Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 515: Secret Competition

The rules have been set. Regardless of winning or losing, these officers have to pay money to recharge the "disability fund".

In fact, originally, for the eight company commanders, the performance was not so important. They were company commanders of more than 100 people. No one required them to be sharpshooters. In addition, there were auxiliary arms such as the baggage company, artillery company, and fire support company that did not require much rifle shooting skills.

Perhaps the four infantry companies were a little bit competitive. The first company was inertially considered the spearhead company. Leng Feng, who was well-known, could not be inferior to the title of the spearhead company commander. If he did not get the first place among the company commanders, it would be a bit embarrassing.

For the other three infantry company commanders, there was also some pressure. They could win or lose against each other, but they could never lose to the company commanders of other auxiliary arms! At least that's what most officers and soldiers of the independent battalion thought.

But this is not necessarily the case. Whether it is the 3:1 odds that Lao Suanpan opened to bet that Captain Pang Dahai would not be able to enter the top five, or the threat from Battalion Commander Tang to Lao Suanpan to bet that Pang Dahai could enter the top three, it shows that they are actually very optimistic about the artillery captain's shooting skills.

For a while, the soldiers who only looked at the odds and bet that Pang Dahai could not enter the top five regretted it very much, but the rules of the gambling table are that you can't regret it after you buy it. If you want to take money to bet against it, the five dollars in your pocket that haven't been warmed up yet have been almost wasted. What else is there?

Of course, even if Tang Dao, the highest commander, did not explicitly prohibit it, seeing that he asked Lao Suanpan to hand over 90% of the winnings to the "Disability Fund", neither the winners nor the losers got anything good, it shows that he doesn't like gambling very much. Most officers and soldiers still have good eyesight and did not participate in this gambling. Otherwise, the new "Disability Fund" President Tan Tai Mingyue would have a large amount of funds in his hands.

Yes, Tan Tai, a journalist, took the initiative to ask to be the chairman of the independent battalion's 'disability fund', and promised to inject 10,000 yuan into it as start-up capital. All soldiers disabled in the independent battalion can receive 50 yuan in funding before leaving the army. If they die from serious injuries, they will receive 100 yuan in pension.

This measure announced in the afternoon is definitely a shot in the arm for the soldiers of the independent battalion who are undergoing a major reorganization with some trepidation.

What are these soldiers who mostly come from poor rural areas most afraid of?

It's just that after they die in battle, their parents, wives and children will have no one to support them. If they die, it may be okay. If they return home with missing arms and legs, they will become a burden to their families. What can the government's ten yuan pension be worth?

But if there are 50 or 100 yuan more, it will be of great use. Even if they don't buy cattle or land, the consumption alone can at least support the whole family for three to five years.

This is the most simple wish of the rural people, who account for 90% of China's population at this time, to let their families have a full meal.

Perhaps many people would think that this is a big pie drawn by Tang Dao, but the pen to draw this pie is held by Tan Tai Mingyue. They are willing to believe it, not only because of Tan Tai Mingyue's reputation as a great reporter, but more importantly, it is well known that Tan Tai Mingyue, who comes from a scholarly family in Jiangnan, has a rich family background and has the strength to invest 10,000 oceans.

Of course, for the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion who are gathering more and more at this time, it is worth looking forward to how the several infantry company commanders will perform in the officer-level shooting competition. What they are looking forward to is actually the "special operations team" that Commander Tang strongly advocated to establish.

They don't understand the so-called special operations, but a seven-man team actually has four second lieutenants and three first-class sergeants, and it is a deputy company-level unit. This is a kind of honor in itself. What ability do they have to enjoy this honor?

This is also what the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion look forward to.

However, some people secretly worry about Tang Dao. If the members of the special operations team perform mediocrely, even if they are just generally excellent, it will not only be embarrassing for them, but also for Commander Tang's face.

Of course, in addition to these two highlights, the biggest attraction is undoubtedly the Tang Dao.

Whether it is the Four-line Camp, the Guard Camp or the Security Corps, the legend of the Tang Dao magic gun is everywhere. It is said that the Tang Dao can blow the heads of the Japanese from a mile away. Many Japanese did not know where the bullets came from until they died.

Although it is exciting to have such a sharpshooter as your superior, most people have never seen it with their own eyes, whether it is an exaggeration or a real thing. Today, you can see his magic gun style.

As more and more people gathered, except for the necessary sentinels in various places in the independent battalion station, almost everyone came to see their superiors' show off.

Now the pressure on the big company commanders is greater than before. It is not a matter of paying more money, but that they have represented more than 100 people under their command and must go all out.

The two wounded company commanders who rushed back from the field hospital refused the kindness of their deputy company commander to replace them and decided to go into battle with injuries. It can be seen that they attach great importance to this "interesting shooting competition" triggered by a gambler.

The targets prepared for the eight company commanders were nothing special. They were the same as the targets used by the third company to test the precision shooters, fixed targets 200 meters away.

However, the difficulty was obviously greater than that time, because the light was dimmer. Looking from the hillside, most people only saw a hazy shadow of the target, not to mention the number of rings and the bull's eye.

"Oh my god, let me shoot. It's God's blessing that I can hit the target with one shot." An old soldier whispered to his colleague.

"So your kid is still a squad leader now, right?" The soldier next to the old soldier teased. "I'm not bragging for our company commander, I guarantee that he hits the target with every shot!"

"Your company commander Zhao Daqiang is also a tough guy. He ran away from the field hospital with such a big piece of meat cut off on his buttocks. Even if he performed mediocrely, I still respect him as a man." The old soldier gave a thumbs up to his old comrade.

"Your second company's company commander Li is a tough guy who pretends to be a pig but eats a tiger. Good guy, I heard that he has been in the army for ten years and has fought hundreds of battles. It is said that he has never even scratched a piece of oil skin? I wonder how his shooting skills are." The soldier heard his superior being praised, and he praised the other company commander with pride.

"That's not clear, but I guess at least he won't be worse than company commander Qian! Company commander Qian looks smart enough, but he is still a little young after all. If he can hit the target with two shots, I feel that he is not ashamed of the people of the second company of our old security battalion." The old soldier shook his head.

Obviously, for these veterans who have experienced the battlefield, although the 200-meter fixed target is not difficult, under such light, they did not have high expectations for their company commanders to achieve excellent shooting results.

But their superiors are much better than they imagined.

The most powerful one is not the four infantry company commanders, but Cheng Tieshou, the company commander of the fire support company.

He is the only one among the eight company commanders who is allowed to shoot with a light machine gun, because this Tietou company commander was a machine gunner from the beginning, so he naturally has to use his handy stuff.

Don't think that you can take advantage of firing 15 more bullets with a continuous-fire light machine gun. The recoil of a light machine gun is much greater than that of a single-shot rifle, which makes the trajectory of a light machine gun far less straight than that of a rifle. The reason why it is used as a squad-level fire support weapon is that it relies on firepower output and suppresses the enemy with the scattered bullets.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to concentrate all 20 bullets from a magazine of a light machine gun on a target that is no bigger than a washbasin at a distance of 200 meters.

That is equivalent to two machine guns shooting at each other at a distance of 200 meters. This person can shoot the opponent's bullets into a honeycomb, relying on accuracy, not on who is lucky or has more bullets.

But the iron-headed company commander did it.

"Da Da Da!" As he pulled the trigger, the human-shaped wooden target 200 meters away was visible to the naked eye. The wood fragments flew everywhere.

A magazine was empty and the target was completely smashed.

There is no need to check the wooden rake. All soldiers who have experienced the battlefield know that 20 bullets are almost accurate.

Everyone's hair stood on end. If you encounter such a machine gun shooter on the battlefield, what will happen to the human-shaped wooden target? The unfortunate person who encounters this person will have the same fate. You can definitely go and collect the hundred dollars with peace of mind.

The Iron Head Captain took the lead and used his visible might to reassure the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion who were watching. They had such an awesome fire support company commander, which was really great.

He was only using a light machine gun now. If he had a machine gun or a heavy machine gun, what kind of power would it be?

Moreover, a strong general has no weak soldiers. Having such a fire support company is definitely an extremely happy thing for the infantrymen on the front line.

Their superiors gave them such a morale boost, so the soldiers of the anti-aircraft fire support company were naturally very happy.

There was another surprise besides the surprise.

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