Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 58: There is no reward for second place

Chapter 58 There is no reward for second place

 Wakiitajiro is worthy of being a top student from the Kyoto Army Academy.

After adopting Yin Teng Zhonger's strategy of "snatching the enemy", he was still cautious enough. In order to prevent his opponent from being fooled, he did not hesitate to use the "hard wall" strategy.

However, this is also because, as Tang Dao guessed, the original battle of the small Sihang Warehouse was no longer just a battlefield for an infantry regiment.

Worried about the protests in the Western world, which was worried about the fish pond, not only the Songhu Command Command not only noticed here, but even the Japanese base camp deliberately called to ask about the battle situation.

How dare you be careless at the headquarters of the Japanese Third Division? Although the battlefield was so large that even an infantry regiment was already too crowded and there was no need to add more troops, Wakibajiro's requests were all complied with.

For example, coordinating the navy to send fighter planes is the result of a personal request from the general and division commander.

 Otherwise, do you think the Japanese navy, which often talks about the army, would take a small army commander like Wakita Jiro seriously? From a calm perspective, it's pretty much the same.

Of course, it is normal for Jiro Wakibata to ask the division's engineer wing to bring various materials to help.

Facing the attention of the whole world, the Chinese certainly want to make a gesture of fighting to the death to encourage all Chinese soldiers and civilians, but the Japanese are not willing to become a backdrop.

It can be said that as the supreme commander of the Japanese army in the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, His Excellency Colonel Wakiitajiro has exploded his own small universe and used 120% of his strength, and he is almost bald.

There are more than ten semi-permanent fortifications being built on the frontal battlefield, and there are five or six on each wing. It is like a chain that is taking shape, and is about to completely lock the big monster of Sihang Warehouse that breaks out from time to time.

For the warehouse defenders, they are also helpless. They should continue to use mortars to attack these fortifications that are taking shape! The price/performance ratio is too low.

The top-breaking attack killed and injured Japanese engineers who were working on the project, which did not cause any major damage to the strength of the Japanese army, but it did consume our own limited ammunition reserves.

And by doing this, Wakibajiro probably had an eye on the Chinese defenders.

 Even if you have a lot of ammunition reserves, they are not infinite after all. If you have the ability, use your ammunition reserves in exchange for engineers.

  Anyway, war requires cannon fodder.

“The war will really begin when the Japanese are serious.” The Imperial Brigadier General sighed slightly, put down his telescope, and uttered a famous phrase that would be world-famous in the future.

“I don’t deny the excellence of the Chinese, but in war, there is no reward for second place.”

But it seems that the sun never sets on the Brigadier General when he talked about this sentence he once said in his twilight years, and he still responded confidently to those who had ridiculed him on this matter:

“I am at least one of the first people to admit that the Chinese are excellent, but some so-called gentlemen still can’t believe that the dragon has opened its eyes and woke up.”

Yes, this small-scale battlefield process at the edge of the concession changed the views of many arrogant Westerners on China's inevitable defeat, not just the Imperial Brigadier General.

 Even though he is now at a stage where he is not optimistic about Chinese soldiers.

 Faced with the "chain" being formed by the Japanese army, the warehouse defenders did not have a very effective method.

Tang Dao and Niu Er held rifles equipped with scopes, but they were able to defeat the Japanese engineers. After killing seven or eight Japanese engineers in a row, they attracted elite shooters sent by the Japanese army to shoot at each other.

 For more than an hour, the battlefield belonged to Chinese and Japanese snipers.

 “Bang! Bang!” The gunshots that erupted from time to time prevented the battlefield from falling into silence, thus reminding people that the war was still going on.

However, the Japanese army obviously has a natural lack of understanding of their opponents' shooting range. They probably never dreamed that they were facing a single-soldier king from the future.

Tang Dao is so powerful in sniping. Not to mention them now, even in the future, Japanese special forces will also be crushed.

The official rifle, imitated from the 1924 Mauser, has a fairly good effective range and is not inferior to the 38-gai that the Japanese army is proud of. The sight modified from the expensive German-made quadruple telescope has raised the Tang Dao's strength to its peak. Seventy percent.

 The seemingly insurmountable distance of more than 500 meters has become an indescribable pain for Japanese precision shooters. Except for the Japanese soldiers who were beaten to their hearts' content, no one knew the specific results of Tang Dao's battle.

Even the Japanese army themselves kept this battle report in a secret box without making it public.

Because it is no longer a matter of shame, but fear. They are afraid that if the results of the victory are announced, no one will have the courage to challenge the unknown Chinese shooter opposite, or how many people are there?

 The first, second, and third floors of the warehouse. The Chinese shooters’ fighting positions cover almost all the positions on the front of the building. The ghostly position changes make it difficult to tell how many opponents there are.

 It’s just that they would rather believe that there is only one such terrifying marksman.

 The shooting accuracy is truly terrifying and unbelievable.

 While the fortifications were completely built for more than an hour, thirteen Japanese precision shooters died.

Eleven people were killed by Tang Dao's gun, and two were killed by Niu Er.

However, in this single-player mode, even if Tang Dao and his younger brother crush the Japanese elite into dust again, it will not have an impact on the entire battle situation.

 Just as he watched with his own eyes, thirteen elite shooters carefully selected from his 36th Infantry Regiment, all turned into corpses in more than an hour, Wakita Jiro smiled instead of getting angry.

 “Why are you laughing, Sir?” Toyoda Hide was very aware of current affairs and responded with a compliment.

Although deep down he felt that his immediate superior was either stunned by anger or turned into a fool because of anger, otherwise, how many of them are ridiculous? Four of the corpses were veterans of his 1st Infantry Battalion for more than six years, and they were extremely distressed.

"I laugh at the short-sightedness of the Chinese people, who would put such an elite to death. If our army has such an elite, and uses this as a template or instructor to train an elite team, what a terrifying force it will become on the battlefield. the power of?"

 Wakibajiro had a smile on his face, but his eyes flashed with a chilling light.

“Fortunately! The Chinese have no chance to correct their mistakes. No matter how terrible the man’s shooting skills are, he will definitely die here.

 Pass my military orders to the left and right wings, and deploy cold gunners and light machine guns on the banks of the Suzhou River. All Chinese who attempt to cross the Suzhou River will be shot and killed, and no one shall be let go.

 The fortifications are almost completed! The whole army is ready to attack! "

 “Hi!” All the officers in the Japanese military headquarters bowed their heads.

However, this time, the Japanese colonel mistakenly blamed the boss who ordered to guard the Sihang Warehouse. Although the military commanding ability was slightly poor, he was by no means weak enough to be looked down upon by a mere colonel-level officer.

If the 524th Regiment had had Tang Dao, a sharpshooter that could kill the enemy more than 500 meters away, it would most likely have been replaced by another infantry battalion here.

Who doesn’t know how to protect their own special troops? Just like the Eighteenth Group Army, which has already sent troops to the north and started to fight against the Japanese army, the artillerymen can eat half a bun more.

  . . . . . . . .

 Finally, as all the Japanese army's fortifications were completed, the Japanese army's military operations were also launched accordingly.

This time, it was still the Japanese troops on both wings who took action first.

The Japanese troops who learned well first used a large number of grenades to block the rooftop of the Sihang Warehouse, and then concentrated at least 8 Type 92 heavy machine guns on each side. They tried their best to suppress firepower at the shooting holes on the side walls of the Sihang Warehouse, surrounding the warehouse. The barricades surrounded by walls were filled with smoke from grenade blasts.

At the same time, they also used smoke bombs, but instead of hitting the Sihang Warehouse, they used them between their position and the Sihang Warehouse. Then more than a dozen demolition teams rushed up with explosive packages.

˜Through the shooting holes, the figures of people amidst the smoke of gunpowder and smoke bombs made it difficult to see clearly the movements of the Japanese troops.

Although we knew that the Japanese army was just a test and had not officially entered the offensive stage, its aggressive momentum had already put pressure on the Chinese soldiers and civilians inside and outside the building.

 (End of this chapter)

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