Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 516 None of them are good people

Five shots missed, and the commander of the baggage company, Zhao Chengxi, was the last one to take the spot as expected by everyone.

But what was unexpected was that this former commander of the security regiment, who was originally considered by most soldiers to be a miracle by God, actually shot 18 rings.

Five bullets, only two missed the target, two hit the outermost rings, and one hit the middle of the third ring. The result was not very good, even worse than the last of the 10 selected accurate shooters of the third company.

But this result still blinded many veterans.

The security regiment, what kind of people are they? They are not rogues, but most of them are the people behind the rogues. Relying on the "tiger skin" on their bodies, they are not only evil, but also domineering.

Especially the battalion and company-level officers, they are all rosy-faced and fat. Didn't you see that even after ten days of fierce fighting, the officers of the security regiment still have a noticeable belly.

The fat accumulated year after year is not so easy to get rid of. If the troops really run out of food, no one doubts that the officers of the security regiment are the ones who can hold on to the end.

This Zhao Chengxi can serve as the company commander of the baggage company. Not to mention other companies, even the baggage company basically thinks that this is a kind of balance for the other battalion commander Tang. In order to prevent the officers and soldiers of the merged security regiment from feeling despised, the two leading company commanders were given a military chief position.

Moreover, the security regiment, from the battalion commander to the company commander to the squad leader, are all equipped with an imported German 20-shot rifle. A magazine is 20 bullets. They are the king within 100 meters, but what about beyond 100 meters?

Even if there are people holding rifles, the hit rate is simply terrible.

In the street fighting outside Songjiang, this shortcoming was covered up by the almost face-to-face and nose-to-nose battles between the Chinese and Japanese armies, resulting in the security regiment officers and soldiers who are familiar with the terrain even having a great advantage in the shooting.

But when it comes to the defensive battle on the Jiashan defense line, the security regiment with solid trench fortifications can expose this shortcoming. The Japanese army attacked the security regiment defense line as a reserve several times in a row, and found that the opponent's close-range firepower was sharp, so they changed their strategy and suppressed it with rifles at a distance of 200 meters.

The security regiment was completely stunned. If they showed their heads to fight back, they would not only lose the ball, but also be used as a target by the Japanese infantry with excellent shooting skills. If they did not show their heads to fight back, the Japanese infantry would boldly crawl forward.

The closest one even approached more than 30 meters and threw a large number of melon-shaped grenades, so that the security regiment with strong close-range firepower suffered heavy casualties.

After three battles, the original thousand people were reduced by more than half to only 500 people, and the casualty rate was the highest in the entire army.

Even so, this is just the record of an infantry battalion of the Japanese. If they paid more attention and invested more troops, the security regiment would be wiped out before it could be delayed to form an independent battalion.

Militia is militia, and they still don't ask for anything! This is also the unanimous impression of the Chinese officers and soldiers on the front line on the security regiment.

In fact, even the officers and soldiers of the security regiment themselves are quite inferior. The little confidence they have accumulated in the battle outside Songjiang was destroyed by several field battles. Otherwise, Wang Gongyu might not be persuaded by Tang Dao to take the 500 remnants of the security regiment who regarded him as their lifeblood to do some "venture capital". It is not as simple as Tang Dao's analysis of the fierce tiger and digging a battalion away.

From the moment Wang Gongyu agreed last night, he completely became a commander without troops. The only ones he could command were two guards. Would the major general of the army accept it?

Of course, the security regiment without much spirit and energy also has benefits after this round of regular combat. The dross is removed and the essence is retained. Those who can survive are all tall people picked out from the short ones. Whether in terms of combat skills or mental will, they are outstanding among the militia.

Moreover, it is easier to accept reorganization. Even if most of the original company commanders and platoon leaders are demoted by half a level, most of them have no objection. The brutal line defense war let them see what real field combat is like, and they are indeed not as good as regular troops in this aspect.

But unexpectedly, this former security regiment commander is really not weak. In such an environment, he shot 20 rings with five shots of a rifle that he rarely used, which is worse than many veterans of the Fourth Battalion who are extremely proud in their bones.

What they don’t know is that this infantry company commander named Zhao Chengxi was promoted by Wang Gongyu to be the chief officer after two battalion commanders were executed and one died in battle. It was not just based on the official position.

Zhao Chengxi is the only officer in the entire Songjiang Security Corps who has attended a military academy. He was originally a platoon leader of the Central Army, but because his mother was seriously ill, he had to resign from the military and go home to serve his mother. This care lasted for two years until his mother died.

It was the beginning of 1938. Wang Gongyu, who was eager to improve the strength of his security group, came to him personally and offered him the position of company commander of the security group. Zhao Chengxi, who still had a heart to serve his country, looked down on the militia, but considering that his mother had passed away and his father was an orphan, he could join the army and stay with his father nearby, so he became a "militia" company commander.

Originally, Wang Gongyu also planned to promote Zhao Chengxi to be the battalion commander after one or two years, but the Patriotic War broke out before half a year.

It was this experience and Zhao Chengxi's outstanding performance on the battlefield that made Tang Dao appoint him as the commander of the baggage company. Otherwise, would the baggage company really be a porter for transporting supplies? When the battle situation is urgent, the baggage company is the last reserve in Tang Dao's hands. It is the last knife for the decisive battle. How can such an important chief officer as the company commander be given at will by balancing people's hearts?

Obviously, the foundation of a regular military school graduate is still there. He has not wasted most of the past six months in the security regiment. This pistol skill is reasonable even for the position of the main platoon leader of the infantry company.

Tang Dao was also very satisfied and nodded frequently.

"The company commander is mighty!" The officers and soldiers of the baggage company were also proud. Originally, they were prepared for the embarrassment of their company commander missing a shot.

Now, it is much stronger.

Compared with the company commander of the baggage company, it is beyond people's expectations.

The company commander of the first company, Leng Feng, won the first place in the company commander-level shooting fun competition with 48 rings as expected.

The sharp knife company is the sharp knife company, and the company commander is first-class strong.

What surprised everyone a little was the artillery company commander Pang Dahai. This artillery company commander, who was famous throughout the army for knocking down four Japanese soldiers with a gun barrel, actually scored an amazing 46 rings and ranked second.

He can fight with bare hands at close range, use guns to deal with people at medium range, and use artillery shells to hit you at a distance. This is simply an all-round talent!

"Company commander is awesome!" The officers and soldiers of the artillery company raised their heads like roosters who had just finished having sex with a hen.

"Fuck, what's the matter! If it rains now, believe it or not, it can drown those idiots in the artillery company?" The soldiers of the second company curled their mouths.


"The nostrils are facing the sky!"

"Haha, that's right!"

The second company was of course a little sour.

In fact, their veteran company commander was actually very competitive.

Li Jiujin quietly scored the same amazing 46 rings, but compared with the artillery company commander's score, it was not so amazing.

That's right! You, an infantry company commander, have similar shooting skills to the artillery company commander. What's there to be proud of?

In comparison, the mentality of the third company was much calmer. Their company commander Qian Dazhu once defended an infantry platoon position alone to block a Japanese infantry squad. No one could match his exploits. Moreover, he was the youngest, and his shooting skills were slightly inferior to those "old guys", which was completely acceptable.

Therefore, Qian Dazhu's score of 31 rings, ranking third from the bottom among the eight company commanders, did not disappoint them too much, but was expected.

However, Zhao Daqiang, the former ace guard of the Army Lieutenant General, was a bit off the mark. His score of 39 rings was very good, but he could only rank in the middle and lower reaches of the four infantry company commanders. However, it was inevitable that his hip injury would affect his performance.

Peng Chong from the special forces company even hung up his arm and insisted not to let his deputy company commander take his place in the competition. With one arm and one crippled hand, although he took the longest time and scored the second-to-last 20 rings, he was already worthy of his position as the company commander of the special forces company.

If he waited until his injuries were healed, the special forces company firmly believed that even if he could not match Leng Feng, who almost hit the bull's eye with every shot, he would definitely not be inferior to the gods like Li Jiujin and Pang Dahai.

The company commanders selected by the eight Tang Daos were all good in their own ways, and none of them was a good person.

The second group of people who walked to their shooting positions with guns were the seven people from the special operations team.

However, a request made by the captain of the special operations team almost shocked the soldiers watching.

Crazy! Too crazy!

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