Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 56: (In the new January, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

Chapter 56: Take advantage of the situation (It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

 Why did the Japanese plane arrive so early?

 In fact, Tang Dao also felt a little surprised.

In the past, the Japanese army, after being unable to attack itself for a long time and suffering heavy casualties, finally used aircraft. However, instead of dropping bombs, they flew directly close to the edge of the concession and fired machine guns at the roofs of the buildings.

That did not scare the Chinese defenders in the warehouse, but it frightened the Western "gentlemen" in the concession. They repeatedly put pressure on the Chinese government, forcing them to order the Sihang Warehouse defenders to retreat into the concession.

Yes, it was not the Chinese and Japanese warring parties that finally ended the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, but a group of foreign spectators on the edge of the battlefield who were worried that they would be accidentally injured.

But now, although the Japanese army has suffered setbacks in two consecutive battles, it is only a small defeat. It is not to the point where they can use fighter planes to drop bombs regardless of the warnings of the Western world. Even if it is machine gun fire, there is still the risk of shooting bullets into the concession.


"Sir, if the Japanese can use fighter planes to bomb the edge of the concession with just a junior officer, then I am really impressed by the decentralization of the Japanese military command structure." Tang Dao replied firmly.

 “You mean you’re bluffing?” The lieutenant colonel’s brows furrowed further.

Tang Dao's words are not unreasonable, but as the top commander in the warehouse, he must be responsible for the more than 400 brothers under his command. It is still the same sentence: you can die, but you can't die worthless.

Obviously, being killed by bombs dropped by Japanese aircraft in a warehouse would not only be worthless, but would even contribute to the arrogance of the Japanese army to a certain extent.

“Brother Tang Dao, how sure are you?” Lei Xiong was almost stunned. "What is the purpose of the Japanese doing this?"

He also heard what Tang Dao meant, which was that the Japanese fighter planes were just here to scare people. Do you think the Japanese aviation fuel was blown by the strong wind?

"The Japanese dispatched fighter planes, and of course they won't do it in vain." Tang Dao listened to the faint buzzing sound in the air, his eyes cold: "I'm afraid they want to see our machine guns!"

By this time, the Army Lieutenant Colonel finally made up his mind:

“Lei Xiong, send someone to the top of the building to observe the height and distance of the enemy plane.

Also, follow orders and then act. Anyone who dares to act without authorization will be subject to military law. "

Although Lei Xiong was a little unwilling, the military orders were overwhelming. People in the military said that practicing military law was no joke. Especially in this kind of war, violating military orders would cause your head to fall instantly.

"Report, the enemy plane is about 1,200 meters high and about 1,000 meters away from our warehouse in a straight line. It has begun circling in the air and may enter the battlefield at any time to drop bombs." A senior machine gunner ran up to the roof. After visual inspection for a while, he ran Come down and report firmly.

After hearing the machine gunner's report, the Army Lieutenant Colonel's stern face became much more relaxed. He glanced appreciatively at Tang Dao, whose expression remained unchanged, and then turned his gaze to the sky outside the window again. He hummed softly: "Platoon Leader Tang is right. The Japanese pirates are really playing tricks on themselves.”

"What do you mean? Lao Lei, do you understand?" Deng Ying, who had been silent for the whole time, quietly poked Lei Xiong, who was a little embarrassed next to him. "Why can the regiment commander be sure that the Japanese are playing tricks on them?"

Lei Xiong rolled his eyes at him and replied angrily: "How many directions in our Sihang Warehouse can the Japanese drop bombs without dropping them into the concession?"

 “Let’s go from east to west!” Deng Ying thought about it carefully and gave an uncertain answer.

"That's it. The Japanese fighter planes are flying from the sea in the east, so they are still circling! Just drop the bombs and that's it." Lei Xiong spread his hands in frustration.

  “You stupid little devil, he is just a showman. It seems that he will not be able to lower his height, and I will no longer be addicted to it.”

"Hey, Captain Lei, I don't think so." Tang Dao smiled faintly.

"The devils have already taken action. If we don't play with them, wouldn't they be lonely?" "Haha, that makes sense!" the Army Lieutenant Colonel laughed loudly, with a rare look of perseverance in his eyes.

"Order, the No. 1 position of the machine gun company drags the machine guns and heavy machine guns from the traffic trench to the roof of the building and enters the fortifications, and fires at the enemy aircraft. But you must remember that the shooting should not exceed 30 seconds before you immediately withdraw into the building. , No one should be willing to fight. Anyone who violates this will be subject to military law."

 “Brothers, let’s get to work!” As soon as he heard that he could indulge in the addiction of **** airplanes, Lei Xiong didn’t care to continue talking to Deng Ying, and took big steps towards the roof of the building.

A machine gun squad that was already on standby carried a 200-kilogram machine gun along the traffic trench and entered the fortification. It took almost only two minutes for the machine gun to be ready.

First the heavy machine gun spoke, and then Lei Xiong, who personally sat in the fighting position, controlled the machine gun and started shooting. However, this time Lei Xiong did not empty a bullet plate in one breath like before, but used burst firing to aim. Shooting from two Japanese planes circling in the sky.

The two Japanese planes did not lower their altitude much. After being attacked, they immediately raised their noses and raised their altitude using conventional tactics, and passed over the roof of the Sixing Warehouse at high speed.

Lei Xiong was not willing to fight either. He immediately jumped out of the fighting position after emptying a springboard, and ordered a group of brothers to run away carrying the machine gun.

Lei Xiong himself was strong, and he stayed in the machine gun company for two or three years, and his prestige was extremely high.

Although the soldiers complained about carrying the heavy machine gun and running away after a few rounds, no one dared to talk nonsense, and the speed of running away was no slower than entering the battlefield.

 The role of strict military orders on the battlefield has finally been demonstrated.

The soldiers who were still a little bit complaining about carrying the heavy guy back and forth realized how wise their commanders were a minute after they hid in the building.

The Japanese plane had just flown not far from the building when the Japanese mountain artillery fired. There was almost no test firing. A round of extremely high-speed shelling. In just 30 seconds, nearly 20 shells fell on the building. The entire roof was blown into pieces. A sea of ​​​​fire.

 This is what Yin Tengzhonger calls "snatching the grass and alerting the snake".

Taking advantage of the threat that planes are about to drop bombs, draw out the anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy machine guns from the warehouse, and then cover them with artillery fire, trying to destroy the machine guns on the Chinese defenders that scare even the tank squadrons, creating a clear path for the infantry attack. Pave the way.

Tang Dao's judgment was correct. At this time, the Japanese were still wary of the Western world, which had once used strong ships and cannons to knock open the Edo Bay. They would never use such a desperate method before the bayonets really saw the light of day. One move.

The reason that finally made the army lieutenant colonel make up his mind to believe Tang Dao was also correct. The height of the Japanese plane was too high.

If the Japanese were really crazy at that moment and had to risk the world's disapproval to drop bombs, in order to increase accuracy, the flight altitude would have to be lowered to at least 500 meters.

 Because, when bombs are dropped from an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, the minimum error is 200 meters, and 100 meters away is the concession.

To drop bombs at that height, unless they can be as shameless and blindly confident as when they declared war four years later after kicking the American cowboys in the **** in the Pacific.

 Otherwise, they may face the military front of the Western world without being able to justify themselves.

How can Westerners look down on Japan when they look down on poor and backward China?

That’s really too much to think about.

 In this era, even a hundred years later, there is still a gap destined to be insurmountable between Eastern and Western cultures and ideas.

 (End of this chapter)

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