Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 606 Silly Dog!

The Japanese army did not take any action, and they certainly would not give up just because they were splashed with dust by their own plane.

Under Kunisaki's telegram, Li Shoushan, as the highest commander of the Japanese front line, made what he thought was the correct deployment.

Before the main force of Kunisaki's detachment arrived, he needed to find the breakthrough point of the triangular defense position arranged by Tang Dao through battlefield reconnaissance.

From the geographical point of view, two of the three high grounds will tightly clamp the simple road from Guangde to Wuhu, and there is another mountain on the flank of these two hills, which will firmly protect their flanks and rears. That is to say, conquering only one high ground is still not enough to protect the road.

The heavy machine gun bullets and mortar shells fired from any hill are enough to destroy the personnel and vehicles on the road.

All three high grounds must be conquered.

The farthest straight-line distance between the three high grounds is 600 meters, and the closest is only more than 200 meters.

According to the most common tactics of the Japanese army, Li Shoushan could have sent out a part of the infantry to attract the attention of the defenders on the high ground, and then sent out a large number of infantry to use the cover of dense forests and shrubs to penetrate the gap between the two mountains, and then make a tactical detour to annihilate the Chinese defenders occupying the hilltops.

If it were two days ago, Li Shoushan would definitely choose to do so.

But at this time, he didn't have the courage.

In the battle of Jiepai Village, the two infantry companies he sent out played a flank detour, not only did they fail to attract the Chinese to mobilize troops, but they were also hit on the head by the Chinese defenders who were defending the mountain.

The terrible loss rate was almost higher than when facing the enemy head-on. If it weren't for the fact that it was the time to use people, Li Shoushan would definitely have shot the captain infantry company commander who fled back with a dead face.

He even suspected that it was a trap specially set for him by the Chinese commander, waiting for him to take the bait and give him a head.

Pain makes people grow. Don't tell me, Li Shoushan was smart for once.

Several highlands certainly cannot be a closed circle. Where there are peaks, there will naturally be valleys. Tang Dao has more than 2,000 men under his command. Even so, he has to dig out auxiliary arms such as artillery and baggage soldiers. There are only 13 infantry companies and one fire support company in total. He also needs to reserve enough reserves. Of course, he can't spread his troops across a battlefield with a radius of more than one square kilometer.

Therefore, in some places with rugged mountain roads and dense forests, even around the No. 2 and No. 3 highlands on both wings, he did not send infantry to protect.

However, in order to prevent the Japanese army from being bold and not afraid of the dense forests and dangerous roads, and sending small troops to scout the terrain or launch a sneak attack, he still left enough eyes in the mountains and forests.

The two combat teams of the special operations team under Gu Xishui and Lao Hei's guard platoon are his eyes.

The special forces team is not a real special forces unit yet, but it has the prototype of special operations. Especially after entering the mountain in the future, mountain special operations will become the norm, and the anti-reconnaissance and anti-infiltration operations in the mountains will become their new classroom.

Tang Dao can teach them how to shoot and how to use the terrain, but the battlefield intuition cultivated between life and death is not something Tang Dao can teach. They can only rely on themselves to experience it again and again in a complex battlefield environment.

There is no qualified or unqualified, only life or death.

If they want to become a strong special forces warrior, this is their only way.

It is extremely cruel, but it is a natural choice.

For their commander Tang Dao, the special forces team has only seven people, and there will inevitably be combat losses. He must have enough reserves to ensure the combat effectiveness of this elite team.

The guard platoon is the reserve team he reserved for the special forces team. If they are good enough on the battlefield, he can expand the establishment of the special forces team in the future and turn it into a special squadron.

Tang Dao would equip this group of elite warriors with the best equipment he could find, so that they could maximize their effectiveness in the mountains and become the sharp knives that the Japanese invaders feared.

But the premise is that they have to come back alive from the battlefield.

Gu Xishui, Lao Hei, Niu Er and others hid in the forests on both sides of Hill No. 2 and Hill No. 3, waiting for the Japanese army to take an unusual path.

In order to satisfy Major General Kuni Qi Zheng, Li Shoushan spent a lot of effort this time. He not only sent hundreds of his men into the dense forest to observe the three highlands of the Chinese defenders from a distance and hand-painted the topographic map.

He himself, under the escort of an infantry platoon, climbed a hill less than 500 meters away from Hill No. 3 and observed for a long time with a telescope.

His military uniform was scratched by thorns, his hair was covered with beards, and his face was scratched with several bloody marks. That was how Kuni Qi Zheng looked when he arrived at the front line and saw Li Shoushan.

If it weren't for the staff of the front-line command that Major General Li went to conduct battlefield reconnaissance in person, Kuni Qi Zheng would have thought that Li Shoushan was beaten up for stealing someone's young wife!

From the perspective of the owner, the fighting ability of the "dog" may not be very good, but loyalty is a must.

A dog that tries hard to wag its tail will be patted on the head no matter what. :.

"Yoshi! Mr. Li, this is a big one! The empire needs talents like you." Listening to Li Shoushan's personal report and the hand-drawn map on the simple combat table, Kuni Qi Zheng did not hesitate to praise him.

"This is what Shoushan should do, General, you are too kind!" Li Shoushan's face was full of excitement, with tears in his eyes, and he almost twisted his buttocks a few times.

If he was not afraid that Major General Kuni Qi Zheng would spit out a "wow"!

However, patting the dog's head is patting the dog's head, but Kunisaki is not a reckless man.

As the major general brigade commander of the 5th Division, who has conquered the vast land of Pingjin and defeated the seemingly powerful 29th Army with more than 100,000 troops, he has rich battlefield combat experience.

The three highlands in front of him, which were dug almost overnight and had intricate trenches, made him instinctively feel the danger.

To conquer these three highlands that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, he needs to pay the blood of the imperial infantry. As a general, his duty is to shed as little as possible.

The identity of the enemy army on the opposite side has been figured out. It is the 145th Division under the Chinese 23rd Group Army, a ragtag army called the "beggar" army by their own people. It has average equipment and extremely poor quality of soldiers, but its fighting will is extremely strong, which has been proved in the battle of Jiepai Village.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength!

Therefore, as the army of Kunisaki's detachment roared in, Kunisaki, who had more than 10,000 troops under his command, did not rush to attack.

Instead, under the afternoon sun, they began to allocate troops and build field camps in front of the Chinese soldiers on the battlefield.

The Kunisaki Detachment had 6 infantry battalions, and lost more than 1,000 people in the Songjiang battle, and they were basically supplemented by the soldiers of the baggage troops in the end.

Therefore, for the three high grounds, Kunisaki sent four infantry battalions under his command to serve as the main attack force on the No. 1 and No. 2 high grounds. He still chose to trust Li Shoushan for the No. 3 high ground, and the Jing'an Army Brigade was responsible for the main attack.

After Li Shoushan's painstaking reconnaissance, this area actually had hilltops in addition to the three high grounds occupied by the Chinese side. Therefore, the Japanese army chose to build their own heavy machine guns and infantry artillery positions on the nearby hilltops, so that they could provide fire cover for the infantry without having to work hard to do any overhead shooting.

However, it was not so convenient for them to dig trenches or build heavy machine gun fortifications on the hilltops.

The Chinese company commanders who were responsible for guarding the hilltops were watching the Japanese army's every move with binoculars. Of course, they would not remain indifferent when they saw that they wanted to establish a position of the same height in the forest hundreds of meters away.

Because of the cover of the forest, the heavy machine guns would not have a good effect, so they used mortars!

There is no need to cover with artillery fire. As long as you observe that there is movement in the forest, you can shoot a few rounds. If you can't kill it, you will be scared to death.

In Leng Feng's words, just disgusting will disgust you to death.

For the Japanese army, this is the feeling.

It is difficult to walk in the forest. If you are not careful, the thorns will pierce your flesh. You still have to carry an engineer shovel to dig. In the winter, you will sweat a lot. When the mountain wind blows, the taste is so sour.

This level of dissatisfaction is fine, because they are just soldiers!

But the Chinese still come to join in the fun, throwing a few shells from time to time. That thing is really life-threatening! If you get hit, you will die!

As soon as they heard the scream of "Swoosh!" when the shells were fired, the instinctive reaction of the Japanese soldiers working there was to crawl to the ground immediately, even if there was a pile of shit in front of them.

After all, the distance between the two sides would not exceed 1,000 meters, and even if the mortar shells flew a little slower, they would arrive in a few seconds.

Eating shit will not kill people, but shells will definitely.

When the Chinese fired, the Japanese army, which had infantry guns, mountain guns, and even 105 howitzers, would of course fight back.

But that was obviously useless, because the Chinese mortars were hidden behind the mountains, and they were playing with hanging.

Even though the Japanese retaliatory shells blew up a bunch of shells on the top of the mountain, the mortars of the Chinese defenders would jump out from time to time to show the Japanese infantry who were working hard.

That was really colorful.


The Japanese infantry who were unfortunately hit by the shells were all bleeding, and if they didn't die, they would be disabled.

The whole afternoon was basically in this mode.

The Japanese artillery was firing hard, and the Chinese artillery showed off their presence from time to time.

The Japanese infantry who were working hard to build fortifications played the game of "kissing" the earth in the mountains according to the rhythm of the Chinese artillery's firing.

The progress of the project was unprecedentedly slow.

So much so that late at night, many Japanese infantry did not get a chance to rest and were still fighting hard with the earth.

Tired as a dog!

And the Chinese dog "Hammer" fell asleep early!

If you are tired all day and don't sleep at night, you are a stupid dog! Hammer, who is used to the battlefield, should think so...

PS: I was busy most of the day today, and I have been writing since I came back. I'm sorry for the late update! Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 606 Stupid Dog! Free reading. :.

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