Dao, who was as slippery as autumn carp yesterday, was like a fool at this moment, still bumping into the muzzle of the gun.

"Uh! Commander-in-chief, didn't you say that the remnants of the Songjiang Security Corps should be incorporated into my independent battalion? Do we need to discuss this with those division commanders?" Tang Dao was stunned. "Oh, you mean, we still need to hold a military meeting to decide this matter! But I don't know when the Japanese will launch an attack, I'm afraid it will be too late to reorganize!"

"What? The remnants of the Songjiang Security Corps?" Now it was the turn of Wu and Guo to be stunned.

Looking at the "cute" face of Tang Dao Battalion Commander Tang, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu collectively said MMP in their hearts!

Tang Dao is really too good a cunning chicken. It turns out that what he was targeting was not a few army divisions, but the Songjiang Security Corps, which had the weakest presence in the entire Songjiang army.

The Songjiang Security Corps was originally a local security army. All personnel and finances were borne by the local government. It was not included in the establishment of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs. To put it bluntly, it was a militia.

They participated in the Songjiang Defense War because it was their territory and they happened to be there. Secondly, the theater command had no soldiers to send at that time. In order to appease the 67th Army, which was alone and went to Songjiang to "die", the Songjiang Security Corps, a militia, and the incomplete 43rd Army were used as supplements to fill in the almost deadly Songjiang City.

That means, you see, not only are you sending an army to die, but there are also two to die with you.

But this militia, which is professionally responsible for "accompanying death", burst into dazzling brilliance when its life was threatened.

In the street fighting in Xicheng District outside Songjiang, the Songjiang Security Corps fought well, delaying the Japanese infantrymen of Kunisaki Detachment and 114th Division for 24 hours and causing considerable casualties.

In that battle, the two infantry armies in Songjiang were recognized from top to bottom, and even the best battalion was incorporated into the temporary security battalion.

However, the courage forced by the threat of death could not make up for their lack of training and the shortcomings of never experiencing war.

In the defense of Jiashan Line, facing the aggressive offensive of the Japanese 18th Division, the three infantry divisions had tried their best to hold the line. The other two battalions of the Songjiang Security Corps that retreated here with the 67th Army also served as reserve troops and went to the battlefield at least three times.

Field battles are not street battles. This time, the Japanese will not close the distance to them to tens of meters as before to let their Mauser pistols and submachine guns play their firepower advantage. More often, they are attacked by the Japanese army with grenade launchers, machine guns, and rifles at long range, and they have to withstand bombardment of heavy artillery of various calibers.

After three battles, the Songjiang Security Corps, which originally had more than a thousand people, was directly crippled. One of the two battalion commanders was directly executed by the blood-thirsty Wang Gongyu because he was afraid of fighting and did not move forward, and the other fought hard but died under the artillery fire of the Japanese army. There were less than 500 people left out of more than a thousand people.

A security regiment that was once strong and powerful could not even gather an infantry battalion, becoming one of the troops with the largest losses on the entire defense line.

For this reason, Wu and Guo went to the Songjiang Security Corps, a militia unit, several times to send warmth. Knowing that people in the south of the Yangtze River like to eat rice, they also specially allocated several hundred kilograms of fine rice saved by the entire army for the wounded to them, which was both compensation and reward for them.

Wang Gongyu, who led the troops in person, was extremely grateful for this. Every time he saw the two of them, he would be in tears, which made Wolong Fengchu feel sorry for them. The two of them also discussed privately that unless it was absolutely necessary, they would try not to arrange this "militia" unit to fight in the future, so as to leave some assets for Old Wang.

Who knew that Tang Dao's eyes were really poisonous, and he even set his eyes on Old Wang's assets.

The terrible thing was that they agreed to it when they were drunk.

However, don't say that Tang Dao's little hoe was extremely skillful in digging. Compared with digging the corners of other infantry divisions, it was obviously easier to move the Songjiang Security Corps. What's more, from what Tang Dao said, it was no longer digging corners, but digging the entire wall to him.

Don't say that the Songjiang Security Corps' battlefield capabilities are not good. Tang Dao's vision is really sharp. After the two battles of Songjiang and Jiashan, the Songjiang Security Corps, which originally had 3,000 people, was reduced to less than 500. However, these 500 people who survived these battles were the best in terms of tactical ability and luck.

The battlefield is the most real melting pot. As long as it is not rotten wood or rotten iron sheet, it will be refined and become fine steel.

What's more, the equipment of the Songjiang Security Corps from the rich Jiangnan is the envy of the Northeast Army, Sichuan Army, and Hunan Army.

In addition to the various Mauser pistols and submachine guns in the hands of the infantry, which have great close combat firepower, they also have a heavy machine gun company with 8 heavy machine guns and a mortar company with 6 mortars.

During the Battle of Songjiang, only three infantry battalions were deployed on the battlefield. These big treasures were still hidden by Lao Wang until they were taken out and put into battle at the Jiashan front.

Until now, there are still 4 heavy machine guns and 4 mortars available.

If a war really breaks out, their role will be a few points greater than an infantry battalion of the Sichuan, Hunan and Northeastern armies.

If the whole team is dug over, the combat effectiveness of the independent battalion established on the basis of the Four-Line Battalion and the Guard Battalion will definitely not be reduced much because they are a "militia" force.

In fact, when they think about the combat effectiveness of this independent battalion with a strength of up to 1,100 people, it will never be inferior to an ordinary infantry regiment, and it is led by such brave generals as Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, the two commanders can't help but get a little excited.

Maybe that's the biggest reason why they agreed to Tang Dao at the wine party, not entirely because of drunkenness.

That is, what can Wang Gongyu say?

This guy dug up the roots of people's livelihood!

The contemplative Wolong Fengchu couldn't help but have a headache.

"Commander Wang, I have agreed!" Tang Dao was shocked.


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