Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 605 The Role of Veterans

As the observation post notified the Japanese aircraft to leave, the soldiers hiding in the tunnel waited for a while and saw no movement from the Japanese artillery. Then, led by the platoon leaders of each platoon, they entered the mountain front position through the traffic trench.

Looking at the huge crater at the bottom of the mountain that was blown up by the heavy aerial bombs thrown by Japanese fighter planes, a group of khaki-colored soldiers were carrying and helping people move to the rear, and the soldiers all laughed.

The old abacus is now the sergeant and deputy squad leader of the first company, but the nature is easy to change, and in modern terms, he is still so naughty.

Seeing this situation, I felt a little complacent for a moment. I jumped into the trench, unbuttoned my belt, and released water towards the Japanese position down the mountain.

Seeing that their deputy squad leader was so wild, a group of young soldiers imitated his example and jumped out to open the floodgates to release water.

"Did you see that, regardless of whether they are Japanese or Japanese, they can only unite the Communist Party for a few moments? The infantry dare not attack, so they rely on artillery. Artillery is not good enough, so they rely on airplanes. I think the airplane can't do it, so what else can it do?" Reliable." The old abacus turned the faucet while still teaching the young people under his command. "That's how we have to fight against the little devils. If we don't give in, it's up to them to be so cowardly."

"Squad deputy, how much water did you drink? You can't be scared by the Japanese plane just now!" A young soldier from the Songjiang Security Group was shocked by the amount of water in the old abacus.

He seemed to be fastening his belt, but the veteran was still crying.

"What the hell, I'm afraid of no one, you can't be afraid of the little devil! I obviously have good kidneys!" Old Abacus laughed and cursed, his body was shaking and he shuddered comfortably, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"However, we are all brothers in the same trench, and I am not afraid of your jokes. At that time, I got out of the tunnel to watch the battle, and watched with my own eyes the Japanese plane that was frightened by our machine cannons. It dropped the large aerial bomb and flew over. Dog Damn, I was so scared that I almost peed.

You have also seen the power of the heavy aerial bomb. If that guy really drops it where we are, even if it is not dropped accurately, the brothers of the fire support company led by Captain Cheng will lose at least half. Shocked to death. "

Although the veteran was confessing his fears, no one among the young soldiers around him laughed at him. The bombs all fell in front of the Japanese position hundreds of meters away. They were all still hiding in the tunnel behind the mountain. Their ears were buzzing from the loud noise. If they were really dropped on the position, it would definitely be devastating. disaster.

Anyone who sticks their neck out and says they are not afraid is really being laughed at.

"Yes! Captain Cheng and the brothers in the fire support company are all good people. They dare to bayonet with the enemy's aircraft." The young soldier extended his thumb sincerely.

"That's right, that's the famous iron head of our former Sixings Camp. Even Commander Tang praised him as a born soldier, fearless of death and courageous to move forward!" Lao Abacus talked proudly about his old comrade-in-arms.

"Squad deputy, I heard that you and Commander Tang are very familiar with each other. Commander Tang has even participated in the gambling games you opened several times. How do you think? Have you ever won the commander's money?" A soldier blinked and said this anecdote. thing.

"Can you not get rid of any pot? People like Mr. Tang can fool the Japanese so much that they can't find him. How did I win his money?" A veteran like Lao Abacus, how could that be so easy? Being fooled by young people.

Other awesome guys can brag as much as they like, but this awesome guy must not brag. Otherwise, if Tang Dao comes to participate in his bet that day, he might even lose his pants.

"Deputy deputy, you have been with Chief Tang for so long, can you tell me something about him that has not been written in the newspapers, such as how he killed the Japanese? I heard that he crushed the Japanese egg yolks." Yes. asked a soldier.

This can be regarded as an indirect compliment to Lao Abacus.

The Independence Camp may not be big, but it is actually not small. Those who have followed Tang Dao for the shortest time are the few hundred people from the original Songjiang Security Group, and the ones who have been with the longest are naturally the 100 people from the former Sixing Camp. But now, there are still There are only a few dozen people who can be on the battlefield.

And among the dozens of people in this area, there are only a handful of people in the same platoon as Tang Dao, and Lao Suanpan is one of these few people.

A group of his old comrades are either platoon leaders or squad leaders, but his status as squad deputy is not purely based on seniority. The infantry squad where Lao Abacus, who has similar characteristics to Li Jijin, is in, has always had a low casualty rate. Although he is tall, he can also complete corresponding combat tasks, which is what Leng Feng admires about him very much.

Therefore, even though Lao Abacus had a bad habit of gambling, Leng Feng still tried to promote him to squad leader despite all objections, but Lao Abacus said that he was not suitable to be the leader and was more suitable to be a deputy, so he eventually became deputy squad leader.

The real reason may only be known to those who are extremely familiar with him.

However, this does not hinder his status in this infantry squad, even if it is only for the fact that he survived the Battle of Sihang Warehouse.

"I want to hear about it, sir! Cracking the egg yolk is just a piece of cake for the officer." Old Abacus blinked. "Well, let me ask you a question first. You know that I have been a soldier for seven or eight years and I have not died. I still have good arms and legs. Why not?"

"Why? Can you hide well? Run fast? Can you pretend to be dead?" A young soldier listed out the three elements of life-saving that are popular among veterans.

"Haha!" A burst of laughter rang out from the trench nearby. They were all veterans with similar qualifications to Lao Abacus, and they were all from the Sixings Battalion. :.

Really, what this young soldier said was too vivid.

Lao Abacus meets at least two of these criteria.

Every time the Japanese artillery came, he was the fastest to hide. It took him almost a breath to get into the anti-artillery hole. Not to mention that the Japanese artillery shells could not hit him, even his own people could not find him without paying attention.

As for pretending to be dead, this guy is definitely an expert. Two months ago, in the battle of Luodian, he hid in a pile of corpses. When the army counterattacked, he secretly fired a few shots at the retreating Japanese army and killed a Japanese second lieutenant squad leader.

Without this merit, I am afraid that the commander of the battalion headquarters would have executed this guy on the spot!

"Ball! If you only know these three points, I guarantee that you will not live for more than half a year and will be shot by your own commander." The old abacus blushed and refuted with his eyes wide open. "Choose the right commander, you know! You have to choose the commander who can lead you to win the battle. Only when the battle is won can you survive."

"Don't you want to hear the story of Commander Tang? Then I will tell you that Commander Tang is the one who can lead us to win the battle. I didn't know this before, but now I can tell you with confidence.

Because he led us to fight in Sihang, which was like a lonely grave, in Songjiang, an isolated city, and in Baihegang, where there were planes in the sky and cannons underground. You all know the final result. In that battle, the Japanese lost many soldiers and generals? And the commander and the old men are still alive." Lao Suanpan said very proudly.

"What you want to know is nothing more than how Commander Tang fought the Japanese with a knife and a gun. In my opinion, that is just a little thing. The most amazing thing about our Commander Tang is that he beat the Japanese to tears and still led us to survive."

It is estimated that no one expected that Lao Suanpan, a gambler, would actually say such a thing, and he seemed not to accept any rebuttal.

No one could refute him, because what he said was right. Looking back at these battlefields, Tang Dao seemed to do the same.

Otherwise, they would not have the life to brag here.

"What about now! Can we win? I see that the Japs have not attacked, and they seem to be waiting for reinforcements!" A soldier asked weakly.

"Nonsense, this time, we can also beat the Japs and cry and leave alive." Lao Suanpan answered without hesitation.

"We were under the command of Commander Tang. Didn't we look like we were in a dead end that time? I didn't know how to summarize the name of this move before. Later, I heard a few commanders chatting and learned that this move is called living towards death. It looks like a dead end, but as long as you can fight hard, there is a way out.

The commander also said that the entire battlefield in China is like this. North China is gone, Songhu is gone now, and even the Japs will soon capture Nanjing. It looks like a building is about to collapse, which is a complete dead end, but as long as all of us Chinese dare to fight, can fight, and die, we will be able to survive. The situation will also be broken. "

The old abacus rubbed his nose, glanced at the "country bumpkins" who were stunned by his words, and grinned: "For example, now, if it were the old me, seeing the Japanese army rushing over like locusts, wouldn't my hands and feet be cold, and my head would be buzzing to review the three sets you just mentioned over and over again in my mind? But now, I'm still talking nonsense with you guys. "

There was laughter in the trench again, and a second lieutenant platoon leader took the initiative to throw a cigarette to the old abacus, and even gave a thumbs up.

This can be regarded as the second lieutenant of the army re-recognizing the old soldier under his command who usually looks unremarkable.

The old abacus's remarks indirectly soothed the soldiers' slightly anxious hearts before the war came.

Any strong army is created by continuous experience on the battlefield.

The battlefield is like a whetstone, grinding away the weak and inferior rust, and shining the cold light of hard courage.

The newly established independent battalion is going through such a process.

This is also the responsibility of the veterans. Not only do they have to survive, but they also have to lead more recruits to survive and bravely accept the test of the next round of battlefields.

The veterans of the independent battalion did a good job.

On the other hand, the Japanese army seemed a little worse.

Ever since they were splashed with disappointment by their own planes, they seemed to have been immersed in a dejected atmosphere for more than an hour without launching any attacks.

There were no infantry actions, not even artillery bombardments! Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 605 The Role of Veterans is free to read. :.

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