Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 517: Talent show of the special operations team (Part 1)

"As a special operations team, we certainly cannot have the same standards as ordinary infantry companies. We require the target to be moved back another 150 meters!" Gu Xishui stood at attention and reported to Tang Dao.

"Accurate!" Tang Dao smiled slightly.

He knew that this was also a strategy that Gu Xishui wanted the infantry to know about them.

Either don't show it, or if you want to show it, hit the soul directly.

It is a direct-attack tactic unique to soldiers.

The special operations team has high ranks and high salaries, but few personnel. Such a special organization is naturally difficult to understand for officers and soldiers of this era.

If you want to prove that you are worthy, the simplest and crudest way is to exceed the standard for ordinary infantry as Gu Xishui requires.

Of course, he must also have such strength, otherwise he will be "drawing a tiger but not a dog" and be laughed at.

If you want to be recognized, you still have to rely on strength.

"350 meters, this must be a special shooter! Could it be that everyone in the special operations team is?" A soldier couldn't help but take a breath.

First of all, the shooting distance of 350 meters is close to the effective range limit of the Zhongzheng rifle and Liao-made 13-type rifle equipped by Chinese soldiers. Even if the Japanese-style 38-type rifle has a longer barrel and a straighter trajectory, the Japanese soldiers with excellent shooting skills cannot hit the target with one shot at such a long distance.

The most dangerous shooting distance for Japanese infantry, which makes Chinese soldiers quite scared, is mostly between 250 meters and 300 meters. Very few can accurately hit beyond 350 meters.

What's more, the sky is getting darker and darker now. If the wooden rake 200 meters away is already hazy, then the wooden target moving backwards can almost only see a vague shadow.

Perhaps only a special shooter can complete this seemingly impossible task.

Special shooters, generally speaking, it is good for an infantry battalion to have one, but the newly established independent battalion has seven at once?

If so, it is not surprising that they are of high rank.

"How is it possible? A top shooter is not fed with a lot of bullets. Although Gu Xishui and his men have made great achievements in the war, as far as I know, they have not been in the army for a long time. Even if they have shooting talents, there won't be seven of them all at once!" An older soldier answered his colleague.

Soon, their doubts were answered.

First, there were more wooden targets placed in the distance, up to 12. Secondly, in addition to the distance of 350 meters required by Gu Xishui, the placement of the wooden targets was slightly different from the shooting of the eight infantry company commanders. They were arranged in groups of three, that is, the distance between the three wooden targets would never exceed two meters. From a distance, they were almost three vague shadows next to each other.

The 12 wooden targets were divided into four groups, standing in the wilderness in the distance.

What does this mean? Most officers and soldiers were confused.

"There are seven people in my special operations team, divided into two groups, consisting of three people, a shooter, a fire supporter, and an assaulter. One group of shooters is equipped with a Mosin-Ganna rifle with a scope and a Mauser pistol, a fire supporter is equipped with an MG34, and an assaulter is equipped with an MP28 submachine gun and a grenade launcher. The second group of shooters is equipped with a regular rifle with a scope and a Mauser pistol, a fire supporter is equipped with a Czech light machine gun, and a Mauser pistol, a grenade launcher, and a broadsword! Captain Gu Xishui is equipped with a telescope, a submachine gun, and a signal gun, and is responsible for carrying a field radio in wartime." Gu Xishui reported loudly to Tang Dao. "So, our unit is not a single soldier as a combat unit, all attacks will be presented in the form of a three-person team."

"Accurate!" Tang Dao smiled and nodded.

This structure had been discussed in depth with Gu Xishui, the commander of the special operations team he selected, after he arrived at the base, and a list of personnel was provided for him to choose.

What Tang Dao values ​​about Gu Xishui is not only his shooting level and bravery, but also his mind. Although he has no experience in special operations, Tang Dao believes that with him as a teacher and the cruel battlefield as a training ground, Gu Xishui will definitely become one of the best special forces soldiers of this era.

In two days, the young second lieutenant who had to get out of the sadness after receiving a new mission did a good job. In addition to Niu Er, the special shooter, who he would choose anyway, he also selected five other soldiers headed by Heizi.

Two grenade launchers, two machine gunners and two precision shooters are enough to form two firepower teams that will scare any infantry squad.

Especially if they also have heart-pounding accuracy.

There are only two MG34 machine guns in total, one was given to the special operations team, and the other was left by Tang Dao in the guard platoon of the special forces company, so the other team can only use Czech light machine guns to provide firepower support.

But by now, the officers and soldiers had understood that what the special operations team wanted to show everyone was not the level of a single soldier, but the firepower accuracy of two groups. No wonder there were three targets in a group. I think they were prepared for the shooter, machine gunner, and grenade launcher, one for each person.

However, no one thought that Gu Xishui, as the captain, was taking advantage of the situation. Instead, they were all shocked again.

Including the hundreds of people in the original security group, all those present were veterans with battlefield experience. They knew that the difficulty of such combined shooting was undoubtedly much greater than that of individual shooting.

For example, for a grenade launcher, 350 meters is far enough away. It is not easy to destroy the wooden target with the grenade's air wave. But less than two meters away is the target of his companion. If it is not accurate to the centimeter, the wooden targets of the other two may be blown up by the grenade launcher alone, which is embarrassing.

Although it is an extremely rare accuracy, Gu Xishui's confidence that he is the strongest soldier just now was thrown into the Huangpu River.

"Four groups of targets, I want to ask Captain Leng Feng to be the commander. You can choose two groups at will. If the shooters, fire supporters, and assaulters of our special operations team cannot destroy their respective targets within ten seconds, our special operations team is willing to donate twenty dollars each!" Gu Xishui made another request.

"Okay! I will be the commander of the special operations team for once!" Leng Feng, who has always been cool, was rarely in high spirits and agreed.

No one thought Gu Xishui was crazy anymore.

That's because he was already confused by the madness of the new lieutenant captain of the special warfare team.

Leng Feng randomly designated the target and destroyed each target within ten seconds. This was an extremely difficult task for rifle shooters, machine gun shooters, and grenade launchers. The time left for them to aim was not even more than three seconds.

Two minutes later, the soldiers in the distance waved the red flag fiercely to indicate that everything was ready.

"Special warfare team one, the third group of targets, shooter target No. 2, grenade launcher target No. 3, machine gunner target No. 1! Special warfare team two, the first group of targets, shooter target No. 1, machine gunner target No. 2, grenade launcher target No. 3!" Leng Feng stood between the two groups of the special warfare team that were ready and gave the order with a cold face.

Even the target numbers of the shooter, machine gunner, and grenade launcher were designated, and the difficulty was obviously increased again.

At this time, the officers and soldiers watching were no longer so concerned about the final shooting results of the special operations team. In their opinion, if the grenade throwers blew up the three targets in each group, it would be a good result.

Obviously, they underestimated their comrades.

The composition of the security battalion was dug by Tang Dao from the 67th Army and the 43rd Army with almost harsh eyes. The Four-line Battalion was the elite of the Imperial Guards who came out of the war. The two elites who were baptized by the war again, the few soldiers selected from the best of the best, who is weak?

Not to mention Niu Er and Hei Zi, the two most talented soldiers valued by Tang Dao, the two grenade throwers were also great men who made great achievements in the Songjiang Defense War.

Many people are like this. They don't show their potential in normal times, but when they encounter danger, they burst out their potential in a blowout manner.

The two were the most ordinary grenade throwers in the 67th Army before, and their military rank was only corporal. However, in the Battle of Songjiang, one destroyed three light machine guns and one heavy machine gun of the Japanese army; the other continuously exchanged fire with Japanese grenade throwers and killed five groups of opponents, while he himself was miraculously unscathed.

Not only was he brave and accurate, but he was also good at swordsmanship. He carried a big sword on his back wherever he went. When he encountered the Japanese army in the street fighting, a grenade thrower who was originally staying in the rear killed two Japanese invaders with one sword. He was simply a natural assaulter.

The name was also well chosen, named Cai Dadao.

Others were promoted two or three levels, but Cai Dadao was promoted four levels in one go, becoming the highest level of sergeant. How could Gu Xishui let go of such a treasure? If it weren't for the need to disrupt the original organization and reorganize it this time, he probably couldn't dig this amazing person from Li Jiujin anyway.

If the first group is stronger because of Niu Er and Hei Zi, then this grenade thrower named Cai Dadao is the strongest supplement to the second group.

"Bang! Bang!" The two grenade throwers were the first to test fire...

PS: It's the last day, everyone vote as fast as they can. Also, here to answer a book friend's question about these few "off-track" pictures, mainly because of the continuous battles, I think the book friends will be nervous and a little tired, so I deliberately wrote some reorganized plots at such a juncture, and I also hope that everyone can relax. There will be another series of battles later, and it will be nervous again.

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