Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 55: To alert the snake (Part 2) (Monthly tickets are doubled, please give me monthly ticket

Chapter 55: Alarming the Snake (Part 2) (Double monthly pass, please vote!)

 Everyone outside the battlefield was worried about the abnormal behavior of the Japanese army.

The officers in Sihang Warehouse were naturally not at ease.

 Lei Xiong borrowed the telescope of Battalion Commander Yang Ruifu and lay down next to Tang Dao to observe for a long time. He only saw the Japanese infantry digging trenches 600 meters away, sweating like rain, as if I can't attack and trap you by digging trenches.

He couldn't help but tugged at his collar anxiously, and suggested to Tang Dao: "Brother Tang Dao, you are good at shooting. Come on, try a few shots. You might be able to kill some of them. What do these stupid Japanese guys want to do?"

Tang Dao smiled slightly, but did not refute Lei Xiong's impossible suggestion.

 In fact, based on the effective range of a formal rifle and the somewhat crude but absolutely effective 4x scope, more than 600 meters is not such an insurmountable distance.

However, killing one or two Japanese soldiers is at best very humiliating to the Japanese army, but it does no good to Sihang Warehouse at all. It also lets the Japanese army know that there is a super sniper on the opposite side. Senior officers would hide more closely.

Any tactics must serve the strategy. The current strategy of Sihang Warehouse is to hold on as long as possible and let the Japanese army rack their brains to hit the south wall.

However, Tang Dao also knew Lei Xiong's subtext: Since your rifle doesn't work, brother, let me use the machine gun to kill them. You can help me and tell the regiment deputy and battalion commander!

He put away the rifle he took from Lao Lao Youzi and threw it back to Li Jiujin, who had been keeping Kuhaha by his side. He sat down with his back against the wall, tossed a cigarette to Lei Xiong, and took out one and lit it himself:

“Captain Lei, please pull him down! Haven’t you had enough fun before? Even if you have already shot a few bullets, do you think the two officers will allow you to use the cannon to kill mosquitoes?”

 “Hey!” Lei Xiong looked outside sadly, turned over and leaned against the wall with some dejection, and took a deep puff of his cigarette. "I'm not thinking that the Japanese must be up to something and want to cause trouble for them!"

"The Japs are not fools. Seeing that the infantry can't attack by force, and howitzers and infantry artillery are taking turns to attack, it doesn't work. Naturally, they have to use their brains." Tang Dao puffed out a puff of smoke without moving his eyelids.

“Do you know what tactics our 26th Division used to fight the Japanese army in Dachang Town for seven days and seven nights?”

"This is your 26th Division." Lei Xiong didn't answer, but he extended his thumb to Tang Dao and praised the 26th Division first. "I have been a soldier for so many years and rarely accept that. However, your 26th Division defeated only 600 people and did not lose any ground. For this reason, I accept it, brother."

“By the way, let’s talk about those tricks you use.”

 The jump is huge! Tang Dao is also adapting to Lei Xiong's style of random mind jumps.

"It's just the soldiers coming to block the water and the earth. Just wait for the Japanese army to take action. When they finally have no more moves, the battle will be almost over." Tang Dao said calmly, but his eyes slightly turned to look in another direction. .

 “This” Lei Xiong was stunned.

Isn’t this the same as not saying anything at all?

"What's wrong? Brother?" Lei Xiong suddenly noticed something strange about Tang Dao.

Tang Dao looked at the flower dog "Hammer" who had been lying next to Niu Er!

 ‘Hammer’ is a wild dog, but it is definitely a wild dog that amazed the officers and soldiers in the warehouse.

Take the previous shelling by the Japanese army as an example. Each shell was either on the roof or in the middle of the wall. It was like someone was beating the warehouse with a huge hammer. The entire warehouse was like a ship in the stormy sea. , no one knew whether they would be submerged in the crazy Japanese artillery fire at that moment.

Even a strong soldier like Lei Xiong was a little shaken, let alone others. Although many soldiers were not crying for their fathers and mothers in fear, there were many who had pale faces.

But ‘Hammer’ was surprisingly calm. He stretched his front legs forward and stuffed his head into his leg sockets, looking resigned to his fate.

 So much so that the old soldier Youzi joked about his comrades in the class: They are all bitches, they are worse than a ‘hammer’!

Even though veteran Youzi himself was holding his gun and hiding in the corner like a ball when the bombardment came, he didn't make it easy to see.

Many people even suspect that Hammer's ears have been deafened by artillery fire. Otherwise, no matter how well-trained a dog is, it is impossible to be indifferent to such an environment. This is beyond people's understanding of dogs. .

 But obviously, not.

When someone comes this way from more than 20 meters away, Hammer's eyes will look over there, and his hearing is absolutely excellent.

 In the end, Tang Dao gave the answer. As a dog that has survived on the battlefield for at least half a month, and even his own home was blown up by artillery fire, ‘Hammer’ should have been used to the rumble of cannons.

Maybe it also knows that it has nothing to do with that weird thing that can blow up the whole house once it explodes, so it has learned to let nature take its course.

The reason is quite ridiculous, but I can’t seem to find a reason to refute it.

 But now, Hammer, who had been lying quietly, raised his head, and his ears were trembling slightly.

Tang Dao's eyes flashed slightly, he picked up Lei Xiong and left, "Here comes the Japanese trick."


Lei Xiong is not a fierce and aggressive person. In fact, his thoughts have a delicate side. Combined with the performance of the "hammer" and Tang Dao, and the Japanese army clearly did not have any offensive behavior on the battlefield, an extremely ominous possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The Japanese army actually used planes!" Seeing Tang Dao and his two men rushing into the headquarters, the lieutenant colonel's expression suddenly changed.

Before he could stand up, there was a huge noise coming from the opposite side.

“Brothers, be careful, the Japanese plane is coming!”

 Obviously, the people were eager to alert the Chinese defenders in the warehouse, and they did not even have time to write the slogans that had been tacitly agreed upon before.

 Then, a dull "buzzing" sound spread from the invisible sky to everyone's ears from far to near.

The two signal soldiers who were responsible for looking out the window here and communicating with the people also ran into the headquarters: "Sir, the people have informed me that there are two enemy planes flying towards our warehouse, heading due east!"

 That was the direction of the sea. The lieutenant colonel's eyes narrowed slightly.

 “Ouch! Good riddance to you, the Japs’ plane is indeed here.” Lei Xiong was not surprised but overjoyed, his eyes as wide as copper bells. "Well done, I've been waiting for them for a long time."

  Eager eyes were cast on the Army Lieutenant Colonel: "Regiment Vice, I think we can let the No. 2 machine gun participate in the battle this time. If we can shoot down a Japanese plane, it will not be in vain for the fellow villagers to cheer us up."

The Army Lieutenant Colonel raised his eyes and looked out the window. Because the Japanese planes were coming, most of the people either hid in their houses or evacuated further away. However, there were still many people raising their arms and shouting on the street, which was to remind dozens of people. The defenders of the warehouse were roughly a few meters away from the Japanese planes, even though they knew that if an aerial bomb was missed, they would definitely die if they were left on the street.

As for the Sihang Warehouse itself, the walls are too strong to be damaged by 75mm howitzers and cannons, but this does not include aerial bombs exceeding 200 pounds.

Not only the explosive energy of the aerial bomb itself can destroy the building, but what is even more terrifying is that the aerial bomb uses the terrifying kinetic energy of falling hundreds of meters or even kilometers to break into the building and then explode.

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

Even if the Japanese planes are not shot down, they cannot be allowed to drop bombs comfortably.

Clenched his teeth slightly, and was about to give the order when he suddenly saw Tang Dao's brows frowning, but his heart moved slightly.

“Platoon Leader Tang, what do you think?”

 (End of this chapter)

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