Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 59: Open God's perspective

Chapter 59 opens God’s perspective

 “The Japanese soldiers are coming up!”

 “Brothers, watch out for that!”

  "Bag of dynamite, all the little devils are carrying bags of dynamite!"

  People who had been silent for a long time on the other side came out of the shops from behind the buildings, gathered on the shore and shouted loudly.

For fear that the officers and soldiers in the building would not hear, some brought gongs and drums and beat them loudly, while the students continued to hold the white cloths given for free by the merchants, silently counting the distance of the Japanese army, and writing the number of meters on the white cloths for accurate measurements. hint.

The commanders on the left and right wings of the Japanese army were so angry that their eyes were burning, and they wanted to let the heavy machine guns shoot at the Chinese people whose faces were clearly visible dozens of meters away.

It’s just that all the Chinese people are in the concession. Unless he has the courage to send himself and his superiors to a military court for a walk, otherwise he can only stare.

 This may also be the most helpless time the Japanese army has ever faced Chinese civilians since entering China.

"Baga! Sooner or later, I will make those Chinese and Westerners who can only shout empty words kneel in front of me!" Jiro Wakiba, who had been looking at the battlefield with a telescope, finally calmed down and his anger was once again ignited by the Chinese people who enthusiastically supported the battle. , and by the way, I also blame the real audience, the Westerners.

 It’s my fault! The blondes expressed their helplessness.

 “Instruct Toyoda Hide to have his 1st Infantry Battalion attack!”

 Yes, the Japanese army's two-wing attack was actually just a false shot. The 1st Infantry Brigade deployed on the front was the main force of this attack.

However, the two-wing attack is just a pretense, but in fact it is also true when it is false.

Yin Tengchuuji, the captain of the 3rd Infantry Battalion who was responsible for attacking the two wings of Sihang Warehouse, had the idea that he could win the battle by himself without the scumbag Toyoda Hide.

A major who doesn't want to be a general is not a good major. Into Chuuji didn't want his son to be said to be a fisherman in Hokkaido.

 But obviously, Yin Tengzhonger thought too much.

In the thick smoke, the dozen or so demolition teams of the Japanese troops on both wings were not attacked at all for the first 300 meters. But when they rushed to the area of ​​100 to 80 meters, the original two walls on both sides of the Sihang Warehouse were Two more rows of shooting holes suddenly appeared below the dozen shooting holes.

Although the second and third companies responsible for defending the two wings of the warehouse did not have additional submachine guns, they did have 9 light machine guns and 12 shell guns.

Then there are more than twenty shooting holes above which are rifles for precise shooting.

This level of firepower may not pose much of a threat beyond two to three hundred meters, but within a range of 100 meters, precision-aimed rifles, machine guns that focus on short bursts, and shell guns with severe muzzle jumps result in a wide impact area. , but it constitutes a death firepower network that is enough to deter anyone.

Hundreds of bullets are fired into the battlefield every second.

With this level of firepower, there is not enough armor cover, and relying solely on gun smoke, tactical evasion, or luck, let alone a dozen demolition teams, even dozens of them will probably be of little use.

But the strange thing is that the Japanese army has not used armored vehicles or tanks on both wings that can withstand bullets. The eyes of several lookout posts on the flanks were red with gunpowder smoke and they did not dare to relax and observe, but they still did not see the shadow of Japanese tanks. .

If you don't come, you won't come. The battle will be fought as it should be. The two infantry company commanders are also veterans who have experienced two months of **** battles. The firepower points that should be retained are still retained. The five submachine guns on each side of the battalion headquarters support both wings. They held it down tightly and didn't take it out.

That's it, there is not much suspense about the battle situation on both wings. The nearly 60 Japanese blasters within a distance of nearly 100 meters have a hard time moving forward no matter how they evade. They are either mowed down by flying bullets or suppressed to death. It was difficult to move inside the ruins.

The thick smoke caused great trouble to the defenders in the warehouse, and the firepower point on the roof was completely extinguished. However, the Chinese defenders who suddenly took out a large wave of continuous-fire weapons did not use any precise shooting. The shooting hole is almost three-dimensional, and the shooting is based on probability.

What’s more, the view of the Chinese defenders inside the building is blocked, but it does not mean that they have no view from the outside. On the river bank outside the building, a group of Chinese people headed by a middle-aged man in robes had obviously gone through a discussion and were no longer in a straggler mode.

 In order not to irritate the Japanese troops, they did not shout loudly.

 Some people were responsible for observing the position of the Japanese troops in the smoke, some were responsible for delivering the news, some were responsible for writing with a white cloth, and some were responsible for running along the shore with the white cloth held high.

 The entire one-stop reminder service.

“Eighty steps, under the low wall, there are three Japs!”

 “Sixty steps, in the shell crater, there is only one Japanese!”

“Seventy steps, the three Japs are crawling forward!”

There were as many as ten communications soldiers standing by the window. When they saw the directions provided by the people, they quickly ran to the left and right wings and reported to the two company commanders. The two company commanders then deployed firepower accordingly based on the Japs' directions.

 Like a shooting game with multiple perspectives, the officers and soldiers in the warehouse were much more relaxed than they imagined.

For the Japanese army, it was a disaster. The blind spot they were looking for was the blind spot of the warehouse shooting hole. But for the Chinese people who were almost parallel to them, there was no secret at all.

After several rounds of rain of bullets were ravaged by the Chinese defenders who had a "God" perspective, the carefully selected blasters from the Japanese troops on both wings were either swept down, or they hid behind the ruins and lingered without moving.

Yin Tengzhong's big yellow teeth were almost broken, but there was nothing he could do.

“The Chinese people did not cheer deafeningly this time, but more often looked at each other, smiled and waited quietly.

 Waiting for the next round of battle to begin.

I don’t know when they started to understand that this was not just a battle between Chinese soldiers and Japanese soldiers in Sihang Warehouse.

 It is a battle between the Chinese and the Japanese.

They are not just spectators, not just cheering and crying, they can also do something for this battle.

With those dark blues, even the ferocious Japanese will point their guns at themselves.

The somewhat downcast middle-aged man with stubble on his face may have thought so, so he entrusted his son and wife to the teahouse owner and walked to the street.

Perhaps, many Chinese people think this way. They leave their parents, wives and children behind and go to the edge of the battlefield.

They are the backbone of the family and need to protect their parents, wives and children, but they are also members of the Chinese nation, just like the dark blues who fight to the death.

 From then on, inside and outside Sihang Warehouse, the army and the people were of one mind, and the army and the people were one! Long live the Chinese nation! "

The above paragraph comes from the battlefield diary of reporting reporter Tantai Mingyue at noon on October 27.

 It was precisely after this passage appeared in major Chinese newspapers in the afternoon that Tantai Mingyue became China’s most famous war correspondent in one fell swoop. Countless people were eagerly awaiting the war news she sent back from the front line.

The female reporter wearing a navy blue cotton robe was holding a camera and standing on the roof of a building very close to the battlefield, taking pictures of the battlefield in front of the Sihang Warehouse that made her tremble.

 The main force of the Japanese army finally appeared on the scene after fierce fighting began on both wings.

 (End of this chapter)

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