Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 57: The Japanese suddenly became calmer (it’s the beginning of the month, please be sure it

Chapter 57 The Japs suddenly became calmer (it’s the beginning of the month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

"What a cunning little devil! They are using planes as bait to hook us, and then use artillery bombardment to kill us all." Deng Ying wiped away cold sweat with a happy look on her face.

 “Fortunately, the commander is wise!”

“Little stool! If I had the skill of flattering the commander like you, I would have run back to the battlefield and called my brothers to get ready for battle.”

Lei Xiong was squealing proudly at this moment.

“Look at your child’s understanding and see how quickly I react. As soon as Brother Tang Dao reminds me, I will immediately know what kind of bad water is in the little devil’s belly.”

Lei Xiong and Shangguan Yun were veterans, but the second company commander Deng Ying and the third company commander Shi Hao only mentioned it in the past year or two. Lei Xiong usually shouted the law and did not bully them. Now because he saw through the Japanese army She was very proud of herself, with a hint of ridicule.

Deng Ying certainly wouldn’t offend Big Brother for this.

“Bah, I don’t know who was clamoring just now to show the colors of the Japanese planes. Lei Dabao, can you please give me some face?” Battalion Commander Yang Ruifu, who had just come down from the observation post on the roof, laughed and cursed.

"Battal Commander, you can't say that. Red flowers must be lined with green leaves. Don't I have to show my brother Tang Dao's face?" Lei Xiong took it for granted that I was deliberately immature to help my brother.

 I believe Tang Dao!

“Haha, you Lei Dapao are such a good guy! I believe your evil deeds.” Yang Ruifu couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Having thwarted the Japanese army's plan, the lieutenant colonel was obviously in a good mood. He let his subordinates joke with each other and looked at Tang Dao again: "Platoon leader Tang, what do you think the Japanese army will do next?"

 The command center became quiet, and everyone looked at Tang Dao.

If these captains previously thought that Tang Dao was a strong, ruthless, and fierce man, but just now after Tang Dao made the most accurate judgment on the battlefield situation, they actually regarded Tang Dao as at least their equal. Even a higher level of existence.

 His opinions seem to have gradually influenced the decisions of the two commanders.

"It's nothing more than organizing the infantry to carry out a strong attack. Now their howitzers have set the firing range. As long as the infantry does not enter 200 meters, they can cover the warehouse with artillery fire at any time. There is no point in going up to the roof with machine guns." Tang Dao thought for a moment. , replied.

"I just don't know what new tricks they have this time. If they are just infantry, after the last test, the Japanese army should know that unless they are determined to pay huge casualties."

Tang Dao's answer this time was quite satisfactory, nothing new or unusual.

However, the Army Lieutenant Colonel nodded slightly, "Yes, if I predict correctly, the reason why the Japanese army is so eager to get rid of our machine guns is not because of the infantry, but because."

 “Tank!” Deng Ying and Lei Xiong answered almost at the same time.

 “Have you become smarter now because of my brother’s influence?” Lei Xiong smiled happily, baring his teeth.

“Hey, that little devil is going to hit a wall this time. I don’t only have one machine gun, but two. I’ll let them see what it means to have a face full of love.”

"Sir, send a machine gun to my left-wing position! I think the Japanese army may use the left-wing position to attack." Deng Ying did not argue with Lei Xiong, but turned to the Army Lieutenant Colonel and asked.

 “Are the two machine guns fully deployed?” The Army Lieutenant Colonel paced slowly in the room and suddenly stopped:

“No, but each company is ready, but without my order, the machine guns cannot be used for the time being.”

 “Why?” Deng Ying was slightly startled.

"Didn't the Japanese army even use the trick of "snatching the snake from the grass"! Then if we, the snake, don't accompany them to act out this scene, how can they, the 'hunters', be willing to use all their strength?" the face of the Army Lieutenant Colonel There was a confident and faint smile on his face, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

 An extremely dangerous light.

 He is indeed a ruthless person! No wonder he was able to command these 400 people in the past time and space, and held out for three days and nights under the siege of a Japanese infantry regiment, preventing the Japanese from advancing even an inch.

How can it be done without any scheming?

Of course Tang Dao knew that this army lieutenant colonel wanted to use his plan to dig a big hole for the Japanese army. If he were the Japanese commander and didn't say anything after seeing the opponent's machine gun for a long time, wouldn't he use a small number of troops to test and then invest a large number of troops in order to complete the battle?

  After all, this is no longer a simple fortress attack and defense battle, but has become a "show" that neither China nor Japan can lose!

 In the concession, there were countless pairs of reporters’ eyes and cameras staring at the battlefield.

The performance of China and Japan on the battlefield, whether good or ugly, will be amplified by the pen in the hands of the uncrowned king, the reporter, and then spread to the entire world.

Especially for the Japanese army who were about to occupy the entire Songhu metropolis, it was no longer enough for them to win, they also had to win beautifully and brilliantly.

 Excellent students are expected to have higher expectations, that’s what it means.

Unexpectedly, Zhazha actually became an advantage at this moment.

 And the lieutenant colonel of the Army has captured the Japanese army's current mentality of wanting a quick victory.

They would rather show weakness and let the Japanese army take advantage first, and then, when enough Japanese soldiers fall into the pit, fill the pit with soil and suffocate a large number of people.

This is the ruthless man who is not afraid of death, let alone killing!

 The Japanese army began to take action.

Not only the Japanese troops on the front began to move tactically from the trenches to the front of the warehouse, but the Japanese troops on the east and west flanks were also ready to move.

 It's just that this time, the Japanese army became much more cautious than before.

Possibly in order to prevent being strafed by heavy machine gun fire from the Chinese defenders in the warehouse, the Japanese army did not invest as many troops as expected, and the gap between the infantry was widened.

However, the infantry did not immediately go into attack as imagined.

 The busiest people in the Japanese army are engineers.

Like hard-working little ants, more than 200 Japanese engineers built fortifications on the north, east, and west sides of the warehouse, relying on the ruined houses using sandbags, wood, and even steel plates.

That should be built for heavy firepower points such as heavy machine guns or 37mm cannons, mainly to prevent being hit by mortars in the warehouse.

 The Japanese tanks that several officers imagined did not appear on the battlefield.

“The Japanese are more determined this time than we thought!” A trace of solemnity flashed in the eyes of the Army Lieutenant Colonel.

The faces of the several lieutenants who took turns looking at the battlefield ahead using the telescope of Battalion Commander Yang Ruifu no longer looked as relaxed as before.

The Japanese army just dispatched infantry, which was similar to Tang Dao's previous prediction. They just wanted to test whether the machine guns were really defeated by them, but suddenly they started to spend a lot of time to build semi-permanent fortifications, and they actually had trouble sharpening their swords. Cutting firewood by mistake is quite a headache.

As a curved gun, the mortar is a magical weapon for attacking infantry. As long as it is within the shooting range, there is almost no blind spot. But its biggest shortcoming is that it has no ability to break through solid fortifications. When encountering solid fortifications or tin cans like tanks, it can only stare blankly.

If the Japanese army were to deploy infantry artillery or 37mm rapid-fire artillery to a front line of four to five hundred meters like this, although it would not be a disaster, casualties would be inevitable.

The windows of the frontal position were mainly piled with sandbags and logs, which could not withstand direct-aiming artillery bombardment.

Even Tang Dao couldn't come up with a good solution when faced with this situation.

 Unless you use machine guns to fight with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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